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Предыдущая статья в серии : Aeroplane Monthly 1978-12 - M.Peden - The radar war (2)
Reader H. Clarke of Sevenoaks, Kent, contributed these shots of B-17 "U for Uncle" of 214 Squadron. The aircraft, named “Give it to Uncle", is seen here
Самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-17E / B-17G Flying Fortress - США - 1941
The skipper of “U for Uncle”, Fg off “Dobie” Dobson, poses with his charge.
Самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-17E / B-17G Flying Fortress - США - 1941
Sgt “Nobby” Clarke, the rear gunner and contributor, is seen in his “office”
Самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-17E / B-17G Flying Fortress - США - 1941
“The mad carew”. Mr Clarke would be pleased to hear from any of his old mates.
Самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-17E / B-17G Flying Fortress - США - 1941
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- News Spotlight
- Personal album
- Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe /Preservation Profile/ (69)
- ??? - Junked!
- B.Gunston - The luckless Lerwick
- F.Adkin - Memoirs of Aircraftsman (1)
- F.Mormillo - Gathering of Eagles
- I.Huntley - Fairey's elusive Fox
- L.Curtis - Anything To Anywhere (1)
- M.Peden - The radar war (3)
- R.Riding - A.N.E.C Missel Thrush /British pre-war ultralights/
- S.Johnson - Corn stalks and black crosses