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  • Darkhorse might well be the first reusable hypersonic platform able to perform both strike and intelligence-gathering missions

    Самолёты на фотографии: Hermeus hypersonic jet - США - 2025

  • Chimera is a TBCC engine meaning it’s a hybrid between a turbojet and a ramjet. Switching between these modes will allow Darkhorse, to take off from a regular runway and accelerate to high-Mach speeds. Chimera uses a pre-cooler to reduce the temperate of the air coming into the turbojet allowing the engine to draw out additional performance before switching to ramjet mode

    Самолёты на фотографии: Hermeus hypersonic jet - США - 2025

  • The portfolio of hypersonic aircraft in development by Hermeus includes a proposed 20-passenger aircraft to a UAS able to strike targets at speeds of Mach 5

    Самолёты на фотографии: Hermeus hypersonic jet - США - 2025