Miles M.1 Satyr и M.2 Hawk
В 1932 году Ф. Г. Майлз поднял в воздух небольшой одноместный биплан Miles M.1 Satyr. Был построен всего один такой самолет, летал хорошо, но был списан в 1936 году. Ранее Фредерик Майлз принимал участие в проектировании британских бипланов Southern Martlet и Metal Martlet, поэтому решил разработать двухместный самолет, рассчитанный на массовый спрос. M.2 Hawk выполнил первый полет в марте 1933 года, самолет стал предшественником последующей серии великолепных монопланов марки Miles. Изначально на Hawk стоял 95-сильный мотор Cirrus IIIA. Поздние самолеты варианта M.2c оснащались мотором de Havilland Gipsy III мощностью 120 л.с. К другим вариантам относятся M.2a с закрытой кабиной, одноместный M.2b большой дальности с мотором Hermes IV мощностью 120 л.с., трехместный M.2d. Всего построено 55 самолетов Hawk.
Дальнейшие работы привели к созданию серии Hawk Major с мотором de Havilland Gipsy Major мощностью 130 л. с., как у первого варианта M.2F. Строились и другие варианты, обозначавшиеся от M.2G до M.2T. Всего построили 64 самолета серии Hawk Major.
Первые одноместные гоночные модели известны как Hawk Speed Six, построили три самолета с мотором Gipsy Six мощностью 200 л. с. Другим гоночным вариантом несколько меньших размеров стал M.5 Sparrowhawk; построено пять машин. Их прототип пережил войну и в 1953 году прошел модернизацию с установкой двух ТРД Turbomeca Palas тягой по 150 кг. После чего самолет стал именоваться M.77 Sparrowjet, его максимальная скорость составляла 370 км/ч. Финальным вариантом всего семейства стал учебно-тренировочный M.2X Hawk Trainer; построено 25 машин. На основе M.2X разработали Miles M.14 Magister.
- Miles M.1 Satyr и M.2 Hawk
- Flight, February 1934
A THREE-SEATER "HAWK" - Flight, July 1934
Flight 1933-08 / Flight
THE PROTOTYPE: This picture of Mr. Miles flying the first "Hawk" was taken some time ago, and certain changes have been made in the Production Model, notably the fitting of an undercarriage incorporating Dowty shock-absorber legs.
Flight 1933-10 / Flight
CHEERIO!: Mrs. Patterson (in the cockpit of her "Hawk") receiving congratulations on gaining the "punctuality prize" at the Ladies' Meeting at Reading aerodrome last Saturday.
Flight 1933-07 / Flight
THE WINNER: Wing Com. H. M. Probyn won the Cinque Ports Wakefield Cup Race in this new Miles "Hawk" (Cirrus III) at Lympne on July 22.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-06 / Personal album. Civil
Miles M.2 Hawk G-ACMH photographed at New Salts aerodrome in 1934, flown in by one of the Miles brothers from Woodley, Reading.
Flight 1934-01 / Flight
FROM THE DUTCH INDIES: The first Miles "Hawk" (extreme right) put into service at the Sourabaya Aero Qub, where it is giving great satisfaction.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Pander E - Нидерланды - 1926
Flight 1933-11 / Flight
Mr. Edwin Denis A. Bigg who, flying a Miles "Hawk" (Cirrus III), left for Nairobi, Kenya, last week. Mr. Bigg, who is an Ex-R.A.F. officer, is the first to fly one out to Africa, where he is going to start a Flying School and Air Taxi Company.
Flight 1934-03 / Flight
A "HAWK" FOR IRELAND: Phillips &. Powis have just delivered this "Hawk" to Lady Nelson, of Everson Flying Services, Finglas. With the machine are Mr. J. R. Currie, chief ground engineer of the company, and Capt. Hamilton, who learnt to fly at this school.
Flight 1933-11 / Flight
FOR LESS NOISE: This is the latest modification to the exhaust arrangements on the Miles "Hawk," as fitted to the machine of that make owned by Mrs. MacDonald.
Flight 1934-06 / Flight
ZONK! Ruddy Duck was the name given to the first Phillips & Powis School "Hawk" at Reading by Mrs. Miles last Saturday.
Flight 1934-04 / Flight
FOR BRITISH HOSPITALS: Mr. McEwan King and Mr. Leigh Mossley (dark suit) examining the latest three-seater "Hawk."
Flight 1934-05 / Flight
GLANZEND: Its low price as well as its remarkably fine finish and ruggedness of construction caused a stream of visitors to the "Hawk" Stand.
Flight 1934-05 / Flight
UN COIN ANGLAIS: In the foreground the de Havilland Aircraft Co. are together with their agent showing three types of aeroplane. On the left is the Miles "Hawk," and on the right can be seen Herr Schwabe's "Klemm" in which he has recently returned from a flight to Capetown.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Leopard Moth / D.H.85 - Великобритания - 1933De Havilland Moth Major / D.H.60GIII - Великобритания - 1932De Havilland Tiger Moth / D.H.82 - Великобритания - 1931Klemm Kl.32 / Kl.36 - Германия - 1932
Flight 1934-05 / Flight
STRAIGHT FROM THE NEST: A batch of Miles "Hawks" recently supplied by Phillips fit Powis Aircraft (Reading), Ltd., to Lord Clive, Messrs. Grover, E. D. Spratt, and H. Singh Uberoi.
Flight 1934-06 / Flight
VARIETY AT VINCENNES: G. L. Harrison (centre) and Stephen Cliff (right) who flew the Miles "Hawk" from Heston; with them is R. A. C. Brie, who came over on the Autogiro.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / Personal album. Civil
Miles M.2 Hawk G-ACRT, registered in May 1934, was sold to Viscount Clive and kept at Hanworth. Although it survived the war ’RT languished at Kidlington from 1946 until the early Sixties, in derelict state, the last of its breed. Powered by the 95 h.p. ADC Cirrus IIIA, a batch of which was bought cheaply by Miles from Canada, the M.2 initially sold for just less than £400 and was a popular buy with private pilots.
Flight 1934-02 / Flight
THE NEW UNDERCARRIAGE: This view shows that the radius rod is now directly behind the compression leg, decreasing drag considerably.
Flight 1934-02 / Flight
A CLEAN FRONT: Head-on the "Hawk" is very clean, a fact which no doubt largely accounts for its exceptional performance and acceleration on the ground.
Flight 1934-02 / Flight
The view gives a clear idea of the seating accommodation.
Flight 1933-12 / Flight
AN INDIAN VENTURE: Mr. Man Mohan Singh, chief pilot to the Maharajah of Patiala, and who flew from England to India in 1930, is making a flight from England to Cape Town in the Miles "Hawk" ("Hermes IV") shown in the accompanying illustration. This machine has been fitted with large tanks giving a range of about 1,800 miles. Mr. Singh, who has been provided with a Shell Carnet to enable him to obtain Shell aviation products wherever he goes, will follow the normal route through Italy and along Imperial Airways' route. From the Cape he will return to India via Egypt.
Flight 1933-12 / Flight
THE "HAWK SPECIAL": This is the latest machine turned out for Phillips & Powis, Ltd., of Reading, by Mr. G. H. Miles, and is called the "Hawk Special." Powered with a "Gipsy III" engine, the top speed is in the neighbourhood of 130 m.p.h. Both the climb and take off are exceptionally good, and the machine has a remarkably good outlook forward for the pilot, while the passenger can see the surrounding country unimpeded, by virtue of the low side-windows. This particular machine is being flown to Cairo by Mr. Stephen Cliff, and when out there he will compete in the competitions arranged during the Oases Meeting.
Flight 1933-12 / Flight
TWO BRITISH LOW-WING MONOPLANES: The "Hawk Special" on the left and the Percival "Gull" on the right.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Percival Gull - Великобритания - 1932
Flight 1934-07 / Flight
Types of Machine in the King's Cup Race (2) Miles "Hawk," D.H. "Gipsy III" 120 h.p. engine
Flight 1934-07 / Flight
THE ONLY "THRILL": Mr. "Tommy" Rose overtakes Mr. Broadbent while rounding the Hatfield pylon.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Fox Moth / D.H.83 - Великобритания - 1932
Flight 1935-04 / Flight
Genesis: This photograph, taken by a Flight photographer from a standard "Hawk" (Cirrus III), shows the "Hawk Major" (Gipsy Major), the "Falcon" (Gipsy Major) and, at the top, the "Merlin" (Gipsy Six).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Miles M.3 Falcon / M.6 Hawcon - Великобритания - 1934Miles M.4 Merlin - Великобритания - 1935
Flight 1935-09 / Flight
A Reading type well represented - the Hawk Major; seven of these machines - two of which, differing from the others in internal fittings, are more accurately described as Hawk Trainers - are taking part.
Flight 1935-08 / Flight
Mrs. Miles and Mr. F. G. Miles flying the new De Luxe "Hawk Major" near Reading.
Flight 1935-12 / Flight
The modern trend in open types is illustrated in this type, the Miles Hawk Major.
Flight 1934-11 / Flight
"HAWK MAXIMUS": Sqd. Ldr. Malcolm McGregor and Henry Walker reached Melbourne in their standard Miles "Hawk Major" 7 days 15 hours after leaving Mildenhall.
Flight 1938-07 / Flight
Cliff’s Hawk Major comes in after finishing third.
Flight 1936-07 / Flight
The limit man (Flt. Lt. Bonham-Carter, with Lady Hoare as passenger) shows deep interest in Mr. Reynold's flag at the start of Saturday's final. The machine is a standard Miles Hawk Major.
Flight 1936-01 / Flight Advertisements
HAWK MAJOR (DE-LUXE) Gipsy Major Engine Price ?870 ex Works. Maximum Speed 150 m.p.h. Cruising Speed 130-135 m.p.h. Landing Speed 40-45 m.p.h. Landing run with brakes and flaps 70 yards. Rate of Climb 1,300 feet/min. Petrol consumption 6 1/2 galls./hr. Range 660 miles. Full set of Instruments in rear cockpit. Dual control. Bendix Brakes. Tail trim and rudder bias control. Cockpits upholstered in real leather.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / Personal album. Civil
Miles M.2H Hawk Major G-ADGF, operated by Shell from 1935 until 1939, mostly by Dick Bentley, and kept at Heston.
Flight 1937-09 / Flight
Lord Londonderry tries out Flt. Lt. "Shell" Bentley's Hawk Major.
АвиаМастер 2002-08 / М.Жирохов, И.Сеидов - Яростное небо Эускади /Из истории воздушных войн/
Еще двое "артистов цирка Кроне" - английские спортивные "Майлзы", использовавшиеся на Северном фронте в качестве легких многоцелевых боевых машин.
Flight 1938-05 / Flight
THIS MILES HAWK TRAINER, completed recently, is claimed to be the first aeroplane to be assembled and partly built in India. It was built by the Aeronautical Training Centre of India under licence granted by Phillips and Powis Aircraft through their agents for India, R. K. Dundas, Ltd., of New Delhi and Portsmouth
АвиаМастер 2006-05 / М.Жирохов - Помощь по-соседски /Малоизвестные страницы истории/
Жузе Адриану Пекиту Ребелу (справа) на фоне своей "Пассаролы"
АвиаМастер 2006-05 / М.Жирохов - Помощь по-соседски /Малоизвестные страницы истории/
Еще один снимок Жузе Адриану Пекиту Ребелу возле "Пассаролы"
АвиаМастер 2006-05 / М.Жирохов - Помощь по-соседски /Малоизвестные страницы истории/
Антониу де Суза Майа у самолета Майлз "Хок"
Flight 1935-09 / Flight
Mr. Charles Powis and Mr. F. G. Miles talk it over with Mr. F. N. St. Barbe, De Havilland business manager.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 01 - The progress of the world in civil aviation during the year 1937-38
ON PARADE. - Miles Aeroplanes on Rongatal Aerodrome, Wellington, New Zealand.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Miles M.11 Whitney Straight - Великобритания - 1936
Flight 1936-07 / Flight
Phillips and Fowis were represented by the Hawk Trainer, the Nighthawk, and the Miles Whitney Straight, all fitted with Gipsy engines.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Miles M.11 Whitney Straight - Великобритания - 1936Miles M.7 Nighthawk / M.16 Mentor - Великобритания - 1935
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-10 / В.Морозов - Великая воздушная гонка
Этот Майлз M-2F "Хоук Мэйджер" с новозеландским экипажем в составе МакГрегора и Уокера за 7 дней тоже ухитрился добраться до Мельбурна и даже занял пятое место в зачете по гандикапу
Air Pictorial 1956-07 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
NON-TROUSERED MILES M.2F VH-ACC is an original 1934 Hawk Major, rebuilt from a wreck and now flown from Moorabbin. On current British Register - G-ADMW (M.2H; c/n. 177) and G-ADWT (M.2W; c/n . 215).
Flight 1935-12 / Flight
APPROVED: Three Miles Hawk Trainers, a type which has now been approved for Air Ministry training, standing in front oi the new Phillips and Powis Reserve School buildings at Reading. With the modern tendency towards monoplanes for Service use, the approval was only logical.
Flight 1937-03 / Flight
M.2X Hawk Trainer являлся самолетом первоначального обучения, после его освоения курсанты переходили на Miles M. 14 Magister. Hawk Trainer в больших количествах использовали британские ВВС. Самолет на фотографии был построен в 1936 году, а в 1940 году эти машины начали снимать с эксплуатации.
For modern instruction: The Miles Hawk Trainer, a machine which is designed primarily for the training of Service pilots in modern technique. -
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
The Hawk Trainer, which differs only in detail from the standard Major.
Flight 1936-10 / Flight
LOW-WING TRAINER: An impressive "aerial" of one of the latest Miles Hawk Trainers to go into service with the Reserve school at Woodley. Its number may cause consternation when (and if) it is used for a first solo.
Flight 1936-02 / Flight
OUT AND UP: This Flight photograph, taken at Reading Aerodrome, shows Wing Comdr. F. W. Stent flying the Miles Hawk Trainer in its latest form. In the foreground are the Phillips and Powis experimental shops and in the distance are the New Reserve school and the service hangars.
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
MODERN TRAINING: These four Hawk Trainers, which have been specially designed for aerobatics and inverted flying, were delivered by air last week to the Roumanian Government. These are the first British low-wing trainers to be sold abroad.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-02 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Miles Hawk Major DG590/G-ADMW is at the centre of a row between the RAF Museum and the new Berkshire Museum of Aviation.
Flight 1936-03 / Flight
A MAJOR IN UNIFORM: A Miles Hawk Major (130 h.p. Gipsy Major) has been delivered to the Service and is the first of its type to bear the familiar targets.
Air Pictorial 1995-01 / J.Havers - The flying Arab Legion
Miles M.2 Hawk HK863 somewhere in the Middle East during the early part of the Second World War.
Air Enthusiast 1996-07 / M.Axworthy - Flank Guard. Romania's Aerial Advance on Stalingrad (1)
Ten Miles Hawks were bought for the FARR in 1936, two of which were still in service in mid-1943.
Flight 1936-10 / Flight
Part of the school's Hawk Trainer fleet at Woodley, with the school building.
Aeroplane Monthly 1992-07 / W.Morse - Baynes: the unknown innovator
The newly-completed Baynes Bee at Heston on March 23, 1937, with a more conventional two-seater - a Miles Hawk Major behind. A few days later, on April 3, Hubert Broad took the Bee off from Heston on its maiden flight. Although it was registered G-AEWC, it is almost certain that the Bee never wore these marks.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Carden-Baynes Bee - Великобритания - 1937
Flight 1937-08 / Flight
Several slower machines had already taken off when Mr. E. F. Walter was snapped with his Miles Hawk. Tommy Rose may be seen chatting near the B. A. Eagle.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: British Klemm BK-1 Eagle - Великобритания - 1934
Flight 1935-04 / Flight
M.t. G W.. Wilson, deputy general manager of Shell-Mex, receiving the log-books of the "Hawk Major" from Mr. Powis and Mr. Miles at Reading last week.
Flight 1936-08 / Flight
The unlucky ones: Mr. J. M. Bickerton and Mr. E. F. Walter who finished first and second in the race, but were disqualified on a technical point at the Yeadon control.
Flight 1938-07 / Flight
L. H. T. Cliff (Miles Hawk Major), third at 146.25 m.p.h. His passenger is Mrs. Cliff.
Flight 1936-08 / Flight
Winner, second and co-third in the competition : In the cockpit of the Hawk Major is Miss Moore, while below can be seen Mrs. Fisher and Miss Hughes, who tied with Mrs. Macdonald for third place.
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
Major Thornton is a keen private owner who uses his machine for touring at home and abroad. A Liverpool ship-owner by profession, he has no patience with narrow-minded nationalism, especially where it affects air travel. In the snapshot here, he is seen with Mrs. Thornton at last year's Magyar Pilota Picnic, to which he flew in his Hawk Major.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (1)
F. D. Bradbrooke, pilot of Miles M.2T Hawk Major G-ADNK. Bradbrooke was a staff member of The Aeroplane. He was killed in August 1941 whilst flying in a Liberator on the BOAC Atlantic Ferry Service.
Flight 1934-07 / Flight
THE ONLY LADY COMPETITOR: Mrs. G. Patterson was forced down near Peterborough by Friday's bad weather.
Air Enthusiast 2001-01 / R.Stitt - Midland Memories (1)
A former WAAC Marathon undergoes deep maintenance and upgrading prior to entering service with Derby Aviation. In the background are Gemini 1A G-AKGE, Hawk Trainer G-AIUA and Chipmunk WP908 of Nottingham University Air Squadron.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk - Канада - 1946Handley Page Marathon / H.P.R.1 - Великобритания - 1946Miles M.65 Gemini / M.75 Aries - Великобритания - 1945
Flight 1934-12 / Flight
IN "APPROACH" POSITION: The split flaps on the "Hawk Major"; notice how the central flap opens in the reverse direction.
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
NOT A SILENCER, but the smoke-box under one of the two Hawk Majors which Major J. C. Savage added to his sky-writing fleet a year ago, and which have given good service. The smoke-producing chemical is fed to the box from a supply tank, and the engine exhaust gases cause the necessary reaction.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-06 / Personal album. Civil
The Miles Hawk Speed Six G-ACTE photographed at the opening of the new Shoreham Airport on June 13, 1936. First registered in July 1934, the Hawk was first owned by Sir Charles Rose. Following a period with Bill Humble, ’TE was sold abroad in September 1937.
Flight 1936-08 / Flight
The ultimate winner is flagged off: Mr. George Reynolds and the Hawk Speed Six, flown by Mr. Humble.
Flight 1936-07 / Flight
The Hawk Speed Six.
Flight 1935-09 / Flight
The Miles Hawk Speed Six (Gipsy Six) which will be flown by W. Humble
Flight 1934-09 / Flight
A FAST "HAWK": Built for Sir Charles Rose, this "Hawk," with a "Gipsy Six" 200 h.p. engine, has a top speed of about 180 m.p.h.
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
The Miles Hawk Six, flown by Mr. Humble, rounds the airport turn in the South Coast Air Trophy race. This machine eventually won at an average speed of 174 m.p.h.
Flight 1936-07 / Flight
Fft. Lt. Tommy Rose in his Hawk Speed Six, with Gipsy Six R engine, puts in at Shoreham during the eliminating contest on Friday.
Flight 1936-07 / Flight
W. Humble (Hawk Speed Six) taxies in at Shoreham on Friday behind Waight's fascinating little T.K.2.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Technical School T.K.2 - Великобритания - 1935
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
Interest at Ronaldsway after the finish of the London - I.O.M. Race. In the foreground are F/O. Hughesdon's Wolseley-engined Hawker Tomtit (2nd), Mr. Humble's single-seater Gipsy Six Hawk (3rd) and the D.H.86 flown by Mr. Higgins (4th).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Express Air Liner / D.H.86 - Великобритания - 1934Hawker Tomtit - Великобритания - 1928
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / Miles M.2L Hawk Speed Six /Preservation Profile/ (81)
As it emerged from the factory, 1935
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-09 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Miles Hawk Speed Six G-ADGP has recently undergone a 2 1/2 yr restoration by Ron Souch. Many enthusiasts will hardly recognise it as the former cream-and-red inhabitant of the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden - it has reverted to its original pre-war configuration with small canopy. G-ADGP put in a public appearance among the Sea Kings at Lee-on-Solent's Air Day on July 22, 1989.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-10 / R.Riding - Miles metamorphosis
An air-to-air photograph taken near Old Sarum on July 17, 1989.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-12 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Unique formation No 2: a trio of famous racers, in the shape of Miles Hawk Speed Six G-ADGP, Percival Mew Gull G-AEXF and D.H.88 Comet G-ACSS Grosvenor House fly past - in the other direction - also at Old Warden on October 7, 1990.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Comet / D.H.88 - Великобритания - 1934Percival Mew Gull - Великобритания - 1934
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-10 / R.Riding - Miles metamorphosis
The same aircraft at Hatfield in September 1937 on the occasion of that year’s King's Cup race.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-10 / R.Riding - Miles metamorphosis
Top, 'GP in its original form, with typical Miles windscreen, taking part in the 1938 King’s Cup race at Hatfield. Fontes came 13th with an average speed of 184-5 m.p.h.
Bottom, ’GP in the post-war configuration in which it was raced with considerable success in the hands of Ron Paine. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / Miles M.2L Hawk Speed Six /Preservation Profile/ (81)
Being flown by Ron Paine, August 1949
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / D.Sparkes - Lost weekend (1)
Ron Paine airborne in his Miles Hawk Speed Six over Baginton. He averaged 189 m.p.h. in the King’s Cup race and was placed second. Today this aircraft resides at Old Warden and has been restored to its original open/sliding hood configuration by American owner Tom Buffaloe.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-03 / Personal album
Tommy Rose won the Southend Air Speed Cup and £50 for averaging 178 m.p.h. in the Miles Speed Six, G-ADGP, though he was unplaced in the Southend Cup Race.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-01 / Personal album. Civil
A familiar registration but an unfamiliar shape, for most. Miles M.2L Hawk Speed Six G-ADGP was registered in June 1935 to Louis Fontes, who raced it extensively before the war. The aircrafts post-war racing career in the hands of Tommy Rose and Ron Paine would fill a book. So too would the various modifications to this racing thoroughbred, G-ADGP is currently being restored to its original configuration, with Fox Moth-type sliding canopy, by Ron Souch.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / Miles M.2L Hawk Speed Six /Preservation Profile/ (81)
At Elstree in July 1970, when flown by Tony Osborne
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (1)
Miles M.2H Hawk Major G-ADLB, entered by Maj G. W. G. Allen and flown by Owen Cathcart-Jones.
Flight 1935-09 / Flight
Third component of the Reading hat-trick Major Allen's Hawk Trainer (Gipsy Major), piloted by Owen Cathcart Jones.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-08 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (2)
Owen Cathcart Jones and H. R. A. Edwards taking off in the Miles Hawk Trainers G-ADLB and G-ADLN. Edwards finished second with an average speed of 157 m.p.h. and Cathcart Jones completed the Miles hat trick by coming third at 157-5 m.p.h.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (1)
Delightful view of Hawk Major G-ADLB, powered by a 130 h.p. de Havilland Gipsy Major engine. This aircraft was sold abroad in July 1936.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (1)
Miles M.2R Hawk Major G-ADLN was the mount of Fg Off H. R. A. Edwards, brother of E. C. T. Edwards and pilot of Gull G-ADOE. Both men had a deep-rooted dislike of publicity.
Flight 1935-09 / Flight
Toeing the line on Friday. In the foreground, on the left, is Diana Mary Williams' Percival Gull, piloted by T. W. Morton; on the right is A. C. W. Norman's Miles Hawk.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Percival Gull - Великобритания - 1932
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (1)
The Miles Hawk Speed Six flown by Miss "R. Slow", alias Ruth Fontes. The Miles M.2U was powered by a 200 h.p. de Havilland Gipsy Six R engine. Ruth Fontes was the sister of Luis Fontes, pilot of Hawk Speed Six G-ADGP.
Flight 1936-09 / Flight
The modified Hawk Speed Six (220 h.p. Gipsy Six R) to be flown by F/O. Clouston. Its maximum speed is about 200 m.p.h.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-10 / D.Middleton - A.E.Clouston /Test Pilot Profile/ (4)
Clouston seated in the Miles M.2U G-ADOD at the time of the London to Johannesburg air race in September 1936.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-10 / D.Middleton - A.E.Clouston /Test Pilot Profile/ (4)
A. E. Clouston with the Miles M.2L Hawk Speed Six G-ADOD in which he competed in the 1936 England to Johannesburg race
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (1)
All pictures of the Sparrowhawk G-ADNL bearing the race number 9 were taken at the time of the aircraft's participation in the 1935 King's Cup air race. This photograph was taken shortly before the start of that race, at Hatfield on September 6. The other Miles types on the line include the Miles Hawk Majors G-ADOD, G-ADNK and G-ADLB, Miles Hawk Trainer G-ADLN and the Miles Falcon Six G-ADLC.
(Hawk Speed Six G-ADOD, Hawk Trainers G-ADLB and G-ADLN, Hawk de Luxe G-ADNK and Falcon G-ADLC)Другие самолёты на фотографии: Miles M.3 Falcon / M.6 Hawcon - Великобритания - 1934Miles M.5 Sparrowhawk - Великобритания - 1935
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-08 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (2)
PREPAREDNESS REWARDED: All the eleven Miles Hawks and the two Miles Falcons lined up for inspection by a large number of guests on the day before the King's Cup entries were due at Hatfield for presentation before the scrutineers. The firm will probably go down in history as the first to be completely ready for the race, and their preparedness was certainly rewarded with four machines in the first five of the final. It was extraordinary that all the machines could have been brought for the presentation as many of them had already been delivered. During the afternoon Mr. Miles demonstrated the manoeuvrability of the New Hawk M.5. with a display of superbly executed aerobatics.
An impressive line-up of Miles participants, photographed at Hatfield on the day before the race. The line-up was made up of Miles Hawks and two Falcons.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Miles M.3 Falcon / M.6 Hawcon - Великобритания - 1934Miles M.5 Sparrowhawk - Великобритания - 1935
Flight 1937-09 / Flight
Up and down: In the air, the B.A. Eagle being demonstrated by Mr. Bay; on the ground, the Hawk Speed Six and the new Wicko.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: British Klemm BK-1 Eagle - Великобритания - 1934Foster Wikner Wicko - Великобритания - 1936
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (1)
The Hatfield sheds filled with competitors’ aircraft, mostly Miles Hawks and Falcons.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Miles M.3 Falcon / M.6 Hawcon - Великобритания - 1934Percival Gull - Великобритания - 1932
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (1)
The Miles contingent starting up for the first day’s racing.
Flight 1934-07 / Flight
Another Selection of King's Cup Machines (5) Miles "Hawk" D.H. "Gipsy Six" 200 h.p. engine.
Flight 1935-06 / Flight
FOR THE KING'S CUP. In the maker's works at Reading this racing "Hawk Major" two-seater is nearing completion. Fitted with a boosted "Gipsy Major" giving 146 h.p., it will be flown by Mr. Cook, who competed in last year's event on a "Gipsy Swift." The new machine has a coupe top which gives it exceptionally good lines, and it should do well.
Flight 1936-10 / Flight
A typical example of split flap as fitted, in fact, to the unlucky Houston's Speed Six Hawk.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-10 / R.Riding - Miles metamorphosis
The fuselage of G-ADGP was stripped down and rebuilt with new top decking in 1988.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / D.Sparkes - Lost weekend (1)
Ron Paine standing with the Speed Six at Baginton. A former MD of British Midland Airways, Paine was instrumental in getting the D.H. Comet racer G-ACSS back into the air in May 1989.
Flight 1935-06 / Flight
NON-STOP TO BUCHAREST is the aim of Mlle. Braescu, who is to leave Croydon in the near future in a special Miles "Hawk Major" ("Gipsy Major"). The machine, which is named Aurd Vlaicu after the first Rumanian pilot, is a single-seater with coupe top, and is equipped to carry 100 gallons of fuel, giving a range of 1,500 miles.
Flight 1936-10 / Flight
F/O Cloustori (Hawk Speed Six) who got nearer the goal than did any of the other non-finishers.
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