E.15-16 of 41 Grupo about to land at Valenzuela, August 1981.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
Two-ship formation of Manises-based 101 Escuadron.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
At Valenzuela in May 1972, E.15-37, one of the four assigned to 131 Escuadron, the last Sabre-equipped EdA unit. Devoid of the nose black hand, it does sport the tiger’s badge in the rear fuselage.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
High over the Guadiana River, E.15-12 during a high-g manoeuvre. Note early EdA and Jet School markings.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
High over Extremadura, E.15-16 in pristine condition, revealing a recent overhaul. Readily discernible are the undernose antennae of the AN/ARN-21 TACAN equipment.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
The refurbishing line at CASA-Sevilla with one of the E.15s sporting unit markings in the '73-6X' range, 73-67 in this case. Photographs of machines carrying these unusual codes are extremely rare even though they were operated at Talavera for more than a year.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
An Ala de Caza 3 T-33A - a rare image. The unit had three on strength for almost a year.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
Pictured at San Pablo (Sevilla) during an open day held very likely in the summer of 1965, E.15-35 sports unusual unit markings (including orange nose band and a version of the Ala de Caza 5 badge) of the so-called 157 Escuadron de Servicios (157th Service Squadron). The real task of this unit remains unknown to the authors.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
Ready to take off from Son San Juan, E.15-59 sporting the colours of the fet School's 731 Escuadron. The photo might have been taken shortly after delivery to the EdA as denoted by the traces of the nose lettering and rear fuselage USAF markings. The pod beneath the midfuselage served as a baggage carrier.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
E.15-34, in Ala de Caza 1 markings, remained at Manises for many years. It is believed to have been assigned to the unit's 11 Escuadron (red nose-band).
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
Examples of the second batch of T-33s received by the EdA, probably on the Talavera ramp. These aircraft don’t seem to have ever carried USAF markings other than the tail serial number.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
Several E.15s began operations carrying nonstandard markings, including E.15-17 which arrived in Spain in March 1955.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
E.15-25 showing the markings carried by Jet School aircraft early in 1959. The 'E' had just disappeared from the fuselage unit code. Scarcity of stencilled instructions is readily discernible.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
E.15-36 of Ala de Caza 4. Note the lack of tail cross, unofficial position of fuselage roundels and lack of wingtip tanks. The nose-band was medium green.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
On May 2, 1954 six T-33As arrived on board the cargo ship 'Kingsport Victory' at Barcelona port, from where they were trucked to the city's airport.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
Four of the first six T-33s arrived in Talavera on March 24, 1954 are seen here. Note the 'Mary Margaret' legend on the first example 51-17540, later E.15-3.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
- Round-Out
- The Roundels File
- A.Pelletier - Consumptive Vengeance /World war two/
- B.Norton - Ready for the Silent Assault /World war two/ (1)
- D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
- D.Willis - Extended Family /Post-war combat/ (3)
- E.Davies - Boeing's Airline /Airlines and airliners/ (2)
- G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
- G.Jones - Swift Legacy /History on the wing/