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The Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev presents the initial MC-21-300, the first large airliner in Russia for a quarter of a century, with which the Russians want to compete with the popular Airbus A320 and Boeing 737.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
The Irkutsk plant finishes fuselage assembly of the second MC-21-300SI (Staticheskiye Ispytaniya), intended for static tests which will begin this autumn with the TsAGI in Zhukovsky.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
The whole production tooling for the MC-21 was purchased in the West. The side panels of the F1 (front) fuselage section here are being made by Broetje-Automation machines.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
The most important innovation in the MC-21 is its long composite wing. This is the also greatest technical risk of the entire programme, as nobody before has produced such large load-bearing elements using vacuum infusion
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
The MC-21 main undercarriage leg has two wheels as standard; however, it is possible to order four-wheel boogies to enable operation from poor-quality runways.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
The optional Russian engine for the MC-21 is the Aviadvigatel PD-14 (the ninth prototype engine is on the picture). The first MC-21 with PD-14 engines is scheduled to fly in June 2018.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
The PD-14 is a conventional, non-geared twin-spool bypass turbofan.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
The production and assembly line of the IAZ plant at Irkutsk (its layout seen in the illustration) has been developed and delivered by German Durr Systems GmBH.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
A mock-up of the future passenger cabin of the MC-21. In typical configuration, the MC-21-300 will take 163 (16 business and 147 economy class), and a maximum 211 passengers.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
The MC-21 avionics (the cockpit mock-up is pictured here) has been integrated by the UAC Integration Centre with participation of other Russian companies; foreign participants deliver only separate components.
Самолёты на фотографии: Иркут, ОКБ Яковлева МС-21 - Россия - 2017
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