Страна : США
Год : 1935
Средний транспортный самолет с экипажем из двух человек
- Douglas - DC-3 / C-47 Skytrain/С-53 Skytrooper / Dakota - 1935 - США
- Showa - L2D - 1939 - Япония
- Лисунов - Ли-2 / ПС-84 - 1939 - Россия
- Douglas - Super DC-3 / C-117D / R4D-8 - 1949 - США
- Douglas - DC-3TP - 1951 - США
- Антонов - Ли-2В - 1953 - Россия
- Douglas - AC-47 Spooky - 1964 - США
DC-3 / C-47 Skytrain/С-53 Skytrooper / Dakota
Военно-транспортный самолет. Двухмоторный цельнометаллический моноплан с убирающимся шасси. Военная модификация пассажирского DC-3, спроектированного в КБ "Дуглас эйркрафт" под руководством А. Рэймонда и Э. Бартона. Опытный образец первого варианта DC-3, DST, поднялся в небо 17 декабря 1935 г. С апреля 1936 г. DST, а затем DC-3 и DC-3A строились серийно. Первый военный вариант, C-41A (на базе DC-3A), взлетел в августе 1939 г. Специально же приспособленные для военно-транспортной авиации C-53 и C-47 пошли в производство соответственно в октябре и ноябре 1941 г. Их строили заводы "Дуглас" в Лонг-Бич, Талсе (C-47 и C-117) и Санта-Монике (C-53). Всего изготовили 10 926 экз. (включая 133 учебных TC-47B).
Экипаж - 3 - 4 чел., 27 - 28 пассажиров или груз до 2725 кг. Моторы R-1830. Штатного вооружения не было, но в окнах салона имелись гнезда для оружия десанта. В США проводились полевые переделки под 2x12,7, в СССР - 1x12,7 (верхняя установка от Ли-2).
В годы Второй мировой войны C-53 и C-47 состояли на вооружении в США с января 1942 г., в Австралии - с апреля 1942 г., в Великобритании - с мая, в Советском Союзе - с августа, в Канаде - с марта 1943 г., в Новой Зеландии, Франции, Польше, Китае, Нидерландах - с 1944 г.
Основные серийные модификации:
- C-53 (R4D-3, "Дакота" II), пассажирский самолет на 28 мест с моторами R-1830-92;
- C-53B, арктический вариант с увеличенным запасом горючего;
- C-53C, доработанные реквизированные гражданские DC-3A-453 с дверями с правой стороны;
- C-53D, на базе DC-3A-547 с моторами R-1830-92, сиденьями по бортам салона и измененным электрооборудованием;
- C-47 (R4D-1, "Дакота" I), грузо-пассажирский самолет на 28 мест с моторами R-1830-92, грузовыми дверями, усиленным полом, удлиненным крылом и астрокуполом на базе модели DC-3A-360;
- C-47A (R4D-5, "Дакота" III), с усиленным шасси и усовершенствованным электрооборудованием на базе DC-3A-456;
- C-47B (R4D-6, "Дакота" IV), с моторами R-1830-90/90B/90C;
- C-47D, переделка C-47B под моторы без двухступенчатых нагнетателей;
- C-117A, с моторами R-1830-90C, пассажирский самолет на 21 место;
- R4D-2, с моторами R-1820-71 на базе гражданского C-49.
Предназначенные для флота R4D и экспортные "дакоты" имели отличия по оборудованию. Кроме военных модификаций ВВС различных стран эксплуатировали машины гражданского образца. В США они именовались: C-42, C-48, C-49, C-52, C-68, C-84 и R4D-4. Советские ВВС до самого конца войны располагали DC-3-196A, купленными в США в 1938 - 1939 гг.
И C-53, и C-47 очень широко использовались в войне. С лета 1942 г. они стали летать из США в Англию и из Индии в Китай. R4D с начала 1942 г. доставляли запчасти и персонал на передовые базы. В ноябре 1942 г. C-47 и C-53 высаживали десанты в Северной Африке. В этом же году они перебрасывали грузы войскам, сражавшимся за о. Гуадалканал. После высадки парашютистов на Новой Гвинее все снабжение наступающих войск осуществлялось по воздуху. На Тихом океане воздушные перевозки широко использовались для обеспечения боевых действий на Соломоновых о-вах и Филиппинах.
В июле 1942 г. авиация союзников высадила планерно-парашютный десант на Сицилии, в июне 1944 г. - в Нормандии, в августе - в Южной Франции, в сентябре с самолетов высадились подразделения, захватившие острова в Эгейском море. Привлекались C-53 и C-47 в ходе операций под Арнемом и при форсировании Рейна (март 1945 г.). Одновременно английские и американские самолеты обеспечили наступление в джунглях Бирмы, где не было других способов снабжения. В мае 1945 г. парашютный десант был высажен под Афинами.
C-47 и C-53 активно применялись для перевозок на Дальневосточном театре боевых действий. В частности, в 1943 - 1945 гг. C-47 использовались для перевозки грузов в Китай через Гималаи. Последний крупный воздушный десант был выброшен англичанами в районе Рангуна (Бирма, ныне Мьянма).
Советские C-47 участвовали в высадке десанта на Букринском плацдарме за Днепром в 1944 г., "воздушных мостах" в Словакию и Югославию (в последнем случае самолеты летали с базы Бари в Италии), обеспечивали действия всех фронтов и флотов на завершающем этапе войны. Последние вылеты они совершили, перевозя горючее в Манчжурии.
Польские ВВС получили несколько машин от СССР и использовали их как транспортные и штабные на заключительном этапе войны.
Выпуск военных вариантов DC-3 прекратили в мае 1946 г.
В Советском Союзе эти машины служили до 1957 г., в Великобритании - до апреля 1970 г., в Канаде - до 1973 г., в Австралии - до 1975 г., в США и Новой Зеландии - до 1976 г., во Франции - до 1982 г.
В послевоенный период C-47 состояли на вооружении во многих странах мира. Они как бомбардировщики и транспортные самолеты применялись в гражданской войне в Греции в 1947 - 1948 гг. В июле-октябре 1948 г. английские и американские машины привлекались для организации воздушного моста в Западный Берлин. В 1946-1949 гг. C-47 действовали в составе ВВС Нидерландов во время колониальной войны в Ост-Индии (Индонезии). В частности, в декабре 1948 г. голландские самолеты высадили посадочный десант под Джакартой. Французы применяли C-47 как транспортные и санитарные машины в ходе войны в Индокитае до 1954 г. На них даже перевозили в разобранном виде легкие танки. В 1948-1952 гг. англичане использовали свои "дакоты" в операциях против партизан в Малайе. Они сбрасывали с парашютами грузы для войск в джунглях. И Индия, и Пакистан неоднократно использовали C-47 в войнах друг с другом. Это имело место в 1947 г., в 1965 г., а в небольших масштабах - и в 1971 г. Египтяне на C-47 в 1948 - 1949 гг. летали с баз на Синае бомбить Израиль. В свою очередь, израильтяне использовали их для высадки парашютных десантов на Синае в 1956 г. Тремя годами позже парагвайские летчики с C-47 бомбили отряды партизан, пересекшие границу с Боливией. В 1958-1961 гг. самолеты, приобретенные ЦРУ, сбрасывали грузы для мятежников в Индонезии. В начале 1962 г. индонезийская армия высадила парашютные десанты в Западном Ириане (на о. Новая Гвинея), являвшемся тогда колонией Нидерландов. И индонезийцы, и противостоявший им контингент голландских вооруженных сил располагали некоторым количеством C-47. И как транспортные машины, и как бомбардировщики эти самолеты служили в ВВС Португалии. Их использовали в колониальных войнах в Анголе и Мозамбике в 1960-х гг. Во время войны во Вьетнаме американцы доработали некоторое количество машин в тяжелые штурмовики AC-47, обстреливавшие районы сосредоточения партизан. В 1967-1968 гг. правительственная армия в Нигерии использовала для военных перевозок во время боевых действий в Биафре несколько реквизированных гражданских DC-3. Как бомбардировщики C-47 последний раз действовали в "футбольной" войне между Сальвадором и Гондурасом в июле 1969 г. Сальвадорские экипажи наносили на них удары по военным объектам в приграничных районах. Последним же случаем применения "дугласа" как боевого самолета можно считать операции против повстанцев в Сальвадоре в 1983 г., когда две транспортные машины доработали по типу AC-47 и использовали на фронте.
Размах:||29,11 м
Длина:||19,43 м
Моторы, количество х мощность:||2x1200 л.с.
Взлетная масса, максимальная:||14060 кг
Максимальная скорость:||370 км/ч
Практический потолок:||7315 м
Дальность:||6115 км
- DC-3 / C-47 Skytrain/С-53 Skytrooper / Dakota
- Douglas DC-3
- Douglas C-47 Skytrain/Dakota, C-53 Skytrooper и R4D
Мировая Авиация 64
Праздничный первый полет первого DC-3. 17 декабря 1935г.: в очередную годовщину первого полета самолета братьев Райт в 1903 году прототип Douglas DST (Douglas Sleeper Transport) совершил свой первый полет из Кловер Филд, Санта Моника, пилотом был Карл А. Ковер. DST, переделанный в пассажирский самолет, получил обозначение DC-3 и выпускался во время Второй мировой войны в большом количестве.
Aviation Historian 1 / M.O'Leary - The tragedy of Flight Three
In his distinctive white overalls, a TWA groundcrew member marshals a Douglas DST (note the upper cabin windows) into position, probably just before the entry of America into the Second World War. The airline introduced the DST and its 21-seat non-sleeper variant, the DC-3, into service in the summer of 1937.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
Один из первых экземпляров пассажирского самолета Douglas DST
The Douglas D.S.T. Commercial Transport (two 850 h.p. Pratt & Whitney "Twin-Wasp" engines). -
Авиация и Время 2010-06
Пассажирский самолет Douglas DST
Flight 1938-07 / Flight
A Douglas DC3 with one of its Twin Wasps stopped and the Hydromatic airscrew fully feathered.
Мировая Авиация 33
Первый прототип семейства DST/DC-3 поступил в авиакомпанию "American Airlines". Он имел номер NC14988.
Flight 1936-01 / Flight
SLEEPER TRANSPORT: The new Douglas D.S.T., which will carry sixteen passengers as a "sleeper transport" and twenty-four in the ordinary way, on test at Santa Monica, California. With two 930 h.p. engines - presumably the latest Wright Cyclones - the D.S.T. has a maximum speed of approximately 215 m.p.h.
Мировая Авиация 33
Плавные обводы, высокое качество и полностью металлическая конструкция были одними из многих факторов, сделавших DC-3 феноменально успешным самолетом.
Flight 1939-03 / Flight
THE GOLDEN GATE: A distinctly striking picture of one of United Airways Douglas D.C. is flying over San Francisco Bay and the Treasure Island Exposition ground, which will be seen behind the fuselage of the machine. The Exposition has actually been laid out on an artificial island and this will afterwards be a civil landplane and flying boat base. P.A.A. are already operating therefrom.
Flight 1939-08 / Flight
An American Airlines D.C.3 over Niagara, with the American falls on the left and the real Niagara on the right.
Flight 1938-09 / Flight
THE STATUE OF LIBERTY appears to wave a greeting to an American Airlines Douglas DC3 as it flies past Bedloe's Island, outside New York Harbour. The famous figure is to have an extensive overhaul, inside and out, in preparation for the World’s Fair.
Flight 1936-08 / Flight
FOR TRUNK ROUTES. Douglas DC-3 monoplanes have been ordered by American Airlines, United Airlines, K.L.M. and T.W.A. For night operation, when the machine is usually known as the D.S.T. (Douglas Sleeper Transport), sleeping accommodation for up to fourteen passengers is provided. By day there are seats for twenty-four. The new Wright Cyclone Model G or the Pratt and Whitney Twin Wasp engines are variously specified. With Cyclone G2s, which are supercharged to give 850 h.p. at 5,800 feet the maximum speed is 213 m.p.h. The cruising speed at 10,000 ft. is 180 m.p.h. Structurally the machine is similar to the well-established D.C.2. Externally it may be distinguished from that machine by forward continuation of the fin.
Flight 1939-04 / Flight
COMING IN: The machine shown about to land with flaps and wheels lowered is Douglas D.C.3.
Мировая Авиация 33
Этот новый самолет, принадлежавший авиакомпании "American Airlines", был из первой партии DC-3 (1936 год). DC-3 использовались для перевозки пассажиров и почты.
Aviation Historian 33 / M.Wickstead - Italy's forgotten airlines (3)
Aerea Teseo acquired a fleet of nine C-47s from January 1947, using them until operations were suspended in February 1948, when Salpanavi took the airline over.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-07 / Whitchurch /Gone but not forgotten/ (10)
Regular visitor to Whitchurch was Aer Lingus Dakota EI-ACH.
Air Pictorial 1976-10 / G.Endres - Air Afrique
Air Afrique's sole Douglas DC-3. TU-TCL, seen at Abidjan in 1970, was purchased in 1966 and is still in service.
Air Pictorial 1977-08
Dakota 3 G-ANAF (until recently mothballed at Duxford), f/f at Exeter 28/6/77 after complete rebuild by Westcountry Aircraft Servicing Ltd., was d/d to Air Atlantique, Jersey, on the same day
Air Pictorial 1994-08 / World Airliners
Douglas DC-3
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-08
Douglas DC-3 G-AMPO is one of two passenger-carrying examples flying with Air Atlantique
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-11 / S.Piercey - The great warbirds display
A rare sight these days; a formation of three Dakotas, comprising Air Atlantique's G-AMPO, ex Martin Baker DC-3 G-APML and Aces High's KG374.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-11 / S.Piercey - The great warbirds display
Two Dakotas disgorging parafoils.
Air Enthusiast 2006-01 / P.Howard, B.Hickox - Mercy Angels of Angkor /Airliners and air services/ (2)
The section of road at Kompong Thom used as an airstrip, awaits the an Air Cambodge DC-3. Note the unserviceable CAC example awaiting assistance and parked off-road.
Air Pictorial 1976-03
Concorde 02 F-WTSA meets Air Charter West Douglas DC-3 N300ZZ at San Francisco during a demonstration tour in October 1974
Другие самолёты на фотографии: SNIAC, BAC Concorde - International - 1969
Air Pictorial 1961-10 / Spotter's Notebook
The nationality mark 90 has been allotted to the Congo and is seen here on Air-Congo's Dakota 3 90-CUK in Katanga.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes
A Douglas DC-3 Commercial Airliner (two Pratt & Whitney Twin-Wasp engines).
Мировая Авиация 33
После Второй мировой войны в авиакомпании "Air France" было много бывших военных самолетов C-47, переданных в гражданскую эксплуатацию. Из самолетов гражданских модификаций был один DC-3A, полученный еще до войны, и три DC-3D. Модель 3D была новой гражданской моделью, созданной на базе военных C-47.
Мировая Авиация 230
Авиакомпания «Air France» давно занимается доставкой почты, купив еще в августе 1933 года французскую почтовую авиакомпанию «Aeropostale». После войны «Air France» использовала для доставки почтовых грузов самолеты Douglas DC-3.
Aviation Historian 14 / J.Stroud - Beirut: Lebanon's Propliner Paradise /The John Stroud Archive/
DC-3 JY-ABW was one of five used by Air Jordan, formed in 1950 with Airspeed Consuls to operate services from the Jordanian capital Amman to Jerusalem and Cairo.
Flight 1938-01 / Flight
WHAT AUSTRALIA BUYS: The first Douglas D.C.3 to be put into Australian service flying over the city of Melbourne. The machine is named Kurana and is used by Airlines of Australia on the Brisbane-Sydney service.
Air Pictorial 1995-01 / T.Walker - Air Malawi - 30 years of African service /Airline Profile/
Douglas DC-3 VP-YKM (later prefixed 7Q), one of two operated by Air Malawi when it was formed.
Aviation Historian 39 / L.Hellstrom - Air Sud Kasai. The National Airline That Never Was
Douglas C-47A OO-AWN at N’Djili Airport, Leopoldville, in 1961. The aircraft was acquired by Belgian national airline Sabena in November 1950; it operated Belgian Congo services until 1960, when it went to Air Congo on the African nation’s independence (Sabena had a 30 per cent holding in the new airline). During April-May 1961 OO-AWN was operated by Air Sud Kasai, before being returned to Sabena that June. After a brief spell in Spain, it went to the Nigerian Air Force as NAF-307 in 1969.
Aviation Historian 10 / B.Taghvaee, G.-R.Rahbaryan - The Shah's Skyhooks
Hamid Bayat (right) was the IIGAU chief mechanic and is seen here with one of the UH-41As at Shiraz Airport in 1967. In the background is a Douglas C-47 of Iranian airline Air Taxi Co, which began operations in 1958, becoming part of Pars Air in 1970 before the company’s name was changed to Iran-Aseman Airlines in 1980.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Cessna CH-1 / YH-41 Seneca - США - 1953
Air Pictorial 1988-02 / N.Mercer - USAir - Stretching across the Continent
All American Airways' first Douglas DC-3, N91221, in the airline's original livery. The aircraft was later re-registered N141A before being sold in 1958
Air International 1992-09 / T.Todd - Frankfurt Airport: Born again, but for how long?
First landing of American Overseas Airlines at Frankfurt, still under US control, May 18. 1946.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-03 / В.Морозов - Принцессы пятого океана
Типичные американские стюардессы в униформе конца 1930-х - начала 1940-х гг. На заднем плане виден самый распространенный пассажирский самолет того периода - Дуглас DC-3
Aviation Historian 14 / J.Stroud - Beirut: Lebanon's Propliner Paradise /The John Stroud Archive/
Aryana Afghan Airlines was formed in 1955 by the Afghan government with assistance from the Indamer Company of India, which was bought out by Pan Am in 1957. Behind the DC-3 is Avro Tudor 4B “Super Trader” G-AHNI Trade Wind of Trans Arabia Airways, lost over the Turkish-Soviet border in 1959.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Tudor / Type 688/689 - Великобритания - 1946
Air Enthusiast 1998-01 / A.Wood - Back to the Farm
Aviation Historian 3 / D.Stringer - Fly America! (1)
Bonanza Air Lines DC-3 N491 at San Diego, California, in May 1959. The airline’s distinctive livery of this period incorporated a vivid orange fuselage band and fin.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-02 / Personal album. Civil
DC-3 9M-ANF of Borneo Airways about to land at Kuching on April 24, 1965.
Aviation Historian 29 / R.Lezon - Southern Exposure
Mosquito VL613 at Moron after its arrival in Argentina on October 2, the local newspapers reporting it as “the end of a misadventurous flight”. Partly obscured by the Mosquito’s fin is a Braniff Airways Douglas DC-3 sent from the USA to demonstrate Sperry autopilot equipment to the Argentinians during the Buenos Aires exhibition.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Mosquito PR - Великобритания - 1941
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-04 / Douglas Dakota G-AMPO /Preservation Profile/
G-AMPO in service as a commuter airbus with BAC;
Air Pictorial 1955-12 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
B.E.A. is experimenting with different styles of fuselage and tail markings. This Pionair, G-AMDZ "Frank Barnwell", has the usual fin-sited Union Jack removed to above the freight hatch and a large red band with white B.E.A. across the fin and rudder. Viscount G-AMOZ also has a new B.E.A. tail marking.
Мировая Авиация 236
DC-3/C-47 стали основой парка транспортных самолетов союзников в годы войны и активно использовались для грузоперевозок после ее окончания, но не отличались удобством погрузки/выгрузки. Грузовая дверь была неудобной, а пол кабины на земле находился в наклоненном положении.
Air International 1996-07 / I.Goold - Heathrow (1)
By the 1950s, air cargo had become an important part of BEA’s activities. Pepsi-Cola vending machines are seen here being loaded onto a DC-3 for transporting from London to Jersey.
Air Pictorial 1999-07
The picture of BEA Dakota G-AGHS in circa 1949-50
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / Round-Out
Also at Heathrow, Overseas Aviation's G-ALHP, in August 1961. Among the aircraft behind are BEA 'Pionair'-class Douglas Dakota G-AHCX and an Air Safaris Vickers Viking.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Canadair CL-2 / CL-4 Argonaut - Канада - 1946Vickers Viking / Valetta - Великобритания - 1945
Мировая Авиация 218
"British Midland" (позже "Derby Airways") получила свой первый DC-3 в 1955 году и эксплуатировала эти самолеты на протяжении 1960-х годов. Самолеты часто использовались для доставки двигателей Rolls-Royce по всему миру - один из заводов "Rolls-Royce" находился в Дерби.
Air International 1996-07 / I.Goold - Heathrow (1)
Dakota G-AGNG of BOAC, seen flying over the huge ‘cement factory’ during the final construction phase of the Heathrow complex. G-AGNG was a Lend-Lease transport,formerly KK216, which was transferred to the company on January 21, 1945.
Aviation Historian 19 / E.Wild - The graveyard shift
Built as a C-47B and operated by the RAF as KN212 (and later XF749), DC-3 G-AMZF was acquired by Jersey Airlines in 1960, and was absorbed into the British United Airways fleet in August 1963, the same year it is seen here at Gatwick.
Aviation Historian 19 / E.Wild - The graveyard shift
The author photographed G-AMZF over the distinctive Fort de Querqueville to the west of Cherbourg Harbour from his own DC-3 during an (extremely) unofficial photo-sortie in May 1964. In 1966 the aircraft was sold to a new owner in Canada as CF-RTY (later C-GCUW), its long career finally coming to an end in the early 1980s.
Мировая Авиация 218
В авиакомпании "Canada Air Lines" самолеты DC-3/C-47 заменили Lockheed Model 14. DC-3 эксплуатировали многие компании из Канады.
Flight 1939-11 / Flight
CIVIC PRIDE: A corner of the huge crowd which attended the official opening of New York’s Municipal Airport at North Beach, Long Island. The cost of constructing the airport is said to have been 40 million dollars
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-12 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
Sunday, September 18, 1983 marked the last flight of Douglas DC-3 VR-HDB Betsy from Sydney, Australia, to Hong Kong, where it has joined the Hong Kong Museum of Science and Technology.
Air Pictorial 1956-03
N17318, a C.C.A. DC-3 is spotlighted in the accompanying letter from reader Powell in Kenya .
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-01 / G.Endres - Czechoslovakian Air Transport since 1920 (1)
Fokker-assembled Douglas DC-3 OK-AIE of CLS was one of four used on the “Blue Danube” service.
Aviation Historian 34 / M.Wickstead - Czechoslovakia's "Carefully Serving Airline"
Seen here at Copenhagen in the late 1940s or early 1950s, OK-WDU (c/n 9798) was one of CSA’s many ex-USAAF C-47As, joining the airline’s fleet in September 1947. This aircraft went on to have a remarkably long career, later serving in France as F-GEOM and operating as G-OFON and G-DAKK in the UK until the early 2000s.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-02 / G.Endres - Czechoslovakian Air Transport since 1920 (2)
Douglas DC-3 OK-XDH of CSA under tow by tractor.
Aviation Historian 39
Pan Am Lockheed L-049 Constellation N88860 Clipper Courier at Prague on June 16, 1946. A Douglas C-47A of CSA is in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed Constellation C-69 / C-121 - США - 1943
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / Personal album. Civil
Channel Airways' Dakota III G-AMDZ seen at Rochester, Kent on July 17, 1966. Formerly RAF Dakota KG507, this aircraft was first registered G-ALWD to BEA and named Frank Barnwell, after the Bristol aircraft designer, in December 1950. Following service with Channel Airways, 'DZ was withdrawn from use at Southend in March 1970.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-07 / J.McHard - Far East assignment (2)
In an effort to prevent the CAT aircraft from falling into Communist hands, the company was wholly re-registered in the USA. All Nationalist flags were overpainted with the Stars and Stripes and the Chinese XT numbers were replaced with N----C registrations.
Air Pictorial 1992-01 / G.Jones - Zurich - Swiss airport excellence
The classic lines of DC-3 HB-ISB, one of the pair operated on nostalgia flights from Zurich by Classic Air.
Air International 1992-10 / G.Endres - Cyprus Airways: From regional carrier to international operator
One of six DC-3s that flew all Cyprus Airways services in the airline's first four years.
Air Enthusiast 2001-01 / R.Stitt - Midland Memories (1)
Derby Airways crews taking in the flying show at Nottingham Airport, 1964.
Air Enthusiast 2001-01 / R.Stitt - Midland Memories (1)
Derby Aviation's first Dakota G-ANTD on the apron in front of the Municipal Hangar in April 1955, fresh from conversion to civilian standards at Exeter. To the rear are Messenger G-AKKO, an Auster and a former Royal Navy Anson I.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Auster J/1 - J/5 - Великобритания - 1945Avro Anson / Type 652 - Великобритания - 1935Miles M.38 / M.48 Messenger - Великобритания - 1942
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06 / M.Oakey - Fifty not out!
PH-DDA's crew includes two delicious stewardesses in period-style uniform. Members of the Flight Operations department take turns at manning the aircraft, on a sort of Dakota rota.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06 / M.Oakey - Fifty not out!
PH-DDA is painted silver with dark blue cheatlines. The words "50 Golden DC-3 Years” appear in gold above the windows on the port fuselage side, with "Dutch Dakota Association” in white on the starboard.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06 / M.Oakey - Fifty not out!
PH-DDA's engines roar into life at Eindhoven Airport on April 23, 1985 as a cabinload of journalists prepare for a flip.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / ??? - The Dak is 50
A DDA stewardess and PH-DDA's reflection at Eindhoven on July 1985
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / ??? - The Dak is 50
PH-DDA bearing an appropriate slogan.
Air Enthusiast 1998-03 / N.Lees - Birds of Passage
C-47B G-AGNG served Eagle Aviation from August 1949 until January 1951 when it joined Britavia. It crashed in Canada in January 1956 while serving with Quebecair.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-03 / Personal album. Civil
Douglas C-47B Dakota VP-KHK of East African Airways, before it was named Kongwa Pioneer. It is seen at Nachingwea circa 1950.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-03 / Personal album. Civil
This view of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanganyika, was taken from C-47B Dakota VP-KHN of East African Airways in December 1952 during a flight from Nairobi to Dar-es-Salaam.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-04 / Douglas Dakota G-AMPO /Preservation Profile/
G-AMPO in the red, white and blue of Norwich-based Eastern Airways.
Aviation Historian 38 / M.Wickstead - Bringing Africa together (2)
Douglas C-47 ET-ABX disembarks passengers at Addis Ababa in 1969; EA used the type for more than 40 years
Aviation Historian 37 / M.Wickstead - Bringing Africa together (1)
Douglas C-47A ET-T-15 (c/n 13483) originally served with the RAF as KG666, and was delivered to EAL in June 1947. In August 1951 it was leased by Swissair and operated as HB-IRH, after which it was put back into EAL colours at Zurich-Kloten, where it is seen here after repainting, and was returned to EAL service in September 1952.
Aviation Historian 37 / M.Wickstead - Bringing Africa together (1)
Seen here in a later iteration of the EAL colour scheme, with a white upper cabin but still carrying the airline’s colourful tail markings and Lion of Judah emblem, ET-T-15 went on to be re-registered ET-AAT during the reorganisation of Ethiopia’s civil register in 1962. It was written off in a take-off accident at Lideta in November 1963.
Aviation Historian 36 / M.Wickstead - "Faucett"
Douglas C-47B c/n 32737 served with the RAF as KN368 before being one of the first examples of the type acquired by Faucett in late 1946, with which it was registered OB-PAT-200. When Peruvian civil markings were reorganised in 1964, it was re-registered OB-R-200 before being taken on strength with the Peruvian Navy in 1967.
Мировая Авиация 11
Даже сегодня DC-3 выглядит настоящим авиалайнером. Комфорт пассажиров, безопасность и цельнометаллическая конструкция - вот ключевые аспекты его популярности.
Aviation Historian 3 / D.Stringer - Fly America! (1)
Strike up the band! - the inauguration of air services to smaller cities in the USA with the DC-3s of the local feeder airlines was cause for celebration. Empire Air Lines DC-3 NC62375, City of La Grande, was one of several used by the Boise, Idaho-based airline, which received its feeder certificate from the CAB in 1946.
Aviation Historian 18 / J.Stroud - Arctic Assignment: Propliner proliferation in Finland /The John Stroud Archive/
Bearing neither Aero O/Y nor Finnair titles, only the legend “Finnish Airlines” along its fuselage, Douglas DC-3 OH-LCC Tiira stops for refuelling at Kemi during John and Patricia’s flight “up-country” from Helsinki-Vantaa to Rovaniemi on April 26, 1956.
Aviation Historian 18 / J.Stroud - Arctic Assignment: Propliner proliferation in Finland /The John Stroud Archive/
Finnair crew from DC-3 OH-LCC deliver the mail to Rovaniemi (the "official home of Santa Claus").
Aviation Historian 18 / J.Stroud - Arctic Assignment: Propliner proliferation in Finland /The John Stroud Archive/
The Finnish Post Office bus is loaded from Finnair DC-3 OH-LCC, named Tiira, at Rovaniemi in northern Finland, on April 24, 1956. The bus, which provided airport-to-town transport, crossed the Arctic Circle on each run.
Aviation Historian 18 / J.Stroud - Arctic Assignment: Propliner proliferation in Finland /The John Stroud Archive/
Ten DC-3s were operated by Aero O/Y and Finnair from 1946, nine of them ultimately going on to serve with the Finnish military.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-07 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
The 41-year-old Douglas DC-3 acquired from the Finnish Air Force last August by the Dutch Dakota Association flew into its new home at Schiphol Airport on April 18, 1984, leading a formation of four Fokker S-11 Instructors and a North American Harvard.
Aviation Historian 29 / S.Sumbodo - Garuda's 'Hamble Boys'
By 1957 Garuda’s Hamble Boys were becoming Hamble Men, gaining full captaincy on Garuda’s fleet of Dakotas and Convairliners. Seen here at Hong Kong’s Kai Tak airport in May 1957 is C-47A PK-GDW, one of the 22 acquired from KNILM in December 1949. It later served with Garuda subsidiary Merpati Nusantara.
Air Pictorial 2000-05 / UK & Irish airlines since 1945 (5)
C-47A G-AKJH, utilised during the early years of Gregory Air Services.
Air Pictorial 1977-05 / J.Cook, M.Hooks - Gulf Air /Airline History/
Dakota G-AMVA at Abu Dhabi, its livery revealing that it then belonged to one of BOAC's associated companies
Aviation Historian 29 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (1)
Hunting operated a total of nine DC-3s throughout the 1950s, including G-AMHJ, acquired by the company in April 1957. Presumably the organisation’s DC-3s were in use on other tasks in May 1959, hence the charter of G-AMSV, not a Hunting-owned machine, for the author’s Iranian survey trip.
Aviation Historian 29 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (1)
Another of Hunting’s own DC-3s was G-AMSJ, which joined the company in late 1953, but spent regular periods in the Middle East operating with the Iraq Petroleum Company. It is seen here at Heathrow in 1959.
Aviation Historian 30 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (2)
Built as a C-47B-30-DK at the Douglas factory at Oklahoma, G-AMYW initially entered RAF service as KN497 with No 525 Sqn at Montreal in April 1945. After serving with Nos 238 and 10 Sqns in the UK, it received its civil registration and joined Silver City Airways in early April 1953, but was acquired by the Hunting organisation that August. It is seen here at Croydon in November 1954.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-04 / Douglas Dakota G-AMPO /Preservation Profile/
G-AMPO in the colours of Jersey-based Intra;
Air International 2001-07 / A.Wright - Independed Survivor /Commercial/
Douglas C-47B, G-AMPY, was operated by Jersey-based Intra Airways in the 1970s.
Air Pictorial 1957-03
Like T.W.A, in Ethiopia, Transocean Airlines are withdrawing their older equipment from Iranian Airways . Dakota 4, EP-ACK, which together with EP-ADI, was reported homeward bound, is shown here after exchanging the heat of Persia for the snows of Goose Bay, Labrador. They have been replaced by Convairs EP-ADX and 'ADY.
Aviation Historian 10 / D.Stringer - Against All Odds /The Story of America's Supplemental Airlines/ (2)
The list of successful supplemental airlines included Johnson Flying Service of Missoula, Montana, where DC-3 N24320 is seen here in 1965. In addition to regular charter operations, Johnson was famous for providing firefighting support for the US Forest Service; its fleet included two Ford Tri-Motors and a DC-2 for “smoke jumper” operations.
Мировая Авиация 11
DC-3 (на переднем плане) и DC-2 принадлежат компании KLM - первой компании за пределами США, эксплуатирующей DC-3.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-1 / DC-2 / C-32 / C-39 - США - 1933
Flight 1936-11 / Flight
MODERN TRANSPORT: K.L.M.'s first D.C.3 at Croydon last Saturday. So far as this view is concerned the only really noticeable difference between this machine and its predecessor is in the fin form. The fin now extends along the fuselage in order to give better directional stability.
Flight 1936-11 / Flight
SHADOW AND SYMMETRY: The smooth lines of the Douglas D.C.3 are well shown in this Flight photograph of K.L.M.'s Ibis taken at Croydon last Saturday.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-03 / M.Fife - The Great Air Race
The start at Mildenhall, actually RAAF Laverton. From left to right. Comet replica “G-ACSP", Bruce Dwyer's Stearman (representing Fairey Fox G-ACXO), “DC-2" PH-AJU, Comet replica “G-ACSS" and Miles Falcon “G-ACTM".
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Comet / D.H.88 - Великобритания - 1934Miles M.3 Falcon / M.6 Hawcon - Великобритания - 1934Stearman PT-13 / PT-17 Kaydet / Model 73 (Boeing-Stearman) - США - 1934
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-03 / M.Fife - The Great Air Race
The non-flying replica Comet G-ACSS with the “KLM DC-2" in the background, at RAAF Laverton. Flown in the 1934 race by Charles W. A. Scott and Tom Campbell Black, and sponsored by A. O. Edwards, the Comet left Mildenhall at 0634hr on October 20, 1934, and arrived at Melbourne 70hr 54min later, winning the speed prize.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Comet / D.H.88 - Великобритания - 1934
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-03 / M.Fife - The Great Air Race
“DC-2” PH-AJU, actually Australian Airlines’ restored DC-3 VH-ANR, at RAAF Laverton.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-03 / M.Fife - The Great Air Race
A reconstruction of the start of the race. Seen here at Laverton are the taxying replica of D.H.88 Comet G-ACSS, “DC-2" PH-AJU, the static replica Comet “G-ACSP" and a Stinson Reliant doubling as Lockheed Vega G-ABGK. Nearest the camera are another Reliant and Airworld's Cessna 195 VH-AVZ.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Cessna 190 / 195 Businessliner - США - 1947De Havilland Comet / D.H.88 - Великобритания - 1934Stinson Reliant - США - 1933
Air Enthusiast 1996-11 / K.Wixey - Incidental Combatant (1)
Ramp scene at Amsterdam-Schiphol June 25, 1938, dominated by Fw 200 V2 D-AETA ‘ Westfalen ’ of DLH. Alongside it is Fokker-assembled Douglas DC-3 PH-ARZ ‘Ijsvogel' of KLM. To the left is Curtiss T-32 Condor G-AEZE of International Air Freight and to its right KLM Lockheed Super Electra PH-APE ‘Ekster’.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Curtiss Condor 18 - США - 1929Focke-Wulf FW.200 Condor - Германия - 1937Lockheed Super Electra 14 - США - 1937
Flight 1938-03 / Flight
OFFICIALLY READY. The terminal building and hotel of the Basra land-water airport at Margil, with a K.L.M. Douglas D.C.3 on the tarmac and an Imperial Airways Short Empire boat at her moorings in the Shatt-al-Arab River
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Short Empire / S.23 - Великобритания - 1936
Flight 1939-06 / Flight
SUMMER AT SCHIPHOL: This aerial view of Amsterdam's airport gives an idea of the tremendous number of people who are encouraged to come out during the weekend and on fine evenings in the summer. On the tarmac axe half a dozen assorted Douglas while on the right are F.22’s and F-36’s, which are now used for joy riding. The Schiphol runway extensions to the north are now complete.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fokker F.XXXVI / F.XXII - Нидерланды - 1934
Flight 1938-02 / Flight
A photograph of the general maintenance shops, one of many devoted to different items of equipment. The machine on the left of the picture will be recognised as one of the D.C.3s used by K.L.M. on their Batavia service
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-1 / DC-2 / C-32 / C-39 - США - 1933
Flight 1939-11 / Flight
TEMPORARILY IMMOBILISED: Douglas DC.3s and DC.2s of the K.L.M. in a hangar “somewhere in Holland.” It is hoped that most of these machines will soon be able once more to go about on their lawful occasions.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-1 / DC-2 / C-32 / C-39 - США - 1933
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-10 / Personal album. Civil
Two detail photographs of the KLM Douglas DC-3 PH-AST Tapuit. The last of KLM's DC-3 fleet, 'ST went into service after March 1939. On May 10, 1940 this DC-3 was destroyed by German bombs at Schiphol Airport.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
A DIFFERENT D.C.3; The first of K.L.M.’s Douglas D.C.3 twenty-one seaters with G.100 Wright Cyclones and Curtiss fully-feathering variable-pitch airscrews. The engines are rated at 1,100 h.p. for take-off and use 90-octane fuel.
Мировая Авиация 223
В годы войны этот самолет "Ibis" компании KLM летал в британской BOAC с регистрацией G-AGBB. Самолет 1 июня 1943 года был сбит над Бискайским заливом германским Ju 88; погибли все находившиеся на борту 17 человек, среди которых был и актер Лесли Ховард.
Aviation Historian 33 / M.Wickstead - Italy's forgotten airlines (3)
The sheer post-war ubiquity and availability of the C-47 in Europe meant that much of the workload of Italy’s post-war airlines was undertaken by the type. LAI operated some 26 examples from 1947 until 1957, when it was put into liquidation and its assets acquired by the government for redistribution to the state-owned Alitalia.
Air Pictorial 1988-02 / N.Mercer - USAir - Stretching across the Continent
Earlier, in 1968, Allegheny took over Lake Central Airlines which had begun operations with DC-3s (N18667 illus.) before moving up to turboprop Convair CV-580s and Nord 262As
Air International 1994-12 / R.Shaw - Sojourn to the Land of the Midnight Sun
Landgraedslan’s DC-3C TF-NPK seen coming ‘over the fence’ at Reykjavik airport. Icelandair pilots happily fly the aircraft free of charge.
Aviation Historian 33 / M.Wickstead - Italy's forgotten airlines (3)
Having arrived in Italy with the USAAF’s 47th Troop Carrier Squadron, with which it participated in Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily, C-47 c/n 9101 was acquired by Linee Aeree Italiane (LAI) in late November 1947 and given the Italian civil registration I-LINC. Sadly, it crashed near Trento in December 1956.
Aviation Historian 20 / N.Stroud - Heathrow. The Roaring Forties /The John Stroud Archive/
Delivered to the USAAF in December 1943 as 42-100826, C-47A c/n 19289 participated in Operation Market Garden with the 92nd Troop Carrier Squadron in September 1944. After the war it became one of a batch of surplus C-47As supplied to Polish national airline Polskie Linie Lotnicze (LOT), with which it served as SP-LCE.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-04 / Douglas Dakota G-AMPO /Preservation Profile/
G-AMPO in the Macedonian Aviation livery which it wore from November 1972 until August 1975;
Aviation Historian 14 / J.Stroud - Beirut: Lebanon's Propliner Paradise /The John Stroud Archive/
With the Lebanon Mountains rising to the east in the background, Middle East Airlines DC-3 OD-ABD has its engines run up on the ramp before departing the newly-completed airport at Khalde, south of the capital’s centre. Parked in the distance are DC-3 OD-AAM and Languedoc OD-ABJ of Air Liban and a USAF C-54 Skymaster.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bloch MB.160 Languedoc - Франция - 1937Douglas DC-4 / C-54 / R5D Skymaster - США - 1942
Aviation Historian 4 / J.Forsgren - Keeping the Peace
Nine Cessna Bird Dogs and one Bell OH-13 of the Air Service component of the United Nations Observation Group In Lebanon (Unogil) share the ramp with a Middle East Airlines Douglas DC-3 (and one other DC-3) at Beirut International Airport during the Lebanon crisis of 1958.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bell H-13 Sioux / Model 47 - США - 1945Cessna L-19 / O-1 Bird dog / Model 305 - США - 1950
Aviation Historian 11 / N.Stroud - Kill 'em, Chill 'em & Fly 'em Out!
A line-up of MMA DC-3s at Perth in 1968, including VH-MMK (middle aircraft), which was used briefly for Air Beef operations. The Air Beef DC-3s underwent a radical weight-reduction programme; auxiliary fuel tanks, de-icing equipment and other items were removed to make them the world’s lightest DC-3s, as confirmed by Douglas.
Aviation Historian 11 / N.Stroud - Kill 'em, Chill 'em & Fly 'em Out!
The proprietors of Fossil Downs cattle station in Western Australia show off a pair of prize bulls beside Douglas DC-3 VH-MML of MacRobertson-Miller Airlines in October 1957. Built as C-47B serial number 44-76613 before serving with the RAF as KN470 during World War Two, the aircraft was one of three used by the airline on the joint Air Beef venture with Australian National Airways during 1946-62.
Aviation Historian 11 / N.Stroud - Kill 'em, Chill 'em & Fly 'em Out!
DC-3 VH-MML at Wyndham on an early Air Beef run. The aircraft had an adventurous career; after its RAF wartime service it was returned to the USAAF in 1947, going on to serve with the Pakistan Air Force as H-717 during 1947-54. It was sold to Field Air Services at Karachi and registered G-ANMA, MMA acquiring it in April 1954.
Aviation Historian 29 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (1)
Morton Air Services was part of British United and G-AMSV joined the Morton fleet in 1962, operating in a variety of roles, from pure cargo to ferrying Ford Motor Company executives to and from the Continent until 1968, when Morton was absorbed into British United Island Airways; 'MSV was acquired by Air Atlantique in March 1982.
Aviation Historian 3 / D.Stringer - Fly America! (1)
A pair of DC-3s of Minneapolis-based North Central Airlines, the more appropriate moniker for Wisconsin Central Airlines, which was renamed in late 1952 .
Aviation Historian 26 / D.Stringer - The Viscount comes to America (3)
Paul Collins was a highly experienced aviator, having served with the Allied Expeditionary Force in France during the First World War, later flying for motion pictures and the US Air Mail Service. He was also instrumental in establishing Northeast’s transatlantic ferry route during the Second World War, as seen here.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-06 / Grapevine
Air Atlantique’s Dakota IV G-AMPY at Coventry on April 10, 1986. The aircraft is being sponsored by American airline Northwest Orient for the 1986 display season, and has been resprayed in the red, white, black and silver scheme of a Northwest DC-3 of about 1936. With its cabin in passenger-carrying configuration G-AMPY will take part in a special anniversary flypast, in company with a Northwest Orient Boeing 747, at the North Weald Fighter Meet on the weekend of June 28-29.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-12
ERICH GANDET’S plate shows another Dakota, G-AMPV, painted in Northwest colours, landing at Basle, in Switzerland on May 8, 1986.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-10 / J.Meadows - Flying for fun (5)
Otis Spunkmeyer Air, a division of a chocolate biscuit company, operates this beautiful DC-3 on sightseeing tours over the San Francisco Bay area. Based at Oakland, California, the DC-3 flies one-hour tours with fine wine and various titbits for eating (cookies included, presumably). N97H is flown regularly by Timothy Braidy and Dale Collier, with hostess Melody Smith looking after the passengers.
Aviation Historian 3 / D.Stringer - Fly America! (1)
An Ozark Air Lines DC-3 over Springfield, Illinois, in 1951. Ozark owed its existence to the failure of another feeder, Parks Air Lines (Parks Air Transport). The CAB cancelled the Parks certificate and awarded the bulk of its routes to Ozark, the last of the 13 permanently-certificated locals to receive its certificate.
Aviation Historian 12 / J.Stroud - Over the Pass and Down the Valley... /The John Stroud Archive/
The arrival of Douglas C-47B AJ-APT causes a sensation among the locals at the remote airstrip at Chitral on February 18, 1962. The aircraft was built at Douglas’s Oklahoma City factory with the USAAF serial 43-49607, but was delivered to the RAF in December 1944 to serve as Dakota IV KK177 in India with Nos 194 and 76 Sqns. It remained in India after the war, becoming AP-AEI with Orient Airways in 1949 before being transferred to PIA in March 1955 to become AP-AJT and named City of Rawalpindi.
Aviation Historian 12 / J.Stroud - Over the Pass and Down the Valley... /The John Stroud Archive/
The 20th Century meets the Middle Ages - the DC-3 is inspected by the local population at Chitral. Reportedly, the aircraft’s registration had been changed from AP-AEI to AP-AJT as the “I” in the former would have meant referring to it with the phonetic-alphabet word “India”, which the Pakistani authorities deemed unacceptable, relations between the two nations being very poor. The DC-3 ultimately went to Air Taxi of Iran as EP-AGZ in 1968 but was written off in a non-fatal take-off accident at Ahwaz in southern Iran in April 1970.
Aviation Historian 12 / J.Stroud - Over the Pass and Down the Valley... /The John Stroud Archive/
Chitralis greet the DC-3 after its landing at the remote valley airstrip. To provide perspective, the terrain in the background was virtually the same on the facing side of the valley.
Aviation Historian 12 / J.Stroud - Over the Pass and Down the Valley... /The John Stroud Archive/
One of the magnificent - and previously unpublished - photographs taken by John Stroud in Pakistan in February 1962.
Aviation Historian 12 / J.Stroud - Over the Pass and Down the Valley... /The John Stroud Archive/
John’s photograph taken from the cabin while the DC-3 threaded its way through the 12,100ft (3,690m) high Lawarai Pass shows how little margin for error there was during this crucial part of the flight. It was strictly enforced that the route, which took less than an hour to complete, could be flown only in fine weather conditions.
Aviation Historian 12 / J.Stroud - Over the Pass and Down the Valley... /The John Stroud Archive/
A magnificent photograph of the majestic Hindu Kush taken as the DC-3 headed into the Chitral Valley from the Lawarai Pass.
Aviation Historian 4 / D.Stringer - Fly America! (2)
Pioneer Air Lines Douglas DC-3 N78021 on the ramp at Dallas Love Field in August 1950. Two years later, in a move that irritated the CAB, the airline replaced its entire DC-3 fleet with larger Martin 2-0-2s, but was forced to return to a predominantly DC-3 service. Pioneer merged with Continental in 1955.
Air International 1987-12 / Talkback
Photographs from John Visanich showing the DC-3, ex-SU-BFY of Pyramid Airlines and re-registered PH-DDZ for the Dutch Dakota Association. The photographs were taken at Luqa on 7 May 1987, on which day it was flown for the first time with its Dutch registration.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Douglas DC-3 SU-BFY, recently bought by the Dutch Dakota Association for long-term preservation, at Malta awaiting preparation for its flight to the Netherlands.
Air Pictorial 1986-01 / J.Stroud - Air Affairs
Qantas Douglas DC-3 VH-EBU and de Havilland Canada Otter VH-EAZ parked sideways-on at Wau. The level floor of the traffic office gives some idea of the aerodrome's slope
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter - Канада - 1951
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-06 / S.Piercey - Dakota's Rest
Dakota G-AGZA before the accident. Formerly serving in the RAF as KG420 the aircraft had been in service less than nine months at the time of the crash.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-03 / Grapevine
The Aces High Dakota "G-AGHY" / G-DAKS seen landing at Yeovilton last year.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-02 / Personal album
Sabena Dakota OO-AUW taxies out from the Croydon apron on March 15, 1947.
Мировая Авиация 223
Бельгийская "Sabena" до начала войны успела получить только два DC-3.
Flight 1939-08 / Flight
Three Redhill V.R. Fairey Battles with the Sabena Douglas D.C.3 and the good Imperial “E” class ship Eddystone making the foreground.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Armstrong Whitworth Ensign / A.W.27 - Великобритания - 1938Fairey Battle - Великобритания - 1936
Air Pictorial 1976-03 / J.Wegg - Saudia - Saudi Arabian Airlines /Airline History/
Dakota HZ-AAP in early green/white scheme at Bahrein, 28/2/60
Air Pictorial 1976-03 / J.Wegg - Saudia - Saudi Arabian Airlines /Airline History/
Resplendent in the current livery, Dakota HZ-AAX, seen at Jeddah in December 1974, is believed to be the first aircraft ever delivered to Saudia
Flight 1938-04 / Flight
Overweather: One of A.B.<...>transport's Douglas D.C.3s.
Aviation Historian 16 / K.Honey - In the Land of Black Gold
Former Africa ir Douglas C-47A ZS-DDC is prepared for another flight in Libya. The author explains: “I found out several years later that DDC had been operated by Silver City in 1946 with the British registration G-AIRH, but we certainly had no idea of that at the time”.
Aviation Historian 16 / K.Honey - In the Land of Black Gold
Named City of Guildford in Silver City service, C-47B G-AMZB (c/n 26980) was acquired by the company in October 1957 and is seen here on change-over day at one of the many oil camps.
Aviation Historian 16 / K.Honey - In the Land of Black Gold
A joyful photograph showing the reaction of the local schoolchildren at Kufra to the arrival of G-AMYX. Note the wrecked pre-war Nissen-style hangar in the background, by 1958 one of the few mementoes of the original Buma airfield, built by the Italians after the nation’s capture of the strategically important Kufra in 1931.
Aviation Historian 33 / M.Wickstead - Italy's forgotten airlines (3)
Trieste-based SISA operated a total of six C-47s - I-COSA, I-LUNA, I-NAVE, I-SOLE, I-VARO and I-VELE - during its brief post-war existence, four of which are seen here. Nearest the camera is I-SOLE, which joined SISA in May 1947 and later served with ALI-FR and LAI (as I-LOTT) before joining the Italian Air Force in 1955.
Air Enthusiast 1998-03 / N.Lees - Birds of Passage
Sivewright Airways C-47B Dakota G-AGNK ‘Lancastria’ was operated by the Manchester-based airline from July 1949 until March 1951. It went on to serve with BEA until withdrawn from use in 1964.
Aviation Historian 17 / B.Turpin - Out on a Lympne (1)
The starboard mainwheel hauls itself into the engine nacelle, its port-side companion already nestled away, as G-AMWW clatters away from Lympne in May 1959. By the time the author joined the Skyways company in late 1965 it was operating four Dakotas - G-AGYZ, G-AMSM, G-AMWW and G-AMWX (written off that December) - on coach-air services.
Air Pictorial 1999-10 / M.Wickstead - Sobelair /Airline Profile/
Like many post-war fledgling airlines, war-surplus C-47s formed the backbone of Sobelair’s operations. In the photo, crews pose for a group picture in front of OO-SBC, previously KG645 with the RAF and registered to the Belgian operator in May 1947.
Air Pictorial 1999-10 / M.Wickstead - Sobelair /Airline Profile/
Like many post-war fledgling airlines, war-surplus C-47s formed the backbone of Sobelair’s operations. In the photo, founders (l to r) Jean Creteur, Robert Kegeleirs, Gaby Creteur and engineer M Teirlinck, with the company’s second DC-3 in December 1946.
Aviation Historian 23 / B.Turpin - 748 into Africa
Southwest Airways DC-3 ZS-DJZ clatters overhead at the airstrip at Rosh Pinah before landing. The 748 took off from Windhoek before the Dakota, but overtook it en route and had landed, shut down its engines and disgorged its passengers by the time the DC-3 arrived.
INSET Probably the most remote airstrip of the whole African tour was Rosh Pinah in South West Africa, an important settlement for the mining of zinc, lead, copper and diamonds.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker-Siddeley Andover / HS.748 - Великобритания - 1960
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-02 / Personal album
Douglas C-47A Dakota 3 ZS-BCY of Suidair International Airways at Croydon on May 26, 1947.
Flight 1939-12 / Flight
GUNNING THE DC 3: This time only with paint guns. One of the Swedish Air Lines’ machines being given its coat of orange paint.
Flight 1937-08 / Flight
One of Swissair's two Douglas D.C.3s with the Dubendorf terminal building in the background. Behind the tail of the machine is the open-air public restaurant.
Flight 1937-10 / Flight
SOMETHING DIFFERENT: Last Sunday a Swissair Douglas D.C.3 put into Hatfield for a few minutes. The crew had not come to inspect fhe Albatross but merely to look at Hatfield as a possible reserve when Croydon is impossible.
Flight 1938-01 / Flight
A Douglas DC-3 - actually the first to be delivered to Swissair.
Air International 1992-09 / T.Todd - Frankfurt Airport: Born again, but for how long?
General view of Frankfurt apron in the 1950s with a Swissair DC-3 in the foreground and one of their DC-4s behind.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-4 / C-54 / R5D Skymaster - США - 1942
Air Pictorial 1992-01 / G.Jones - Zurich - Swiss airport excellence
Swissair's DC-3s and DC-4s pack the apron at Kloten in the late 1940's, before the first terminal was opened.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-4 / C-54 / R5D Skymaster - США - 1942
Air International 1992-09 / T.Todd - Frankfurt Airport: Born again, but for how long?
Another view of the airport in the 1950s with Pan American, Argentine and Swiss aircraft on the apron.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing C-97 / Model 377 Stratocruiser - США - 1944Douglas DC-4 / C-54 / R5D Skymaster - США - 1942
Aviation Historian 33 / M.Wickstead - Italy's forgotten airlines (3)
One of six C-47s operated by Transadriatica, I-TRES (c/n 25573) joined the fleet in February 1947. It later joined ALI in September 1949 and LAI (as I-LILI) in 1952. It served in Italy for another four years before becoming G-AOUD with Transair in the UK in 1956.
Air Enthusiast 1972-10 / ??? - The 40-year-old newcomer: British Caledonian Airways
A Douglas DC-3, G-ANEG, in the markings of Transair.
Мировая Авиация 218
Британская "Transair" эксплуатировала DC-3 с 1947 года. В 1959 году один из ее DC-3 (G-AMZD) разбился; погибли все 32 человека, находившиеся на борту.
История Авиации 28 / А.Андреев - Итальянское деревянное чудо /Долгожители/ (1)
Восприняв и творчески переработав европейский опыт создания пассажирских самолетов во второй половине 20-х и начале 30-х годов, американская авиаиндустрия смогла уже во второй половине 30-х годов создать семейство легендарных "Дугласов", таких как DC-3 (на фото) и DC-4, ответить на которые ни итальянской, ни европейской авиаиндустрии в целом накануне начала Второй Мировой войны было фактически нечем...
Flight 1939-04 / Flight
An impressive line-up of part of the transcontinental and Western Air Fleet at Newark Airport, New Jersey; this sort of picture brings air transport into its true perspective.
Мировая Авиация 33
Чарльз Линдберг из компании TWA, разработавший требования и заказавший первые DC-2, очень быстро оценил потенциал DC-3. Компания немедленно сделала на них заказ.
Aviation Historian 1 / M.O'Leary - The tragedy of Flight Three
A pre-war line-up of TWA hardware at Burbank, California. Nearest the camera is a Douglas DC-3, beyond which is a DST with a DC-2 behind it. All sport the legend “The Lindbergh Line”, the famous aviator having joined one of TWA’s predecessors, Transcontinental Air Transport, in 1928.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-1 / DC-2 / C-32 / C-39 - США - 1933
Flight 1939-08 / Flight
Manhattan skyline: One of the Transcontinental and Western Air Douglas D.S.T.s, or Sleeper Transports, flying over the Normandie, with the skyscraper forest of New York in the background and Brooklyn Bridge in the distance on the right.
A pair of Art Deco classics depart New York City - A TWA DC-3 flies over the French ocean liner SS Normandie, which made 139 westbound transatlantic voyages between 1935 and 1941. -
Aviation Historian 1 / M.O'Leary - The tragedy of Flight Three
With the USA’s entry into the war TWA repainted the fuselages of its DC-3s, replacing the Lindbergh Line legend with exhortations to buy war bonds. The DC-3-362 Lombard was travelling in, c/n 3295, was built as NC1951 but the registration was cancelled on February 7, 1941, the machine becoming NC1946/ “387” in TWA service.
Aviation Historian 1 / M.O'Leary - The tragedy of Flight Three
This extraordinary photograph of a DC-3 dwarfed by Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California, gives an impression of the sheer scale of the scenery through which aircraft had to pass in the pioneering days of the early American airlines.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Douglas DC-3 Commercial Airliner, the progenitor of the most widely-used military transport of the war, - the C-47 Skytrain or Dakota.
Мировая Авиация 55
Когда в 1930-х годах коммерческая авиация стремительно развивалась, авиакомпания "United" эксплуатировала два самых надежных самолета того времени: Douglas DC-3 (на заднем плане) и Boeing 247D. Но в конечном итоге Douglas вытеснил Boeing.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Model 247 - США - 1933
Aviation Historian 1 / M.O'Leary - The tragedy of Flight Three
With the arrival in Hollywood of the tragic news, Gable chartered a Western Air Lines DC-3 and flew to Las Vegas with a group of the couple’s close friends and studio executives.
Aviation Historian 29 / S.Sumbodo - Garuda's 'Hamble Boys'
Two of AST’s three Dakotas - G-AMSV, ’MSW and MSX - await another training sortie at Hamble. All three arrived at AST in the spring of 1952 and served until late 1954,when they moved on to new owners.
Aviation Historian 31 / T.Culbert - The Hump pioneers
Former Pacific Alaska DC-3 NC19971 (c/n 2261) is seen here in CNAC service (as #47) at Li Kiang, China, during one of the first flights across the Hump, on November 23, 1941. PAA-Africa’s Chief Pilot Dallas Sherman stated that “surrounded by the ‘fog of war’, our operations in the Assam-Burma-China combat zone were to a large degree hidden, uncertain and confusing to both the participants and the directors. To accomplish results under actual combat conditions, many methods and means were employed, which of necessity appear abnormal and unusual. They were. ”
Aviation Historian 29 / S.Sumbodo - Garuda's 'Hamble Boys'
Indonesia’s “Hamble Group” pose in front of one of Air Service Training’s Douglas Dakotas at Hamble in 1952.
Aviation Historian 9 / D.Stringer - Non-Skeds! /The Story of America's Supplemental Airlines/ (1)
Large irregular carriers proliferated during the late 1940s, one such example being the Reverend Chris Bachman’s 20th Century Airlines, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, which operated a fleet of DC-3s, one of which is seen here operating a charter flight to Miami in 1947.
Aviation Historian 29 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (1)
The Dakota used by the author in Iran in 1959, G-AMSV, was formerly operated by Air Service Training during 1952-54 at Hamble, where it is seen here, before moving on to Transair (briefly) and Lancashire Aircraft Corp Ltd during 1954-59. It was then apparently used for charter work until its acquisition by British United Airways in July 1960.
Aviation Historian 29 / S.Sumbodo - Garuda's 'Hamble Boys'
Marking progressive steps of training at AST, three examples of the organisation’s standard training aircraft fly in formation while up from Hamble circa 1952-53. Leading from the front is Chipmunk G-AMUC, one of more than 40 operated by AST, followed by Airspeed Oxford G-AITF (formerly ED290, one of four acquired by the organisation during 1947-50) and bringing up the rear is Douglas C-47B G-AMSW, acquired by AST in May 1952.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airspeed Oxford / AS.10 - Великобритания - 1937De Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk - Канада - 1946
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-10 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Odyssey 86 Douglas DC-3 C-FGXW over the UK during its world tour. The Dak arrived at North Weald on July 27, 1986, and departed via Stansted on July 30 en route for Iceland and Canada.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / ??? - The Dak is 50
The Swedish Flygande veteraner DC-3 SE-CFP attended Eindhoven but could not go to Fairford
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-02
A DC-3 used by Parris Valley Sky Divers takes off from Parris, California, with a load of parachutists.
Air Enthusiast 1997-05 / K.Conboy - From Flying Club to Front Line
A civilian C-47 attempts to land at Pochentong airbase on March 16, 1975, as an ammunition dump burns in the background.
Air Pictorial 1958-03
Williamsons have also acquired the former Aer Lingus Dakota 3, EIAFB, now re-registered VR-TBT, marks originally earmarked for a Dornier Do 27B.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-12 / Douglas DC-3 HB-ISC /Preservation Profile/
HB-ISC pictured in 1982 as N88YA, before its acquisition by Classic Air.
Air Pictorial 1977-05
Dakota 3 N9985Q, which was G-ANAD back in 1954 and has since been VR-AAI and F-OCKX, parked at Hum 8/2/77;
Air Pictorial 1992-01 / R.Jackson - Airport Movements
C-47B Dakota A2-ADL, which has been used for aerial surveys for the last decade, passed through Luton on 3/11/91 on its way to the USA by way of Lisbon and the Azores. The machine was formerly Autair's G-AMNV, a Luton resident in the '60s.
Мировая Авиация 227
Самолет G-AMPZ нес в 1999 году окраску Транспортного командования британских ВВС в честь 50-й годовщины Берлинского воздушного моста. Ранее, после службы в ВВС США, самолет летал в британских ВВС как Dakota IV и был куплен "Air Atlantique" в 1986 году. На стабилизаторе самолета были установлены штанги опрыскивателя (на врезке) для распыления дисперсантов над нефтяными пятнами.
История Авиации 29 / Д.Кондратков - Берлинский воздушный мост /Спецоперации/
Разгрузка C-47 в аэропорту Темпельхоф 2 июня 1947г. На этом аэродроме также базировались и разведчики погоды B-17
Мировая Авиация 168
Во время операции "Vittles" (Берлинский воздушный мост) авиабаза Рейн-Майн была на острие активности. На фотографии - C-47 и C-54.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-4 / C-54 / R5D Skymaster - США - 1942
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-02 / Skywriters
In the foreground is Gladiator K7960, in the background a D.H.86, DC-2, D.H.84 Dragon, DC-3 and an S.73, all diverted to Kenley because of bad weather.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Dragon / D.H.84 - Великобритания - 1932De Havilland Express Air Liner / D.H.86 - Великобритания - 1934Douglas DC-1 / DC-2 / C-32 / C-39 - США - 1933Gloster Gladiator - Великобритания - 1934Savoia-Marchetti / SIAI S.73 - Италия - 1934
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
D.C.4 EMERGES: After successfully passing some remarkable static tests, the Douglas D.C.4 appears in the open. The huge proportions of this latest tricycle transport can be gauged from the familiar Douglas types in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-4E - США - 1938
Мировая Авиация 163
C-47 активно работали и в ходе Берлинского кризиса 1948-1949 годов. На фотографии - американские Skytrain получают груз на авиабазе в Висбадене, вскоре они отправятся с ними на помощь "осажденному" Западному Берлину. Берлинский воздушный мост стал одной из грандиозных воздушных операций того времени.
Flight 1939-09 / Flight
Calling-in at Buffalo Airport for a visit to the Curtiss Wright Airplane Division. Picture taken by the author from a D.C.3.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-01 / J.Ramsden - Seattle's crystal palace
A frozen flypast, suspended in the airy Great Gallery, includes a Douglas DC-3, a Stearman C-3B, and a replica of the first Boeing of all, the B&W of 1916. On the floor is a Boeing 80A-1.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B & W / Model 1 - США - 1916Boeing Model 80 - США - 1928Stearman C1 / C2 / C3 / 4E / 6 Cloudboy - США - 1927
Мировая Авиация 165
До получения специализированных военных вариантов C-47, ВВС США использовали различные модификации гражданских авиалайнеров DC-2 и DC-3, получивших обозначения C-32/33/34/38/39/40/41.
Aviation Historian 31 / T.Culbert - The Hump pioneers
The workhorse of the four units that pioneered flying “the Hump” from India over the Himalayas to China during April-May 1942 was Douglas’s ubiquitous C-47 transport. A USAAF ABCFC example is seen here at a dispersal site near Dinjan in the Assam province of north-eastern India.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes
The Douglas C-117A (DC-3D) Military or Commercial Transport (two 1,200 h.p. Pratt & Whitney Twin-Wasp engines).
Мировая Авиация 168
C-117 Skytrooper был транспортным вариантом C-47 с салоном на 24 человека. Изображен C-117C - один из 11 нестандартных VC-47, получивших новое обозначение в 1953 году.
Авиация и Космонавтика 1997-10 / И.Кудишин - Кладовка для самолетов
C-47 "Дакота" - когда-то их тут были сотни, отсюда они отправлялись на организацию воздушного моста на Берлин в 1947г., в Корею, Вьетнам, а это второй (!) серийный экземпляр C-47
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / S.Howe - The Confederate Air Force
Douglas C-47 Skytrain N491P Buzz Buggy was donated in 1973.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / Personal album
Another USAAF type, Douglas C-47A Skytrain 292718, displays its large rear door. This was yet another Digby visitor, and came from a batch of 171 with constructor's numbers 12328-12498.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-12 / Н.Таликов - Транспортники мира - гонка продолжается
Транспортный Дуглас C-47 "Скайтрейн"
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes
A Standardised version of the Douglas Skytrain which carries both U.S. Army C-47B and U.S. Navy R4D-6 designations.
Air Enthusiast 2006-01 / G.Salerno - A Troubled Birth /Air forces/
A C-47 of the 803rd Air Evacuation Squadron in the CBI theatre.
Aviation Historian 31 / T.Culbert - The Hump pioneers
Captains Ziegler and Eveland (third and fourth from left facing camera) take a break from offloading their precious cargo - civilian refugees fleeing the Imperial Japanese Army in Burma - for a photograph at Dinjan in April 1942. The work of the four units was arduous, dangerous and vital in establishing the ‘‘Aerial Burma Road”.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / ??? - The Dak is 50
The flamboyant nose of CAF R4D-6S N151ZE, photographed by AUSTIN J. BROWN.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / B.Service - Ghost squadron
Douglas R4D-6S originally equipped for air-sea warfare training w US Navy.
Мировая Авиация 165
Оснащенный бортовыми сиденьями для 28 военнослужащих и дверью по левому борту, C-53 Skytrooper являлся военно-транспортным вариантом C-47. Для ВВС США было построено относительно немного самолетов этой модификации - всего 404 машины
Мировая Авиация 163
По большому счету C-47 стал воздушным эквивалентом армейского джипа - неприхотлив, долетит куда угодно и выполнит любое задание. Этот Skytrain из 316-й транспортно-десантной авиагруппы распыляет пестициды над пораженными малярией районами Окинавы, июль 1945 года.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Douglas C-47A Skytrain Military Transport (two Pratt & Whitney R-1830-92 engines).
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Douglas C-53 Skytrooper Troop-carrier and Glider-tug (two Pratt & Whitney R-1830-92 engines).
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-01
A brace of Confederate Air Force Douglas C-47s, with 210058 Buzz Buggy nearest
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / ??? - The Dak is 50
The CAF R4D and Col Tom Thomas' C-53 N53ST, seen from Air Atlantique’s DC-3 G-AMSV
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Douglas C-47B Skytrain Military Transport (two Pratt & Whitney R-1830-90C engines).
Мировая Авиация 163
В годы Второй мировой войны C-47 оказывался в тех местах, куда направлялись союзники. Самолеты эксплуатировались очень интенсивно - перевозили грузы и личный состав. Данный C-47 из 6-й транспортно-десантной эскадрильи ВВС Армии США следует над горным массивом Новой Гвинеи, 1943 год. В качестве эскорта привлечены Bell P-39 Airacobra - японские истребители могли атаковать в любой момент. Количество P-39 в Европе и Африке было незначительным, в то время как на тихоокеанском театре военных действий Airacobra и P-40 доминировали до 1944 года.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bell P-39 Airacobra - США - 1939
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v3
Douglas C-47s towing gliders on D-Day.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / ??? - The Dak is 50
A flypast at Eindhoven at July 6, 1984
Мировая Авиация 129
Фотография немецкого очевидца - 440 самолетов и планеров из 38-й и 46-й групп вместе с 243 Douglas C-47 американского 52-го транспортного авиакрыла высадили первую волну десанта над Дирсфордтер-Вальд примерно в 10 часов утра.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-12 / F.Adkin - Memoirs of Aircraftsman (12)
The US Army Air Force Troop Carrier Command Squadron drops British and Canadian paratroops during an invasion exercise in 1944.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-08 / J.Golley - Paratrooper
A parachute exercise being carried out by the Ninth USAAF Troop Carrier Command. The 750 paratroopers of the 9th Battalion the Parachute Regiment dropped into Normandy under cover of darkness a year after this photograph was taken. They also jumped from Dakotas.
Мировая Авиация 129
Окно в облаках дало возможность сбросить грузы с транспортных самолетов обескровленной под Бастонью американской 101-й воздушно-десантной дивизии.
Мировая Авиация 167
C-47/Dakota был основным транспортным самолетом союзников, особенно активно он привлекался к выброске парашютных десантов - в первый день операции "Market Garden" самолеты выбросили 15 тысяч десантников.
Мировая Авиация 75
В ходе войны, наряду с поисково-спасательными SC-47D (позднее HC-47D), ВВС США стали использовать для спасения сбитых пилотов OA-10). Спасательный плот подвешивался под крылом и мог быть сброшен рядом с пострадавшим самолетом. Операции по спасению часто проводились совместно с ВМС и Береговой охраной США. Оснащенные OA-10 поисково-спасательные эскадрильи (Emergency Rescue Squadrons - ERS) базировались no всему миру, от Гренландии до острова Вознесения.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Consolidated PBY Catalina - США - 1935
Мировая Авиация 168
Часть C-47 была переоборудована в поисково-спасательные машины. SC-47D могли нести под фюзеляжем спасательную шлюпку.
Мировая Авиация 171
"SPEAKER BIRD" и "SISTER GABBY" были позывными Helio U-10 и C-47 из 5-й эскадрильи спецопераций (SOS), задействованных для сброса листовок и пропагандистского вещания.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Helio Courier - США - 1949
Мировая Авиация 171
Попытки американцев вести психологическую войну дали весьма сомнительные результаты. На снимке "bullshit bomber" из 5-й SOS разбрасывает листовки над вьетнамскими джунглями.
Air International 1986-03 / M.Hirst - Piston Engines (6)
Pratt & Whitney, still in business today as one of the world’s "big three" gas turbine makers, vied with Wright in the piston engine era. More than 10,000 Douglas DC-3 variants were P&W powered
Air Pictorial 1957-01 / The journal of a roving spotter
The only camouflaged C-47 in Europe, this aircraft is the personal transport of General R. M. Lee, Commander, U.S. 12th A.F. The colours are brown and green.
Моделист-Конструктор Военно-транспортные самолеты Второй мировой войны
Группа C-47 ВВС армии США на аэродроме, 1944 г.
Авиация и Время 2004-03 / А.Котлобовский, И.Солодянкин - Забытая кампания (2)
"Кобры" и "Дакоты" на авиабазе Колд-Бей. Аляска, 1942г.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bell P-39 Airacobra - США - 1939
Мировая Авиация 165
Прицеп для джипа грузится на борт C-47A из 9-го транспортно-десантного авиакомандования в день высадки в Нормандии 6 июня 1944 года. Загрузка такого оборудования через дверь в фюзеляже была крайне трудоемкой и продолжительной - один из самых серьезных недостатков C-47. Менее чем через сутки 1600 транспортных самолетов и планеров союзников высадили в Нормандии три полнокровные воздушно-десантные дивизии.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-12 / D.Middleton - Airspeed's Silent Warhorse (3)
Horsas and Dakotas in Italy ready for the Allied landings in southern France, 1944.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airspeed Horsa / AS.51 - Великобритания - 1941
АвиаМастер 2005-03 / К.Кузнецов - Крылатый пехотинец дяди Сэма /Монография/
C-47 готовится взлететь с планером "Вако" на буксире.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: WACO CG-4A Hadrian - США - 1942
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / B.Norton - Ready for the Silent Assault /World war two/ (1)
Acquiring tugs to tow the CG-4s up for training was almost as difficult as getting the gliders. One method of getting the most from each C-47 sortie was to haul two WACOs under double tow.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: WACO CG-4A Hadrian - США - 1942
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-06 / Personal album. Military
A Dakota tow aircraft seen from the cockpit of a Hadrian in India, June 1945. Note the position of the towrope relative to the pilot s field of view.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: WACO CG-4A Hadrian - США - 1942
Air Enthusiast 2007-05 / B.Norton - Ready for the Silent Assault /World war two/ (2)
"Just follow the rope!" View from the cockpit of a CG-4A in high tow above a C-47.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: WACO CG-4A Hadrian - США - 1942
История Авиации 33 / В.Чистов - Дух Бури Индостана /Рывок аутсайдера/
"Дакота" с прототипом "Марута" набирает высоту
Другие самолёты на фотографии: HAL HF-24 Marut - Индия - 1961
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-06 / Personal album. Military
Another view of the Hadrian that overshot on landing. Note the lack of wing dihedral and the wheel undercarriage. Some Hadrians jettisoned their wheels on take-off and landed on plywood skids. The strut-braced wings had wooden spars and ribs, were sheathed with thin ply and covered in fabric. All control surfaces were fabric covered.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: WACO CG-4A Hadrian - США - 1942
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-06 / Personal album. Military
This Waco Hadrian overshot while landing at Basal in June 1945. Note the Dakota in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: WACO CG-4A Hadrian - США - 1942
Изд-во Schiffer / S.Markman & B.Holder - One-of-a-kind research aircraft
The use of production aircraft for simulation and testbed missions has been carried out for many years. Here, a C-47 assigned to the Air Force Medical Research Laboratory was used in the 1950s for human engineering experiments.
Aviation Historian 31 / T.Culbert - The Hump pioneers
Desperate times call for desperate measures - wounded British soldiers on stretchers are placed in the shade of a C-47’s wing while awaiting evacuation from Myitkyina to Dinjan in April 1942. Pilots also had to contend with ferrying refugees suffering from tuberculosis, dysentery, cholera, smallpox and malaria.
Aviation Historian 30
Supplies - apparently including boxes of photographic glass plates - being unloaded from a USAAF Douglas C-47 on Vis.
Мировая Авиация 165
Британские военнослужащие из 7-й авиадесантной армии грузятся на борт C-47A ВВС США в ходе операции "Market Garden" - высадки воздушного десанта на Эйндховен, Неймеген и Арнем (17 сентября 1944 года). В тот день в операции было задействовано свыше 1500 самолетов.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 01 - A review of the world's air power during the years 1944-45
R.A.F. and U.S.A.A.F. Dakota transports on an airfield in Southern Greece after bringing in men and supplies for the liberation of the Country.
Моделист-Конструктор Военно-транспортные самолеты Второй мировой войны
Британские парашютисты грузятся в "Дакоту" 512-й эскадрильи перед высадкой в Нормандии, 1944г.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-05 / J.Moss - Air Op Austers: eyes for the Army (5)
Auster V RT538 of 656 Sqn being loaded into a C-47 “Dunibo” for Padang.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Taylorcraft Auster - Великобритания - 1939
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-07 / P.Skinner - Back to Berlin
German labourers load Dakota KN496 with coal at RAF Fassberg, Germany.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-07 / P.Skinner - Back to Berlin
Diversions from Buckeburg to Wunstorf on July 2, 1950: Dakota C Mk IV KN419 with BEA Dakota Freighter G-AGIZ in the background.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-07 / P.Skinner - Back to Berlin
Presentations at Gatow. Senator Wagner and Gp Capt Eustace both hold 30 Sq memorabilia; Wg Cdr Andrew Johnstone, standing next to Wg Cdr David Guest, carries the symbolic lump of coal.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-12 / A.Smith - Monty's Dak
Field Marshal Montgomery, third from left, with KN628 and crew at Blackbushe in 1945.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09 / J.King - From Little Acorns
General view of Gatwick taken in November 1947 with the camouflaged Beehive on the left of the picture.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09 / J.King - From Little Acorns
Taken at the same time was this view of an assortment of Dakotas with two BEA aircraft in the foreground.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-10 / Croydon /Gone but not forgotten/ (5)
Two RAF Dakotas flank an Air France Bloch 221 in April 1946.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bloch MB.220 - Франция - 1936
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-02 / M.Bunn - Daks out East
Dakota IV KN603 in India shortly after the war.
Air Enthusiast 2001-07 / T.Spencer - Land of the Rising Sun
Dakota IV KN649 at Miho in 1947. It was on the strength of the BC Air Comms Sqn but was the personal aircraft of the AOC, hence the nose markings.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-05 / Personal album
Douglas Dakota IV, KJ900, about to be returned to lease lend.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-02 / M.Bunn - Daks out East
Dakota IV KP256 in service in India after the war.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / G.Cull - Chakeri graveyard
Douglas Dakota IV, KN589, with tail cone missing.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / Skywriters
Dick Lewis's photograph of one of Monty's Dakotas, in this case KN628, photographed at Hassani airfield, Greece in June 1946 during a Middle East tour.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-08 / J.Golley - Paratrooper
A Dakota C Mk III, powered by two Twin Wasps and photographed in June 1944.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-12 / F.Adkin - Memoirs of Aircraftsman (12)
Dakota III FD903 NQ-I of No 24 “Commonwealth” Squadron, July 1943.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / 1986 UK Aircraft Collections and Museums Guide
Douglas Dakota KP208 at Aldershot;
Air International 1984-08 / J.Fricker - Breathless Moments
One of the Douglas C-47B Dakota Mk 3s of No 1 Parachute Training School at RAF Upper Heyford in mid-1947.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-02 / Personal album. Military
Dakota III FZ587 of 353 Squadron at Bahrain in February 1944. Following a period with 1334 CU, this Dakota was sold to the Indian government in January 1947.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / Personal album
Douglas Dakota KK134 was with 247 Squadron, RAF Transport Command, when seen at RAAF Station Camden, NSW, Australia, prior to departure for the UK in April 1946.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-05 / Personal album
Hawker Tempest II, PR668, being run-up for flight. The fitter is climbing out of the cockpit, having started the engine by means of Coffman cartridge. The scruffy condition of the paintwork is due to the original grey and green camouflage showing through the silver dope where fitters have climbed about the aircraft. The photograph was taken from the cockpit of a Dakota, and another Mk IV can be seen in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Tempest - Великобритания - 1943
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-12 / B.Shilling - Mutiny!
With the effects of the mutiny blowing over in the spring of 1946, Sir Roderick Carr, by then an Air Marshal, attended a Victory Week display at Delhi. It included some spirited flying by a Hawker Tempest, seen here taking off in front of Dakotas, a Hurricane and the tomb of Safdar Jang.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hurricane - Великобритания - 1935Hawker Tempest - Великобритания - 1943
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / Personal album
The anonymous RAF Dakota was serving as a VIP transport when photographed at RAAF Station Camden, NSW, in February 1946.
Мировая Авиация 230
Транспортные Dakota RAF и ВВС США были незаменимы при операциях по доставке снабжения и вывозу раненых и беженцев из Югославии. На снимке Dakota Mark III из 267-й эскадрильи разгружается в Бари в Италии. К приему раненых и больных партизан и гражданских готовится санитарная группа из 31-го мобильного полевого госпиталя RAF.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-04 / R.Baxter - A touch of the Gregory Pecks
Самолеты Dakota Mk III из 267-й эскадрильи на авиабазе Бари, Италия, 1944 год. В ходе итальянской кампании аэродром активно использовался британскими ВВС и ВВС Армии США.
A line of RAF Transport Command Dakotas seen at Bari, Italy, a well-known staging post during the war. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-04 / R.Baxter - A touch of the Gregory Pecks
A line of Transport Command Dakotas at a staging post in the Middle East.
Air Enthusiast 2006-01 / The Roundels File
Preston-built Mk. VI RG814 was used mostly by Bristol on engine trials and is shown in Canada. Behind is Avro Lincoln 1 RE250 and some Douglas Dakotas. RG814 was struck off charge in May 1948.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lincoln / Type 694 - Великобритания - 1944Handley Page Halifax / H.P.57 - Великобритания - 1939
Мировая Авиация 167
Самолеты Dakota из 271-й эскадрильи 46-й авиагруппы (авиабаза Даун-Ампни) разгружаются на аэродроме в Бельгии, 1945 год.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-07 / P.Skinner - Back to Berlin
25 or so Dakotas loading and unloading, probably during operation Plainfare.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-07 / P.Skinner - Back to Berlin
An AC2 clears the first Dakota in the wave to taxy up the apron to the peri-track.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-07 / Personal album
The fine shot of Douglas C-47B Dakota 4 KN279 is interesting because the aircraft was later to appear on the British civil register as G-ANAD. Its original US identity was 43-49954, and after operations as G-ANAD it was sold in Aden in March 1954 as VR-AAI.
Мировая Авиация 167
Этот самолет Dakota Mk III принадлежал 257-й эскадрилье и запечатлен в октябре 1944 года около Миссолонги во время возвращения на свою базу в Араксосе (Греция). На носу - отличительный знак эскадрильи - пегас.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-04 / R.Baxter - A touch of the Gregory Pecks
Dakota 'S for Sugar’ flying over the picturesque Grecian Islands near Missolonghi.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-05 / Personal album
Douglas Dakota I FD784 over East Africa. Over 50 Mk Is were supplied to the RAF under lend-lease. The RAF's Dakota I corresponded to the USAAF's C-47, and No 117 Squadron was the first to use them in the Middle East.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-12 / A.Smith - Monty's Dak
Dakota IV KN628 carrying Montgomery's Union Jack and five-star insignia on its tail.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / ??? - The Dak is 50
The photograph, taken by Y. D. PRINZEN on July 11, 1985, depicts Aces High's DC-3 G-DAKS. The aircraft is painted as Flt Lt David Lord VC’s Dakota, KG874, of 271 Sqn.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / M.O'Leary - Flight into history
Further view of specially-painted Dak 12944, airborne over Vancouver Island in mid-March during its farewell tour of Western Canada.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / M.O'Leary - Flight into history
Aircraft 12944, formerly FZ671 (shown here), was repainted in the D-Day colours of 437 Sqn in Europe in 1944-45 (shame about the camouflage shades though), while its hangar-mate 12963 wore the Burma colours of 435/436 Sqn of the same period.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09
Aces High C-47 Dakota G-DAKS was painted recently to represent the aircraft of Flt Lt David Lord VC, shot down at Arnhem in 1944.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / ??? - The Dak is 50
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-06 / Grapevine
The world's two greatest transport aeroplanes in formation over North Weald on April 19, 1986: these examples are Douglas Dakota G-DAKS and Junkers Ju 52 (actually a licence-built CASA 352L) G-BFHG.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Junkers Ju.52/3m - Германия - 1931
Мировая Авиация 167
Dakota Mk III "Kwicherbichen UK" из 233-й эскадрильи возвращается 1 августа 1944 года из Нормандии с ранеными. 13 июня 1944 года два самолета Dakota из этой эскадрильи стали первыми из Транспортного командования, севшими в День Д во Франции.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06 / 1985 UK airshows guide
Aces High's Dakota, in full D-Day markings, flies past in the hands of "Dizzy" Addicott.
Air International 1984-08 / J.Fricker - Breathless Moments
Some breathless moments for a training stick from one of the Parachute Training School's Dakotas. The first student out is carrying a 60-lb (27-kg) kitbag strapped to his leg, which is causing an uncharacteristic (and highly undesirable) somersault in the slipstream. The canopy-last deployment sequence of the X-Type Statichute is graphically shown in this photograph, in which the rigging lines have just reached their full extension and are about to pull the parachute canopy from its bag stowage. Bags and strops from two previous jumpers in the stick are trailing from the door, from which the student (an RAF nursing sister) is holding a textbook exit position.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-12 / P.Hearn - 50 years of parachute training
An armada of Dakotas drops paratroopers of the 1st Airborne Division at Arnhem. Britain had two divisions of Airborne troops by 1944.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-02 / M.Bunn - Daks out East
A typical dropping zone in Malaya seen from a supply-dropping Dakota. Quarter flap has been lowered in preparation for the first drop.
Мировая Авиация 167
Dakota готовится подцепить планер Waco - данная техника использовалась для возвращения планеров, задействованных в 1944 году во 2-й экспедиции британских сил спецназначения, дислоцированных в Индии (они именовались "Chindits", в 1944 году включали 3-ю индийскую пехотную дивизию).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: WACO CG-4A Hadrian - США - 1942
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / M.Hardy - 1950 RAF display (2)
Two views of the Dakota C.4/Waco CG-4A-CM Hadrian snatch pick-up combination. Dakota KN641 is about to tow the Waco from a standing start.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: WACO CG-4A Hadrian - США - 1942
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-04 / R.Baxter - A touch of the Gregory Pecks
An RAF Dakota lands past a Lockheed Hudson at a Middle East airfield.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed Hudson A-28 / A-29 - США - 1938
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-01 / Photographic competition. The winners
One of two shots highly commended by the judges was by G. Frankland of London SW2, who photographed Aces High Dakota G-DAKS “KG874” at Duxford on June 8, 1984
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-04 / R.Baxter - A touch of the Gregory Pecks
Dakota III FZ554 landing at Camilla, Italy on July 24, 1944. Nearly 2,000 Dakotas were provided by the USA for the RAF under the lend lease agreement. Over 50 RAF Squadrons and as many other units used the aircraft during the war.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-11 / S.Piercey - The great warbirds display
Aces High's KG374.
Мир Авиации 2006-02 / Д.Комиссаров - RIAT 2006: праздник на любой вкус /Своими глазами/
Посадка C-47B "Дакота" Mk 4 борта KK116 (он же G-AMPY, зав. N 26569/сер. N 15124).
Мировая Авиация 163
Этот ZA947 (последний самолет Dakota), находившийся в эксплуатации в Великобритании, с 1983 года принадлежал авиационному научно-исследовательскому институту в Фарнборо и привлекался к испытаниям различного оборудования, включая парашютные системы. В 1993 году его передали мемориальному летному отряду "Battle of Britain Memorial Flight".
Мировая Авиация 168
Один C-47B с лыжным шасси входил в состав Антарктического отряда австралийских ВВС, но потерпел аварию в 1960 году. Ракетные ускорители (RATO) существенно сократили взлетную дистанцию машины.
Air Enthusiast 2003-11 / G.Salerno - Over the Poles
An R4D-5 taking off from the carrier USS 'Philippine Sea' as the beginning of High Jump.
Мировая Авиация 21
31 октября 1956г.: R4D-5 Skytrain Que Sera Sera из 6-й Антарктической исследовательской эскадрильи (VX-6) ВМС США с экипажем под командованием контр-адмирала Джорджа Дюфека стал первым самолетом, приземлившимся на Южном полюсе.
Air Enthusiast 1999-11 / N.Gillespie - 'Deep Freeze' (1)
During the long winter nights the snow could bury the aircraft of VX-6. Many man-hours were needed to ‘recover’ them
Air Enthusiast 2003-11 / G.Salerno - Over the Poles
Douglas R4D-5s at Little America IV, during Operation High Jump in 1947, with stoves connected to the engines.
Мир Авиации 2005-02 / В.Мартианов - Шестой континент, пятый океан... /Страницы истории/ (2)
Аэродром американской станции Мак-Мердо. Слева направо: B-26 "Инвейдер", UH-34, R4D (флотское обозначение C-47), P2V "Нептун", "Бивер", R4D-8 (он же LC-117, он же "Super DC-3"). На переднем плане - дом Роберта Скотта (находится внутри строения). 25 октября 1958 года.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver - Канада - 1947Douglas A-26 / B-26 Invader - США - 1942Lockheed Neptune P2V - США - 1945Sikorsky CH-34 / S-58 Choсtaw - США - 1954
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v3
Workers at the Douglas Long Beach plant pose by the 2,000th DC-3 from their assembly line.
Flight 1937-10 / Flight
Workers in the Douglas factory at Santa Monica well into their job on a D.C.3.
Flight 1937-11 / Flight
PROTECTIVE PULSATIONS: Installing the latest Goodrich de-icing equipment on the leading edge of a T.W.A. Douglas. It is arranged so that pulsations of air through rubber tubing under the rubber covering break off the ice as soon as it forms. The device is controlled by a master valve and pressure is obtained from the engine exhaust. The pulsations raise the covering about half an inch.
Моделист-Конструктор Военно-транспортные самолеты Второй мировой войны
Сборка C-47 на заводе "Дуглас" в Лонг-Бич, 1944 г.
Мир Авиации 1999-04 / В.Котельников - От DC-3 до Ли-2 /Крупным планом/
Сборка DC-3-196 советского заказа в США.
Моделист-Конструктор Военно-транспортные самолеты Второй мировой войны
C-47, предназначенный для поставки в СССР, аэродром Грейт-Фоллз, 1944г.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2011-10 / Гражданская авиация Камчатки /Фотоархив/
C-47, аэродром Марково, 5.02.1946
История Авиации 2002-06 / А.Степанов - ГВФ СССР накануне Второй Мировой войны /Статистический анализ/
Если накануне Великой Отечественной войны советским конструкторам удалось создать вполне современные боевые самолеты, то матчасть для ГВФ предполагалось переоснастить исключительно за счет лицензионного выпуска американских образцов. Ничего сопоставимого по эффективности и надежности, сравнимого с легендарными "дакотой" и "каталиной", нашим конструкторам не удалось разработать.
Мир Авиации 1999-04 / В.Котельников - От DC-3 до Ли-2 /Крупным планом/
DC-3 управления международных линий ГВФ, 1939г.
Мир Авиации 1999-04 / В.Котельников - От DC-3 до Ли-2 /Крупным планом/
Первые ПС-84 эксплуатировались в Московском управлении ГВФ. Рейсовый DC-3-196 "Аэрофлота" перед вылетом из Москвы. Зима 1940г. Коки на винты поставлены уже в СССР.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2023-04 / В.Морозов - АНТ-37 "Родина". Мифы и реальность /Женщины и авиация/ (2)
Начальник Управления международных воздушных линий ГВФ СССР В. Гризодубова (вторая слева) с коллегами на фоне одного из первых в СССР самолётов «Дуглас» DC-3. Москва, начало 1939 г.
Авиация и Время 2019-06 / М.Маслов - Магистральный пассажирский самолет ПС-35 (АНТ-35)
ПС-41 - гражданский вариант бомбардировщика СБ (на переднем плане). Среди «Дугласов» едва различим один ПС-35. Аэропорт Внуково, 1941 г.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Архангельский, Туполев ПС-35 / АНТ-35 - Россия - 1936Архангельский, Туполев СБ бис - Россия - 1937
Авиация и Космонавтика 2009-04 / М.Никольский - 14-й ГвИАП
Перебазирование личного состава на аэродром Ямки с аэродрома Углово. Февраль 1944г.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2011-10 / Гражданская авиация Камчатки /Фотоархив/
C-47 и "Додж", аэродром Марково, 05.02.1946г.
Авиация и Время 2011-02 / А.Демин - Воздушные драконы Поднебесной (13)
И-16 тип 5 китайских ВВС с черным капотом мотора на промежуточной базе. При перелете группы И-16 на аэродром Гуйлинь в качестве самолета-лидировщика использовался транспортный C-47
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Поликарпов И-16 тип 5 (6) - Россия - 1934
АвиаПарк 2010-02 / В.Кондратьев - Дальневосточные десанты
Самолеты и танки Квантунской армии, захваченные советскими десантниками на аэродроме Мукден. В центре транспортный "Мицубиси" Ки-57, правее пассажирский Фоккер "Универсал" маньчжурской авиакомпании, на заднем плане справа "Дугласы" и Ли-2 12-й Воздушной армии
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fokker/Atlantic F.9 Universal / F.18 / F.XI Super Universal - США - 1926Mitsubishi Ki.57/L4M - Япония - 1940Лисунов Ли-2 / ПС-84 - Россия - 1939
АвиаПарк 2010-02 / В.Кондратьев - Дальневосточные десанты
Бывший император Маньчжурии Пу-И возле "Дугласа", который доставит его в СССР.
Авиация и Время 1997-06 / К.-Ф.Геуст - В небе над Хельсинки и Карельским перешейком, зима-лето 1944г. /Аэроархив/ (3)
Офицеры 20-го ГвАК АДД у штабного C-47. На киле самолета нарисован флаг с надписью "2-й Гвардейский Брянский"
Авиация и Космонавтика 2017-01 / В.Морозов - В степях, где течет Керулен: Авиация Монголии 1924-2016 (1)
Советский «Дуглас» ДС-3 в Улан-Баторе. Лето 1939 г. Халхин-Гол стал первой войной, где ВВС РККА применили самолеты этого типа, причем это были еще не ПС-84 советской сборки, а именно три полученных из США «эталонных» для серии ДС-3. Любопытно, что кроме замысловатого камуфляжа и бортовых номеров эти ДС-3 не несли никаких опознавательных знаков
Мир Авиации 1993-04 / К.Косминков - Самолеты особого назначения /Раритет/
C-47A (N 292853) в пассажирском варианте особого назначения. НИИ ВВС, конец 1945.
Авиация и Время 1999-05 / С.Смирнов, К.Удалов, Р.Мараев - "Дуглас" Лисунова /Монография/
C-47, эксплуатировавшиеся по окончании войны в СССР, после выработки ресурса "родных" двигателей оснащались советскими моторами. Этой машине достались М-88
Air Pictorial 1977-10 / P.Thompson - The R.Danish A.F. Today
Dakota K-683, c/n. 19677, ex-R. Norwegian A.F., serves with Esk721 and is seen in the current olive drab scheme with dayglo panels. Picture was taken at Vaerlese in 1975
Air Pictorial 1977-10 / P.Thompson - The R.Danish A.F. Today
Close-up of nose of Dakota K-681, c/n. 19664, at Vaerlose in late 1975. Note badge of Esk721 behind cockpit window. When applied to aircraft, squadron shields, as depicted above, are incorporated into a crowned badge with wings symbolising movement
Air International 1984-06
Dakota K38 of the Force Aerienne Beige in the original unpainted metal finish
Air International 1984-06
K1 in the later white-top finish with red trim.
Air International 1984-06
The second of two NASARR-equipped Dakotas, K40.
Мировая Авиация 173
C-47 в турецких ВВС эксплуатировались до 1995 года как самолеты радио- и радиотехнической разведки. На снимке - самолет с обозначениями, применявшимися до 1973 года.
История Авиации 30 / Д.Кондратков - Натовский междусобойчик на Кипре /Авиация в локальных войнах/
Выброс десанта с турецких C-47
Авиация и Время 2002-01 / М.Жирохов, Д.Шевчук - ВВС Израиля, 1948-49гг. (3)
Израильтяне применяли "Дакоты" и по их прямому назначению, и в качестве бомбардировщиков
Air Pictorial 1958-02
Judging by the number of D.F. loops on top of the fuselage, the Israeli Dakota 3, 4X-FAK, which visited Blackbushe during the month, is a navigational trainer bent on outdoing the Valetta T.3 in the matter of dorsal impedimenta.
Aviation Historian 15 / S.Aloni - The Pick-up Artist
Douglas C-47 "1409” of 103 Squadron was used throughout Operation Yarkon for transport duties. From November 1948 all IAF aircraft types were given a four-digit serial, the first two numbers representing the aircraft type - "04” for the Piper Cub/Super Cub, “14” for the C-47 etc - and the second pair representing the individual airframe.
Aviation Historian 15 / S.Aloni - The Pick-up Artist
A Nord Noratlas and a pair of C-47s of the IAF’s 103 Squadron at Solomon Field, Sharm el-Sheikh, in November 1956, towards the end of Operation Kadesh - the Israeli occupation of Sinai, for which Yarkon had been a prelude.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Nord Nord 2500 Noratlas - Франция - 1949
Air Enthusiast 2007-07 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (3)
A Dakota and a Spitfire over Tel Aviv. This photo is often said to illustrate an Israeli fighter in the process of shooting down an Egyptian bomber. In reality it almost certainly shows the REAF 'bomber' with one of the pair of escorting Spitfires.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.V - Великобритания - 1941
Air International 1982-05 / ??? - Egypt: an air power in transition (2)
C-47 816 of the REAF in Cyprus shortly after the Palestine War. This machine is known to have flown a bombing sortie from al-Arish on July 14, 1948.
The REAF acquired a number of ex-USAAF C-47 Dakotas that had been abandoned at Paine Field, Cairo, at the end of WWII and were subsequently rebuilt. The C-47s were employed as makeshift bombers during the first Arab-lsraeli conflict. -
Air Enthusiast 2007-07 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (3)
Dakota 815 was only used as a transport during the Palestine War and was left in its overall bare metal finish apart from a black anti-dazzle panel in front of the windscreen.
Air Enthusiast 2007-07 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (3)
Egyptian Dakota 818 glimpsed from behind the first Hawker Fury (702).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Fury / Sea Fury - Великобритания - 1944
Air Enthusiast 2007-07 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (3)
Fg Off Shalabi al-Hinnawi and an unnamed colleague in front of one of the REAF's uncamouflaged transport Dakotas at al-Arish in 1948.
Air Pictorial 1977-12 / A.Heape - Aviation Africa '77
An interesting visitor to Lanseria was this Douglas DC-3 of No. 3 Squadron, Rhodesian A.F. It was formerly VP-YKP of Air Rhodesia
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-09 / В.Морозов - В желтой, жаркой Африке: Авиация Родезии и Зимбабве (1)
Тренировки парашютистов родезийского эскадрона SAS в тренировочном центре в Нью-Саруме, 1963 г. На заднем плане видна «Дакота» RRAF в ранней, серебристо-белой окраске
Мировая Авиация 173
ВВС Заира - так в 1971-1997 годах именовалось нынешнее государство Конго - получили свои C-47 в 1971 году и эксплуатировали наряду с экс-португальскими C-54.
Air Pictorial 1976-03 / J.Wegg - Angola - a last look?
CTA DC-3 CR-LDK, c/n. 12445, ex ZS-DDC, G-AIRH
Air Pictorial 1976-03 / J.Wegg - Angola - a last look?
Engineless DC-3 CR-LBL, withdrawn from use at Luanda, still carries DTA titles as well as TAAG emblem.
Авиация и Время 2007-02 / Р.Уррибаррес - Посланцы Фиделя (Кубинские авиаторы в Анголе. 1975-1976гг.) (1)
Три "Норатласа" и один DC-3 из Транспортной эскадрильи на стоянке аэропорта Луанда
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Nord Nord 2500 Noratlas - Франция - 1949
Aviation Historian 14
Congo crisis: A line-up of ONUC (Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo) aircraft at Kamina in January 1963 - Philippine Air Force North American F-86 Sabres and Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet) Saab J 29Bs on the right, and Imperial Iranian Air Force F-86 Sabres nearest the camera. A Douglas DC-3 and two Sikorsky UH-19 helicopters complete the group.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: North American F-86 Sabre - США - 1947SAAB Tunnan / J-29 - Швеция - 1948Sikorsky UH-19 / HO4S / S-55 Chickasaw - США - 1949
Air Pictorial 1977-12 / A.Heape - Aviation Africa '77
C-47 Dakota 6877 of No. 25 Squadron. Ysterplaat, near Cape Town, with yellow and black stripes denoting its target-tug role
Air Enthusiast 1973-03 / ??? - Winged springbok: ... then South African Air Force today
Elderly types still operated by the SAAF in the transport role and on general duties include the Douglas C-47
Мировая Авиация 168
ЮАР использовала Dakota, поскольку других подходящих самолетов не было. Самолеты стали ветеранами войны в буше, использовались в качестве VIP-транспортов большой дальности и даже "пережили" самолеты Transall.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06 / M.Oakey - Fifty not out!
HERMAN POTGIETER'S photograph, taken in December 1984, depicts a Douglas C-47 of 25 Sqn SAAF.
Авиация и Время 2007-02 / Р.Уррибаррес - Посланцы Фиделя (Кубинские авиаторы в Анголе. 1975-1976гг.) (1)
Для снабжения войск ЮАР по мере их продвижения на север Анголы использовались легендарные "Дакоты"
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-12 / News Spotlight
This South African Air Force Dakota flew 10,000 philatelic commemorative covers from the Air Force Base Swartkop to Sishen on October 6, 1979, to mark the 30th Anniversary of the ending of the Berlin Airlift. Costing 1 Rand plus postage, the covers are available from Cmdt B. de Wet, SAAF Museum, Air Force Headquarters, Private Bag X199, Pretoria 0001.
Air Pictorial 2000-05 / D.Nicolle - Canberra down!
A Canberra taking off from Akrotiri during the 1956 Suez War. The aircraft is probably a PR. 7 of No 13 Sqn, or from the 58 Sqn flight attached to No 13 during the crisis, since these were the only Canberras based at Akrotiri at that time. It carries yellow and black ‘invasion stripes’, as do the French C-47 Dakotas in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: English Electric / BAE Canberra - Великобритания - 1949
Мировая Авиация 173
C-47 приняли активное участие в войне в Индокитае, после чего они оказались в ВВС Лаоса, Вьетнама и Камбоджи. На снимке - самолет из авиатранспортной группы GT II/62 "Franche Comte".
Мировая Авиация 163
C-47 в первой вьетнамской войне. Япония еще не была повержена, а французские военные уже направила в Индокитай три Douglas C-47 - передовой отряд войсковой группировки с задачей восстановить контроль над бывшей колонией. Вместе с самолетами AAC.1 Toucan (Junkers Ju 52/3m) эти самолеты составляли ядро французских ВВС. И хотя их боевая нагрузка была относительно небольшой, зато C-47 были просты и надежны в эксплуатации, поэтому идеально подходили для Юго-Восточной Азии того времени.
История Авиации 2000-04 / М.Райдер - Пылающее небо Кохинхины /Неизвестная война/
Экипажи транспортных "Дакот" в ходе Индокитайского конфликта не только не зачехляли двигатели, на частенько питались и даже спали в своих кабинах...
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-05
The Royal Canadian Air Force has operated the C-47 in a variety of roles. After more than 30 years they still maintain a small number in reserve for general transport duties.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / M.O'Leary - Flight into history
April 1, 1989 marked the ceremonial retirement at CFB Winnipeg of the remaining nine Douglas Dakotas of 402 Sqn, Canadian Armed Forces - the last Nato air force to operate the type. As part of the farewell celebrations two of the Daks swapped their standard markings (seen here on aircraft 12938) for more nostalgic colour schemes.
Мировая Авиация 168
Канадские ВВС использовали самолеты в роли транспортных - машины были окрашены по характерной схеме, с "молнией" на борту. Dakota также поступили на вооружение 103-й спасательной эскадрильи (Ньюфаундленд).
Air Pictorial 1957-09 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
OXYDOL YELLOW AND BLACK. Rarely illustrated Royal Canadian Air Force air gunnery target-towing aircraft, familiarly known as "Oxydols" after the branded soap powder's yellow-and-black carton, is a Douglas Dakota TT. Mk. 3 (R.C.A.F. serial 660), at Sea Island, Vancouver, B.C.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / M.O'Leary - Flight into history
Further view of specially-painted Dak 12963
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / M.O'Leary - Flight into history
Aircraft 12944, formerly FZ671, was repainted in the D-Day colours of 437 Sqn in Europe in 1944-45, while its hangar-mate 12963 (shown here) wore the Burma colours of 435/436 Sqn of the same period.
Мировая Авиация 163
Поступив в начале Второй мировой войны в четыре эскадрильи, Dakota находился на вооружении австралийских ВВС более 50 лет. После войны самолеты привлекались к операциям в Малайе и Корее.
Мировая Авиация 163
Dakota австралийских ВВС следует над Малаккским проливом по направлению к авиабазе Буттерворт. Австралия поддерживала Dakota в летном состоянии вплоть до 1970-х годов, заменив их на C-130 Hercules и DHC-4 Caribou.
Air International 1994-08 / M.Wright - The Royal Australian Air Force
Last RAAF operator of the venerable Dakota is the Edinburgh-based Aircraft Research & Development Unit which was scheduled to retire its last five examples in 1982 - 12 years later four of these still soldier on with the unit, including A65-86 illustrated here! The type has seen continuous RAAF operation since 1939 with some 127 examples having seen service at one time or another, together with ten DC-2s.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-02 / Douglas C-47B A65-71/43-49870 /Preservation Profile/
A65-71 in the colours of the Transport Support Flight, Butterworth, Malaysia, shortly after its return to Australia.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-02 / Douglas C-47B A65-71/43-49870 /Preservation Profile/
A rare flying shot of A65-71 taken towards the end of World War Two.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-02 / Douglas C-47B A65-71/43-49870 /Preservation Profile/
A65-71 photographed in 1981 when it was repainted in the wartime colours of 37 Squadron.
Air Pictorial 1978-01
On 12th November 1977 the Douglas Dakota was officially retired from R.N.Z.A.F. service after a career spanning 34 years. One of the R.N.Z.A.F.'s last Dakotas, NZ3551, is seen at Woodbourne with Hawker Siddeley Andover C.1 NZ7628 which has replaced it as VIP aircraft in No. 42 Squadron
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker-Siddeley Andover / HS.748 - Великобритания - 1960
Мировая Авиация 168
Новозеландские ВВС также использовали Dakota длительное время - 49 машин были получены в годы Второй мировой войны, но последние самолеты сняли с эксплуатации в 1977 году.
Air Enthusiast 2001-07 / T.Spencer - Land of the Rising Sun
Support from home for the RNZAF contingent of BCOF came from the Dakotas of 41 Squadron, such as NZ3543 in 1947.
Мировая Авиация 173
413-я транспортная эскадрилья вьетнамских ВВС использовала C-47 в качестве VIP-транспортных. Данный C-47 был приписан к командующему II корпуса и базировался в Плейку.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2019-05 / В.Морозов - Авиация во Вьетнамской войне (1)
Линейка основных самолетов, которые поставлялись VNAF. Слева направо: L-19 (Helio Courier ???), T-28, B-26B, C-47, C-46 и C-123. Авиабаза Тан Шон Нят, начало 1960-х гг.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Curtiss-Wright C-46 / CW-20 Commando - США - 1940Douglas A-26 / B-26 Invader - США - 1942Fairchild C-123 Provider - США - 1949Helio Courier - США - 1949North American T-28 Trojan - США - 1949
Мировая Авиация 55
Авиация являлась ключевым элементом в попытке Голландии сохранить контроль над Ост-Индией. В "полицейской акции" в декабре 1947 года использовались десантники, но ее успех только усилил последующую активность партизан.
Air International 1993-11 / B.van der Klaauw - Going Dutch - the Aviolanda story
Initial post-war activity seen here in 1948 with bus assembly on the left. North American Harvards in the centre, Fairey Fireflies on the right and a Douglas C-47 Dakota in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fairey Firefly - Великобритания - 1941North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
C-47 T.3.-43 ‘77-73’ was one of the first to join the Jerez de la Frontera-based Escuela de Polimotores in 1962. Note the owl badge under the cockpit and the 'Pedros' in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: CASA 2-111 - Испания - 1943
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
T3-2 ended its life serving with the High Staff Group’s 911 Squadron at Getafe. Cuatro Vientos, August 1978.
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
T.3-42 serving 745 Squadron at Matacan as ‘745-42’ in August 1974.
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
No.744 Squadron was the companion unit of 745 Squadron, within the Multi-Engined School at Matacan during the C-47 epoch. T.3-64 ‘744-64’ at Matacan, August 1974.
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
Beyond use with 745 Squadron, T.3-42 joined 911 Squadron, illustrating the code change involved. Getafe, August 1974.
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
The Air Academy’s T.3-12 ‘792-6’ awaits overhaul at the Maestranza Aerea de Madrid, Cuatro Vientos, August 1976.
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
Flying training demands were such that 745 Squadron could not find the time to put their code on T.3-67 before the aircraft was finally withdrawn. Cuatro Vientos, August 1976.
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
In spite of the ‘461-46’ code denoting 461 Squadron, T.3-46 was flown by 721 Squadron prior to being stored at Maestranza Aerea de Madrid, Cuatro Vientos, August 1976.
Мировая Авиация 173
Первые два испанских C-47 (обозначались как T.3) были получены в 1947 году - ВВС получили два самолета от компании "Iberia". Всего было приобретено 67 самолетов, последние 11 машин были получены от "Iberia" в 1966 году.
Air Enthusiast 1999-03 / J.Serrano - Fifty years of DC service
T.3-31 served with 461 Squadron, initially coded ‘461-27’ and then ‘461-31’, from October 1970 to December 1974.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / Personal album
South Arabian Air Force Douglas C-47, serial number 203, at Hum on October 17, 1967.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / Personal album
South Arabian Air Force Douglas C-47, serial number 203, photographed at Khormaksar, Aden in November 1967.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / Personal album
South Arabian Air Force fuselage markings on a Douglas C-47, Khormaksar, Aden, 1967.
Air Pictorial 1957-11
Pride of place among foreign military visitors to Blackbushe undoubtedly went to the Luftwaffe Dakota 4.
Мировая Авиация 173
Первый из восьми шведских C-47, получивших обозначение Tp 79, был получен в 1949 году. 13 июня 1952 года один самолет-разведчик Tp 79 сбит над Балтикой советским истребителем МиГ-15.
Air Pictorial 1977-11 / M.Hooks - Finland's Air Show
DO-10 is one of several C-47 Dakotas still used by Ilmavoimat
Air Enthusiast 1998-01 / R.Niccoli - Atlantic Sentinels
Douglas C-47 250 (ex-USAAF 43-15037) was interned in 1943 and remained as the only Dakota in service until 1953.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 01 - A review of the world's air power during the years 1944-45
Mules being loaded into a Dakota of the Balkan Air Force for transport to Yugoslavia for the use of Partisans in mountain warfare.
Мировая Авиация 173
Греческие ВВС получили C-47 из разных источников, включая и британские ВВС. Греческие Dakota принимали участие в операции ООН в Корее.
Авиация и Время 2002-03 / А.Котлобовский, М.Жирохов - Пылающий Индостан (1)
Одна из пакистанских "Дакот" над горами в Кашмире
Air Enthusiast 1999-07 / L.Hellstrom - Air War in Paradise
The C-47 was the most numerous operational aircraft of the AURI. T-442 was inherited from the Dutch and is seen in early post-independence markings
Aviation Historian 15 / G.Ellis - Brothers in Arms
Ground support for the RAF’s operations in Zambia was vital and President Kaunda put his small fleet of Douglas C-47s at the disposal of the British forces. Here sundry items of equipment are unloaded by RAF Regiment personnel from a Zambia Air Force C-47 at Lusaka in 1966.
Мировая Авиация 173
Армейская авиация Уганды эксплуатировала как минимум семь C-47, включая бывшие израильские машины. Считается, что многие C-47 были затем возвращены Израилю.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Recently installed atop a traffic roundabout in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is Douglas DC-3 5B-CBD (c/n 9623). Formerly 42-23761, FD901, G-AGHM and VP-KGI, it served with BOAC, BEA, Skyways and Cambrian before being sold in Cyprus. It fell derelict at Jeddah, but was restored by Saudia to represent the airline’s first type.
АвиаМастер 2002-01 / М.Жирохов - "Инвэйдеры" охотились на "Львов" /Горячая точка/
Кроме "Тексана", в кадр попала заходящая на посадку "Дакота" и вертолет "Шони".
Другие самолёты на фотографии: North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935Piasecki H-21 Shawnee - США - 1952
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-02 / Personal album
Dakota PP-VBB has its Brazilian markings barely visible above the wartime camouflage. The RAF serial number, KN338 can be distinguished just forward of the tailplane. The Dakota is seen at Croydon on January 4, 1947.
Мировая Авиация 173
После войны Аргентина получила большое количество C-47 и C-54, последние использовались в качестве связных 5-й авиабригадой до начала 1990-х годов.
Air International 1984-02 / S.Huertas - The Chilean Air Force ... an air arm with a problem
Some two dozen C-47s have been used by the FACh and several remain in service
История Авиации 2000-02 / М.Райдер - Последний бой "Мустангов" и "Корсаров" /Авиация в локальных войнах/
Из-за эмбарго на поставку оружия объявленного США сальвадорцы использовали в качестве бомбардировщиков "Дакоты", а гондурасцы в качестве перехватчиков "Трояны", причем последние оказались довольно эффективны даже в руках резервистов.
Мировая Авиация 173
Панама получила от ВВС США два C-47 (FAP-203 и FAP-204), включая и этот C-47A-DL (в ВВС США - 43-15970). В 1969-1984 годах панамские ВВС располагали пятью машинами.
Мировая Авиация 173
Гондурас располагал транспортными C-47 и ганшипами AC-47, причем со временем часть транспортных самолетов получила турбовинтовые двигатели.
Aviation Historian 34 / L.Hellstrom - Decidedly cosmopolitan
ONU 218 drones across the Congolese skies in December 1962, photographed by a Flygvapnet Saab S 29C Tunnan reconnaissance jet.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2023-12 / В.Морозов - Воздушная война во Вьетнаме (42)
Механизированное подразделение армии ДРВ в аэропорту Тан Шон Нят. Слева видна стоянка C-47. Сайгон, 9 мая 1975 г.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-03 / J.Frazer - Powder Puff pilots (1)
Female Chinese Air Force pilots and crew at Peking airfield in March 1952 - according to the caption on the original print.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Douglas C-47C Skytrain Transport fitted with Edo amphibian float gear.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-11 / ??? - Sea boots
In 1943 Douglas produced the sole XC-47C, 42-5671, a C-47 fitted with Edo amphibious type floats. The floats had nose wheels in addition to wheels under the steps, and each housed a 300gal fuel tank.
Aviation Historian 4 / D.Stringer - Fly America! (2)
In 1958 Trans-Texas Airways modified its fleet of DC-3s to its HiPer (high-performance) standard, incorporating mainwheel-well doors, streamlined oil cooler fairings and modified engine cowlings, increasing the type’s cruising speed by some 26 m.p.h. The upgraded aircraft were given the soubriquet “Super Starliners”.
Air Pictorial 1957-12 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
A visitor to London Airport recently an AiResearch DC-3 modified to Maximizer standard with close cowls, spinners, revised nose and fully-enclosed main wheels. This DC-3 is owned by the Richfield Oil Company of Texas. Registration N1075M.
Air Pictorial 1957-12 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
DE LUXE DC-3. More and more Douglas DC-3s are being modernised in the U.S.A., by AiResearch Aviation Service Coy. (Garrett Corpn.), Remmert-Werner Inc., and others. Photo: A modified DC-3 belonging to Avro Aircraft Ltd. (CF-DJT, c/n. 19039), Note the new, small-diameter cowlings.
Aviation Historian 30 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (2)
DC-3 G-AMYW (c/n 33020) Joined the Hunting fleet in August 1953.
Air Pictorial 1956-06 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
BIRDCAGE DAKOTA. Extraordinary things sometimes bedeck aeroplanes, but none can be stranger than this selection of geophysical detection devices on top and each side of G-AMYW, a Dakota 4 (ex-44-76688/1945). Note also the "stinger" behind tail. This Hunting Aerosurveys, Ltd. Dakota will operate in Africa. Our thanks to the many readers who sent in photographs of it.
Aviation Historian 30 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (2)
G-AMYW fitted with the full complement of electromagnetic equipment, including the “bird”, MAD boom and “Meccano set” attached to the fuselage. The author recalls the latter: “It had a distinct ‘whistling’ airflow, Some said it could be made to produce a tune by varying the aircraft’s speed. We often got comments from air traffic control when taxying - ‘did you make it yourself?’ etc”.
Air Pictorial 1958-03 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
Hunting Aerosurveys' combined-geophysics Dakota 4 (G-AMYW; ex-44-76688) is now flying in further modified form. Compare with ground view in June 1956 "Photo Review": gone are the trio of dorsal "derricks", but additionally there is a ventral D/F loop housing.
Aviation Historian 30 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (2)
Without the "bird", but with a magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) boom protruding from the tail (unfortunately cropped from this photograph!), G-AMYW taxies out for another sortie. Hunting Surveys Ltd was formed in late 1959 with the merging of Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd and Hunting Geophysics Ltd, the names of both of which are seen beneath the Hunting legend in this photograph, dating it as taken before the merger.
Aviation Historian 30 / E.Wild - Say Cheese! (2)
Used extensively for airborne mineral survey work, G-AMYW was fitted with various configurations of electromagnetic equipment, including “the bird” - a magnetometer on an 80ft (25m) cable stowed on the underside of the fuselage just aft of the trailing edge, as seen here.
Air Pictorial 1958-08 / Photo Review
SEEING IS BELIEVING. New Zealand provide unusual conversion. This crop-duster Douglas C-47B Dakota (c/n. 33316; ZK/AZL, ex-R.N.Z.A.F. NZ3518 and formerly U.S.A.F. 44-76984) is owned by James Aviation Ltd., and is known as the "Hi Land Duster". Note huge mobile crane and unique loader.
Мировая Авиация 168
Компания "Hayes" в 1953 году переоборудовала 26 самолетов в вариант AC-47D дли калибровки навигационной аппаратуры (в период вьетнамской войны это обозначение присвоили ганшипам).
Air Pictorial 1957-09
SHORT CIRCUITS & BUMPS. Taking the prize for the "Dak with the mostest" is this U.S. Navy Douglas R4D-6Q (Q for Electronic Devices) utilised as a flying classroom for Radar Observer training. Note the thimble-nose radome, two ventral radomes and the just-visible dorsal radome immediately behind the cockpit. Under each wing (starboard carrier shown) may be mounted an additional radar pack. Just forward of the tailplane is the coding FAETULANT.
Air Pictorial 1956-08
A new nose and paint job for DC-3, TS423.
Air Enthusiast 1972-03 / In print
EC-47P, a USAF Skytrain modified for special radio and radar calibration duties and operational in the South-East Asia theatre.
Air Enthusiast 1972-08 / ??? - Fuerza Aerea facelift
A substantial number of C-47s remain in the FAeA inventory, including this EC-47 employed for airways calibration and checking.
Мировая Авиация 173
Бразилия стала основным эксплуатантом Skytrain, получив C-47-DL, C-47A, C-47B, гражданские DC-3 и пару самолетов радио- и радиотехнической разведки EC-47. На снимке - EC-47D (2088), бывший 45-1002 из ВВС США.
Мировая Авиация 173
Эскадрилья воздушной топографической съемки Люфтваффе использовала C-47 для подготовки пилотов для Lockheed Starfighter. Самолеты дислоцировались в Лагерлехфельде.
Air Pictorial 1958-08 / Spotter's Notebook
Airpass being fitted into the nose of Dakota TS423
Air Enthusiast 1972-06 / ??? - The Rise and Demise of a Weapon (4)
The Douglas XCG-17 was a standard C-47 transport airframe with all excess weight and unnecessary fittings removed, and was intended for a towing behind a C-54.
Тип фотографий