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Avro 504N G-EBVY, in which Grp Capt James Pelly-Fry had such a narrow escape, seen rather the worse for wear in the grounds of Springfields Mental Hospital, Upper Tooting on January 30, 1935. The neon tubes can just be discerned beneath the lower wings.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Avro 504 - Великобритания - 1913
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- D.H.51 G-EBIR /Preservation Profile/
- News Spotlight
- Personal album
- Skywriters
- B.Burrell - Battle of Britain /Air movie spectacular/
- B.Gunston - The V-bombers (3)
- C.Barnes - Bristol's rotund racer
- C.Zichy - There, but by the grace of God...
- G.Foden - The world's shortest flight!
- H.Levy - Van Dine's Duck
- R.Nesbit - Navigator's progress (1)
- R.Sturtivant - Barracuda in action (1)