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Most Ka-26 Hoodlums, seen at Budaors in the north-western suburbs of Budapest, have now been withdrawn.
Самолёты на фотографии: Камов Ка-26 - Россия - 1965
Magyar Legiero at the present time are the Mil Mi-8 Hip-E used primarily for Army support and the assault mission;
Самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-8 / Ми-8Т - Россия - 1962
The Mil Mi-24 Hind-D anti-armour and assault helicopter
Самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-24 / Ми-35 - Россия - 1969
The Mi-24 Hind-D has been in service with the Legierd since the early 'eighties
Самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-24 / Ми-35 - Россия - 1969
The MiG-21MF has now been largely supplanted in the Magyar Legierd Air Division assigned to the War Par by later types, such as the MiG-23MF, but it still serves with non-assigned regiments, together with the MiG-21US conversion trainer.
Самолёты на фотографии: МиГ МиГ-21бис - Россия - 1971
The MiG-21MF has now been largely supplanted in the Magyar Legierd Air Division assigned to the War Par by later types, such as the MiG-23MF, but it still serves with non-assigned regiments, together with the MiG-21US conversion trainer.
Самолёты на фотографии: МиГ МиГ-21У - Россия - 1960
The MiG-23MF Flogger-B air superiority fighter seen, with gun pod on intake duct stores pylon and wings at full sweep, making a high-speed low-altitude pass. The MiG-23MF reportedly equips two of the regiments of the Air Division committed by Hungary to the WarPac.
Самолёты на фотографии: МиГ МиГ-23 - Россия - 1967
The MiG-23MF Flogger-B has now been in Legierd service for some five years as a successor to the MiG-21 in air superiority regiments assigned to the WarPac.
Самолёты на фотографии: МиГ МиГ-23 - Россия - 1967
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