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The RAF's 60th and last Thor arrives at RAF Luffenham in March 1960 and is disgorged from a Douglas C-124 Globemaster, having been flown in from Santa Monica.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas C-124 Globemaster II - США - 1949
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- De Havilland D.H.104 Dove VH-DHD /Preservation Profile/
- Personal album. Civil
- Personal album. Military
- A.Henshaw - Henshaw's Cape dash
- D.Edwards - Sawdust doesn't fly
- G.Levett - From Penguin into Eagle (2)
- H.Levy - Panther on the prowl
- J.Meadows - A Decisive Factor (2)
- J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
- K.Delve - The RAF's Thor Force
- L.Leetham - Auster notes
- M.Oakey - Grapevine
- R.Beamont - The Battle of Britain - was it really a Piece of cake?