Air International 1989-05
Fighter A to Z
The F-86A Sabre was the first swept-wing jet fighter to enter service with the USAF and progenitor of an important family of fighters.
The F-86A Sabre was the first swept-wing jet fighter to enter service with the USAF and progenitor of an important family of fighters.
The P-51H was the final series version of the Mustang produced by the parent company and embodied experience gained with its experimental lightweight predecessors.
FJ-1, оснащенный турбореактивным двигателем J35 с осевым компрессором, имел простую ("прямую сквозную") компоновку воздухозаборника, двигателя и реактивного сопла. FJ-1 стал первым реактивным самолетом авиации Резерва ВМС.
The FJ-1 was the first of a series of North American shipboard fighters to receive the appellation of Fury.
The FJ-1 was the first of a series of North American shipboard fighters to receive the appellation of Fury.
This F-86A-5 was the first and only Canadair CL-13 Sabre I, subsequent Canadair-built Sabres being based on the F-86E.
The F-82G version of the Twin Mustang saw some nocturnal combat in Korea.