Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star, T-33 и T2V/T-1 SeaStar
Компания "Lockheed" ко времени окончания серийного выпуска построила всего 1732 самолета P-80 Shooting Star (с 1947 года обозначались F-80), хотя более востребован оказался учебно-тренировочный двухместный вариант T-33A. Этот самолет, в целом идентичный F-80, имел удлиненный фюзеляж - чтобы вместить второго летчика с расположением кресел по схеме тандем. T-33A находился в эксплуатации в авиации более чем 30 стран мира. Компания "Lockheed" построила 5691 такую машину, еще 210 самолетов были собраны в Японии компанией "Kawasaki", а компания "Canadair" построила 656 машин - они были оснащены двигателями Rolls-Royce Nene местной сборки и известны под обозначением CL-30 Silver Star. Часть учебно-тренировочных самолетов T-33 оставалась в эксплуатации даже в 2001 году.
TP-80C (позже TF-80C и T-33A): двухместный учебно-тренировочный самолет TP-80C облетан 22 марта 1948 года, после чего принят на вооружение ВВС США; построено 128 машин
AT-33A: вариант T-33A для использования в составе небольших ВВС с вооружением для подготовки к применению бортового вооружения и для ведения операций против партизан (повстанцев)
DT-33A: обозначение самолетов T-33A, переоборудованных для управления беспилотными мишенями
NT-33A: обозначение самолетов T-33A, переоборудованных для специальных испытаний
QT-33A: обозначение самолетов T-33A, переоборудованных в радиоуправляемые беспилотные мишени
RT-33A: вариант самолета AT-33A для разведки (для небольших ВВС); построено 85 машин
TO-2 (затем TV-2): вариант самолета T-33A для ВМС США
TV-2D: обозначение самолетов TO-2/TV-2, переоборудованных для управления беспилотными мишенями
TV-2KD: обозначение самолетов TO-2/TV-2, переоборудованных в радиоуправляемые беспилотные мишени
- Описание
Мировая Авиация 221
Прототип TP-80C, пилотируемый Тони Левьером и Робертом Спуном, во время первого полета 22 марта 1948 года.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2002-07 / А.Фирсов - Локхид T-33A
Первый опытный TP-80C
Air Enthusiast 2001-07 / D.Gordon - TAC Recon Masters (1)
T-33A 50-371 of the 303rd TRS at Sembach, 1953. Note the sheep grazing - they kept the grass areas very neat!
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v4
Lockheed T-33A Shooting Stars.
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-12 / B.Gunston - Lockheed F-94 /Fighters of the fifties/ (21)
Chased by a T-33, F-94C 0957 is enveloped in the smoke of its rockets, launched from the four nose ports.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-94 Starfire - США - 1949
Мировая Авиация 187
Второй C-133A в испытательном полете, его сопровождает T-33A из состава ВВС США.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas C-133 Cargomaster - США - 1956
Мировая Авиация 118
Ярко окрашенный беспилотный самолет QF-80 управлялся с земли или с борта T-33.
Air Pictorial 1957-03
Lockheed T-33 is used as a test-bed for guidance systems for supersonic missiles. Electronics, developed by Ryan Aircraft, fit inside standard T-33 tip tank. The system operator gets a fix on a B-47 posing as an enemy aircraft, and a simulated attack is made. All information is telemetered to a ground station.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Mark Hanna familiarises himself with the Old Flying Machine Company’s newly-acquired Lockheed T-33, N33VC, at Duxford on May 4, 1999 while Carl Schofield looks on. Now registered N33VC, the aircraft is better known in its earlier guise as Ormond Haydon-Baillie’s G-OAHB Black Knight.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-03 / В.Морозов - Красное на черном: ВВС Албании
T-33 ВВС США и оборудование с него, объявленное «шпионским». Снимок конца 1950-х гг.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-03 / В.Морозов - Красное на черном: ВВС Албании
Тот же T-33 в музее г. Гирокастра. Видно, что от самолета мало что осталось.
Авиация и Время 2017-02 / П.Нор - Реактивные учебно-тренировочные самолеты
Американский учебно-тренировочный самолет 1-го поколения T-33
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Winkle - Big Deuce
CH-37B acting as an 'aircraft carrier' with an underslung Lockheed T-33A.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky CH-37 / S-56 Mojave - США - 1953
Air Pictorial 1955-06 / Photos by request
Production model for the U.S.N. of the private venture Model L-245 jet trainer is known as the T2V-1. The wingtip tank at the top belongs to a standard TV-2 (T-33A in the U.S.A.F.).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-1 / T2V Sea Star - США - 1955
Авиация и Космонавтика 2002-07 / А.Фирсов - Локхид T-33A
T-33A стали практически первыми самолетами вновь воссозданных "люфтваффе"
Air Pictorial 1956-11 / The journal of a roving spotter
After a break of forty-two years the patee cross once again appears on a German aeroplane; a lockheed T-33 which was recently handed over to the West German Air Force by the U.S.A.F.
Air Enthusiast 1972-05 / J.Fricker - Post-mortem on an air war
One of the small number of Lockheed RT-33As remaining in the PAF inventory for the tactical reconnaissance role.
Air Enthusiast 1971-07 / ??? - The Turkish Air Forces ... NATO's lunchpin or Achilless heel?
One of the ex-Luftwaffe T-33As employed Jor advanced training at Cigli which is also the commercial airfield for Izmir.
Авиация и Время 2008-01 / А.Котлобовский - Эхо старой вражды (1)
Среди первых потерь турок над Кипром были и T-33
Авиация и Космонавтика 2007-08 / М.Никольский - ВВС Сербии (1)
Реактивный УТС T-33 ВВС Югославии
Авиация и Космонавтика 2012-11 / С.Йоканович - 100 лет военной авиации Сербии (2)
Учебный T-33 ВВС Югославии
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v2
Canadair Silver Stars.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v4
Canadian-built T-33A Silver Star.
Aviation Historian 31 / F.Villeneuve - Hawk One (1)
After his brief tenure with No 431 Sqn, Fern was sent on an instructor’s course for the Harvard, before volunteering to become an instructor on the CT-133 Silver Star, a Canadair-built version of the Lockheed T-33. After a period instructing at Portage La Prairie, Fern was posted to the Central Flying School to evaluate and instruct the instructors, accruing a great deal of experience on the Silver Star, another type he enjoyed pushing to its limits.
Air Pictorial 1958-08 / Spotter's Notebook
T-33 with Radop.
Air International 1994-10 / B.McIntyre - Bluenose T-Birds
The DX-4B target reels mounted under the CT-133's fuselage. Using 10mm diameter tow wire, it provides a tow separation of 4,100m.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
The Lockheed T-33 Silver Star CF-IHB, in its original service guise with the RCAF, bearing service number 21261.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
The second of Haydon-Baillie's Silver Stars in its original Navy markings, service number 21640, and bearing the name Red Herring on the fin.
Air International 1994-10 / B.McIntyre - Bluenose T-Birds
434 Bluenose CT-133 s commence a three-ship formation take-off at Shearwater. Canadair built 656 CT-133s under license for the Canadian Air Force, but only 45 remain in active service.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
On May 2, 1954 six T-33As arrived on board the cargo ship 'Kingsport Victory' at Barcelona port, from where they were trucked to the city's airport.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
Four of the first six T-33s arrived in Talavera on March 24, 1954 are seen here. Note the 'Mary Margaret' legend on the first example 51-17540, later E.15-3.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
Several E.15s began operations carrying nonstandard markings, including E.15-17 which arrived in Spain in March 1955.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
E.15-25 showing the markings carried by Jet School aircraft early in 1959. The 'E' had just disappeared from the fuselage unit code. Scarcity of stencilled instructions is readily discernible.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
High over the Guadiana River, E.15-12 during a high-g manoeuvre. Note early EdA and Jet School markings.
Air Enthusiast 2007-05 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (2)
Three Jet School E.15s flying in echelon, mid-1958. E.15-4 sports the newly-created Jet School emblem on its tail and the former unit code, which included an unusual 'E'.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
High over Extremadura, E.15-16 in pristine condition, revealing a recent overhaul. Readily discernible are the undernose antennae of the AN/ARN-21 TACAN equipment.
Air Enthusiast 2007-05 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (2)
After the F-86Fs were phased out of the Jet School, 732 Escuadron received half the E.15s assigned to 731 Escuadron, including ‘E.15-41’.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
The refurbishing line at CASA-Sevilla with one of the E.15s sporting unit markings in the '73-6X' range, 73-67 in this case. Photographs of machines carrying these unusual codes are extremely rare even though they were operated at Talavera for more than a year.
Air Enthusiast 2007-05 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (2)
On May 21, 1971 SF-5-equipped 21 Ala was formed, keeping six E.15s, including E.15-53, at Son San Juan in the summer of 1977.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
E.15-36 of Ala de Caza 4. Note the lack of tail cross, unofficial position of fuselage roundels and lack of wingtip tanks. The nose-band was medium green.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
An Ala de Caza 3 T-33A - a rare image. The unit had three on strength for almost a year.
Air Enthusiast 2007-05 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (2)
Lt Santaner removes the filler cap of a T-33's wings tanks. Note what appears to be a coloured band around the nose of E.15-15 '73-15', leading to the suspicion that some Jet School T-33s could have sported such markings - perhaps yellow?
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
Pictured at San Pablo (Sevilla) during an open day held very likely in the summer of 1965, E.15-35 sports unusual unit markings (including orange nose band and a version of the Ala de Caza 5 badge) of the so-called 157 Escuadron de Servicios (157th Service Squadron). The real task of this unit remains unknown to the authors.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
Ready to take off from Son San Juan, E.15-59 sporting the colours of the fet School's 731 Escuadron. The photo might have been taken shortly after delivery to the EdA as denoted by the traces of the nose lettering and rear fuselage USAF markings. The pod beneath the midfuselage served as a baggage carrier.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
E.15-34, in Ala de Caza 1 markings, remained at Manises for many years. It is believed to have been assigned to the unit's 11 Escuadron (red nose-band).
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / G.Cruz, R.Canamares - Iberian 'T-birds' /Air forces/ (1)
Examples of the second batch of T-33s received by the EdA, probably on the Talavera ramp. These aircraft don’t seem to have ever carried USAF markings other than the tail serial number.
Air International 1992-12 / G.Kamp, H.Koning - Front-line professionals with yesterday's aircraft
US Air Force Lockheed T-33A trainer that landed in Albania in 1957. The aircraft remains in the country, being exhibited in a museum at Gjirokastra.
Air Pictorial 1986-01
Paul Berry's photo of Lockheed T-33A 51-4413 which is preserved on the battlements of a castle at Gjirokaster in the south of Albania
Air Enthusiast 1995-09 / S.Flores - Los Vampiros Mexicanos
A line-up of F.3s and T-33As. Vampire No 1 sports an extra tailboom stripe to show that it is the Squadron Commander’s aircraft.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Vampire / D.H.100 - Великобритания - 1943
Air Enthusiast 1995-09 / S.Flores - Los Vampiros Mexicanos
Mk 3 No 13 taxiing by a Lockheed T-33A during their final years of operations - this aircraft is preserved at BAMS at Zapopan, Jalisco Mexico.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Vampire / D.H.100 - Великобритания - 1943
Air Pictorial 1958-07 / Spotter's Notebook
The first civil-registered T-33, constructed from parts of several military counterparts;
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-06 / News Spotlight
Ormond Haydon-Baillie has added a third Lockheed T-33, N12420, to his collection at Duxford.
The third T-33, N12420, has since been sold in America and is no longer part of the Collection. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-08 / B.Martin - Britain's civil aircraft register
Ormond Haydon-Baillie’s Lockheed T-33 Silver Star, G-WGHB, about to leave Southend for its new home at Duxford on May 26, 1974.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-11 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
T-33 G-TJET at Gatwick.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / W.Haydon-Baillie - Haydon-Baillie Aircraft & Naval Collection
Ormond Haydon-Baillie’s black T-33, G-OAHB, based at Duxford
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / News Spotlight
Ormond Haydon-Baillie’s T-33, Black Knight, hugging the runway at the Biggin Air Fair.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
The Lockheed T-33 Silver Star CF-IHB, as it appears today
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
Haydon-Baillie's first Silver Star making its British debut at this year's Biggin Hill Air Fair and performing for the benefit of John Rigby's camera.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-02
Canadair T-33 N12413 Red Knight, crewed by Rick Brickert and Dennis Sanders and photographed in 1988
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-03 / News Spotlight
Ormond Haydon-Baillie recently flew his two T-33s and Hawker Sea Fury to Southend from Canada for British registry. Two Bolingbrokes with spares are being shipped over at the time of press. One of the T-33s and the Sea Fury are seen here.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Fury / Sea Fury - Великобритания - 1944
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / W.Haydon-Baillie - Haydon-Baillie Aircraft & Naval Collection
Ormond Haydon-Baillie and brother Wensley with their father, centre, in front of the black T-33 at Duxford.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / W.Haydon-Baillie - Haydon-Baillie Aircraft & Naval Collection
The enthustiastic ground support team in immaculate white overalls on the wing of the black T-33.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-12 / F.Mormillo - Reno razzle
The Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star performing for the Reno crowd.
Air Pictorial 1977-10 / P.Thompson - The R.Danish A.F. Today
Lockheed T-33A DT-491. A dozen of the twenty-seven supplied in 1953 remained in service until early this year but have now been withdrawn
Air Pictorial 1977-10 / P.Bish, A.Clancy - Belgian Fairey Tale
Belgian A.F. Lockheed T-33 FT-28 after overhaul by Fairey S. A., 23/3/77
Air International 1983-11 / L.Berns - Full of Eastern Promise /Veteran & Vintage/
China's museum contains several examples of aircraft that have defected to the People's Republic of China from Taiwan. They include this T-33 with yellow nose and tip tanks and red fin.
Air International 1986-08 / C.Pocock - Singapore Sting
An expansion of pilot training requirements in 1980 led to the acquisition of a dozen ex-Armee de l’Air Lockheed T-33As, later augmented by a further eight, and these serve with No 131 (Harrier) Sqn from Tengah, but will eventually be replaced by the S.211.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-08 / В.Морозов - Доминиканский эпизод или Ответный ход Фиделя
Доминиканский T-33A. Конец 1950-х гг.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2002-07 / А.Фирсов - Локхид T-33A
Ударный вариант T-33A - AT-33 долгие годы был основным боевым самолетом ВВС Португалии
Air International 1985-08 / ??? - Reluctant Samurai (1)
At Gifu, the Air Proving Wing (Koku Jikkendan) includes the ubiquitous Lockheed T-33A in its present inventory.
Air Enthusiast 1972-06 / ??? - Arabian Fledgling ... the Royal Saudi Air Force
Three Lockheed T-33As of No 15 Squadron taking-off. This Squadron is based at Dhahran, and, together with Sabre-equipped No 7 Squadron, forms the RSAF's Operational Conversion Unit.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / Museums Guide
An overall view of the Dumfries and Galloway Aviation Museum, based in the old control tower of what used to be Dumfries Airfield. From left to right: Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star FT-36; 22,000lb bomb; Dassault Mystere 318, North American F-100 Super Sabre 54-2163, Fairey Gannet, Varsity nose section and Bristol Sycamore.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bristol Sycamore / Type 171 - Великобритания - 1947Dassault Mystere / MD-452 - Франция - 1951Fairey Gannet - Великобритания - 1949North American F-100 Super Sabre - США - 1953Vickers Varsity - Великобритания - 1949
Air International 1993-11 / B.van der Klaauw - Going Dutch - the Aviolanda story
Aviolanda’s overhaul workshop at Woensdrecht Air Base in 1963. A Lockheed T-33 and KLM DC-6 PH-DPW are parked on the apron in front of the hangar, with four Lockheed SP-2H Neptunes in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-6 / C-118 Liftmaster - США - 1946Lockheed Neptune P2V - США - 1945
Air Pictorial 1955-12 / The journal of a roving spotter
Unusual formation photographed by a Meteor of No.541 Squadron, R.A.F., Laarbruch, during the 3rd Central Region Reconnaissance Symposium held at H.Q. A.T.A.F. The Swift F.R.Mk.5 (XD 905) shows for the first time the ventral slipper tank. The all-silver Canberra (WT758) is a P.R.Mk.7, while the Shooting Star (TP-20) is a "rare bird", an RT-33A of the Royal Netherlands Air Force.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: English Electric / BAE Canberra - Великобритания - 1949Supermarine Swift - Великобритания - 1948
Мировая Авиация 221
RT-33A получил новую носовую часть, в которой могли устанавливаться различные плановые или перспективные фотокамеры или их комбинации.
Air International 1980-07 / ??? - Thailand seeks enhanced air capability
The ageing RT-33A shares the tactical reconnaissance task with a few RF-5As and is expected to remain in the RTAF inventory for some years.
Air International 1984-10 / ??? - Colombia's Air Arm
One of the RT-33As in the inventory of the Grupo Aereo de Combate 2 based at Apiay.
Air International 1985-10 / D.Brown - Home of the Right Stuff
Aircraft currently in the fleet of the USAF Test Pilot School include (clockwise from left) the variable stability Learjet 23, Cessna A-37, McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, de Havilland U-6 Beaver, Boeing KC-135, de Havilland UV-18 Twin Otter, Vought A-7, Northrop T-38A and Lockheed NT-33A.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956Cessna A-37 Dragonfly - США - 1967De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver - Канада - 1947De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter - Канада - 1965Learjet Learjet 23 / 24 / 25 - США - 1963McDonnell Douglas RF-4 Phantom II - США - 1964Northrop T-38 Talon - США - 1959Vought A-7 Corsair II - США - 1965
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 02 - RPVs and Targets
DATS (Dornier Aerial Target System) under the wing of a QT-33
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