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Страна : Тайвань
Год : 2020
Вертолет Беспилотный
Air International 2021-09 / T.Batchelor - Winning times
Taiwan-based co-winner ITRI’s large commercial drone runs off a ground generator and is continuously connected via a long powerline
Air International 2021-09 / T.Batchelor - Winning times
Founded in 1973, ITRI has played a vital role in transforming Taiwan’s industries from labour-intensive to innovation-driven
Air International 2021-09 / T.Batchelor - Winning times
ITRI’s MMSL-H-50/180 hexa-copter drone has 18 propellers, 12 on the outside and six in an inner ring
Air International 2021-09 / T.Batchelor - Winning times
Robust control means ITRI’s MMSL-H-50/180 performs well in winds of up to 27kts