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Venom and Viggen on display at Vidsel.
Самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Venom / D.H.112 - Великобритания - 1949SAAB Viggen / AJ.37 - Швеция - 1967
Three target-towing J 32D Lansens were operated by Svensk Flygtjanst AB but maintained the original military colours.
Самолёты на фотографии: SAAB Lansen / J-32 - Швеция - 1952
Jindiviks were used for all kinds of missile tests; flown remotely from the ground or from the Venoms. Ten were bought by Sweden and flew a total of 104 sorties.
Самолёты на фотографии: GAF Jindivik - Австралия - 1959
- The Roundels File
- ??? - 60 Years of Beavering /History on the wing/
- A.Ord-Hume - Butterfly from Essex /Paper planes - projects/
- A.Ord-Hume - Catalogue of Failure /Paper planes - projects/
- A.Pelletier - Made in America /Between the wars/
- D.Gordon - Last of the Best /Post-war combat/ (2)
- D.Hobbs - Wait and See /Pioneering days/
- D.Willis - Extended Family /Post-war combat/ (6)
- E.Dumigan - Still Beavering /History on the wing/
- L.Berns - Targeting Swedish Heritage /History on the wing/
- M.Huggins - Falcons on Every Front /World war two/
- S.Aloni - Hugo, Oz and the Five Giants /Air forces/