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Страна : Нидерланды
Год : 1924
Средний транспортный самолет с экипажем из трех человек, возможно применение в качестве бомбардировщика
- Fokker - F.VII / C-2 / F.XIV - 1924 - Нидерланды
- Fokker/Atlantic - F.10 / C-5 Super Trimotor - 1927 - США
- Avro - Ten / Type 618 - 1928 - Великобритания
- Avro - Five / Type 619 / Six / Type 624 - 1929 - Великобритания
Fokker F.VII
Следующим транспортным самолетом после неудачного проекта F.V стал F.VII, строившийся в больших количествах во многих вариантах. F.VII является, пожалуй, основным транспортным самолетом 1920-х годов. F.VII проектировался инженером Вальтером Ретелем как самолет на шесть пассажиров, с закрытой кабиной для экипажа из двух человек, расположенной под передней частью крыла, и силовой установкой из одного V-образного мотора Rolls-Royce Eagle мощностью 360 л. с.
F.VII предназначался для линий очень большой протяженности, включая линию авиакомпании KLM: Амстердам - Батавия (ныне Джакарта, Индонезия). Фюзеляж представлял собой каркас из стальных труб, обтянутый полотном. Высокорасположенное деревянное крыло имело фанерную обшивку. Стабилизатор снабжен подкосами, к нему подвешены аэродинамически сбалансированные рули высоты. Руль направления также имеет аэродинамическую компенсацию. Шасси - трехопорное, с хвостовой опорой-костылем.
Разработанный в 1923 году самолет выполнил первый полет в 1924 году. Авиакомпания KLM заказала пять самолетов с мотором Eagle или 450-сильным Napier Lion. F.VII получился очень достойным, но не революционным аэропланом. Путь для повышения его летных данных и коммерческой привлекательности был традиционен: увеличение мощности двигателя одновременно с уменьшением площади крыла позволило повысить скорость и массу полезной нагрузки при снижении эксплуатационных расходов.
Модернизированный вариант F.VIIa с мотором Bristol Jupiter мощностью 480 л. с., с элеронами уменьшенной площади и крылом меньшего размаха впервые поднялся в воздух в 1925 году. Изменили также форму крыла в плане и установили более современное вертикальное оперение с неподвижным килем. В конструкции основных опор шасси существенно уменьшили (до трех на опору) количество подкосов, снизив тем самым лобовое сопротивление самолета.
В результате конструкционных инноваций F.VIIa получил возможность перевозить до восьми пассажиров; максимальная скорость возросла со 155 км/ч до 190 км/ч. Компания "Fokker" построила 42 машины F.VIIa, которые эксплуатировались в Чехословакии, Дании, Голландии, Франции, Венгрии, Польше и Швейцарии. Варианты F.VIIa с моторами разного типа строились по лицензии в нескольких странах. Часть гражданских F.VIIa завершили свою карьеру как военные самолеты.
Летом 1924 года авиакомпания KLM сформулировала требования к авиалайнеру, способному перевозить десять пассажиров и выполнять горизонтальный полет при отказе одного из моторов. Компания рекомендовала использовать силовую установку из трех моторов жидкостного охлаждения - Armstrong Siddeley Puma, но "Fokker" решила использовать звездообразные моторы Wright Whirlwind J-4 мощностью по 200 л.с. Один мотор установили стандартно в носовой части фюзеляжа, два других конструкторы "Fokker" хотели разместить в установленных в крыле мотогондолах. Но была выбрана другая схема размещения - все три двигателя разместили примерно в одной плоскости. Два мотора смонтировали на подкосах между опорами шасси и крылом. Первый трехмоторный F.VIIa-3m выполнил первый полет в сентябре 1925 года. После успешного прохождения летных испытаний его разобрали и доставили морем в США для участия в показательных соревнованиях "Ford Reliability Tour". Машина победила, после чего ее купил Эдсел Форд для арктической экспедиции коммандера Ричарда И. Бёрда. На самолете изменили систему выхлопа двигателей - переместили выхлопные коллекторы в заднюю часть моторов. В таком виде самолет впервые в мире в мае 1926 года пролетел над Северным полюсом.
К этому времени F.VIIa-3m серийно строился в Голландии и США, были заключены соглашения о производстве самолета по лицензии с бельгийской компанией SABCA, чехословацкой AVIA, итальянской "Meridionali" и британской "A.V. Roe", самолет также выпускался в Польше в Люблине. Самолеты строились с различными моторами, но наиболее популярным стал двигатель Armstrong Siddeley Lynx мощностью 220 л.с.
Военно-транспортный F.VIIa-3m/M мог использоваться как бомбардировщик. Внешне идентичный гражданской версии, первый полет F.VIIa-3m/M выполнил в 1928 году. Но в отличие от гражданского на военной машине стояли моторы Lynx мощностью 220 л.с., предусматривалась также установка двух оборонительных пулеметов (на верхней и нижней фюзеляжных турелях) и бомбодержателей под фюзеляжем. В прототип военного варианта модернизировали F.VIIa-3m. Самолет использовался голландскими ВВС, однако в серию не передавался.
В 1926 году два самолета голландской постройки были выбраны для антарктической экспедиции сэра Хуберта Уилкинса. Один из них - стандартный F.VIIa с моторами Packard Liberty, второй - первый экземпляр F.VIIb-3m с новым крылом большей площади. F.VIIb-3m вскоре стал основным серийным вариантом. Его выпуск с моторами Whirlwind J-6 мощностью от 300 до 330 л.с. (ставились также альтернативные моторы мощностью от 200 до 350 л. с, включая Lynx, Gnome-Rhone Titan и Walter Castor) начался в 1928 году. До 1933 года в общей сложности построили 147 машин (74 самолета компанией "Fokker" в Голландии и 73 - "Atlantic" в США). Кроме того, дополнительное количество аппаратов было собрано по лицензии в Бельгии, Чехословакии, Франции, Италии, Польше и Великобритании. Самолеты эксплуатировались, помимо стран, строивших их по лицензии, в Австралии, Канаде, Японии, Испании и Швейцарии.
Типичным коммерческим вариантом можно считать F.VIIb-3m с тремя 215-сильными моторами Lynx с деревянными двухлопастными винтами постоянного шага. Как и F.VIIa-3m, F.VIIb-3m в военных целях применялся ограниченно, чаще всего это были машины уже достаточно полетавшие в гражданских авиакомпаниях.
Военный вариант F.VIIb-3m/M являлся аналогом F.VIIa-3m/M, он мог использоваться как транспортный или как бомбардировщик. Первый полет F.VIIb-3m/M выполнил в 1928 году, строился он малой серией и внешне тоже почти не отличался от своего гражданского варианта. Силовая установка F.VIIb-3m/M включала три мотора Wright R-975 Whirlwind мощностью по 325 л. с., также была предусмотрена установка двух оборонительных пулеметов и подфюзеляжных бомбодержателей. Компания "Fokker" построила порядка десятка F.VIIb-3m/M, еще 24 самолета собрали в Польше (21 в Люблине) и Испании (три).
Fokker F.VIIb-3m/M
Тип: средний транспортный самолет с экипажем из трех человек, возможно применение в качестве бомбардировщика
Силовая установка: три мотора воздушного охлаждения Wright R-975 Whirlwind J-6 мощностью по 325 л. с.
Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на высоте 3000 м - 207 км/ч; практический потолок 3100 м; дальность 850 км
Масса: пустого 3050 кг; максимальная взлетная 5190 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 27,71 м; длина 14,55 м; высота 3,90 м; площадь крыла 67,60 м2
Вооружение: один 7,7-мм пулемет Lewis на верхней фюзеляжной турели и один 7,7-мм пулемет Lewis на нижней фюзеляжной турели, до 1000 кг бомб на внешней подвеске под фюзеляжем (возможна подвеска бомб и одной торпеды)
- Fokker F.VII
- Fokker C-2
- Flight, September 1925
FIRST THREE-ENGINED FOKKER - Flight, November 1925
The Paris Aero Show 1926 - Flight, January 1931
Мировая Авиация 63
12 марта 1925г.: первый полет выполнил прототип рассчитанного на перевозку 8 пассажиров самолета Fokker F.VIIa, оснащенный одним 12-цилиндровым мотором Liberty мощностью 400 л. с.
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
The prototype of the Fokker F.VIIa, registered H-NACZ, was transferred to the US in 1925, where it apparently flew unregistered, but with its manufacturer’s name prominently displayed.
Flight 1925-09 / Flight
ANOTHER DUTCH WORLD'S RECORD: This photograph shows the latest Fokker F.VII commercial aeroplane, with 400 h.p. "Liberty" engine, on which the Fokker pilot, Grase, established, on July 27, a world's record for duration, with a useful load of 1,500 kgs. (3,300 lbs.), by flying for 3 hours 3 1/2 mins. This flight has been recognised by the F.A.I, as a world's record, and also beats the world's duration record for useful load of 1,000 kgs. The previous world's records were held by Lieut. J. A. McReady, of the U.S. Air Service, with 2 Hours 14 mins.
Flight 1925-04 / Flight
The Fokker F.VII: Three-quarter front view. The engine is a Napier "Lion."
Мировая Авиация 97
21 августа 1924г.: "Fokker" построила пять восьмиместных пассажирских F.VII. Большую популярность получил вариант F.VIIA, использовавшийся во многих странах.
Flight 1925-04 / Flight
The Fokker F.VII: Three-quarter rear view.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The fifth Fokker F.VII, with Napier Lion engine, before going to KLM as H-NACR.
Flight 1925-04 / Flight
The Fokker F.VII, Napier "Lion," taking off for one of its demonstration flights.
Flight 1925-04 / Flight
The Fokker F.VII: On the left, the nose, showing neat cowling. The undercarriage is of special design, and gives a very wide track. On the right, the control surfaces, which are of perfectly normal shape and size. The horn balance of the aileron is not of symmetrical section, but has flat bottom camber.
Flight 1925-04 / Flight
Mijnheer Fokker standing by his non-stalling monoplane.
Flight 1925-04 / Flight
Stalled flight:Bulman on the Avro, flying stalled above the Fokker monoplane.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Avro 504 - Великобритания - 1913
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The prototype Rolls-Royce Eagle powered Fokker F.VII after being painted in KLM livery, and with enlarged fin and rudder.
Flight 1924-07 / Flight
THE LATEST FOKKER COMMERCIAL: The Fokker F.VII, fitted with Rolls-Royce "Eagle IX," is a development of the famous F.III, but has accommodation for two pilots and eight passengers. The machine has a communication door between the pilot's cockpit and the cabin, and is provided with wireless telephony installation. On its first test flights this machine carried a load equivalent to 16 passengers. The undercarriage is of unusual design, giving a very wide wheel track. The tension of the springing is provided with special adjustment for varying loads.
Flight 1924-11 / Flight
THE DUTCH FLIGHT TO JAVA: The Fokker F.VII Commercial Monoplane, fitted with a Rolls Royce "Eagle IX" engine on which Mynheer van der Hoop (insert left), and Lieut, van Weerden Poelman, with engineer van den Broeke, have just completed a flight from Amsterdam to Batavia (Java) in the Dutch East Indies,
Мировая Авиация 136
Один из первых пяти F.VII, поставленных авиакомпании KLM. Один такой самолет был выставлен в голландском национальном музее, но сгорел при бомбардировке в мае 1940 года.
На F.VII использованы неубираемые основные опоры шасси с широкой колеей, жесткость опор обеспечивалась подкосами. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The fifth Fokker F.VII, in KLM livery.
Flight 1925-04 / Flight
THE LATEST FOKKER F.VII: Fitted with a Napier "Lion" engine; this machine carries 10 passengers.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The Gnome-Rhone Jupiter installation in a KLM F.VIIa. It has a two-bladed fixed-pitch metal propeller. The type designation on the fuselage is shown as F.VII
Мировая Авиация 97
24 ноября 1924г.: Fokker F.VII компании KLM приземлился в Батавии после исторического полета из Нидерландов на остров Ява. Полное время полета составило 127 ч 16 мин, а пройденное расстояние - 15369 км.
Air Pictorial 1956-02 / The journal of a roving spotter
The veteran Fokker F.VIIa arrives over Schiphol bearing the registration letters H-NACT.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (2)
The Spider was originally registered in Holland as H-NADK. In September 1927 it was registered in the UK to Capt R. H. McIntosh and named Princess Xenia.
Aeroplane Monthly 1992-07 / D.Middleton - Propellers (1)
A KLM Fokker F.VII being refuelled at Croydon in 1927. It is fitted with a twisted slab dural propeller, presumably of German origin.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-03 / Personal album. Civil
H-NADP was one of a batch of eleven Fokker F.VII as delivered to the Dutch airline KLM between October 1925 and March 1927. This aircraft later became PH-OTO, and then PH-ALY before being sold to the Finnish Airline Aalborg Luftfart as OY-DEV. Later it passed to the Finnish Air Force as a Red Cross aircraft, becoming FE-2.
Flight 1927-08 / Flight
AMSTERDAM TO BATAVIA AND BACK IN 27 DAYS: The Fokker type F.VIIa monoplane, fitted with a 440 h.p. Gnome-Rhone "Jupiter IV" engine in which Mr. Van Lear Black made his flight to the Dutch Indies. His machine was the "K.L.M." airliner H-NADP, which normally operates on the K.L.M. passenger and mail services.
Air Pictorial 1992-02 / P.Jarrett - Karachi collection
THE first fare-paying passenger to make the return flight from Amsterdam to Batavia was carried on KLM Fokker F. VIIa H-NADP, powered by a 400 h.p. Gnome Rhone Jupiter radial engine, in June and July 1927, and this photograph was probably taken during that trip. The F.VIIa could carry two pilots and eight passengers. Later, H-NADP was rebuilt and re-registered as H-NADR, PH-OTO and PH-ALY. It then passed to Aalborg Luftfahrt as OY-DEV, and finally served as FE 2 with the Finnish Red Cross.
Flight 1928-04 / Flight
Flying at St. Moritz: One of the Fokker F.VII. (Bristol "Jupiter") monoplanes of the Balair Luftverkehr A.G. ("Balair") , which operates air services in Switzerland, on the Lake of St. Moritz. The Balair Company recently organised joy rides at St. Moritz with the machine shown here.
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
F.VIIa ‘Old Glory’ left New York on September 6, 1927 for a nonstop flight to Rome in Italy, but the aircraft never arrived there. The wreckage was later found in the Atlantic Ocean, with no trace of its crew, Lloyd Bertrand and James Hill.
Мировая Авиация 97
Несколько F.VIIA построил американский филиал фирмы "Fokker" под названием "Atlantic Aircraft Corporation". На авиарынке США самолет был известен как Super Universal.
Flight 1930-02 / Flight
AIR TRANSPORT IN SWITZERLAND: One of the Balair machines being loaded with freight, of which the company carried a considerable amount.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
This Gnome-Rhone Jupiter powered CIDNA F.VIIa was later converted to an F VIIa-3m and passed to Air France.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
This early F.VIIa is seen as G-EBTS Princess Xenia. It had been KLM's H-NADK and later became the Duchess of Bedford's Spider. The engine is a Jupiter.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-04 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (1)
Fokker F.VIIA G-EBTS The Spider, pictured during the abortive flight to India in 1928. The aircraft originally saw service with KLM.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (2)
The Duchess of Bedford owned Fokker F.VIIA G-EBTS The Spider for three years, from September 1929 until September 1932. The aircraft was scrapped in March 1937.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (2)
The Duchess of Bedford's Fokker F.VII, The Spider, photographed at Croydon on April 30, 1930 after the record flight to the Cape and back.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-07 / Whitchurch /Gone but not forgotten/ (10)
THE BARNARD "CIRCUS" AT THE BRISTOL AIRPORT: The "Jupiter"-engined Fokker "Spider" taking up the Lord Mayor of Bristol, and party.
The Fokker F.VIIA G-EBTS, The Spider, taking up the Lord Mayor of Bristol at the Bristol Summer Meeting in June 1931. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (2)
10-19 апреля 1930г.: С. Барнард, Р. Литтл и графиня Мэри Бедфорд выполнили перелет из Лондона в Кейптаун на самолете Fokker F.VIIa G-EBTS с собственным именем "The Spider" ("Паук"), Самолет был оснащен моторами Bristol Jupiter.
The Spider fitted with a Bristol Jupiter engine. -
Flight 1928-09 / Flight
"Princess Xenia," the Fokker monoplane, fitted with a Bristol "Jupiter," which made the India - England flight.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (2)
It was thanks to Shell Mex Ltd that The Spider was supplied with fuel throughout the Cape flight. Barnard and Little are seen here supervising refuelling somewhere along the route.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-04 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (1)
The Spider at Filton, Bristol, shortly after installation of the Bristol Jupiter engine. Capt Barnard is standing on the right.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-04 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (1)
The Duchess of Bedford, Capt. C. D. Barnard (left), and Mr. Bob Little, at Bristol for the celebrations of their record flight to India and back in the Fokker (Jupiter) monoplane.
Capt Barnard, the Duchess of Bedford and Bob Little pictured at Bristol for the celebrations of their record flight to India and back, made in August 1929. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-04 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (1)
Capt Barnard, the Duchess of Bedford's first personal pilot, stands in front of The Spider.
Flight 1929-08 / Flight
Not exactly a Grecian nose, but it functioned splendidly. The Bristol "Jupiter" engine in the Duchess of Bedford's Fokker monoplane, which was not disturbed by 10,000 miles in eight days.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (2)
The duchess boards The Spider amid admiring glances from well-wishers.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-04 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (1)
The return of The Spider from its flight to India and back, landing at Croydon on August 9, 1929.
Flight 1929-08 / Flight
Return of "The Spider." A successful finish to the flight to India and back. Landing at Croydon August 9.
Flight 1929-08 / Flight
An aerial view of the Fokker monoplane gliding into London's air port at Croydon.
Flight 1930-05 / Flight
"STRANDED": An aerial view (from Bush House) of the "Spider" which was exhibited all last week in the Strand by Shell Mex, Ltd.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-05 / L.Curtis - The Flying Duchess (2)
Two views of The Spider. These photographs were taken after it was sold to the British Air Navigation Company, in whose colours it was repainted.
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
F. VIIa ‘Alaskan’ with a ski undercarriage used for the Detroit News Arctic Expedition by Hubert Wilkins.
Flight 1928-08 / Flight
INTERNATIONAL APPRECIATION :This photograph shows a batch of Fokker aeroplanes outside the flying sheds at Schiphol aerodrome, Amsterdam. On the left are four C.V.'s for the Swedish Air Force. Next comes "Mr." Carbery's Universal. Next to that is an F. VII built for the Danish Air Traffic Co. An F. VII-3m for the Nederlandsch-Indische Luchtvaart Maatschappy follows, and in the foreground is an F. VII built for Poland. The C.V.'s and one of the F. VII's are fitted with "Jupiter"engines, while the F. VII-3m has three Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx" engines. The latter machine is one of a batch to be used in the Dutch East Indies
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fokker C.V / C.VI - Нидерланды - 1924Fokker/Atlantic F.9 Universal / F.18 / F.XI Super Universal - США - 1926
Flight 1925-09 / Flight
THE THREE-ENGINED FOKKER MONOPLANE IN FLIGHT: The machine is capable of flying on any two of its engines.
Flight 1926-05 / Flight
THE STRANGER WITHIN OUR GATES: Two views of the three-engined Fokker monoplane recently delivered to Martlesham Heath. It was on a similar machine that Commander Byrd reached the North Pole. The engines of above machine are, however, Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx" radials. On arrival at Martlesham, Mijnheer Grase, the Fokker chief test pilot, is reported to have looped the machine
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
H-NAEA was the F.VIIa-3m Postduif, with Armstrong Siddeley Lynx engines. It made the first official air mail flight from Amsterdam to Batavia (Jakarta) and back in October 1927.
Flight 1927-10 / Flight
AMSTERDAM-BATAVIA IN TEN DAYS: As previously recorded in FLIGHT, Lieut. Koppen of the Dutch R.A.F. recently accomplished a splendid flight from Amsterdam to Batavia, in a Fokker monoplane fitted with three Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx" engines. Carrying mails, he covered the 9,000 miles in 10 days. (1) The Fokker FVII-3.M in flight. (2) The crew - from left to right, 2nd-pilot (K.L.M.) Fryns, Lt. Koppen, and mechanic Elleman - and the three British engines which carried them through so successfully. (3) The four extra petrol tanks in the fuselage. (4) A side view of the Fokker F.VII-3.M.
Flight 1931-01 / Flight
The Fokker F.VIIb, fitted with three Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx," or Gnome-Rhone "Titan" engines, one of the types used both by K.L.M. and K.N.l.L.M.
Air Pictorial 1992-02 / P.Jarrett - Karachi collection
NETHERLANDS-registered Fokker F.VIIa-3m H-NAEA, powered by three Armstrong Siddeley Lynx radial engines, was named Postduif (Carrier Pigeon). This photograph was taken in October 1927, while it was making the first official mail flight from Amsterdam to Batavia (now Djakarta) and back, flown by Lt G. Koppen of the Netherlands Army and G. Fryns of KLM. Postduif later served with the Dutch Army as an F.VIIa-3m/M, serialled 803.
Flight 1928-03 / Flight
AMSTERDAM-BATAVIA-AMSTERDAM: A four-minute shower was sufficient to result in bogging Lieut. Koppen's Fokker (3 Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx" engines) at Allahabad during the outward trip.
Flight 1928-06 / Flight
Armstrong-Siddeley Engines in Italy: Sig. Mussolini (second from right, in silk hat) inspecting the triple-engined (Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx") Fokker monoplane employed on the Munich - Milan air line. Next to the Duce is Gen. de Pinedo, while behind him, on the extreme right, is Sig. Balbo, Italian Under-Secretary for Air. Note the young lady just about to give the Fascist salute.
Flight 1931-01 / Flight
The arrival of the first aeroplane at Semarang aerodrome on the occasion of the opening of the regular K.N.I.L.M. daily Air Service.
Flight 1928-05 / Flight
AN AIR YACHT DE LUXE: The three-engined Fokker monoplane which Mr. Van Lear Black has chartered from the K.L.M. for his tour to the Cape and back. The pilots will be Geysendorffer and Scholte, and Mr. Black will be accompanied by his valet "Leo." The tour is scheduled to start around May 15. The engines are the new Gnome-Rhone Bristol "Titans."
Flight 1928-05 / Flight
The Gnome-Rhone Bristol "Titan," as used on the Fokker F.VII chartered by Mr. Van Lear Black for a flight to the Cape and back, is built up very largely from "Jupiter" parts. Five "Jupiter" cylinders are used, and the French version of the engine is rated at 240 h.p. The Bristol "Titan" has not yet gone into production, as the Bristol company desires to be quite sure what type of engine is likely to be wanted before commencing building in quantities. The Gnome-Rhone company, on the other hand, has gone into production with the "Titan."
Flight 1928-09 / Flight
THE AMSTERDAM-BATAVIA AIR MAIL: Five Armstrong Siddeley "Lynx" engined Fokker VII-3m monoplanes lined up on Schipol aerodrome, Amsterdam, for inspection by Dutch Government officials prior to their departure for Batavia.
Flight 1926-12 / Flight
The Fokker Stand: On the extreme left a "nose" with "Jupiter" engine. Then a C.V.D. with Hispano engine and, on the right, the F.VII 3M with three Siddeley "Lynx" engines.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fokker C.V / C.VI - Нидерланды - 1924
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / Personal album
KLM's Fokker F.VIIb-3m PH-AEO being refuelled by members of the Siamese air force (the Royal Aeronautical Service). Formerly H-NAEO, this Fokker went to Air-Orient as F-ALSA, passed to Air France as La Joyeuse, and later became CS-AAM in Portugal.
Flight 1926-12 / Flight
This view from above gives a good idea of the power plant arrangement, pilot's cockpit, &c, of the Fokker F.VII 3m.
Flight 1925-12 / Flight
THE FOKKER F.VII-3m: A three-quarter front view. The engines shown in the photograph are Wright "Whirlwinds" of 200 h.p. each, but other engines such as the Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx," can be substituted.
Flight 1925-12 / Flight
The Fokker F.VII-3m: This photograph shows the mounting of the nose and wing engines, the pilot's cockpit and the undercarriage.
Flight 1925-09 / Flight
FIRST THREE-ENGINED FOKKER MONOPLANE: This is a development of the well-known type F.VII. The engines fitted are Wright "Whirlwinds," but if desired Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx" engines can be substituted.
Flight 1931-12 / Flight
MONOSPAR WING ON FOKKER F.VII-3M: Front view. Note the great wing thickness in the centre (18 per cent of chord).
Flight 1926-12 / Flight
THE FOKKER F. VII. 3m is a commercial monoplane. The three engines fitted are Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx" of 180 h.p. each.
Flight 1931-01 / Flight
The late Mr. Van Lear Black's Fokker F.VII.3m., G-AADZ, snapped at Cape Town when he flew there in 1929.
Мировая Авиация 97
F.VIIB-3m, изображенный на снимке, отличался от F.VIIA-3m прямой центральной секцией крыла над фюзеляжем.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
CLASSA’s Lynx-powered Dutch-built F.VIIb-3m M-CAKK with three-bladed propeller on the centre engine.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
An Air France Fokker F.VIIb-3m at Croydon on May 11, 1934.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / Personal album
Two Far East Fokkers in transit. On the left is Air-Orient's F.VIIb-3m F-ALZR (later Air France's La Resolve) and on the right KLM's F.XII PH-AIJ Ijsvogel (Kingfisher).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fokker F.IX / F.XII / F.XVIII - Нидерланды - 1929
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-10 / Personal album
Air-Orient's Fokker F.VIIb-3m F-ALUJ in transit. This aeroplane passed to Air France as La Semillante.
Aviation Historian 32 / M.Wickstead - Italy's forgotten airlines (2)
In 1925 Italian car and railway magnate Nicola Romeo acquired the licence to build the Fokker F. VIIB/3m trimotor; only three were built - I-AAXY, I-AAXZ and I-FERO - all of which served with ALI. The first two are seen here at a snowy Taliedo airport in Milan; I-AAXZ was lost when it crashed on Mt Basso, near Turin, in April 1936.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-06 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
SP-ABC Celina, the last Fokker F.VIIb-3m built for LOT by Plage & Laskiewicz. The route board under the cabin windows shows that it was operating between Warsaw and Bucharest.
Aviation Historian 33
Fokker F. VIIb-3M PK-AFB of Netherlands East Indies Airline KNILM, photographed at Surabaya’s Dermo Airport in October 1935. It was leased with crew to the Timor air service in 1940. Reports that it received the Portuguese registration CR-AFB have not been confirmed.
Flight 1931-07 / Flight
THE JAVA-AUSTRALIA AIR MAIL: The 3-engined Fokker monoplane "Abel Tasman," piloted by Pattist, refuelling at Rambang on May 12 on the first Dutch Air Mail Service from Holland to Australia.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
PK-AFC Abel Tasman was one of a batch of four Lynx-powered F. VIIb-3ms delivered to KNILM in 1928. It was originally registered H-NAFC.
Flight 1931-08 / Flight
AN INTERNATIONAL JUNCTION: Schiphol, the airport of Amsterdam, is called at by Fokker machines of many international airlines. The photograph shows in the foreground a K.L.M. Fokker F.VIII, next to it a Fokker F.III belonging to the German Luft Hansa, and a Fokker F.VIIa of the Danske Luftfartselskab. In the second row, from left to right; Fokker F.VIIb-3m Swissair, F.VIIb-3m Sabena (Belgium), F.VIIb-3m Ceskoslovenska Letecka Spolecnost (Czechoslovakia). In the background another Lufthansa F.III.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fokker F.III - Нидерланды - 1921Fokker F.VIII - Нидерланды - 1927
Air International 1997-01 / K.van der Plas - Flying together
No less then 30 Fokker FVIIb/3ms were ordered by Sabena between 1929 and 1932. Twenty-eight were built by SABCA.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-01 / G.Endres - Czechoslovakian Air Transport since 1920 (1)
Avia-built Fokker FVIIb-3m OK-AFB was one of five such aircraft serving with CSA from 1929.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-01 / G.Endres - Czechoslovakian Air Transport since 1920 (1)
A line-up, in alphabetical order, of eight Avia-built Fokker FVIIb-3ms of CLS with two Fokker-built examples, OK-AAH and OK-AAI, in the far distance.
Flight 1929-06 / Flight
Great and Small at the Winnipeg Aviation Meet, May 24 and 25. The 65 h.p. Monocoupe of Mr. Verne Roberts and the tri-motor Fokker owned by the Western Canada Airways.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Central States Monocoupe 22 - США - 1927
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-01 / G.Endres - Czechoslovakian Air Transport since 1920 (1)
The apron at Prague Ruzyne airport in 1938, with three DC-2s, a Fokker FVIIb-3m, an Avia F.39, a Wibault 283.T and a Potez 62 in evidence.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-1 / DC-2 / C-32 / C-39 - США - 1933Fokker F.IX / F.XII / F.XVIII - Нидерланды - 1929Potez Potez 62 / 65 - Франция - 1935Wibault Wibault 280 - Франция - 1930
Flight 1928-08 / Flight
THE AMSTERDAM AIR TERMINUS: The lower photograph shows the hangars, offices, etc. at the Schiphol aerodrome. The international character of this Dutch airport may be gathered from the machines in front of the buildings, which include a Farman "Jabiru," a three-engined Junkers monoplane, a Fokker monoplane, and a Dornier monoplane. The upper photograph shows the aerodrome restaurant where excellent meals are served, and from which a good view of the aerodrome, machines, etc. is obtained.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dornier Do.B Merkur - Германия - 1925Farman F.120 / F.3X / F.4X Jabiru - Франция - 1923Junkers G 23 / G 24 - Германия - 1924
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
A busy scene in and around the Fokker hangar at Teterboro Airport. An F-32 dominates the scene with, in the foreground, a Super Universal and in the background an F.VIIb.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fokker/Atlantic F.32 - США - 1929Fokker/Atlantic F.9 Universal / F.18 / F.XI Super Universal - США - 1926
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
Fokker F.VIIa, ‘Wilbur’, used by the Pennsylvania Rapid Transport Co on its airmail contract routes.
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
Pan American was the first US airline to use the Fokker F.VIIb. NC3314, later went to Mexico as X-ABCL and from 1932 onwards it was registered in the Netherlands as PH-APA, later PH-TOL.
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
One of the three RA-2s supplied to the US Navy. After having been equipped with the more powerful Wright J.6-9 engines the designation was changed into RA-3.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v3
Fokker F.VIIb/3m in RAF markings, with Stieger Monospar wing.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-07 / P.Capon - Capon's Corner
This Fokker F.VII-3M, J7986, was used by the Air Ministry to test the revolutionary Monospar Wing Company's ST-2 wing, an immensely strong metal wing built around a single duralumin Warren girder spar braced with a pyramidal system of tie rods. The wing became a feature of the Monospar range of light aircraft popular during the 1930s. J7986 was powered by three 180 h.p. Armstrong Siddeley Lynx engines and visited Stag Lane in June 1926.
Flight 1931-12 / Flight
TAPER: The Monospar wing on the Fokker F.VII-3M has its tips more pointed than the standard Fokker wing. The engines are Armstrong-Siddeley "Lynx."
Flight 1931-12 / Flight
PUTTING THE MONOSPAR WING INTO PLACE: This photograph, taken at the Brockworth works of the Gloster Aircraft Co., Ltd., shows the Fokker F.VII-3M while the wing was being mounted. Weight was saved on the engine mountings visible in this photograph. This machine was tested in flight recently.
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
After having been converted into a three-engined aircraft and having ‘stolen the show’ in the Ford Reliability Tour the second F.VIIa was sold to Admiral Byrd for his flight to the North Pole.
Мировая Авиация 97
Лейтенант-коммандер Ричард Берд (ВМС США) с пилотом Флойдом Беннеттом 9 мая 1926 года впервые в истории достигли Северного полюса на самолете Fokker F.Vlla-3m "Josephine Ford" (полет выполнялся со Шпицбергена). Самолет установили на лыжное шасси, чтобы взлетать со снега. В конце XX века достижение Берда и Беннета подвергнуто сомнению.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - 1. Chronology
Fokker F.VIIA/3m Josephine Ford (9 May 1926).
Air Pictorial 1958-10 / P.Bowers - The Southern Cross
The Fokker Trimotor F-VII during the ceremony in which it was christened "Detroiter". Note conspicuous application of "Fokker".
Мировая Авиация 29
C-2 (серийный номер 26-204) был последним из трех построенных машин данного типа, поступивших на вооружение Армии США. На базе Fokker F.10A был также построен один C-5.
28-29 июня 1927г.: лейтенанты А. Хегенбергер и Л. Майтланд на моноплане американской армии Fokker С-2 совершили первый удачный беспосадочный перелет из Оклахомы (Калифорния) в Гонолулу (Гавайи). -
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - 1. Chronology
Pan American Fokker F.VII/3m with ground and flight crew (19 October 1927).
Мировая Авиация 48
28 октября 1927г.: "Pan American Airways" выполнила первый регулярный почтовый авиарейс между Ки-Уэстом (Флорида) и Гаваной (Куба), когда Fokker F.VIIa-3m, управляемый Хью Уэллсом и штурманом Эдом Мусиком, перевез 350 кг почты за 1 час и 20 минут полета. Пассажирское сообщение на маршруте открылось 16 января 1927г.
После своего исторического полета Линдберг работал консультантом в "Transcontinental Air Transport" и "Pan Am". На снимке он сидит на месте второго пилота на F.Vll-3m. -
Flight 1930-07 / Flight
"Southern Cross" after overhaul at the Fokker factory in 1930. The new-type registration was applied for the first time and the Fokker trade mark and designation F-VII/3M on the fin.
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
By far the most famous three-engined F. VIIa was this ‘Southern Cross’, used by Sir Charles Kingsford Smith for his flight across the Pacific from San Francisco to Brisbane. In the years that followed Kingsford Smith flew it around the world.
Aviation Historian 17 / P.Vabre - Paper Trails in the Sky
The CAB’s UK representative, Senior Inspector of Aircraft T.E. "Tommy" Johnson (right), confers with Charles Kingsford Smith while standing on a strut of the latter’s Fokker trimotor Southern Cross.
Мировая Авиация 82
Первый перелет через Тихий океан. 31 мая - 9 июня 1928г.: самолет Fokker F.VIIb-3m "Southern Cross" с экипажем (слева направо) - Гарри В. Лайон (штурман), Чарльз Т. Ульм (второй пилот), Чарльз Кингсфорд-Смит (пилот и командир экипажа) и Джеймс В. Уорнер (радист) - совершил первый перелет через Тихий океан.
Flight 1930-07 / Flight
THE CREW OF THE "SOUTHERN CROSS": From left to right - Mr. J. W. Stannage (Wireless); Capt. P. Saul (Navigator); Sq.-Ldr. Kingsford-Smith; Mr. Van Dyk (2nd Pilot). Miss Mary Powell, Kingsford-Smith's fiancee, is on the extreme right.
Мировая Авиация 82
Взлетев из Окленда (Калифорния, США) и пролетев через Гонолулу, Гавайи, Сува и Фиджи, 9 июня отважный экипаж сел в Игл-фарме (Брисбен, Куинсленд, Австралия). Общее время полета по трассе составило 83 часа 38 минут.
Flight 1928-08 / Flight
AN ECHO OF THE SAN FRANCISCO FLIGHT: An aerial view of Eagle Farm Aerodrome, Brisbane, showing the Fokker monoplane "Southern Cross," in which Capt. Kingsford Smith, Mr. C. Ulm, Lieut. H. W. Lyons, and Mr. J. Warner flew from San Francisco to Australia across the Pacific. The photograph was taken immediately after their arrival on June 9.
Flight 1929-07 / Flight
ACCOMPLISHED! Southern Cross monoplane makes the final landing of the Australia-England flight at Croydon, July 10, 1929.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / K.Durdey - An Australian air knight
The Fokker F.VIIb-3m VH-USU Southern Cross arriving at Croydon on July 1929, having flown from Australia in 12 days 18hr. Kingsford Smith and Charles Ulm were the pilots.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v3
Fokker F.VIIb/3m Southern Cross.
Air Pictorial 1957-12
The late Sir Charles Kingsford Smith's famous Fokker FVII/Fx VH-USU (no c/n.) "Southern Cross" and the late Ross and Keith Smith's Vickers Vimy G-EAOU (ex-F8630) are to be preserved in concrete and glass mausoleums at Brisbane and Adelaide respectively. The Trans Pacific veteran was recently delivered safely and erected as shown below, but the 1919 England-Australia Vimy has been partially destroyed by fire. This took place on 3rd November, 160 miles east of Adelaide, while in transit on two R.A.A.F. Queen Marys.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-05 / Fokker FVIIb-3m /Preservation Profile/ (13)
Alongside a Douglas DC-6 at Sydney, in the 1950s.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-6 / C-118 Liftmaster - США - 1946
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-05 / Fokker FVIIb-3m /Preservation Profile/ (13)
In the memorial hangar at Eagle Farm Airport, 1958.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-02 / S.Stephenson - Southern Cross reborn
The replica taxying under the power of its three seven-cylinder Jacobs radials.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - 1. Chronology
Southern Cross (9 June 1928.) Flying in Australia before the Second World War.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / K.Durdey - An Australian air knight
The original Southern Cross in 1945 after it had been restored to airworthy condition at RAAF Canberra. The crew for the 1945 test flight included Wg Cdr G. H. Purvis, who often flew with Smithy, and the copilot was Smithy's nephew, Wg Cdr John Kingsford Smith.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-02 / S.Stephenson - Southern Cross reborn
The new "Southern Cross" during its first flight on 14th August 1987. Note tailwheel
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-11 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Bill Whitney’s replica of Kingsford Smith's Fokker F.VIIb/3m Southern Cross made its first flight on August 14, 1987, from Parafield, South Australia, in the hands of Sqn Ldr Nick Coulsen and Flt Lt Neil Lindorff. More news of this project coming soon.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-02 / S.Stephenson - Southern Cross reborn
G. U. “Scotty” Allan, a regular pilot of the original Southern Cross in the late Twenties, reminisces to the media in front of the replica at Sydney on November 6 last year. Note his Royal Flying Corps tie.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / M.Oakey - A Thousand Skies
The non-flying replica of Fokker F.VIIb-3m Southern Cross, built for the series by Melbourne Aircraft Maintenance.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / M.Oakey - A Thousand Skies
Two views of the Melbourne Aircraft Maintenance Fokker F.VIIb-3m replica built for the television series A thousand skies.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / M.Oakey - A Thousand Skies
Two more views of Southern Cross. For its “flying” sequences it had to be mounted on a special rig with the wheels about 4ft off the ground.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 01 - The progress of the world in civil aviation during the year 1937-38
IN SIAM. - A couple of Air-France Liners on the Don Muang Aerodrome; the Airport of Bangkok.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dewoitine D.332 / D.333 / D.338 / D.620 - Франция - 1933
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
The USAAC ordered a number of F.VIIb aircraft as the C-2A. 28-124 illustrated.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v2
Atlantic C-2A Question Mark, which set an endurance record in 1929 using flight refuelling.
Мировая Авиация 124
Способность выполнять дозаправку в полете стала одним из важнейших прорывов в боевой авиации. Первые довоенные эксперименты с использованием заправщика Douglas C-1 и дозаправляемого самолета Fokker C-2 стали основой для возрождения этой технологии после Второй мировой войны.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas C-1 - США - 1925
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
With F.VIIb ‘Friendship’ on floats, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to cross the Atlantic, although this time only as a passenger.
Мировая Авиация 97
Коммандер Бирд планировал использовать F.VIIB-3m для своей атлантической экспедиции 1928 года. Но вместо этого он полетел на Ford Trimotor, а оснащенный поплавками Fokker совершил трансатлантический перелет, в котором участвовала Амалия Эрхарт. Она стала первой женщиной, пересекшей Атлантический океан на борту самолета.
Авиация и Время 2005-04 / А.Мандель - Первая леди Атлантики /Портреты/
Фоккер F-VII "Френдшип", на котором Эрхарт впервые пересекла Атлантику. 17 июня 1928г.
Air Enthusiast 1997-03 / B.van der Klaauw - Fokker's American Heydays
A twin-engined bomber version of the F.VIIa - there was only ever one XLB-2 built.
Мировая Авиация 97
Все самолеты серии F.SVII строились из дерева и стальных труб. Характерное крыло толстого профиля обеспечивало легкость и прочность конструкции, исключая потребность во внешних подкосах.
Air Pictorial 1958-10 / P.Bowers - The Southern Cross
The two Fokkers of the Wilkins expedition in the Peterborough factory - the single-engine model in the foreground and the uncovered fuselage of the trimotor as received from Holland in the background.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-05 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
The Fokker F.VIIb/3m replica at Parafield, South Australia.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / M.Oakey - A Thousand Skies
Two views of the Fokker F.VIIb-3m Southern Cross replica under construction.
Тип фотографий