- Supermarine - Spitfire - 1936 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Highspeed Spifire - 1938 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire PR / FR - 1939 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire Mk.IV / Mk.XII / XIV - 1941 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire Mk.V - 1941 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire VB / IXB - 1941 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire Mk.IX / XVI - 1942 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire Mk.VI / VII / VIII - 1942 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire Trainer - 1942 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire DB-605 - 1943 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire FR.XIV / FR.XVIII / PR.XIX - 1943 - Великобритания
- Supermarine - Spitfire Mk.XVIII / 21 / 22 / 24 - 1944 - Великобритания
- Isaacs - Spitfire - 1975 - Великобритания
- Thunder Wing - Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX - 1980 - США
- Jurca - MJ-10 Spit - 1982 - Франция
Одноместный истребитель, цельнометаллический моноплан с закрытой кабиной и убирающимся шасси с хвостовым колесом. Спроектирован в КБ фирмы "Супермарин авиэйшн уоркс" под руководством Р.Митчелла. Первый полет совершен 5 марта 1936 г. Серийное производство начато в мае 1938 г. Строился заводами "Супермарин" в Вулстоне, Итчене, Хай-Побе, Кивиле, Хенли, Олдермастоне, "Виккерс-Армстронг" в Кастл-Бромвиче, "Уэстлэнд" в Йовиле, CBAF в Саус-Марстоне, "Канлифф-Оуэн". Привлекались более 60 предприятий-субподрядчиков, собиравших отдельные узлы. Всего построено 22 759 экз. - самый массовый английский истребитель. Самолет состоял на вооружении в Великобритании с августа 1938 г., в Австралии - с июня 1942 г., в США -с октября 1942 г., в СССР - с марта 1943 г., в Индии - с середины 1944 г.
Основные серийные модификации как истребителя:
- "Спитфайр" I с мотором "Мерлин" II или IV, последние серии с увеличенным фонарем, варианты по вооружению 8x7,69 или 2x20+4x7,69;
- "Спитфайр" II с мотором "Мерлин" XII; варианты по вооружению аналогичны "Спитфайру" I;
- "Спитфайр" V с мотором "Мерлин" XX, усиленный планер, бронестекло, усиленное шасси, новый маслорадиатор; варианты по вооружению 8x7,69, или 4x20, или 2x20+4x7,69; часть самолетов комплектовалась тропическими противопыльными фильтрами; существовали также специализированные низковысотные варианты (LF) с моторами модификаций 45М, 50М, 55М;
- "Спитфайр" VI - высотный истребитель с мотором "Мерлин" 47, удлиненные консоли крыла, вооружение 2x20+4x7,69;
- "Спитфайр" VII - высотный истребитель с мотором "Мерлин" 61, с гермокабиной, удлиненные консоли, увеличенные бензобаки, измененное хвостовое оперение, убирающееся хвостовое колесо, вооружение 4x20;
- "Спитфайр" VIII, вариант модификации VII без гермокабины; подмодификации LF, F, HF с различными моторами "60-й серии";
- "Спитфайр" IX, переделка модификации V под моторы "Мерлин" 61, 63, 66, 70, варианты LF, F, HF, вооружение 2x20+2x12,7 или 4x20; поздние серии - с пониженным гаргротом и фонарем кругового обзора;
- "Спитфайр" XVI, аналог модификации LFIX и с мотором "Мерлин" 266; ""Спитфайр" XII с мотором "Гриффон" III или IV, вооружение 4x20;
- "Спитфайр" XIV с мотором "Гриффон" 65, удлиненной носовой частью фюзеляжа, убирающимся хвостовым колесом, вооружение 2x20+2x12,7 или 4x20;
- "Спитфайр" XVIII, вариант модификации XIV с небольшими усовершенствованиями, фонарем кругового обзора, вооружение 2x20+2x12,7;
- "Спитфайр" 21 с мотором "Гриффон" 61 или 64;
- "Спитфайр" 22, вариант модификации 21 с фонарем кругового обзора и измененной электросистемой.
Существовали также палубные модификации, выпускавшиеся под обозначением "Сифайр".
"Спитфайр" находился на вооружении частей ПВО с начала Второй мировой войны. Первое боевое применение - в мае 1940 г. при эвакуации из Дюнкерка, затем широкое применение - в "битве за Англию". С марта 1942 г. - прикрытие Мальты, в мае эти самолеты появились в Египте, в ноябре участвовали во вторжении в Алжир и Марокко. С января 1943 г. - ПВО северной части Австралии, несколько позднее - бои в Бирме. К концу войны служили на всех фронтах.
Американцы применяли "спитфайры" в Англии и Северной Африке до марта 1944 г. В СССР использовались летом 1943 г. на Кубани и Дону, позднее - в частях ПВО и морской авиации.
"Спитфайр" применялся также как тактический и стратегический разведчик, самолет спасательной службы. Снят с производства в марте 1949 г. Снят с вооружения в Великобритании в 1952 г., в СССР - в 1951-1952 гг.
- Spitfire
- Supermarine Spitfire и Seafire
- Flight, November 1939
Britain's Military Aircraft
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / C.Andrews, E.Morgan - The First of the Many
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The Type 300 at Eastleigh before its first flight, with the original rudder and without wheel doors.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Первая опытная машина после (???) доработки руля направления
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Probe Probare (22)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Прототип Spitfire, K5054, пилотируемый шеф-пилотом Саммерсом, впервые поднялся в воздух 5 моя 1936 года с аэродрома Истли около Саутгемптона. За последующие три года этот самолет налетал около 260 часов. Его карьера закончилась 4 сентября 1939 года, когда при посадке самолет перевернулся, погиб пилот - флайт-лейтенант Уайт. После этой катастрофы машину не восстанавливали.
Back on the ground, K5054 shows off its distinctive profile to Flight’s photographer, with finer-pitch propeller and after modification of the rudder balance. -
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-01 / В.Котельников - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Первый опытный "Спитфайр", 1936г.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / C.Andrews, E.Morgan - The First of the Many
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Prototype Spitfire K5054 photographed at Eastleigh in May 1936. The aircraft was doped light blue-grey at this stage and is seen fitted with a coarser-pitch propeller than that used for the maiden flight.
Two views of the Type 300 with finer-pitch propeller and after modification of the rudder balance. The undercarriage indicators in the wing are visible in the bottom picture. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / G.Mitchell - R.J.Mitchell My Father (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Two photographs from the Mitchell family photograph album. Above, R. J. Mitchell poses for his son in front of the prototype Spitfire at Eastleigh in March 1936, shortly after K5054’s first flight. Below, now it is the turn of the author to stand in front of K5054, while his father clicks the shutter.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] View of the Spitfire prototype K5054 at the A&AEE Martlesham Heath in April 1936, with the original rudder and no fairings on the undercarriage legs.
Flight 1936-12 / Flight
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] One of outstanding military types of 1936: The Supermarine Spitfire
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The Spitfire prototype in August 1936, showing the modified rudder with smaller horn balance and the undercarriage fairings, including full wheel covers with the lower halves hinged to the upper portions.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Probe Probare (22)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The Spitfire prototype running-up at Brooklands on June 30, 1936 with Mutt Summers at the controls. The aircraft was taking part in a pre-RAF Pageant show.
Мировая Авиация 42
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] К своему первому полету в марте 1936 года истребитель F.37/34 получил имя Spitfire и блестящую серо-голубую окраску. Установленный на нем двигатель Merlin С развивал мощность 990 л. с. (738 кВт).
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] A later photograph of K5054 at Martlesham, showing the addition of stub fairings on the exhaust ports
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-07 / D.Middleton - Jeffrey Quill /Test Pilot Profile/ (7)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] RAF officers scrambling all over the prototype Spitfire, K5054, on the occasion of King Edward’s visit to Martlesham in July 1936. The pre-production prototype Wellesley, K7556, was also amongst the line up of new aircraft inspected by the King.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Probe Probare (22)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] K5054 at Eastleigh on May 18, 1936. Note the additional hinged wheel covers, which were later abandoned, and the flush exhausts.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / G.Mitchell - R.J.Mitchell My Father (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Первый опытный "Спитфайр" в исходном виде в AAEE (Мартлшем-Хис) в апреле 1936г. Обратите внимание на руль поворота с роговым компенсатором
K5054 on an early test flight in March skies 1936 near Eastleigh. Note the unfaired exhaust ports. The aircraft was finished in an overall blue/grey scheme. -
Flight 1936-09 / Flight Advertisements
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] -
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire I with Rolls-Royce Merlin engine
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / C.Andrews, E.Morgan - The First of the Many
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The first Spitfire shows off its elegant lines over Southampton on May 18, 1936.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / C.Andrews, E.Morgan - The First of the Many
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] K5054 в полете на большой высоте. За ним последовало около 40 различных вариантов Spitfire (включая самолеты с двигателями Griffon и морские Seafire), суммарный выпуск которых превысил 22 000.
Spitfire prototype K5054 airborne over the South Coast on May 18, 1936, eight days before Mutt Summers flew it to Martlesham for the Air Ministry’s acceptance trials.
The prototype Spitfire, K5054, in the vicinity of Eastleigh on May 1, 1936. Jeffrey Quill on this occasion was flying the Miles Hawk from which this photograph was taken. Mutt Summers was flying the Spitfire. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-01 / D.Middleton - Sammy Wroath /Test Pilot Profile/ (15)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The prototype tested by Wroath during his time at Martlesham: Supermarine Spitfire K5054;
Flight 1937-11 / Flight
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The classical beauty of the exceptionally fast Merlin-powered Supermarine Spitfire single-seater fighter is revealed to great advantage in this view. Note the ducted radiators beneath the wing.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-09 / ??? - Hendon Pageantry 1920-37
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The shape of wings to come. Monoplanes fill the new types park at the 1936 pageant.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Armstrong Whitworth Whitley / A.W.38 - Великобритания - 1936Fairey Battle - Великобритания - 1936Vickers Venom - Великобритания - 1936Vickers Wellington / Type 271 - Великобритания - 1936Westland Lysander - Великобритания - 1936
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-11 / L.Coombs - The expanding years 1936-1939 (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] One wonders if anyone who walked past the New Types Park at the 1936 Hendon RAF Pageant realised the significance of Nos 1 and 2, the Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire prototypes. Just visible too is the tail of the Armstrong Whitworth Whitley, destined to become one of the mainstays of Bomber Command during the early part of the war, three years away.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Armstrong Whitworth Whitley / A.W.38 - Великобритания - 1936Hawker Hurricane - Великобритания - 1935Vickers Venom - Великобритания - 1936
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / C.Andrews, E.Morgan - The First of the Many
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Another view of K5054 at the pre-Pageant show at Brooklands on June 30, 1936. Behind it are Supermarine Walrus I K5780, Vickers Wellesley prototype K7556 and Vickers B.9/32 prototype K4049, later to become the Wellington.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Walrus/Seagull V - Великобритания - 1933Vickers Wellington / Type 271 - Великобритания - 1936
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v5
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] K5054 был впервые показан 300 приглашенным гостям 18 июня 1936 года на демонстрации самолетов фирмы "Vickers" в Истли, На снимке: K4049 - прототип бомбардировщика В.9/32 (позднее служившего под именем Wellington); K7556 - предсерийный бомбардировщик Wellesley и K5780 - девятая серийная амфибия Walrus. В 1938 году "Supermarine Aviation Works (Vickers) Ltd" и ее головная компания "Vickers (Aviation) Ltd of Weybridge" объединились в фирму "Vickers-Armstrong Limited".
Supermarine Spitfire prototype on view to the public in 1936 alongside a Walrus, the prototype Wellesley and prototype Wellington.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Walrus/Seagull V - Великобритания - 1933Vickers Wellesley - Великобритания - 1935Vickers Wellington / Type 271 - Великобритания - 1936
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-08
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The Spitfire Society’s superb replica of R. J. Mitchell's prototype Spitfire, K5054, pictured at Hendon on April 24, 1993, the day of its unveiling.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-03 / Personal album
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] And finally, the very first Spitfire of all, K5054, photographed at Eastleigh shortly after being camouflaged and fitted with ejector exhausts. After full use as a test aircraft K5054 was flown away in November 1938 from Eastleigh to Farnborough, where it remained until badly damaged in a landing accident there on September 4, 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / C.Andrews, E.Morgan - The First of the Many
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Chocks away at Eastleigh, a view which clearly illustrates the ejector exhaust stacks.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Probe Probare (22)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] K5054, now wearing camouflage, photographed on a January night in 1938 with Jeffrey Quill in the cockpit. Night flying trials at the A&AEE were generally satisfactory.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / C.Andrews, E.Morgan - The First of the Many
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] K5054 in camouflage up from Eastleigh on January 20, 1938, modified to Mk 1 standard with triple exhaust manifolds.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / C.Andrews, E.Morgan - The First of the Many
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Тот же первый опытный "Спитфайр" уже после установки вооружения и в боевом камуфляже. Хвостовой костыль заменен на колесо
Over Eastleigh. 1938. K5054 was declared obsolete in October 1939, having logged 151 flying hours. -
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The prototype in its final form, with eight-gun armament, radio and mast, tailwheel in place of skid, and operational camouflage.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-04 / G.Mitchell - R.J.Mitchell My Father (2)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The perfect combination - the Spitfire airframe married to the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. The first Spitfire, K5054, first flew on March 5, 1936.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Probe Probare (22)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] K5054 shows off its beauty of line over Southampton in January 1938.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] The Supermarine "Spitfire" Single-seat Fighter Monoplane (Rolls-Royce "Merlin" engine).
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-07 / D.Middleton - Jeffrey Quill /Test Pilot Profile/ (7)
Регистрационный номер : K5054 [41] Jeffrey Quill photographed in the cockpit of the prototype Spitfire on the evening of January 20, 1938 during night flying tests.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-10 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Clive DuCros’s all-wooden flying Spitfire prototype reproduction photographed at his Swindon workshop in early 1987. The 7yr project is now almost finished.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Clive du Cros's wooden replica of Spitfire prototype K5054 has been moved from his Swindon base to RAF Hullavington for assembly. Du Cros is still awaiting the Weslake reduction gear for the Spitfire’s Jaguar V-12 engine, though, so a first-flight date has not yet been set.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-12 / C.Du Cros, J.Flack - Spitfire reborn
“K5054” awaiting final inspection outside its RAF Hullavington hangar on June 6, 1991, the day before the first flight.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-08 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Clive Du Cros' all-wooden full-size Supermarine Spitfire prototype replica airborne at last, at RAF Hullavington. The geared Jaguar V12-powered aircraft made its maiden flight at 1900hr on June 7, 1991 and its second on June 20, both in the hands of Pete Thorn, and without any significant problems. On the second flight the undercarriage was retracted and a climb to 2,000ft was made, reports Du Cros. A stall was made, clean, at 50kt, and a flapped approach coming in at 70kt over the hedge. A third flight was made on June 28, just before this issue went to press.
Мировая Авиация 82
Spitfire Mk I
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
Two views of the Supermarine "Spitfire" Single-seat Fighter.
Flight 1938-07 / Flight
The Spitfire has a ventral radiator which is, however, unusual in being considerably offset to starboard.
Flight 1939-12 / Flight
The installation of the Rolls-Royce Merlin in the Supermarine Spitfire fighter. Current versions have a variable-pitch airscrew.
Flight 1939-04 / Flight Advertisements
All parts for this component are jig-drilled.
Flight 1939-04 / Flight Advertisements
Jigs for producing rear fuselage components of the "Spitfire I".
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-01 / В.Котельников - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (1)
Серийная сборка фюзеляжей "Спитфайров"
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-05 / B.Gunston - The classic aero engines (6)
Early production Spitfires during final assembly at Eastleigh in January 1939. Note the Rolls-Royce Merlin engines in the foreground.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Моторы "Мерлин" II, готовые для установки на "Спитфайры"
The Spitfire I assembly line at Eastleigh in January 1939.
A telling glimpse in one of the assembly shops, with a row of Spitfires in the background, and waiting Merlin II engines in the foreground. -
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
MORE PRODUCTION: Of the scores of Supermarine Spitfires already delivered, a large percentage will be seen in action on Empire Air Day.
Flight 1938-12 / Flight
The peerless Supermarine Spitfire tucked away in a corner of the Air Ministry's stand. This fighter has eight guns and a performance superior to that of anything in the show.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Sir Kingsley Wood, with civic officials, inspects the Spitfire at the opening of the Glasgow Aircraft Exhibition. The Hurricane can be seen in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hurricane - Великобритания - 1935
Flight 1939-11 / Flight
The King studies the pilot’s cockpit of a Supermarine Spitfire single-seater fighter.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Mr. A. H. Mitchell, chief A.I.D. inspector, handing over a Spitfire - with its “credentials” - to a Service pilot who has come to collect it for his Squadron.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
"Спитфайры" покидают заводской ангар
Pushing them out: A view through the hangar doors at Eastleigh. Nearest the camera are (left) Mr. A. H. Nelson, Supermarine’s assistant works manager, and (right) F/O. J. K. Quill, test pilot. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-02 / L.Coombs - The expanding years 1936-1939 (4)
First production Spitfire Is at Eastleigh in January 1939. Jeffrey Quill, Supermarine test pilot, can be seen standing next to the chap in overalls.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Устранение девиации на "Спитфайре"
A Spitfire is seen on the revolving compass base. -
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
High-speed visitor: The Supermarine Spitfire. A few moments after landing it was surrounded by a seething crowd of interested enthusiasts.
Flight 1939-04 / Flight Advertisements
The Vicker’s Supermarine ‘Spitfire.’ Bostik Cement was used for glazing the windows.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / Spitfire Notebook (3)
Spitfire I K9787, the first of a production batch of 213 aircraft delivered to the RAF between July 1938 and April 1939, went to the A&AEE and RAE before joining the PRU.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
A rare illustration of a Spitfire I of No 41 Squadron at Catterick in its pre-war "PN" codes; this was the third unit to receive Spitfires, after No 19 at Duxford and No 66. Spitfire I illustrated have the original two-bladed propeller, flat cockpit hood, "stick” type radio mast and a camera gun mounted externally on the starboard wing root.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
A Spitfire I of No 19 Squadron at Duxford. Spitfire Is have the original two-bladed propeller, flat cockpit hood, "stick” type radio mast and a camera gun mounted externally on the starboard wing root.
Flight 1939-12 / Flight
A NOCTURNAL DEFENDER: Our Spitfires and Hurricanes, in spite of their high performance, are sufficiently docile to be suitable for night fighting. It is believed that the German Messerschmitts 109 are disliked by pilots for night landings. Our picture shows a Spitfire about to start on a flight in the dark.
Flight 1938-12 / Flight
DEFENCE BY NIGHT: Docility during take-off and landing makes the Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire a fine night fighter despite its extremely high performance. This view was secured before a test flight at Eastleigh.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
THE SPITFIRE. The night impression of its Merlin engine being run up has a certain grim beauty.
Мировая Авиация 89
Истребители 19-й эскадрильи в Даксфорде, за пять месяцев до начала войны. Снимок сделан в мае 1939 года во время посещения представителями прессы 19-й эскадрильи в Даксфорде. Хорошо видны многие особенности самолетов раннего типа, включая выступающие стволы пулеметов, двухлопастные винты фиксированного шага и смесь "плоских" и выпуклых фонарей кабин. Обратите внимание на плоские фонари кабины у второго и пятого самолетов - все остальные оснащены выпуклыми фонарями - и бортовой код "WZ", использовавшийся эскадрильей в 1938-1939 годах.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-09 / C.Burkett - Spitfires at home
Half a century ago: Spitfire Is of 19 Sqn at Duxford prepare for an interception demonstration for the benefit of the Press in May 1939. The intruding wing belongs to a Blenheim IV.
Aviation Historian 29 / G.Baughen - 1939. Was the RAF ready to war?
This line up of 19 Squadron Supermarine Spitfire Mk Is was taken at RAF Duxford in May 1939. The squadron became the first to receive Spitfires, in August 1938, and its Mk Is remained in service until replaced by Mk IIAs in September 1940. Note the wooden two-bladed fixed-pitch propellers; variable-pitch props were reserved for bomber types, fixed-pitch props being deemed adequate for bomber-interceptors.
Aeroplane Monthly 1973-07 / ??? - 19 Squadron in Camera
Пилоты 19-й эскадрильи бегут по тревоге к своим "Спитфайрам"
Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire Is at Duxford, 1939 -
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
Active Air Defence: Spitfire fighters are among the most potent foes of the raiding bomber.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-04 / L.Coombs - The expanding years 1936-1939 (6)
Spitfire Is of 19 Sqn at RAF Duxford in May 1939. This unit was the first to equip with the Spitfire and, when war was declared in September 1939, nine Spitfire squadrons were operational in RAF Fighter Command.
Flight 1938-10 / Flight
SPITFIRES ON SHOW: At the recent opening of the new Cambridge Aerodrome by Sir Kingsley Wood, the new Supermarine fighters made their first public appearance as R.A.F. equipment. Ejector-type exhausts have now enhanced the already impressive performance of these machines.
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
Pilots of a Spitfire squadron racing for their machines on receipt of an alarm.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
This exclusive picture was secured by Flight's chief photographer when a production Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire was undergoing acceptance trials in the hands of F/O J. K. Quill. This new fighter, which is powered with the 1,050 h.p. Rolls-Royce Merlin, may be said to have been developed from the design of the Supermarine racing seaplanes which won outright for Britain the Schneider Trophy. It will be noticed that ducted radiators are situated in an unusual position - beneath the wing.
Flight 1938-08 / Flight
FIGHTER CAMOUFLAGE. The Supermarine Spitfire (Rolls-Royce Merlin engine) is quite difficult to see against the ground. Now being produced in quantities for the R.A.F., the Spitfire has also been ordered from Lord Nuffield, who is to build it in his new Birmingham factory.
Flight 1939-12 / Flight
The Supermarine Spitfire which, as a compromise between speed, armament and manoeuvrability, is unexcelled by any single-seater in general use. Like the Hurricane it has eight wing-mounted Browning machine guns. The top speed is 367 m.p.h. at a height of 18,400ft
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Some further impressions captured by Flight's photographer at Eastleigh.
Flight 1938-12 / Flight
The modern formula - the clean lines of entry of the present-day fighter, as exemplified in the Supermarine Spitfire and the Hawker Hurricane with their Rolls-Royce Merlin engines.
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
A squadron of Supermarine Spitfire eight-gun fighters practising formation flying several thousand feet above Cambridgeshire.
Flight 1939-08 / Flight Advertisements
Эскадрилья "Спитфайров" в строю звеньев. Большие учения. 1939г.
Flight 1939-10 / Flight
"The plain fact seems to be that our latest fighters are definitely better than their German counterparts." Supermarine Spitfire formation.
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
A dozen Spitfires manoeuvre with uncanny precision at a speed well over 200 m.p.h.
Мировая Авиация 89
Наследие первой эскадрильи Spitfire. 19-я эскадрилья RAF всегда летала на одноместных истребителях. Созданная в июне 1916 года на базе ядра 5-й резервной эскадрильи, она получила на вооружение самолеты B.E.12. Но эти машины плохо подходили для использования в качестве истребителей, и в декабре их заменили на Spad VII. В июне 1918 года на вооружение поступили истребители Sopwith Dolphins, служившие до 1919 года. До реорганизации в 1923 году 19-я эскадрилья базировалась в Даксфорде как истребительное звено 2-й летной школы. В полном составе эскадрилья была развернута 1 июня 1924 года, получив истребители Sopwith Snipe. В 1920-1930-х годах на вооружении этого подразделения состояли истребители Grebe, Siskin, Bulldog и Gauntlet, пока в августе 1938 года оно первым не получило новейшие Spitfire. В ноябре за ним последовала 66-я эскадрилья, созданная в Даксфорде на базе звена "С" из 19-й эскадрильи.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-01 / В.Котельников - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (1)
"Спитфайры" 19-й эскадрильи во время первой официальной съемки для прессы
Flight 1939-04 / Flight
FAST FORMATION: The first picture released for publication of Vickers Supermarine Spitfires in formation. This formidable fighter, with Rolls-Royce Merlin II engine, is capable of 362 m.p.h. Take-off, climb and cruising speed will be improved upon when three-bladed v.p. airscrews are fitted.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-07
Supermarine Spitfires of 19 Squadron flying from RAF Duxford in May 1939. Having flown Siskins, Bulldogs and Gauntlets, the squadron became the first to receive Spitfires, in August 1938.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-01 / В.Котельников - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (1)
В кабине "Спитфайра" шеф-пилот фирмы Супермарин майор Джеффри. Представленный на снимке Mk I входил в состав 64-й эскадрильи и был разбит в июне 1940 года.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-04 / T.Neil - Another job for Burgoyne (2)
“At 5,000ft he levelled off and looked about”
Авиация и Космонавтика 2016-03 / ??? - Истребитель "Спитфайр": К 80-летию со дня первого полета
Английский истребитель «Спитфайр» Mk.I с опознавательными знаками довоенного типа, обрамленными широкой желтой каймой (1936 г.)
Flight 1939-03 / Flight
The Supermarine Spitfire is believed to be the fastest fighter in large-scale production in the world. It does 362 m.p.h. with a Rolls-Royce Merlin II.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Первая установка трехлопастного винта на "Спитфайр"
Distinguished: The first Spitfire with a De Havilland two-position v.p. airscrew; they will shortly be standardised. -
Flight 1939-08 / Flight
DEFENCE: A Spitfire preparing for a dawn patrol is typical of our preparations. In 1918 we finally repulsed the raiders of London, and we are far stronger now.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Spitfire I K9793 was used at the A&AEE Martlesham Heath in 1939 for a variety of equipment trials and is shown here with a de Havilland three-bladed two-speed propeller.
Aviation Historian 32 / G.Baughen - 1940. The battle of ... Kent?
В сентябре 1940 года X4179, Spitfire Mk IА, поступил в 19-ю эскадрилью (ранее 266-я), позднее ее перевооружили на Mk II.
Spitfire Mk I X4178 of No 41 Sqn has its Merlin III engine run up during the Battle of Britain. The unit alternated between Yorkshire and Essex during the Battle. This Spitfire served throughout the summer of 1940 but was shot down during a dogfight with a JG 51 Messerschmitt Bf 109E over Broadstairs in Kent on October 15, 1940. The 23-year-old pilot, Sgt P.D. Lloyd, was killed. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-05 / B.Robertson - A present from... (1)
Presentation Spitfire P8529 Borough of Colwyn Bay served with 118 and 132 Sqns before going to 58 OTU and crashing in Stirlingshire in April 1943.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / Spitfire Notebook (3)
K9912 was one of the later production Spitfire Is, upon which the curved hood was standardised, and the de Havilland three-bladed variable-pitch metal propeller was introduced. This particular Spitfire served with 65 Sqn until it was struck off RAF charge in May 1940.
Aviation Historian 32 / G.Baughen - 1940. The battle of ... Kent?
A typically bustling scene at the home of Spitfire Mk I-equipped No 611 (West Lancashire) Sqn photographed in April 1940. The unit operated from RAF Digby in Lincolnshire during the Battle of Britain as part of No 12 Group, responsible for the air defence of the Midlands, Norfolk and Lincolnshire. No 611 Sqn had also taken part in the operations over the beaches at Dunkirk.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / 1986 UK Aircraft Collections and Museums Guide
Spitfire replica "P9390"
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Spitfire I K9987 in service with No 66 Squadron showing its precamera gun on the wing. This particular aircraft - unusual for its war codes; note the three-bladed propeller, “humped’' cockpit canopy and white-painted serial - crashed at Duxford on 30 September 1939.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Spitfire I AR212 in service with No 57 OTU in 1941, with a high-visibility yellow nose to indicate its training role.
Flight 1939-06 / Flight
FIGHTER CONTRAST: A Bristol Fighter (circa 1917) and a Vickers-Supermarine Spitfire seen at Netheravon on Empire Air Day.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bristol F.2A/F.2B Fighter - Великобритания - 1916
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Первый "Спитфайр" с пушечным вооружением (еще без пулеметов)
The first Spitfire to carry cannon armament was this Mk 1, L1007, which was fitted with Type 331 wings in mid-1939 to mount a pair of 20-mm Hispano cannon, each with a 60-round drum-type magazine. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / Spitfire Notebook (3)
A Spitfire I in the X serial number range. The words "keep out" have been chalked beneath the cockpit glazing.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-05 / B.Robertson - A present from... (1)
The Aeroplane of January 31, 1941 described this presentation machine as “The Supermarine Spitfire Mk I paid for by the Spitfire Fund of the Observer Corps. This machine is flown by Sqn Ldr D. O. Findlay DFC, the British Olympic hurdler who commands a squadron which has shot down more than 100 enemy aeroplanes".
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Spitfire I P9386 with No 19 Squadron at Duxford in October 1940; note the "QV" code replacing “WZ” and the strengthened, tapered radio mast.
Авиация и Время 2004-03 / М.Пруцаков, М.Жирохов - Одинокий волк /Портреты/
"Спитфайр" Mk.I, на котором погиб де Грюнн
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-07 / ??? - Spits in civvies
In 1967-68 surviving Spitfires were rounded up for use in the film Battle of Britain. One is the subject of our plate and was photographed by RICHARD RIDING at Bovingdon in September 1968. The plate depicts Allen Wheeler's Spitfire V (IA ???), G-AIST, disguised as N3311 for the film, for which a four blade propeller was used.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Mystery surrounds the origins of Spitfire I HK856 - here photographed in Italy in 1943. It and HK854 were in the Middle East by 1941, with serial numbers assigned locally and not on production contracts. They may well have been the two Spitfire Is (P9566-9567) diverted from RAF contracts and shipped to Turkey in May 1940, assuming that they were transferred back to RAF ownership whilst en route through the Mediterranean.
Air International 1985-09
In 1942, two of the Turkish Spitfire Is were ferried from Abu Sueir to the No 1 Middle East Training School at El Ballah by Flying Officer (as he then was) Neville Duke. At El Ballah, they operated in RAF markings and were issued locally with the serial numbers HK854 and HK856, as illustrated here, left and right respectively.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-05 / Personal album. Military
Spitfire I N3047 at RAF Heathfield, Ayr in 1941. These 602 Squadron Spitfires are at dispersal in blast-proof pens around the airfield.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-08 / H.Levy - Overseas Spits
Long-serving Spitfire Mk 1 P9311 with tropical filter and no armament, at Fayid, Egypt, on May 19, 1943.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-01 / В.Котельников - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (1)
Подготовка "Спитфайра" к первому ночному полету
Flight 1939-07 / Flight
"Спитфайры", только что вышедшие из сборочного цеха
Supermarine Spitfire eight-gun fighter monoplanes with Rolls-Royce Merlin engines. The Spitfire, in service in large numbers with the R.A.F., is officially credited with a maximum speed of 367 m.p.h. -
Flight 1939-06 / Flight
REFINED SPITFIRES: Supermarine Spitfire eight-gun fighters are now being delivered with De Havilland variable-pitch airscrews.
Мировая Авиация 89
В первые месяцы войны журналисты были частыми гостями на базах истребителей RAF. Этот снимок вылета по боевой тревоге сделан 8 апреля 1940 года на авиабазе Дрем в Ист-Лотиане, Шотландия, где дежурили Spitfire 611-й эскадрильи "West Lancashire".
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / Spitfire Notebook (3)
609 Squadron Spitfire Is at RAF Drem, Scotland in April 1940.
Spitfire Is of 611 (West Lancashire) squadron. During the Battle they were based at RAF Digby, Lincolnshire. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-05 / Personal album. Military
A line-up of Spitfire Is at RAF Drem in 1939, shortly before the shooting down of the first German aircraft onto British soil - a Heinkel He 111 on October 16. No 602 Squadron had arrived at Drem just three days beforehand, and remained there until August 1940.
Flight 1939-09 / Flight
Третья неделя войны - "Спитфайры" на дежурстве
Spitfire fighters standing by, awaiting the signal. -
Aviation Historian 29 / G.Baughen - 1939. Was the RAF ready to war?
Дежурные самолеты 616-й эскадрильи готовятся взлететь с аэродрома Кенли. Обратите внимание на литеры "QJ". В течение нескольких месяцев 616-ю эскадрилью ошибочно обозначали этими буквами, хотя их уже использовала 92-я. Эта неразбериха времен войны до сих пор вводит в заблуждение историков.
Spitfires of No 92 Sqn at Pembrey in South Wales in the autumn of 1940. Note the constant-speed three-bladed propellers - an improvement which helped turn the type from a basic bomber-interceptor into a world-class air superiority fighter. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-08 / Skywriters
Allen Wheeler's Spitfire 1 G-AIST in the colours of 53 OTV and bearing the serial number AR213.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-07 / The Queen's Silver Jubilee Air Pageant, White Waltham
No display is complete without a Spitfire, and one of the representatives this time was Mk Ia AR213. Owned by the Hon Patrick Lindsay and registered G-AIST, it is Booker-based in the care of Personal Plane Services. Camouflage now replaces its old civil finish.
Flight 1939-08 / Flight
"Спитфайры" стартуют во время больших учений. Через две недели начнется Вторая мировая война...
Defending Spitfires show how their take-off has improved since the fitting of v.p. airscrews. -
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-03 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (3)
"Спитфайры" I из состава 19-й эскадрильи
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
"Спитфайр" из состава 72-й эскадрильи (предвоенное фото)
A pre-war photograph of a Spitfire I in service with No 72 Squadron, showing the original "SD" codes (soon changed to "RN") and the squadron crest in an arrowhead on the fin. -
Flight 1939-07 / Flight
"Спитфайры" в полете. 1939г.
“MONOPLACES DE CHASSE CRACHE FEU”: Spitfire eight-gun fighters ot the squadron which in company with formations of Hurricanes, Blenheims, Hampdens and Wellingtons represented Great Britain in the great parade of aerial and terrestrial might staged in Paris last week. -
Air International 1986-03 / M.Hirst - Piston Engines (6)
One more classics - the Rolls-Royce Merlin and the Supermarine Spitfire - provided a winning combination that served the RAF well throughout World War II.
Мировая Авиация 93
На этом снимке видны Spitfire из 610-й эскадрильи с авиабазы Биггин-Хилл во время патрулирования в июне 1940 года, незадолго до начала битвы за Британию.
Мировая Авиация 89
Вооруженная Spitfire 610-я эскадрилья, базировавшаяся в Грейвсенде, Кент, была одним из подразделений RAF, принявших основную тяжесть удара Люфтваффе во время битвы за Британию.
Flight 1939-06 / Flight
Perfection in formation - one of the magnificent figures by the twelve Spitfires which opened the R.A.F. section of the programme.
Aviation Historian 32 / G.Baughen - 1940. The battle of ... Kent?
The RAF prided itself on its pilots’ ability to fly in tight formations, like these Spitfires. German fighters encountered in France, apparently wildly weaving and jinking around, initially attracted some derision from their RAF opponents. In fact, the looser German formations made it easier to look out for prowling enemy fighters.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-03 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (3)
Два звена "Спитфайров"
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-02 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (2)
Битва за Англию закончилась. В одном строю главные герои - "Спитфайры" и "Харрикейны". Ноябрь 1940г.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hurricane - Великобритания - 1935
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-10 / E.Morgan, E.Shacklady - The basketweave bomber (3)
WELLINGTON MARK III: A prototype Vickers Wellington long-range bomber fitted with two Bristol Hercules 14-cylinder two-row sleeve-valve radials of at least 1,400 h.p. each. Flying alongside is one of the later Supermarine Spitfires fitted with Rolls-Royce Merlin III engine driving a De Havilland three-bladed variable-pitch airscrew.
Prototype Wellington III L4251, fitted with Bristol Hercules HE1SM engines, in company with a Spitfire.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Vickers Wellington / Type 271 - Великобритания - 1936
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-03 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (3)
Звено "Спитфайров" проходит над аэродромом в предрассветной дымке
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
Spitfires G-FIRE (Mk. XIVe), AR213 (Ia), P7350 (IIa), PM631 (PR19), AB910 (Vb) and RM689 (XIV) pay tribute to the late Sir Douglas Bader in a “missing man” formation at the Greenham Common Air Tattoo on July 23-24, 1983.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire FR.XIV / FR.XVIII / PR.XIX - Великобритания - 1943Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IV / Mk.XII / XIV - Великобритания - 1941Supermarine Spitfire Mk.V - Великобритания - 1941
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
Spitfires G-FIRE (Mk. XIVe), AR213 (Ia), P7350 (IIa), PM631 (PR19), AB910 (Vb) and RM689 (XIV), plus BoBMF Hurricanes PZ865 and LF363 are lined up.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hurricane - Великобритания - 1935Supermarine Spitfire FR.XIV / FR.XVIII / PR.XIX - Великобритания - 1943Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IV / Mk.XII / XIV - Великобритания - 1941Supermarine Spitfire Mk.V - Великобритания - 1941
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-10
A guest of honour, Sqn Ldr J. H. “Ginger” Lacey, is photographed against a fitting Battle of Britain backdrop - Spitfire Mk.Ia AR213, which carries the unit code QG-A and belongs to Patrick Lindsay. Its civil registration is G-AIST.
Мировая Авиация 25
Многие страны хотели приобрести Spitfire или наладить их лицензионное производство. На снимке: Mk I демонстрируют французским офицерам. Один Mk I был поставлен во Францию в конце 1939 года.
The Supermarine Spitfire is an eight-gun fighter capable of 367 m.p.h. It is seen approaching to land. -
Мировая Авиация 28
Самолеты Spitfire из 64-й эскадрильи базировались на хорошо защищенном средствами ПВО аэродроме Кенли. Но даже это не защитило их от мощного авиаудара Люфтваффе.
Air Pictorial 1991-10
Pilot Officer Dennis Adams in the cockpit of an early production Spitfire Mkl belonging to 611 Squadron. On September 21, 1940, Adams was flying P7323 when he destroyed a Dornier DoY 215 bomber over north Wales.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
The power and the pilot: F/O. Quill about to pronounce judgment on another Spitfire.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-08 / D.Middleton - Jeffrey Quill /Test Pilot Profile/ (7)
Jeffrey Quill in the cockpit of Spitfire Mk I K9836 at Eastleigh in January 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-05 / B.Robertson - A present from... (1)
Sqn Ldr Pedley in Spitfire Spirit of Kent, Lord Cornwallis.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-02 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (2)
Есть 600-й сбитый! Пилоты "Спитов" - Стефенс (слева) и Монго-Парк разделили радость этой победы, и завоевали специальный приз истребительного командования
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-05 / B.Robertson - A present from... (1)
Nonstandard stencilled lettering was applied to Spitfire Wandsworth, Clapham, Balham & Tooting Divisions in the Middle East.
Мировая Авиация 74
Стэнфорд Так позирует перед своим Spitfire Mk l из 92-й эскадрильи во время военных действий за Британию. 18 августа 1940 года ему пришлось прыгать с парашютом - его самолет был подбит огнем Ju 88.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-01 / L.Curtis - Anything To Anywhere (1)
George H. L. Curtis, no relation, was one of the foundation members of the ATA and learnt to fly with the Herts and Essex Aero Club in 1932. He is seen here about to deliver a Spitfire.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-02 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (2)
Апрель 1940г. - последний месяц "Странной войны"
Мировая Авиация 93
Spitfire Mk I (X4474) с пулеметами Browning спешно снаряжается для следующего вылета, пока пилот надевает парашют. Чтобы отличать вооруженные пулеметами самолеты от пушечных Mk IB, их обозначили Mk IA.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-03 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (3)
Обслуживание "Спитфайра" I из 602-й эскадрильи
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-02 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (2)
"Спитфайр" готовят к ночному вылету
Авиация и Время 2000-05 / В.Жигалко - Битва за Англию /Аэроархив/ (1)
Spitfire Mk.I - лучшее, что могли противопоставить люфтваффе англичане в 1940г.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-08 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Views of the newly-completed 77ft-high main exhibition gallery at the Imperial War Museum in London. Opened on June 29, 1989, it provides an impressive setting for several aircraft moved in from the IWM’s Duxford outstation. Seen here is Spitfire I, Fw 190 and P-51D.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Focke-Wulf FW.190A - Германия - 1941North American P-51D Mustang - США - 1944
Авиация и Космонавтика 2007-04 / М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (22)
"Спитфайр" и пилоты первой эскадрильи индийских ВВС
Air International 1985-09
One of the three Spitfire Is that reached Turkey in 1939/40.
Air International 1985-04 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (3)
The Spitfire I X4857 soon after its arrival in Portugal early in 1943.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-02 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (2)
"Спитфайр" Mk.IIA в период испытаний
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
A Spitfire II with mock-ups of overload fuel and oil tanks fitted flush under the wings.
Мировая Авиация 46
Регистрационный номер : P7508 [2] Spitfire Mk II внешне был очень схож с моделью Mk I. Обратите внимание на изящные обтекатели пулеметных установок в передней кромке крыла и подкрыльевые гильзоотводы.
An early production Spitfire II, P7508, photographed in October 1940. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-09 / Spitfire Notebook (5)
The original production model of the Spitfire II was virtually the same as the Mk I, apart from the introduction of the Rolls-Royce Merlin XII.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-01 / В.Котельников - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (1)
Истребитель "Спитфайр" Mk.II, 1939г.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Spitfire IIA P7665 of No 65 Squadron at Kirton-in-Lindsey in July 1941, soon after the unit had become one of the three "East India" squadrons as indicated by the inscription beneath the cockpit. The fairing over the Coffman cartridge starter, just behind the spinner, was a distinguishing feature of the Mk II.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-09 / Spitfire Notebook (5)
Регистрационный номер : P7508 [2] Spitfire IIA P7508, fitted with the type “A” armament of eight machine-guns. This aircraft was one of the first production batch built at Castle Bromwich.
Air Enthusiast 1998-01 / A.Thomas - I Kill & Return
Spitfire IIa P9088 ‘NK-K’ of 118 seen at Ibsley in 1941 was a presentation aircraft, named ‘Borough of Lambeth’.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-09 / Spitfire Notebook (5)
Регистрационный номер : P8329 Spitfire IIB P8329, fitted with type “B” armament of two cannon and four machine-guns. This aircraft flew with 303 Sqn and was damaged beyond repair in July 1941.
История Авиации 2002-05 / Д.Кондратков - Итальянское фиаско над туманным альбионом /Маленькие эпизоды больших войн/
Этот "Спитфайр" Mk.II Брайн Лейн получил взамен поврежденного.
Мировая Авиация 46
Техперсонал женского полка обслуживает Spitfire Mk IIA из 411-й (канадской) эскадрильи на британской базе Дигби, октябрь 1941 года. Подразделение было сформировано 16 июня 1941 года и успешно летало на Mk V и Mk lX до его расформирования 21 марта 1946 года.
Air International 1985-04 / Talkback
Spitfire IIB P8348 in the markings of No 52 OTU. Note the small blisters over the wing cannon.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
A cannon-armed Spitfire IIB of No 91 Squadron receives attention from armourers and fitters.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-03 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (3)
Снаряжение патронных ящиков "Спитфайра"
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
Rescue packs were carried in the fuselage chutes of the Spitfire IIC.
Мировая Авиация 62
Позднее Урбанович летал на истребителе Spitfire Mk II № P8041/RF-E. Окраска самолета сильно пострадала от интенсивной службы.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2006-06 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (14)
Бельгийские "Спитфайры" IIB
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-10
This year’s Air Tattoo at Greenham Common (July 23-24, 1983) hosted the biggest gathering of Spitfires and Hurricanes in this country in recent years. These photographs were taken before and after the display rehearsal on July 21. Here is the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Spitfire PR.19, PM631 (AD-C); behind it is the same unit’s Spitfire Mk.IIa, P7350, carrying a 64 Sqn code, SH-D. In the background are Greenham’s controversial cruise-missile bunkers.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire FR.XIV / FR.XVIII / PR.XIX - Великобритания - 1943
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
"Спитфайр" Mk.IIA(LR) с дополнительным топливным баком под крылом, подготовленный для операции "Санрайз"
A Spitfire IIA (LR) of No 66 Squadron, one of the three units issued with this long-range variant that was specially developed for "Operation Sunrise”. The tank was carried only on the port wing. -
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
"Двойка", переделанная в поисково-спасательный самолет Mk.IIC
Spitfire IIC P8131 of No 276 Squadron, one of the units flying this variant for air-sea rescue duties. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-11 / R.Nesbit - The flight of Rudolf Hess (1)
A Spitfire IIA, similar to the machine flown from RAF Acklington by Sgt M. A. Pocock of 72 Squadron on May 10, 1941, in an attempt to shoot down Hess's Bf 110. Sgt Pocock was commissioned on May 23, 1943 and ended the war as a flight lieutenant.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (1)
"Спитфайр" Mk.IIB с пушечным вооружением
Supermarine Spitfire IIB P8332 serving during 1941 with No 222 Squadron on bomber escort duties and Channel sweeps. -
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-02 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (2)
"Спитфайр" заходит в хвост немецкому бомбардировщику
Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-03 / В.Котельников, М.Никольский - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (3)
"Спитфайр" демонстрирует проход на бреющем - подготовка к операции "Цирк"
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-09 / Spitfire Notebook (5)
Регистрационный номер : P7613 Spitfire II P7613 served with Nos 610, 308, 315 and 350 Squadrons before it was struck off RAF charge in June 1945.
АвиаМастер 2001-06 / М.Морозов, Е.Грановский - "Второе дыхание" Люфтваффе в Средиземноморье /Стратегия и тактика/
Пилоты французских "Спитфайров" на Корсике.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-07 / ??? - Spits in civvies
Регистрационный номер : G-AHZI "Двойка" в частном пользовании
The first Spitfire to take up British registration was this Mk II example, G-AHZI/P8727. Civil conversion was carried out by Marshalls of Cambridge during 1946 for M.L.Bramson, a pre-war Savage Skywriting S.E.5 pilot. Named Josephine, ’ZI was based at Elstree for a year from 1946 but was destroyed during a take-off accident from Kastrup, Copenhagen on April 15, 1947. -
Air Enthusiast 1972-07 / Talkback
Two Spitfires - AB910 and PS853 - and the Hurricane LF363 of the RAF Historic Flight photographed at Coltishall in April.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hurricane - Великобритания - 1935
Air International 1985-03 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (2)
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] The Spitfire III N3297 in its original form in March 1940 with blunt wing tips, forward-raked undercarriage legs, retractable tailwheel and enlarged oil cooler intake. Note the full wheel covers and experimental main radiator.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-10 / Spitfire Notebook (6)
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] The first Spitfire III, N3297, with standard wingspan and experimental radiator under the starboard wing. Note the retractable tailwheel and Rotol three-bladed propeller. Armament here consists of eight 0-303in machine-guns.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-10 / Spitfire Notebook (6)
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] -
Air International 1985-03 / ??? - Spitfire: Simply Superb /Warbirds/ (2)
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] The Spitfire III N3297 in its original form in March 1940 with blunt wing tips, forward-raked undercarriage legs, retractable tailwheel and enlarged oil cooler intake.
Мировая Авиация 46
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] Mk III отличался крылом с "подрезанными" законцовками и полностью закрытыми нишами основного шасси, которые имели форму шарнирных люков, размещавшихся параллельно земле при выпущенном шасси. Подобные люки устанавливались на прототипе Spitfire, но никогда не применялись в эксплуатации.
Aviation Historian 9 / J.Franzi - Perfect Third? /An eye for detail/
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] The sole Spitfire Mk III, N3297, shortly after its completion, waxed and polished to maximise performance. Note the short-span wings and full doors on the mainwheels.
Мировая Авиация 46
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] Прототип Mk III (№3297), от которого отказались в пользу Mk V, осенью 1941 года был передан "Rolls-Royce" и оснащен двигателем Merlin 61. После устранения неисправности в силовой установке истребитель стал демонстрировать отличные характеристики на средних и больших высотах.
Air Enthusiast 2001-09 / W.Matusiak - Five to Nine
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] Two views of N3297 photographed in October 1941, during testing at Boscombe Down. Note the 'bumps' at the rear of the makeshift cowling. The aircraft was a hybrid, combining the modified Mk.III fuselage (similar to the later Mk.VIII), 'A' wing (without armament), and Merlin 61. In the original Mk.III prototype, to make room for enlarged fuel tanks in the fuselage, the upper portion of the fireproof bulkhead was inclined forward, as was the corresponding panel line between the main tank cover and the engine cowling. This was retained in N3297 throughout her life. Similar slant upper bulkhead/cowling arrangement would be used in just a few initial Mk.V-to-IX conversions, but would later be adopted as standard in Griffon-engined Spitfires. The upper surface painting scheme seems to have been Temperate Land in which N3297 was first finished in 1940 (not being a Fighter Command machine, the Spitfire was not affected by the switch to grey-and-green Day Fighter scheme in mid-1941). Undersides were yellow, as prescribed for prototypes (ortochromatic photos rendered this colour rather dark, as clearly displayed by the outer ring of the fuselage roundel). The propeller spinner looks like Sky, not usual on prototypes.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-05 / B.Gunston - The classic aero engines (6)
Регистрационный номер : N3297 [9] The Spitfire III N3297 in October 1941, with standard wing tips and a Merlin 60 series engine (note the twin wing radiators) and four-bladed propeller. As a Rolls-Royce test-bed, this was effectively a Spitfire IX prototype.
Spitfire N3297 was the only Mk III built. It was used as a development aircraft and was fitted for a while with the Merlin 61. To absorb the additional power a large four-bladed propeller was fitted.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-11 / S.Piercey - The great warbirds display
The finale of each day's flying was this flypast of three Spitfires, P-51, Bearcat, Pilatus P-2 and scale Fw 190, led by the B-17 Sally B.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-17E / B-17G Flying Fortress - США - 1941Grumman F8F Bearcat - США - 1944North American P-51D Mustang - США - 1944Pilatus P-2 - Швейцария - 1945WAR Focke-Wulf 190 - США - 1974
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-10 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
The wooden reproduction of the prototype Spitfire under construction in Swindon.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-08 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Fine workmanship is evident on Bob Cutting and Terry Wilshire's 4/5-scale Spitfire Mk I replica under construction in Canada.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-03 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Barry Gennard and his reproduction Spitfire outside his home at Barton Hills, Luton.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-03 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Although the reproduction Spitfire is closely based on Supermarine drawings, the lack of jigs is apparent in distortion of some of the fuselage contours.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-03 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
The riveted fuselage skinning.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-03 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
The fuselage interior has an undeniably authentic feel - Gennard has spent an average of three days a week building the aircraft over the last 5yr, and hopes eventually to install a powerplant which would enable it to taxy.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-03 / W.Clarke - Drawing a bead (2)
This photograph shows the position of the sight mounting on a Supermarine Spitfire.
Тип фотографий