Presentation Spitfire P8529 Borough of Colwyn Bay served with 118 and 132 Sqns before going to 58 OTU and crashing in Stirlingshire in April 1943.
Самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire - Великобритания - 1936
Sqn Ldr Pedley in Spitfire Spirit of Kent, Lord Cornwallis.
Самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire - Великобритания - 1936
Nonstandard stencilled lettering was applied to Spitfire Wandsworth, Clapham, Balham & Tooting Divisions in the Middle East.
Самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire - Великобритания - 1936
The Aeroplane of January 31, 1941 described this presentation machine as “The Supermarine Spitfire Mk I paid for by the Spitfire Fund of the Observer Corps. This machine is flown by Sqn Ldr D. O. Findlay DFC, the British Olympic hurdler who commands a squadron which has shot down more than 100 enemy aeroplanes".
Самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire - Великобритания - 1936
Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2c Punjab 40 Lahore 3. This inscription was later carried by B.E.2e A3060.
Самолёты на фотографии: RAF B.E.2c/B.E.2d - Великобритания - 1914
Истребитель SE.5a из 85-й эскадрильи, которая после обучения и боевого слаживания в мае 1918 года под командованием майора Эвери Бишопа была отправлена во Францию. Позже в том же году командиром эскадрильи стал майор Эдуард Маннок. В последние месяцы войны SE.5a считался, пожалуй, лучшим боевым самолетом своего класса, находившимся во фронтовых частях и с равным успехом применявшимся для штурмовки наземных целей и борьбы с самолетами противника.
S.E.5a F8953 Creiff No 2 was allocated to 85 Sqn, and was regularly flown by 2nd Lt S. C. Elliott.Самолёты на фотографии: RAF S.E.5 - Великобритания - 1916
Bristol F.2B Fighter F4440 was stationed at Cologne, Germany in early 1919 with 18 Sqn. This photograph was almost certainly taken at Bickendorf airfield. The lengthy inscription reads: Presented by Maharaja Bahadur Sir Rameswar Singh of Darbhanga No 1. The Lord Hardinge.
Самолёты на фотографии: Bristol F.2A/F.2B Fighter - Великобритания - 1916
Short Stirling I N6086 MacRobert’s Reply was presented by Lady MacRobert after her three sons were killed in service with the RAF. The aircraft was allocated to 15 Sqn.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short Stirling / S.29 - Великобритания - 1939
Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.2b Baroda.
Самолёты на фотографии: RAF F.E.2 - Великобритания - 1914
Airco D.H.5 New South Wales No 15: The Upper Hunter of the Australian Flying Corps, 1917.
Самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland D.H.5 - Великобритания - 1916
One of three B.E.2es which carried the title Ho Fook Hong Kong. “Ho fook” means “good luck".
Самолёты на фотографии: RAF B.E.2e - Великобритания - 1916
- -
- Grapevine
- Martinsyde F.4 Buzzard MA-24 /Preservation Profile/
- Personal album
- ??? - That elusive Meteor
- A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Probe Probare (24)
- B.Robertson - A present from... (1)
- C.Read - Dunlop diversions (1)
- F.Bullmore - Circus Pilot (1)
- J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
- P.Chinnery - The Air War over Vietnam (5)
- P.March - Provost Pair
- R.Nesbit - Arctic Venture (4)
- R.Nesbit - Nimrod patrol
- W.Morse - The Rotary Revolution (3)