- SAAB - Gripen / JAS-39A/C - 1988 - Швеция
- SAAB - Gripen / JAS-39B/D - 1996 - Швеция
- SAAB - Gripen E / JAS-39E - 2017 - Швеция
Авиация и Время 2018-04
На салоне Farnborough-2018 прошла первая публичная демонстрация нового многоцелевого истребителя SAAB JAS-39E Gripen. На выставке был представлен взлетевший чуть более года назад его первый прототип (борт 39-8), получивший новый «пиксельный» камуфляж. По сообщению SAAB, второй и третий прототипы (39-9 и 39-10) уже построены и вскоре присоединятся к программе летных испытаний.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Aircraft 39-8 fitted with RUAG pylons prior to a captive carriage test flight.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
A crew chief assigned to Saab's Flight Test Department looks into the cockpit of aircraft 39-8 prior to a test flight from Linkoping.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
A crew chief plugs the fuel hose into the aircraft's refuelling point located in the ground crew bay.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Ground crew assigned to Saab's Flight Test Department conduct an engine running refuelling of aircraft 39-8 at Linkoping. The aircraft is loaded with two high-speed cameras for captive carriage test flights of the cameras.
Air International 2021-02 / A.Warnes, M.Johansson - Saab eyes global outlook
The Swedish Air Force has ordered 60 single-seat JAS 39E Gripens. This example is one of Saab’s test aircraft, 39-8, which has been heavily involved in the Brazilian programme
Air International 2020-06 / J.Hunter - Canada Zeroes in on a New Fighter
The Saab Gripen E will be offered with a package of industrial benefits, including local production.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Saab’s second Gripen E test aircraft 39-9 takes off from Linkoping airfield on the aircraft's maiden flight.
Air International 2017-11 / J.Gunner - Gripen E. The Story So Far /Military/
The first Gripen E, 39-8, over Ostergotland, southern Sweden on its June 15, 2017 first flight with Marcus Wandt at the controls.
Air International 2017-08 / Airscene
On June 15, 2017, the first prototype Saab JAS 39E Gripen 39-8 made its maiden flight from Linkoping flown by a Saab test pilot. During the 40-minute flight over the eastern part of Ostergotland, the aircraft conducted various test points including retraction and extension of the landing gear.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Aircraft 39-8 loaded with two Meteor test vehicles during a captive carriage test flight from Linkoping.
Air International 2022-04 / P.Felstead - Dogfight for dominance
A Gripen E with four Meteor BVRAAMs and two IRIS-T short-range AAMs. Saab began delivering the first of 60 Gripen Es to the SwAF in November 2021
Air International 2020-01 / News: Commercial, Military, UAV
3 декабря компания Saab АВ сообщила, что на аэродроме в Линчёпинге впервые поднялся в воздух истребитель JAS-39E Gripen NG (сер. № 39-6002) - первый серийный самолет этой версии, построенный для ВВС Швеции. Его пилотировал летчик-испытатель Хенрик Венсет (Henrik Wanseth). Истребитель несет новый «ломанный» камуфляж. Это второй серийный самолет данной модификации. Первый (сер. № 39-6001) совершил полет 26 августа 2019 г. и предназначался для ВВС Бразилии. В целом, правительство Швеции заказало 60 таких машин, которые предстоит передать к началу 2027 г. Бразильский контракт предусматривает поставку в 2019-24 годах 28-ми одноместных истребителей JAS-39E и 8-ми «спарок» JAS-39F.
ON DECEMBER 3, Saab announced the flight of the first series-production Gripen E, serial 6002, for the Swedish Air Force - sharing an image of Gripen E serial 6002 flying in SwAF markings on November 30, 2019. -
Air International 2020-05 / J.Hunter - HX Fighter
The HX Challenge saw the first deployment for the new Saab JAS 39 Gripen E outside Sweden.
Air International 2023-12 / J.Lake - Gripen E evolves and adapts
The original wing configuration had a short forward swept section at the wing root and then a straight trailing edge outboard to the wingtip
Air International 2023-12 / J.Lake - Gripen E evolves and adapts
The new wing planform has been significantly extended, resulting in a more tapered appearance, with larger inboard flaperons, as seen here in this plan view of test aircraft 6002
Air International 2023-12 / J.Lake - Gripen E evolves and adapts
Test aircraft 6002 is seen here high over the Swedish Archipelago - the new trailing edge shape is clearly visible
Air International 2023-12 / J.Lake - Gripen E evolves and adapts
The wing upgrades introduced to the Saab Gripen E fighter will allow pilots with the Swedish and Brazilian air forces to carry significantly heavier firepower on enhanced air-to-air missile launchers, along with improved performance that will make it ahead of the game to some Western fighters
Air International 2021-08 / R.Thomas - Decision time
In addition to the Gripen E fighter, Saab has included two GlobalEye Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) platforms in its offer
Другие самолёты на фотографии: SAAB GlobalEye - Швеция - 2018
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Aircraft 39-8 airborne over some islands along Sweden's Baltic coastline loaded with a IRIS-T captive test vehicle on the port side wing tip pylon.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Gripen E serial 39-8 was the first prototype of the new variant. Notable external differences are the air inlet close to the vertical stabiliser, new wing tip electronic warfare pods and a new antenna on the fin.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Aircraft 39-8 airborne over some of the hundreds of islands along Sweden's Baltic coast line.
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
Aircraft 39-8 releases a drop tank during a stores separation test flight from Vidsel in northern Sweden.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
The plume of the rocket motor of an IRIS-T instrumented test vehicle burns brightly as the vehicle launches from the port side wing tip pylon of aircraft 39-8.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
SAAB JAS-39E «Грипен»
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Aircraft 39-8 undergoing electrical and hydraulic systems testing at Linkoping before the jet's first flight.
Air International 2023-12 / J.Lake - Gripen E evolves and adapts
The first Gripen E prototype, 39-8, is being prepared for engine testing at Linkoping
Air International 2017-11 / J.Gunner - Gripen E. The Story So Far /Military/
Aircraft 39-8 in the engine test cell at Linkoping. Note the large ducts positioned over the aft electronic, environmental control system exhaust to remove all plumes away from the engine's exhaust.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
Standing wave patterns or shock diamonds in the supersonic exhaust plume created by the GE Aviation F414G engine in the engine test cell at Linkoping. Shock diamonds are formed by the complex exhaust flow field and are visible due to the abrupt changes in density and pressure caused by standing shock waves.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
An aft fuselage subassembly in a jig on the production line at Linkoping, one of seven subassemblies manufactured on site.
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
A wing centre fuselage subassembly held vertically in its jig showing the main landing gear wells and outer underwing hard point positions.
Air International 2015-06 / News
The first Gripen E for the Swedish Air Force is in production at Linkoping.
Air International 2016-07 / Airscene
A wing centre fuselage subassembly in production at Linkoping. Measuring 4.5m in length, the wing centre fuselage is the most complex aircraft subassembly ever produced for the Gripen fighter.
Note the computer screens on the left and right of the work platform displaying separate pages from the 3D production documents created by Saab’s model-based definition system. -
Air International 2019-06 / M.Ayton - Gripen E /Military/
A production worker views an MBD system screen to visualise a fuselage bulkhead.
Air International 2021-02 / A.Warnes, M.Johansson - Saab eyes global outlook
The first series production Gripen E, 6002, with Brazil’s first F-39E Gripen, 4100, wearing the colours of the Brazilian flag Saab
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
The first Brazilian Gripen E at the delivery ceremony in Linkoping in September 2019.
Air International 2019-10 / Airscene
The first Gripen E for Brazil takes to the skies over Sweden from Saab's test aerodrome on August 26, 2019.
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
The first Brazilian JAS 39 Gripen E during its maiden flight on August 26, 2019.
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
The Gripen E can carry more fuel and increased external loads compared with its Gripen C predecessor, with ten external hardpoints.
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
Like Sweden, Brazil also selected the Diehl IRIS-T air-to-air missile for its new Gripens.
Air International 2021-08 / R.Thomas - Decision time
The Gripen E fighter has had some export success, with Brazil also choosing to operate the type
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
The first Brazilian Gripen E (F-39) in final assembly in Linkoping.
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
In Linkoping Brazilian technicians are working alongside and receiving instruction from Swedish Saab employees during all the phases of production.
Авиация и Время 2016-03
18 мая 2016г. на предприятии шведской компании Saab в Линчепинге состоялась церемония выкатки первого опытного образца истребителя следующего поколения Gripen-E JAS-39-08.
Авиация и Время 2018-06
26 ноября 2018г. с аэродрома компании Saab в Линчёпинге (Швеция) впервые поднялся в воздух второй опытный экземпляр многофункционального истребителя JAS-39E Gripen.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2016-11 / Новости мировой авиации
Кабина истребителя SAAB JAS-39E "Грипен"
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
The cockpit of the Gripen E, highlighting the wide area display (WAD) developed by Brazil's AEL Sistemas.
Air International 2020-01 / J.Moralez - The Brasilian 'Smart Fighter' /Military/
A detail view of the 19 x 8in WAD.
Air International 2014-07 / N.Pittaway - Generation E /Military/
An artist’s impression of a Gripen E firing a Meteor BVRAAM.
Air International 2014-07 / N.Pittaway - Generation E /Military/
Saab hopes the Brazilian government will finalise its agreement for Gripens this year.