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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1946

Одноместный палубный ударный самолет

Westland Wyvern
   Последним боевым самолетом, серийно выпускавшимся компанией «Westland», стал W34 - одноместный палубный ударный самолет, создание которого осложнялось выбором нового 24-цилиндрового двигателя Rolls-Royce Eagle с гильзовым распределением, разработанный под требования N.11/44 британских ВМС. Причем планер самолета должен был допускать простую и быструю замену этого двигателя на турбовинтовой - как только представится возможность.
   Первый из шести прототипов Wyvern был облетан 12 декабря 1946 года, за ним последовали 10 предсерийных Wyvern TF.Mk 1 с двигателем Eagle. Данный мотор имел много проблем, поэтому доводочные летные испытания затянулись настолько, что еще до того, как было принято решение о серийном выпуске этих самолетов, стала возможной установка на них уже турбовинтовых двигателей.
   В итоге выбор пал на двигатель Armstrong Siddeley Python - им решили оснастить 20 предсерийных Wyvern TF.Mk 2, 13 из которых поступили к заказчику именно под таким обозначением, остальные же были построены как серийные Wyvern TF.Mk 4 (позднее Wyvern S.Mk 4). Аналогичный двигатель был использован на 90 серийных S.Mk 4, первый из которых поступил на вооружение в мае 1953 года - примерно через шесть с половиной лет после первого полета прототипа. Самолет позже поступил на вооружение 827-й, 830-й и 831-й эскадрилий.
   830-я эскадрилья стала единственной, использовавшей самолет Wyvern в боевых действиях - во время Суэцкого кризиса. Самолет оставался на вооружении до марта 1958 года, когда была расформирована 813-я эскадрилья.


   Westland Wyvern S.Mk 4

   Тип: одноместный палубный ударный самолет
   Силовая установка: один ТВД Armstrong Siddeley Python ASP.3 мощностью 4110 л. с. (3065 кВт)
   Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на оптимальной высоте 708 км/ч; дальность 1448 км
   Масса: макс. взлетная 11113 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 13,41 м; длина 12,88 м; высота 4,80 м; площадь крыла 32,987 м2
   Вооружение: четыре 20-мм пушки, плюс возможность нести одну 508-мм торпеду, либо бомбы, либо мины, либо глубинные бомбы под фюзеляжем, и 16 реактивных снарядов массой по 26,7 кг под крылом

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  • Описание
  • Мировая Авиация 48

    Westland Wyvern S.Mk 4 из 830-й эскадрильи авиации ВМС летали с британского авианосца "Игл". Они наносили штурмовые удары по прибрежным целям, в том числе казармам между Эль-Гамилем и Порт-Саидом и по аэродрому Дехейла. При атаке автодорожного моста Дамиетта один самолет был сбит зенитным огнем, летчика спас дежуривший на "Игл" вертолет Whirlwind HAS.Mk 3.

  • Air Enthusiast 1998-03 / J.Smith - Wrath of a Mystical Monster

    Westland Wyvern S.4 WN328 of 830 Squadron, HMS ‘Eagle’ (hence fin-code ‘J’). Abandoned following damage from light anti-aircraft fire during a raid on the Coast Guard Station near Gamil airfield, November 5, 1956. Pilot, Lt Cdr Bill Cowling ejected successfully and was rescued by helicopter. Aircraft was coded ‘371’ but this was obliterated by the application of ‘Suez stripes’ to the rear fuselage. Spinner and finlets were painted maroon. Note that the finlet does not appear to carry the diagonal yellow stripe (or stripes) usually carried. (This maroon and yellow was called ‘custard and prunes (or plums)’ by squadron personnel.

  • Air International 1997-01 / G.Swanborough - Wyvern: Westland's Bedevilled Dragon

    Sole surviving W.34 Wyvern TF.1 VR137 is exhibited at the Fleet Air Arm Museum Yeovilton, Somerset. Seven Rolls-Royce Eagle 22 piston-engined TF.1s were built and all but VR137 flew. Sold to the College of Aeronautics at Cranfield in November 1950, it was used extensively for ground vibration tests and airframe system demonstrations before ultimately passing on to the FAAM.

  • Мировая Авиация 194

    TS371 - первый прототип W.34/TF.Mk 1. Его собрали в Йовиле в октябре 1946 года. Прототип потерпел катастрофу 15 октября 1947 года. На прототипах стояли моторы Eagle, самые мощные и последние поршневые авиадвигатели компании "Rolls-Royce". Впервые в Великобритании моторы были снабжены восьмилопастными соосными винтами противоположного вращения.

  • Air International 1986-03 / M.Hirst - Piston Engines (6)

    The ultimate piston engine from Rolls-Royce, the Eagle, powered the Wyvern but was overtaken by gas turbine development.

  • Air International 1997-01 / G.Swanborough - Wyvern: Westland's Bedevilled Dragon

    Prototype W.34 Wyvern TS371 first flew on December 23, 1946, powered by a Rolls-Royce Eagle 22 piston engine. Note that it lacks a wing-folding mechanism, cannon armament and ‘sting’ type arrester hook. It is seen here during its fatal last flight on October 15, 1947 in the hands of Peter Gamer - failure of the pitch translation bearing resulted in the airscrew stopping and the aircraft was burnt out in the ensuing unsuccessful wheels-up, dead-stick landing near Yeovil.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1977-07 / A.Ross - Westland Wyvern /Fighters of the fifties/ (15)

    The first prototype Wyvern TF. Mk 1, TS271, powered by a 2,690 h.p. Rolls-Royce Eagle piston engine, seen here in the hands of Sqn Ldr P. J. Garner on a flight from Yeovil on Wednesday, October 15, 1947. During this sortie the propeller stopped owing to failure of the pitch translation bearing and Garner was killed whilst attempting a forced landing.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1988-09 / Farnborough 1949

    Massive Westland Wyvern TF.2 second prototype VP113 provided a snappy display, thanks to the power of its 4,000 e.h.p. Armstrong Siddeley Python turboprop engine: after unfolding its wings in front of the crowd it made a rapid take-off, upward-rolled with ease, flew inverted and made tight, fast turns within the airfield perimeter. The excellent field of view from the high-set cockpit attracted favourable comment, as did the ejection seat - unusual equipment for a propeller-driven aircraft.

  • Aviation Historian 22 / M.Willis - "Very nearly a good aeroplane..."

    This photo of TS375 from the rear highlights the Youngman flaps, seen extended in the “cruise” setting. This type of flap had proved itself on the wartime Fairey Barracuda and Firefly, acting as a slotted flap for take-off and landing or as an auxiliary aerofoil to increase wing area and efficiency to extend endurance in cruising flight.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1977-07 / A.Ross - Westland Wyvern /Fighters of the fifties/ (15)

    The second prototype Wyvern, TS375, first flew on September 10, 1947. It was originally used for aerodynamic and handling tests.

  • Aviation Historian 22 / M.Willis - "Very nearly a good aeroplane..."

    With a strap placed around its rear fuselage. TS375 is prepared for a tethered engine test run. Only a few early test Eagles had been built before 15 examples of the 3,500 h.p. Eagle 22 were produced by Rolls-Royce, largely for the Wyvern test programme. The prominent gills in the forward part of the cowling are the outlets for hot air passing over the intercoolers, which were arranged in a semi-annular fashion around the reduction gear.

  • Aviation Historian 22 / M.Willis - "Very nearly a good aeroplane..."

    The second Westland Wyvern prototype, TS375, has its Rolls-Royce Eagle sleeve-valve engine run up at RNAS Merry field, a satellite of RNAS Yeovilton, around the time of its first flight in September 1947. The noise from the massive powerplant and its eight-bladed contra-rotating propeller must have been deafening, and at least two of the bystanders are, quite sensibly, covering their ears!

  • Aviation Historian 22 / M.Willis - "Very nearly a good aeroplane..."

    The test crew assembles for the tethered engine run, and the Wyvern is fuelled from a small Brockhouse-type bowser. The battery trolley has also been plugged in. Note the square carburettor intake under the nose, wedged between the annular intercooler intakes, and the staining along the forward fuselage from the exhaust.

  • Aviation Historian 22 / M.Willis - "Very nearly a good aeroplane..."

    Seen here from the front in “clean” configuration, with flaps retracted, TS375 did not have folding wings or any armament fitted; the first two prototypes were purely aerodynamic and systems test vehicles. The first prototype, TS371, was lost in a fatal crash little more than a month after TS375 first flew.

  • Aviation Historian 22 / M.Willis - "Very nearly a good aeroplane..."

    As Westland’s factory at Yeovil was not suitable for the Wyvern’s early test flights, much of its development flying was undertaken from Merryfield. Here we see TS375 in front of a T2 hangar, with engineers working on the complex Rotol propeller. Only the rear blades are yet in place; the apparatus to lift the front blade unit into place may be seen to the left.

  • Aviation Historian 22 / M.Willis - "Very nearly a good aeroplane..."

    A different Wyvern and possibly a different location - the aircraft is probably the third or fourth of the original six prototypes. Of the Eagle-powered machines, only TS378 and TS380 appear to have worn the post-war Admiralty colour scheme of Extra Dark Sea Grey over Sky as seen here in this group shot. The location is hard to establish, although it may be Merry field or even Rolls-Royce’s aerodrome at Hucknall. The gentleman in the white shirt and spectacles is believed to be Dennis Edkins, Wyvern designer Teddy Petter’s assistant.

  • Мировая Авиация 194

    Один из семи предсерийных Wyvern TF.Mk 1 с подвешенной под фюзеляжем 46-см торпедой. Все TF.Mk 1 были оснащены моторами Eagle.

  • Мировая Авиация 194

    Единственный двухместный тренировочный T.Mk 3 заказали одновременно с TF.Mk 2. В кабине инструктора был установлен перископ. Самолет оставался собственностью "Westland" и разбился в ноябре 1950 года.
    Photographed in January 1950, the one and only Wyvern trainer, T.3 VZ739, first flew on February 11 the same year and was retained by Westland for trials, becoming the station hack when orders were not forthcoming.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1977-07 / A.Ross - Westland Wyvern /Fighters of the fifties/ (15)

    The one and only Wyvern trainer, to Spec T.12/48, was the T.Mk 3 VZ739. Photographed in January 1950, it first flew on February 11 the same year. It became a station “hack” when orders were not forthcoming.

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