Страна : США
Год : 2009
Дальнемагистральный пассажирский самолет с экипажем из двух человек
Boeing Model 787 Dreamliner
Во второй половине 1990-х годов аналитики "Boeing" пришли к выводу, что Boeing 767 уже окончательно устарел и не может составить достойную конкуренцию на международном рынке европейским авиалайнерам Airbus A300-600 и A330. Первоначально данную проблему американский концерн пытался решить за счет создания высокоскоростного авиалайнера Sonic Cruiser, но авиакомпании - потенциальные заказчики - его не приняли, посчитав слишком радикальным, да и основным требованием авиаперевозчиков стала высокая экономичность, а не скорость. Программа создания Sonic Cruiser была остановлена, а вскоре "Boeing" предложила новый перспективный авиалайнер - Boeing 7Е7, представлявший собой уже более привычный пассажирский самолет, но с применением новейших технологий и материалов.
Одной из основных задач разработчика в ходе проектирования нового авиалайнера стало существенное повышение топливной эффективности - предполагалось, что потребление топлива удастся снизить на 20-25% по сравнению с Boeing 767. В частности, для 7Е7 необходимо было разработать новый турбовентиляторный двигатель - компания "General Electric" предложила модель GEnx, a "Rolls-Royce" - модель Trent 1000. Оба варианта силовой установки позволяли вырабатывать больше электроэнергии, так необходимой новому самолету - значительная часть бортовых систем была переведена на электропитание. Двигатель Trent 1000 поступил на новый самолет первым, тогда как летные испытания GEnx были начаты 22 февраля 2007 года на летающей лаборатории Boeing 747-100 компании "General Electric".
Отличительной особенностью нового авиалайнера стало широкое использование композитов (более 50%), в связи с чем Федеральному управлению гражданской авиации США пришлось разрабатывать дополнительные нормы для сертификации перспективного авиалайнера. Другим новшеством для "Boeing" стало внедрение метода серийной постройки самолета с привлечением нескольких заводов, широко использовавшегося "Airbus": каждый завод выпускал отдельные компоненты, а окончательная сборка проводилась на предприятии в Эверетте. Для доставки различных компонентов авиалайнера компания "Boeing" подготовила четыре самолета Boeing 747 Dreamlifter.
Впрочем, как утверждают руководство "Boeing" и многочисленные эксперты, именно эта неотработанная новая технология сборки и подвела разработчика - программа Boeing 787, как был обозначен новый авиалайнер, стала испытывать постоянные задержки, сроки выкатки самолета и его первого полета несколько раз переносились.
Первоначально было объявлено о намерении разработать три варианта Boeing 787:
- 787-8 вместимостью 210-250 пассажиров и дальностью полета 14 200-15 200 км;
- 787-9 вместимостью 250-290 пассажиров и дальностью полета 14 800-15 750 км;
- 787-3 вместимостью 290-330 пассажиров и дальностью полета 4600-5650 км (эту модель планировалось выводить на рынок уже после первых двух).
Официальный старт программе был дан в 2003 году - после получения от японской "ANA" заказа на 50 самолетов. Выкатка первой машины состоялась в июле 2007 года, после чего вновь последовали задержки, и первый полет самолета отложили до четвертого квартала 2008 года. Однако дату первого полета пришлось в очередной раз перенести - во время статических испытаний были выявлены новые недостатки, разработчик был вынужден выполнять мероприятия по усилению конструкции самолета в местах стыковки консолей крыла с центропланом фюзеляжа.
15 декабря 2009 года с аэродрома Пайн-Филд, Эверетт, штат Вашингтон, в воздух поднялся первый из шести предназначенных для программы летных испытаний самолетов Boeing 787 (ZA001), а через неделю, 22 декабря, первый полет совершил и второй - ZA002, окрашенный в цвета стартового заказчика этого самолета - японской авиакомпании ANA.
По мнению аналитиков "Boeing", в течение ближайших 20 лет поступят заказы в общей сложности на 3500 авиалайнеров модели 787, каталожная стоимость которых составит порядка 400 млрд долларов. По состоянию на январь 2010 года, 56 различных компаний со всего мира разместили на Dreamliner заказы на 851 самолет, что уже дало разработчику повод назвать его "самым быстро продающимся реактивным пассажирским авиалайнером в истории".
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
Тип: дальнемагистральный пассажирский самолет с экипажем из двух человек
Силовая установка: два турбовентиляторных двигателя General Electric GEnx или Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 тягой no 280,16 кН
Характеристики: крейсерская скорость на высоте 12192 м - 902 км/час; практический потолок 13106 м; дальность 14 200 - 15200 км
Масса: пустого 110000 кг; максимальная взлетная 219 540 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 60,05 м; длина 56,69 м; высота 17,07 м
Полезная нагрузка: до 250 пассажиров
- Описание
Мировая Авиация 68
Выкатка Boeing 787 состоялась 8 июля 2007 года, а к июню 2009 года 56 компаний заказали 850 авиалайнеров.
Amidst a huge crowd of people, the first Boeing 787 Dreamliner, N787BA, was rolled out at Everett, Washington, on July 8, 2007. -
Мировая Авиация 120
Дебют Dreamliner. 8 июля 2007г.: первый прототип лайнера нового поколения фирмы "Boeing", 787 Dreamliner, был представлен общественности во время торжественной церемонии выкатки на заводе в Эверетте, Вашингтон. На дебютный показ самолета, называемого фирмой "наиболее технологически совершенным и экологичным авиалайнером в мире", собралось более 15 000 гостей. "Это прекрасный и волнующий день, когда мы можем продемонстрировать нашим покупателям, рабочим, партнерам и публике наш революционный авиалайнер", заявил глава "Boeing Commercial Airplanes" Скотт Карсон. Dreamliner, в конструкции которого широко применены композиционные материалы, должен быть на 20% экономичнее лайнеров аналогичного класса при меньшем уровне создаваемого шума. Ко времени выкатки "Boeing" уже получила заказы на 677 самолетов от 47 покупателей. Это позволило "Boeing" заявить, что Dreamliner является наиболее коммерчески успешным самолетом в истории. После выкатки 787 был оставлен в Эверетте, где на него установили недостающие системы, интерьер и испытательное оборудование. Первый полет был запланирован на конец августа или сентябрь, а выход на пассажирские линии ожидался в мае 2008 года. Реально первый полет состоялся в середине декабря 2009 года.
Air International 2012-06 / News
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner N787BX at Manchester Airport on the evening of April 23, 2012. The airliner was being demonstrated to Thomson Airways.
Авиация и Время 2011-05 / Р.Мараев - МАКСа разноцветье
Лайнер Boeing 787
Air International 2021-07 / R.Schuurman - Rude awakening for Dreamliner
The 787 made its first flight on December 15, 2009. As of May 12, 1,004 examples had been placed with airlines worldwide
Мировая Авиация 207
Первый 787-й выполнил первый полет 15 декабря 2009 года в аэропорту Эверетта. Летчики Майк Каррикер и Рэнди Невилл подняли машину в небо в 10:27 по местному времени.
Мировая Авиация 207
На стадии аванпроекта 7E7 радикально отличался от привычных изделий "Boeing", однако в результате 787-й сохранил привычный для авиалайнеров фирмы внешний облик, изменения бы ли внесены в носовую часть фюзеляжа и хвостовое оперение. ZA001 (регистрационный номер N787BA) - прототип 787-го и первый из шести предсерийных самолетов.
Мировая Авиация 228
15-22 декабря 2009г.: первые полеты совершили первый (на фотографии) и второй прототипы авиалайнера Boeing 787 Dreamliner, конструкция которого выполнена с широким использованием композиционных материалов, самолет оснащен новыми двигателями. С новым самолетом компания намерена упрочить позиции на мировом рынке.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2011-09 / А.Юргенсон - Юбилейный МАКС-2011
Американская авиационная техника, впервые представленная на МАКСе
Air International 2020-03 / M.Broadbent - Middle of the Market /Commercial/
The 787 has an impressive order book, but many airlines view the jet as being too large for their needs.
Air International 2008-03 / B.Walters - Tomorrow's Top Ten /Industry/
Boeing has invested in the Dreamliner, which is intended to replace medium-sized aircraft, such as the 757, 767 and various Airbus designs. Its conventional external appearance belies the many revolutionary technologies that have been incorporated in the design. These include such things as the considerable use of composite materials in the fuselage and advanced systems - the 787 is close to being an 'all-electric' aircraft.
Air International 2008-09 / B.Read - Battle of Airliners. Airbus A350 Vs Boeing 787 Dreamliner /Commercial/
Despite looking apparently complete when it was rolled out on July 8, 2007, the first Boeing 787, N787BA, was actually far from it and is not now expected to make its maiden flight until sometime between mid-November and mid-December.
Boeing rolled out the Dreamliner on July 8, 2007, though many of the major systems had not been fitted and the aircraft was held together by temporary fasteners. Although it was originally due to perform its first flight in September last year, this has now been pushed back to the latter part of 2008. -
Air International 2023-04 / News
Production of 787s will resume soon
Air International 2011-10 / P.Butowski - MAKS-2011
Airbus sent an A380 Super Jumbo (F-WWDD msn 004) to MAKS for the first time, while Boeing also made history by providing an example of the 787 Dreamliner (N787BA c/n 40690).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A380 / A3XX - International - 2005
Авиация и Время 2010-01 / А.Совенко - Революция в гражданской авиации? Возможно...
Третий летный экземпляр "Боинга 787"
Air International 2021-10 / N.Pittaway - Fuel for thought
One of the eight aircraft to serve as flying testbeds for the Boeing ecoDemonstrator project since its launch
Мировая Авиация 207
Dreamliner ZA005, пятый предсерийный 787, в испытательном полете с аэродрома Боинг-Филд. Первые четыре самолета оснастили двигателями Rolls-Royce Trent 1000. Этот самолет стал первым из двух построенных лайнеров с ТРДД General Electric Gen-X.
Air International 2011-04 / P.Swornowski - Composites. A recycling problem for the future? /Technology/
Since the introduction of the first composite materials, there have been major modifications in aircraft structure. Among the most extreme examples of this evolution is the revolutionary Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
Air International 2013-03 / C.Kjelgaard - 787. Dream or Nightmare? /Commercial/
Boeing had performed two test flights with 787 N787FT (ZA005, c/n 40694) by February 14, 2013 to gather data for analysis by the company, the NTSB and the FAA.
Air International 2016-12 / ecoDemonstrator: Airliners Flying for Research /Airfocus/
One of the Boeing 787-8 test aircraft, ZA004 (N7874, c/n 40693), departs Everett (Boeing Field in Seattle ???) on a 2014 ecoDemonstrator green diesel test flight.
Air International 2016-12 / ecoDemonstrator: Airliners Flying for Research /Airfocus/
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner N7874 (c/n 40693) was the tes bed in the 2014 ecoDemonstrator testing.
Air International 2015-01 / News
Boeing 787-8 ZA004 (N7874) tested Boeing's on-going ecoDemonstrator programme.
Air International 2016-12 / ecoDemonstrator: Airliners Flying for Research /Airfocus/
No fewer than 25 airframe, engine and systems technologies were evaluated in the 2014 ecoDemonstrator, ranging from ‘green diesel’ to new flight deck software.
Air International 2020-07 / M.Broadbent - Power players
A GE Aviation GEnx on one of the Boeing 787 flight test aircraft.
Air International 2016-12 / ecoDemonstrator: Airliners Flying for Research /Airfocus/
The 787-8 being fuelled with a blend of 85% Jet A-1 and 15% NEXBTL renewable diesel, supplied by Neste Oils and blended by EPIC Aviation, the first use of this 'green diesel' in an aircraft.
Air International 2013-09 / News
The first Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner was rolled out of the paintshop at Everett, Washington, on July 27, 2013. The prototype has received a new corporate colour scheme adopted by Boeing for its commercial aircraft, with a '9' on the tail to identify the variant. The 787-9 features a fuselage stretch of 20ft (6m) compared with the 787-8, and can carry an additional 40 passengers a further 300nm (555km). The aircraft is due to be flown later this year, with launch customer Air New Zealand due to receive the first of ten in the middle of next year. A total of 366 orders have been placed for the 787-9.
Air International 2013-10 / News
Boeing rolled out the first 787-9 Dreamliner on August 24б 2013 at its assembly plant at Everett, Washington, and it has been delivered to the flight line for final preparations before its maiden flight. It was built on the Temporary Surge Line at Everett, which was established to increase the production rate of the airliner. The Dash 9 can carry 40 more passengers than the baseline Dash 8.
Авиация и Время 2013-05
17 сентября 2013г. в Сиэтле (шт. Вашингтон) состоялся первый полет самолета Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. Эта удлиненная версия "Дримлайнера" может вмещать до 290 пассажиров, что на 40 человек больше базового варианта 787-8. Полет, длившийся 5 ч, выполнили летчик-испытатель Майк Брайн (Mike Bryan) и старший пилот программы 787 Рэнди Нэвилл (Randy Neville). Завершение сертификации этого варианта ""Лайнера мечты" и начало поставок запланировано на середину 2014 г. "Боинг" уже получил заказы на более чем 850 самолетов семейства 787 (из них свыше 360 на 787-9) общей стоимостью более 185 млрд. USD
Air International 2013-11 / News
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner prototype N789EX landing back at King County International Airport/Boeing Field, Washington, at the conclusion of its second flight on September 19, 2013.
Air International 2017-04 / Airscene
The 787-10's length compared to the other Dreamliners is apparent in this photo. The variant is 18ft (5.4m) longer than the 787-9 and nearly 60ft (18m) longer than the 787-8.
Air International 2020-12 / M.Broadbent - Dreamliner's big shift
The first 787-10 was rolled out in January 2017 and flew two months later; the 900-hour flight and certification test programme was concluded on schedule.
Boeing 787 Dreamliners will be produced exclusively in North Charleston from mid-2021
The Boeing 787 was the first commercial airliner with electric brakes -
Air International 2017-04 / Airscene
Service entry of the 787-10 is due with Singapore Airlines in 2018.
Air International 2019-09 / M.Broadbent - Dreamliner 10 /Commercial/
The Boeing 787-10 features a semi-levered landing gear that means the pivot point around which the aircraft rotates on take-off is different from the other Dreamliners.
Air International 2018-03 / M.Broadbent - Dash ten Dreamliner /Commercial/
Three 787-10s were used in certification testing, including N528ZC (c/n 60256), pictured here during take-off performance flights.
Air International 2017-05 / Airscene
The first Boeing 787-10 N528ZC (c/n 60256) during its March 31, 2017 inaugural flight, one of several new airliner variants to fly recently.
Air International 2019-09 / M.Broadbent - Dreamliner 10 /Commercial/
Boeing has sold fewer than 200 examples of the 787-10 since launching the variant six years ago.
Air International 2018-03 / M.Broadbent - Dash ten Dreamliner /Commercial/
At 224ft in length the 787-10 is 18ft longer than the 787-9 and 38ft longer than the 787-8, enabling it to carry up to 330 passengers and 40 LD-3 cargo containers.
Air International 2022-02 / News: Commercial, Military
The Boeing 787-10, the third and largest Dreamliner variant, was launched in 2013, completed its first flight in 2017 and entered service in 2018.
Orders for Boeing 787-10s have been sluggish, although the backlog still contains large commitments from carriers such as Singapore Airlines and Etihad Airways.
Boeing is introducing a number of upgrades to the 787-10 -
Air International 2019-04 / M.Broadbent - 787 /Commercial/
More than 70 airlines now operate the three Boeing 787 variants, the 787-8 depicted here as well as the larger 787-9 and 787-10.
Air International 2017-07 / Airscene
A second Boeing 787-10, N548ZC (c/n 40929), pictured at Boeing Field in Seattle, has recently joined the test programme for the latest 787 variant. It will be used for systems testing. A third 787-10 is in final assembly at North Charleston in South Carolina, and will test cabin environmental control systems.
Мировая Авиация 207
Митинг трудящихся завода в Эверетте по случаю передачи первого 787-го лидерному заказчику ANA, на заднем плане стоит испытательный самолет ZA002.
Air International 2011-09 / News
Boeing 787-881 Dreamliner JA801A (c/n 34485) was rolled out on August 6, 2011. It will be the first example of the airliner to be delivered to launch customer All Nippon Airlines in September.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Spaeth - Passenger Premiere for the Dreamliner /Commercial/
Boeing 787 JA801A on the stand at Tokyo-Narita Airport before the inaugural passenger service flight to Hong Kong on October 26, 2011.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2014-04 / А.Фирсов - "Дримлайнер" - не все мечты сбываются /Пассажирские авиалинии/
Проводы "Дримлайнера" в первый коммерческий полет
Air International 2011-12 / A.Spaeth - Passenger Premiere for the Dreamliner /Commercial/
ANA's CEO Shinichiro Ito, addresses an audience at Hong-Kong Airport.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Spaeth - Passenger Premiere for the Dreamliner /Commercial/
Passengers board JA801A at Hong Kong International
Air International 2011-11 / M.Broadbent - Dreamlike Delivery /Commercial/
On September 26, 2011, Boeing celebrated the delivery of the first 787 Dreamliner to launch customer ANA during a ceremony adjacent to the factory where the airplane was assembled.
Air International 2016-08 / D.Armstrong - A Force Awakens /Commercial/
ANA was the launch operator of the 787, and by late April had 46 examples (35 787-8s and 11 787-9s) in service. Here JA837A is pictured at Paris Charles de Gaulle.
Air International 2012-03 / A.Spaeth - Intercontinetal Dreamliner Ride /Commercial/
JA805A pulls onto the stand at Frankfurt International airport early in the morning of January 22, 2012.
Air International 2021-02 / T.Batchelor - Innovative designs, unprecendented times
Japanese-based All Nippon Airways (ANA) has been one of the leading airlines to invest heavily in technical innovations, both before and after the arrival of the pandemic
Air International 2011-11 / M.Broadbent - Dreamlike Delivery /Commercial/
ANA's first Boeing 787 upon its arrival at Tokyo-Haneda International Airport.
Air International 2021-07 / R.Schuurman - Rude awakening for Dreamliner
All Nippon Airways - the first airline to receive a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, on September 25, 2011 - will also receive the last Everett-built example
Air International 2012-03 / A.Spaeth - Intercontinetal Dreamliner Ride /Commercial/
Frankfurt Airport's fire service welcomed flight NH203 in style.
Авиация и Время 2010-01 / А.Совенко - Революция в гражданской авиации? Возможно...
Второй летный экземпляр "Боинга 787"
Air International 2012-03 / A.Spaeth - Intercontinetal Dreamliner Ride /Commercial/
JA805A on departure from Frankfurt International Airport for its return leg to Tokyo-Haneda on January 22, 2012.
Air International 2011-11 / M.Broadbent - Dreamlike Delivery /Commercial/
25 сентября 2011г. на авиазаводе корпорации "Боинг" в Эверетте состоялась официальная передача нового пассажирского самолета Boeing 787 Dreamliner своему стартовому заказчику. Им стала японская авиакомпания ANA (All Nippon Airways). 27 сентября этот самолет перелетел в Японию, а 26 октября он приступит к выполнению регулярных внутренних рейсов. ANA тогда же впервые подтвердила факт, что превышение массы первых поставляемых самолетов данного типа, по сравнению с заявленными показателями, вынудило использовать их для полетов на коротких и региональных маршрутах, вместо дальнемагистральных. Два первых самолета Boeing 787 будут иметь конфигурацию салона с 264 креслами, предназначенную для ближнемагистральных и региональных рейсов. Для дальнемагистральных международных перелетов ANA получит уже доработанные самолеты в смешанной компоновке на 158 мест. Эксплуатация этих машин начнется с января 2012 г. Согласно информации Boeing, на сегодня уже получено заказов на 821 Dreamliner.
Boeing 787 Dreamliner JA801A made its maiden flight on September 1, 2011 at Everett, Washington. -
Air International 2011-01 / News
Pictured is Boeing 787, N787EX, designated by the manufacturer as ZA002, which is the Dreamliner that suffered the in-flight fire.
Air International 2012-03 / A.Spaeth - Intercontinetal Dreamliner Ride /Commercial/
JA805A touches down at Frankfurt International Airport on January 21, 2012 after the first Dreamliner intercontinental flight from Tokyo-Haneda, which took 11 hours and 36 minutes.
Air International 2016-08 / D.Armstrong - A Force Awakens /Commercial/
Boeing 787-9 JA873A (c/n 34530) is one of three ANA aircraft to sport a special Star Wars livery.
Air International 2023-03 / C.Smith - Mixed blessings
ANA’s Green Jets have also been fitted with a film, manufactured by the Nikon Corporation, to reduce fuel consumption
Air International 2023-03 / C.Smith - Mixed blessings
ANA has given two Boeing 787s a striking green livery to raise awareness of its ‘ANA Future Promise’ initiative
Air International 2013-09 / News
The first Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner for AeroMexico completed its first flight on July 21, 2013 from Paine Field/Snohomish County Airport at Everett in Washington. AeroMexico is leasing N961AM (c/n 35306) from the International Lease and Finance Company, the first of nine examples that will replace the carrier's Boeing 767-200ERs by 2016.
Air International 2021-02 / M.Broadbent - Northern flights
All passengers arriving in Canada from overseas, on aircraft such as this Air Canada Boeing 787, must provide written or electronic proof of a negative COVID-19 test
Air International 2017-04 / Airscene
Air Canada Boeing 787-8 C-GHPQ (c/n 35257) departing Toronto Pearson International Airport as AC407 to Montreal on its first revenue flight wearing the new livery.
Air International 2015-07 / A.Spaeth - Air Canada on the Climb /Commercial/
Boeing 787-8 C-GHPU (c/n 35259), Air Canada’s third Dreamliner, climbing out from London Heathrow.
Air International 2015-07 / A.Spaeth - Air Canada on the Climb /Commercial/
Air Canada will eventually operate 15 787-8s and 22 787-9s.
Air International 2013-09 / B.Hales-Dutton - The Hub Airport Debate. The Montreal Model /Commercial/
The Air League says the Boeing 787's noise footprint is 60% smaller than that of the aircraft it will replace, keeping the noise footprint well within Heathrow's boundary.
Air International 2012-06 / News
The first Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner assembled at North Charleston, South Carolina, is seen during the ceremony held on April 27, 2012 to mark its roll-out. It was later delivered to Air India as VT-ANI (c/n 36277).
Air International 2012-07 / M.Broadbent - From Dreams to Reality /Commercial/
Boeing 787-837 Dreamliner line number 46 (N6067B, c/n 36277, ZA237) was the first constructed at North Charleston, South Carolina. The airliner is seen making its maiden flight on May 23, 2012 with test pilots Tim Berg and Randy Neville at the controls. It is due to be delivered to Air India as VT-ANI.
Air International 2015-08 / M.Broadbent - Improving the Flow /Technology/
The busy airspace in the southeast of the UK, with London Heathrow running at 98% capacity, brings a sharp focus on new technologies that improve efficiency.
Air International 2012-04 / News
All flight testing required for certification by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the General Electric GEnx-1B powered version of the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner has been completed. Boeing announced the end of certification flight test activity for the variant on March 7, 2012, although operations finished in late February. It also confirmed that ground trials have been concluded. FAA certification will allow Boeing to start delivering examples of the Dreamliner powered by the GEnx. Boeing 787-837 N1015B (c/n 36276) will become VT-ANH when it is delivered to Air India. The aircraft made the last flight in the GEnx certification campaign and was displayed at India Aviation 2012 in Hyderabad from March 14.
Air International 2015-05 / A.Spaeth - Mission Impossible? /Commercial/
VT-ANN (c/n 36285) is one of 19 Boeing 787-8s in service with Air India. The type has replaced the 777 on the airline’s Asia-Pacific routes and most frequencies to European destinations.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-08 / А.Юргенсон - Ле Бурже 2013
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A380 / A3XX - International - 2005
Air International 2011-05 / News
Three Boeing 787 Dreamliners destined for Air India are currently stored at Kilo North on Paine Field, Washington. The latest to appear there is 787-837 VT-ANC (c/n 36274). All three are awaiting General Electric GEnx-1B engines and certification before they can be delivered, with the first expected to be handed over in October 2011, to become the fourth airline to fly the aircraft. The carrier originally expected to receive its first in September 2008.
Air International 2015-05 / News
Air India Boeing 787-8 VT-ANU (c/n 36292) is the first Dreamliner to become a Star Alliance logojet. It was the 20th 787 delivered to the Indian flag carrier and is pictured here at Boeing's final assembly line at North Charleston, South Carolina, where it was built.
Air International 2014-05 / News
Boeing and Air New Zealand released this black and white image on April 5, 2014 showing the airline’s first Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. The aircraft (ZK-NZE, c/n 34334) was rolled out that day in the airline's new livery, with the ‘New Zealand Way Fern' in white on a black background along the rear fuselage, mirroring the scheme applied to the rest of the carrier’s domestic fleet in recent months. Internal fittings and flight testing need to be completed before the Dreamliner can be delivered in July, becoming the first Dash 9 to enter service. Air New Zealand initially expected to receive its first 787-9 in late 2010. The other nine ordered will have a white fuselage and black fern.
Air International 2014-08 / News
Air New Zealand's Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner ZK-NZE (c/n 34334) at Paine Field, Washington on July 9, 2014, two days before its delivery flight to Auckland.
Air International 2024-01 / M.Doran - Destination: Innovation
The new 787 Dreamliners will give passengers more sleeping choices than any other airline. The airline has 14 in operation and eight on order
Air International 2015-03 / N.Pittaway - The Secret of the Success /Commercial/
Air New Zealand was the first operator of the 787-9. The type's route network with the airline is set to expand in the coming months.
Air International 2019-09 / M.Broadbent - Dreamliner 10 /Commercial/
Air New Zealand has ordered eight 787-10s to replace its 777-200ERS.
Air International 2015-06 / News
Boeing 787-8 N803AL (c/n 40621), on finals to Everett, Washington, is one of the next Dreamliners to be delivered to American Airlines.
Air International 2020-06 / News: Commercial, Military
The strong wording contained within Embraer's statement suggests legal action is likely.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Embraer ERJ-170 / ERJ-190 / ERJ-195 - Бразилия - 2001
Air International 2018-09 / Backpages
Boeing picked up more 787 orders during Farnborough, where the company displayed the first 787-8 for Biman Bangladesh Airlines, S2-AJS (c/n 40126), pictured wearing its temporary serial N1015B.
Air International 2013-08 / News
BA's first 787-8 G-ZBJB touched down at Heathrow on June 22, 2013, followed a day later by the second, G-ZBJA. Both were delivered direct from Boeing's facility at Everett, Washington.
Air International 2021-04 / News: Commercial, Military
The boss of BA's parent company, IAG, Luis Gallego, said: "We know there is pent-up demand for travel"
Air International 2018-02 / M.Broadbent - Network airlines /Commercial/
Boeing 787-8 G-ZBJA (c/n 38609), pictured at Toronto Lester B Pearson International Airport, is operated by British Airways, whose IAG parent company is one of several network carriers to have posted strong results recently.
Air International 2013-08 / News
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A380 / A3XX - International - 2005
Air International 2013-02 / News
BA is due to take delivery of its first Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner in May, 2013, only a few weeks before its first A380.
Air International 2019-04 / M.Broadbent - 787 /Commercial/
China Southern Airlines 787-9 B-1168 (c/n 38797) was the 787th Dreamliner to be delivered.
Air International 2023-10 / M.Doran - Rise of the Dragon
China Southern operates Boeing’s 787 domestically and to international destinations
Aviation Historian 38 / M.Wickstead - Bringing Africa together (2)
As it was with the 767, Ethiopian was the first African airline to receive the Boeing 787, this 787-8, ET-AOU, being delivered in May 2014. The airline ultimately acquired 27 Dreamliners - 19 x 246-passenger 787-8s and eight stretched 285-passenger 787-9s. Note the simplified white livery with enlarged titles and stylised tail motif.
Air International 2012-10 / A.Spaeth - First in Africa, Third in the World /Commercial/
Ethiopian Airlines took delivery of its first Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner on August 14, 2012 with a ceremony at Everett-Paine Field.
Air International 2012-10 / A.Spaeth - First in Africa, Third in the World /Commercial/
Boeing 787-8 ET-AOQ was the second Dreamliner to be painted at Meacham airport in Fort Worth Texas. The aircraft emerged in its Ethiopian livery on July 25, 2012.
Air International 2013-08 / News
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ET-AOP landing at London-Heathrow on June 30, 2013. The aircraft caught fire at the airport on July 12.
Air International 2018-06 / A.Spaeth - 'Addis Ababa will be the Dubai of Africa' /Commercial/
One of 19 Boeing 787-8s in service with Ethiopian; the carrier also operates two 787-9s with another two due for delivery.
Air International 2012-09 / News
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ET-AOQ (c/n 34745, ex N1020K) is seen on the flight line at Paine Field/Snohomish County Airport at Everett in Washington, on August 2, 2012. It is the third of ten to roll-off the production line destined for Ethiopian Airlines.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2014-04 / А.Фирсов - "Дримлайнер" - не все мечты сбываются /Пассажирские авиалинии/
Ремонт эфиопского 787-го в аэропорту Хитроу. Виден демонтированный киль
Air International 2020-07 / K.Nuthall, P.Cochrane, W.Kigotho - Opening skies over Africa
Ethiopian Airlines has successfully developed its Addis Ababa/Bole facility into a global hub.
Air International 2018-06 / A.Spaeth - 'Addis Ababa will be the Dubai of Africa' /Commercial/
Chinese investment has resulted in new maintenance hangars for Ethiopian at Bole.
Air International 2023-06 / E.Kelly - Going green
20 июля 2020г. компания «Боинг» сделала заявление о начале программы ecoDemonstrator, проводимой совместно с авиакомпанией Etihad Airways. Предполагаются исследования перспективных технологий снижения вредных выбросов и авиационного шума. Работы проводятся на самолете Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner, принадлежащем Etihad Airways. К программе также подключились NASA и Safran Landing Systems.
Etihad has worked with Boeing on its ecoDemonstrator with the goal of improving a number of sustainability solutions for airlines -
Air International 2019-04 / Backpages
ETIHAD AIRWAYS has restructured its orders for Boeing and Airbus aircraft, with the Gulf carrier now committed to taking far fewer new jets than previously planned.
Air International 2021-07 / R.Schuurman - Rude awakening for Dreamliner
Etihad Airways was the last airline to receive a Boeing 787 prior to the manufacturer halting Dreamliner deliveries on October 14. It would be 164 days before another example of the widebody was delivered
Air International 2020-08 / P.Eden, F.Dupont - Inside Etihad engineering
The MRO provider has overseen the roll-out of Etihad Airways' 'Choose Well' liveries and several other promotional colour schemes.
Air International 2014-11 / M.Broadbent - Etihad's New Look /Commercial/
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner A6-BLA showing the ‘Facets of Abu Dhabi' scheme.
Air International 2014-11 / News
Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner A6-BLA (c/n 39646) appeared in Etihad Airway's new livery on September 28, 2014. It is the first of 41 787-9s and 30 787-10s on order for the carrier.
Air International 2022-01 / News: Commercial, Military
Etihad is introducing Lufthansa Technik Aviatar across its fleet
Air International 2019-12 / Airscene
Etihad Airways Boeing 787-10 A6-BND (c/n 42373), delivered in October 2019, wears a Manchester City livery marking the club's partnership with the airline and its ownership by Abu Dhabi.
Air International 2018-11 / Airscene
Taiwan's EVA Air has received its initial Boeing 787-9. The aircraft, B-17881 (c/n 39295) is on lease from Air Lease Corporation and is planned to debut on the carrier's international routes in November 2018.
Air International 2019-09 / M.Broadbent - Dreamliner 10 /Commercial/
EVA Air is another operator to recently take delivery of the 787-10.
Air International 2012-12 / News
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner B-2728 (c/n 34938) is the first due to be delivered to Hainan Airlines of China. The airliner is about to touch down at Paine Field/King County International Airport, Washington, on October 27, 2012 after a test flight.
Air International 2017-04 / Airscene
Hainan Airlines’ Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner B-6998 (c/n 62718), pictured in Toronto, has been painted in this distinctive livery featuring characters from the Kung Fu Panda animated film.
Air International 2013-03 / C.Kjelgaard - 787. Dream or Nightmare? /Commercial/
A Japan Airlines' Boeing 787.
Air International 2014-04 / D.Armstrong - JAL's Comeback /Commercial/
JAL was the second operator of the 787-8.
Air International 2012-05 / News
On March 25, 2012, Boeing delivered 787-846 Dreamliners JA822J (c/n 34832, ex N1003W) and JA825J (c/n 34835, ex N1006F) to Japan Airlines, marking the first handover of a GEnx-1B (-1B64s) -powered version with a ceremony at Paine Field/Snohomish County Airport, Washington. Both airliners were ferried to Tokyo/Haneda and Tokyo/Narita respectively on March 26/27. JA822J is seen about to depart Paine Field.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2014-04 / А.Фирсов - "Дримлайнер" - не все мечты сбываются /Пассажирские авиалинии/
Техническое обслуживание Боинга 787 японской авиакомпании JAL
Air International 2013-11 / News
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner VH-VKA (c/n 36227) departing Everett, Washington, on October 7, 2013, on delivery to Jetstar of Australia. The aircraft touched down at Melbourne-Tullamarine Airport, Victoria, two days later, after transiting via Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii. The first of 14 787-8s ordered by the Qantas Group for the low-cost carrier; they are due to enter service by 2015.
Air International 2021-03
A Kenya Airways Boeing 787-8, 5Y-KZJ (c/n 36046), at London/Heathrow. The Nairobi-based carrier has a total of 11 Dreamliner examples in its widebody fleet
Air International 2019-09 / M.Broadbent - Dreamliner 10 /Commercial/
KLM's first 787-10 PH-BKA (c/n 42485) arrives in Amsterdam in June 2019.
Air International 2021-07 / R.Schuurman - Rude awakening for Dreamliner
According to Business Insider, KLM discovered loose seats, missing and incorrectly installed pins, nuts and bolts not fully tightened, and a fuel-line clamp left unsecured following the delivery of its maiden 787-10 in June 2019
Air International 2023-01 / M.Broadbent - Recovery and revival
Latin America remains a key market for European carriers including KLM, which carried 2.2 million passengers to the region in January-September 2022
Air International 2019-09 / M.Broadbent - Dreamliner 10 /Commercial/
Commonality between the larger 787-10 and its Dreamliner stablemates is a key selling point of the aircraft. Korean, which has recently ordered 787-10s, also uses 787-9s.
Air International 2016-07 / Airscene
Besides the repainting of the in-service fleet, LATAM Airlines Group aircraft on order are now being delivered with the new branding. Here 787-9 CC-BGL (c/n 38482) taxies at Everett before delivery.
Air International 2023-01 / M.Broadbent - Recovery and revival
Delta and LATAM recently won approval for a major joint venture
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330neo - International - 2017
Air International 2013-01 / News
14 ноября 2012г. в аэропорт Варшавы прибыл первый из восьми заказанных лайнеров Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Таким образом, национальная польская авиакомпания LOT стала первым европейским получателем самолетов этого типа. С декабря текущего го/ja LOT будет использовать "Лайнеры мечты" на коротких рейсах внутри Европы, а в дальнейшем - на дальних рейсах в Нью-Йорк, Торонто и Пекин. Прибытие в Польшу второго самолета ожидается в начале следующего года
LOT Polish Airlines became the first European carrier to receive a Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner following the delivery of SP-LRA (c/n 35938, ex N1026G). The airliner was handed over on November 9, 2012, and departed Seattle in Washington five days later, arriving at Warsaw Chopin Airport in Poland on November 15. It began flying routes within Europe in December and flights are planned from Warsaw to Chicago O'Hare, Illinois, on January 16; Toronto, Canada on February 1; New York - John F Kennedy on February 3 and Beijing in the People's Republic of China on March 3. LOT has eight Dreamliners on order, which will be configured for 18 business-, 21 premium economy- and 213 economy-class passengers. -
Air International 2016-04 / D.Sipinski - A LOT Happening /Commercial/
Six 787-8s are used by LOT, including SP-LRB (c/n 37894). Two more are due for delivery, but handover of the seventh example has been delayed to 2017.
Air International 2016-04 / D.Sipinski - A LOT Happening /Commercial/
LOT operates a fleet of six Boeing 787-8s, including SP-LRC (c/n 35940) seen on finals at the airline's Warsaw hub.
Air International 2016-04 / D.Sipinski - A LOT Happening /Commercial/
One of the European Commission’s restrictions against LOT was that it was not allowed to open new routes. That has now lifted but there remains uncertainty around the airline’s growth plans. Here 787-8 SP-LRD (c/n 35941) is photographed at Warsaw.
Air International 2013-05 / News
Boeing 787-8 SP-LRC (c/n 35940) had the registration N1791B applied for battery test flights. The airliner is wearing the temporary identity at Paine Field/Snohomish County Airport, Washington, on March 16, 2013, prior to the start of the test flights.
Air International 2022-10 / News
Lufthansa’s first 787-9 on its delivery flight
Air International 2019-05 / Airscene
The Lufthansa Group has ordered 40 new twin-aisle widebody airliners for the group's airlines, numbering 20 Airbus A350-900s and 20 Boeing 787-9s.
Air International 2018-02 / Airscene
The Italian charter airline Neos has become the 45th operator of the Boeing 787-9. Its first Dreamliner, EI-NEO (c/n 38785), from the Irish lessor AerCap, arrived in Verona accompanied by three Frecce Tricolori Aermacchi MB339PANs. Neos is set to receive two more 787s.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aermacchi MB.339 - Италия - 1976
Air International 2022-06 / M.Broadbent - Progress of sorts
Norse Atlantic plans to use Boeing 787s on its transatlantic routes
Air International 2022-06 / M.Broadbent - Progress of sorts
Transatlantic travel is a key market for numerous large network airlines
Air International 2022-06 / M.Broadbent - Progress of sorts
Norse Atlantic flies from Oslo to New York JFK on June 14, 2022; this will be followed by flights to Ft Lauderdale, Los Angeles, and Orlando
Air International 2013-09 / A.Spaeth - Low-cost Long-haul. Can it work? /Commercial/
EI-LNA (c/n 35304), Norwegian's first Boeing 787, on final approach to Barcelona International airport on July 5, 2013.
Air International 2014-05 / M.Broadbent - The In-Flight Revolution /Technology/
Norwegian Air Shuttle's 787s feature a geotainment feature as part of the seatback IFE.
Air International 2014-08 / News
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner EI-LNF (c/n 35313) on approach to runway 01R at Stockholm-Arlanda in Sweden on June 26, 2014. It was delivered to Norwegian at Oslo Airport on May 29 on lease from the International Lease Finance Corporation.
Air International 2018-12 / Backpages
Boeing 787-9s are used by Norwegian, one of many airlines offering low-cost long-haul services.
Air International 2013-09 / A.Spaeth - Low-cost Long-haul. Can it work? /Commercial/
Since 2002 Norwegian has adorned the tails of its aircraft with deceased personalities. EI-LNA features Norwegian Olympic ice skating champion Sonja Henie.
Air International 2013-09 / A.Spaeth - Low-cost Long-haul. Can it work? /Commercial/
CEO of Norwegian Bjorn Kjos watches on as a Boeing representative hands over the 787 keys to chief pilot Torstein Hoas at Everett on June 29, 2013.
Air International 2019-12 / Backpages
Norwegian operates long-haul with Boeing 787s.
Air International 2021-03 / News: Commercial, Military
Norwegian will not resume long-haul flights
Air International 2018-09 / Airscene
In another example of the Boeing 787's increasing use, Oman Air has recently switched its European services from Airbus A330s to Dreamliners. Here 787-8 A40-SB (c/n 42379) taxies in at Manchester on arrival from Muscat.
Air International 2017-12 / Airscene
Qantas Airways has received its first Boeing 787-9, VH-ZNA (c/n 39038), pictured at a media event in Sydney after delivery. The aircraft is named 'Great Southern Land'; Qantas has given its first eight 787-9s names that refer to Australian landmarks, animals, literature and indigenous heritage. In 2018, Qantas will put the 787-9 into service on a Perth-London Heathrow rotation, the first regular direct flight between Europe and Australia.
Air International 2019-10 / Backpages
Qantas will gather data on ultra-long-haul passenger experience during forthcoming 787-9 delivery flights.
The long-term goal for many commercial pilots is long-haul flying types such as this 787-9 Dreamliner belonging to Qantas -
Air International 2023-10 / M.Doran - Down Under Deals
Qantas and Jetstar are undergoing an extensive fleet renewal programme
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A321neo - International - 2016
Air International 2018-02 / Backpages
From March 25, Qantas will start flying Boeing 787-9s, including VH-ZNB (c/n 39039), non-stop between London and Perth. The carrier has plans to fly direct services to Australia's eastern and southern coasts.
Air International 2020-01 / L.Jones - 'Longreach' for the Skies /Commercial/
Qantas flies its 787-9s on routes including Perth-Heathrow, the first direct air service between Australia and Europe.
Qantas has been encouraged by the performance of its existing Perth to London non-stop services. -
Air International 2018-10 / Airscene
Qantas has introduced the Boeing 787-9 into service, and the airline is assessing several other aircraft types for its future fleet needs.
Air International 2020-01 / L.Jones - 'Longreach' for the Skies /Commercial/
Second Officer Tegan Gray admires the 787-9 Dreamliner ahead of boarding.
Air International 2020-01 / L.Jones - 'Longreach' for the Skies /Commercial/
The factory-fresh Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, VH-ZNJ (c/n 66074), parked at Heathrow's Terminal 3 ahead of its record-breaking flight.
Air International 2020-01 / L.Jones - 'Longreach' for the Skies /Commercial/
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner was selected for the record-breaking journeys.
Air International 2020-01 / L.Jones - 'Longreach' for the Skies /Commercial/
The brand-new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner firmly on Australian soil for the first time following the record-breaking 19hr and 19min non-stop flight.
Air International 2020-01 / L.Jones - 'Longreach' for the Skies /Commercial/
The flight passed through the airspace of ten nations, including the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, the Philippines and Indonesia before crossing the Australian coast near Darwin.
Air International 2021-10 / News: Commercial, Military
Qantas will resume long-haul services with Boeing 787s in December 2021
Air International 2020-01 / L.Jones - 'Longreach' for the Skies /Commercial/
Alan Joyce, Qantas CEO, and the crew of flight QF7879 disembark the 787 Dreamliner in Sydney.
Air International 2020-08 / S.Gibbons, K.Nuthall - Flying colours more than just aesthetics
Australian flag carrier Qantas painted one of its Boeing 787-9s, VH-ZND (c/n 63390) Emily Kame Kngwarreye, in the 'Yam Dreaming' livery. It took 60 people more than ten days to finish the Dreamliner.
Air International 2019-03 / Airscene
Qantas' distinctive Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner VH-ZND (c/n 63390), named Emily Kame Kngwarreye, caught on departure from London Heathrow. The Australian carrier now operates eight 787-9s.
Air International 2018-05 / Airscene
Boeing 787-9 VH-ZND (c/n 63390), Qantas' fourth Dreamliner, departs London Heathrow for Perth on the first regular direct service between Europe and Australia. The aircraft's livery is based on the work 'Yam Dreaming' by late Northern Territory artist Emily Kame Kngwarreye, whose name the aircraft bears.
Air International 2015-06 / A.Spaeth - The Gulf Trendsetter /Commercial/
Qatar had 21 Boeing 787-8s in service at the time of publication in May 2015, with A7-BCK (c/n 38339) seen here departing Brussels.
Air International 2013-06 / News
Boeing 787-8 A7-BCB (c/n 38320, ex N1003W) is one of the Qatar Airlines examples that has returned to service. It is seen on approach to Strasbourg International Airport, France, on May 3, 2013, two days after the airline restarted operations with the type.
Air International 2013-01 / News
The arrival of Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner A7-BCB (c/n 38320, ex N1003W) at Doha International Airport, Qatar, on November 14, 2012, marked the service entry of the type with the flag carrier airline. The aircraft arrived from Seattle in Washington, carrying the Chief Executive Officer of the carrier, Akbar Al Baker, and invited guests. It was officially handed over two days earlier and completed its first revenue-earning flight between Doha and Dubai International Airport on November 20. The airliner is seen on approach to Dubai, at the end of its initial service. Dreamliners will be used on services to London-Heathrow and later on long-haul flights to Zurich, Switzerland; Frankfurt in Germany and Delhi, India. Qatar Airways currently has 112 airliners in service and commitments for 60 787-8s. The fleet will be configured for 22 business- and 232 economy-class passengers.
Air International 2012-08 / News
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner N10187 (c/n 38320) was displayed at Farnborough Airshow 2012 between July 5 and 12, before returning to Seattle in Washington for the formal hand-over to Qatar Airways. It became the first Boeing-owned airliner to participate in a flying display for around 30 years. The aircraft is the first of 30 ordered by Qatar Airways on April 5, 2007, and will become A7-BCB after delivery. Five 787-8s will be handed over to the airline by the end of 2012.
Air International 2020-09 / L.Cross, N.Goode - Technology pushes design boundaries
Qatar Airways' Q-Suites have been introduced on certain types. Before the onset of COVID-19, it had installed them on all of its Airbus A350-1000s and Boeing 787-9s in addition to some A350-900s, 777-200LRs and 777-300ERs.
Air International 2020-07 / K.Nuthall, P.Cochrane, W.Kigotho - Opening skies over Africa
Royal Air Maroc operates nine Boeing 787 Dreamliners.
Air International 2015-02 / M.Broadbent - Boutique Brunei /Commercial/
Boeing 787 V8-DLB (c/n 34786) was delivered to Royal Brunei in October 2013, the second of four for the carrier.
Air International 2015-02 / M.Broadbent - Boutique Brunei /Commercial/
Boeing 787-8 V8-DLB at Hong Kong in July 2014.
Авиация и Время 2013-06 / А.Хаустов - Dubai Airshow 2013 - рубеж в 200 миллиардов взят!
Boeing 787 - бизнес-джет султана Брунея
Air International 2014-10 / News
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner JY-BAA (c/n 37983) is the first of its kind delivered to Royal Jordanian. It has entered service on the carrier’s Amman to London Heathrow service after handover on August 26, 2014. It was noted landing at London on September 12. Royal Jordanian has seven 787-8s on order.
Air International 2019-11 / Airscene
Saudi Arabian Airlines joined the Boeing 787-10 operators' list by taking delivery of its first example, HZ-AR24 (c/n 40050). This is the first of ten 787-10s for the carrier, which also operates 13 787-9s.
Air International 2023-07 / A.Dron - Shifting sands
Over the years, Saudia has flown several unique colour schemes, including this one celebrating Arab calligraphy
Air International 2023-07 / A.Dron - Shifting sands
The current national carrier, Saudi Arabian Airlines or Saudia, placed an order for a further 39 Boeing 787s plus ten options
Air International 2021-07 / R.Schuurman - Rude awakening for Dreamliner
Saudia was initially hesitant to accept 787s without assurances from Boeing that the airliner was safe. It now operates a fleet of 13 787-9s alongside five of the larger 787-10s
Air International 2016-05 / Airscene
Saudi Arabian Airlines Boeing 787-9 HZ-ARC (c/n 41546) taxiing at Manchester, one of several destinations where the Middle East carrier has deployed its new Dreamliners. Saudia is also flying the type to Guangzhou and Paris CDG.
Air International 2023-05 / M.Doran - A profitable approach
LCC Scoot uses the 787 for Singapore-Sydney services
Air International 2014-12 / News
Scoot will be the first low-cost carrier to operate the ‘Dash Nine’ Dreamliner.
Air International 2016-04 / C.Chuanren - Scooting Along /Commercial/
Scoot’s first Boeing 787-9 9V-OJA (c/n 37112) following delivery from Seattle’s Everett factory.
Air International 2016-04 / C.Chuanren - Scooting Along /Commercial/
Celebrating Singapore’s Golden Jubilee, Scoot unveiled a special livery on its fifth 787-9, 9V-OJE (c/n 37116), with 20 Singaporean brands and icons.
Air International 2017-11 / Airscene
The first customer 787-10, which will be delivered to Singapore Airlines, at North Charleston.
Air International 2018-05 / Airscene
Singapore Airline commenced its first commercial flights on the 787-10 to Bangkok, Thailand, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for crew training.
Air International 2018-05 / Airscene
Boeing 787-10 9V-SCA (c/n 60253) was greeted with a water cannon salute upon its arrival at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 2 on March 28, 2018.
Air International 2018-03 / M.Broadbent - Dash ten Dreamliner /Commercial/
Singapore Airlines has ordered 49 Boeing 787-10s and is due to receive its first example in March 2018.
Air International 2019-04 / M.Broadbent - 787 /Commercial/
Singapore Airlines was the first to introduce the third Dreamliner version, the 787-10.
Air International 2015-01 / T.Allett - Thomson Changing the Face of Flying /Commercial/
Thomson Airways originally was due to take delivery of eight of the 13 Dreamliners ordered by the TUI Group. Now it will take ten of an expanded order for 15 aircraft.
Air International 2013-07 / M.Broadbent - Thomson Touchdown /Commercial/
787-8 G-TUIA taxis to the stand at Manchester's Terminal 2 after arriving on May 31, 2013.
Air International 2013-07 / M.Broadbent - Thomson Touchdown /Commercial/
Boeing 787-8 G-TUIA, Thomson's first 787, prepares to park at Manchester after arriving from Seattle on May 31, 2013.
Air International 2020-05 / M.Broadbent - Life After Thomas Cook
TUI Airways has increased its frequencies between the UK and Tunisia by 63% to offer 375,666 seats this summer.
Air International 2019-04 / M.Broadbent - 787 /Commercial/
Smaller operators such as TUI also operate 787s. This 787-9, G-TUIM (c/n 62742), is pictured at Manchester in February 2019.
Air International 2018-06 / Airscene
TUI has transferred one of the Boeing 787-8s previously used by its TUI Airways (formerly Thomson Airways) operation in the UK, G-TUIG (c/n 36426), to its TUI Airlines Belgium unit. The aircraft has been re-registered as OO-LOE.
Air International 2012-09 / News
United Airlines displayed its first Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner (N20904, c/n 34824) to invited guests on August 2, 2012 at Paine Field/Snohomish County Airport, Everett in Washington. The carrier is the North American launch customer for the Dreamliner with 50 on order. It will receive its first in September and last in 2019.
Air International 2012-12 / A.Spaeth - New-born Giant /Commercial/
United's first Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner N20904 (c/n 34824) at Houston-George Bush International Airport, Texas on October 11, 2012.
Air International 2020-10 / M.Broadbent - Plight of the long rangers
United, which currently has 57 Boeing 787s, used the -9 variant on links to Singapore and Sydney
Air International 2012-12 / A.Spaeth - New-born Giant /Commercial/
United's first scheduled 787 flight was operated on November 4, 2012 between Houston and Chicago.
Air International 2012-12 / A.Spaeth - New-born Giant /Commercial/
United is expected to undertake its Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner international premiere between Houston and Amsterdam on December 5, 2012.
Air International 2012-12 / A.Spaeth - New-born Giant /Commercial/
United took delivery of its second Dreamliner 787-8 N26906 (c/n 34829) on October 31, 2012.
Air International 2021-07 / R.Schuurman - Rude awakening for Dreamliner
Boeing and Uzbekistan Airways recently delivered humanitarian relief supplies to the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan on board the airline's newest 787-8 Dreamliner
Air International 2015-08 / News
Vietnam Airlines’ first Boeing 787-9 was displayed during the Paris Air Show week, with the aircraft delivered to the carrier on July 6, 2015.
Air International 2015-05 / M.Broadbent - New Demands New Oil /Technology/
Virgin Atlantic Airways announced in January that the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000s on its new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners, including G-VNEW (c/n 40956) pictured here, are using Mobil Jet Oil 387.
Air International 2014-11 / News
Virgin’s first 787-9, landing at Paine Field, Everett on October 5, 2014.
Air International 2019-04 / M.Broadbent - 787 /Commercial/
Virgin Atlantic Airways 787-9 G-VCRU (c/n 37972) captured on departure from Heathrow.
Air International 2020-12 / T.Batchelor - Indian aviators heat up Heathrow
A General Electric GEnx-powered Boeing 787-9 of Vistara, VT-TSD (c/n 66526), at Everett in February 2020
Air International 2019-03 / Backpages
CANADIAN AIRLINE WestJet took delivery in January 2019 of its largest ever aircraft, the Boeing 787-9, as the carrier prepares to use the Dreamliner in a new phase of global expansion for the carrier.
Air International 2019-06 / Airscene
WestJet introducing Boeing 787-9s on routes to Europe from Calgary, including C-GUDO (c/n 64976) pictured here, has added even more seats to the transatlantic air travel market.
Air International 2021-07 / T.Batchelor, P.Pilidis - Powering on
Industry-leading fuel efficiency has been part of the appeal of Boeing’s hugely successful 787 Dreamliner Aviation
Air International 2013-03 / C.Kjelgaard - 787. Dream or Nightmare? /Commercial/
Dreamliners parked-up at Boeing's Everett production plant.
Air International 2016-09 / Airscene
Boeing marked its centennial at Everett in mid-July 2016 with a static line of its key commercial aircraft, comprising a 707 (Omega), 717-2BD (Delta), 727-22 (ex-United), 737-990ER (Alaska), 747-867F (Cathay Pacific), 757-222 (United), 767-3S2 (FedEx), 777-31HER (Emirates) and 787-9 (All Nippon).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Boeing 707/720 - США - 1954Boeing Boeing 717 - США - 1998Boeing Boeing 727 - США - 1963Boeing Boeing 737-600 / BBJ - США - 1998Boeing Boeing 747-8 - США - 2010Boeing Boeing 757 - США - 1982Boeing Boeing 767 - США - 1981Boeing Boeing 777 - США - 1994
Air International 2014-03 / News
Boeing has begun to hand over 787-8 Dreamliners to non-airline operators. Three of the 13 787 BBJs on order have so far been delivered, while a further three are due this year. The first (A6-PFC, c/n 35303) completed its maiden flight on November 25, 2013, and was delivered to the International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC) for the Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight. It departed Paine Field/Snohomish County Airport, Washington, for Abu Dhabi on January 3, 2014. The ILFC also received N28MS (c/n 35309, ex N1006K) one week after completing its maiden flight on December 23. On January 31 it began its lease to Jet Aviation Flight Services of Teterboro, New Jersey, arriving at Grant County International Airport, Washington, for cabin outfitting. The third aircraft, HZ-MF7 (c/n 40053) for the Saudi Ministry of Finance and Economy, was delivered on February 5, the same day it departed Paine Field for San Antonio International Airport, Texas, where it will have its interior furnishings installed.
Air International 2008-09 / T.Spruce - Delivering the Dream /Commercial/
Sections of 787 are unloaded at Everett, where Boeing has its final assembly plant for the Dreamliner. The all-composite forward section, wrapped in white and known as section 41, is manufactured by Spirit AeroSystems in Wichita, while behind it are sections 47 and 48 produced by Vought Aircraft Industries in Charleston.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Boeing 747 LCF Dreamlifter - США - 2006
Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Boeing released this photograph on June 19, 2007 in Paris of the first 787 Dreamliner under final assembly on the production line in Everett, Washington, on June 4, with the tail section, tailplane and fin the only major sub-assembly component still to be mated. Official roll-out is still currently scheduled for July 8, 2007.
Air International 2013-07 / News
The prototype Boeing 787-9, ZB001, on the assembly line at Everett, Washington. Work to connect the major sections of the airliner began on May 30, 2013.
Air International 2020-12 / M.Broadbent - Dreamliner's big shift
A United Airlines 787-9 in assembly at North Charleston
Air International 2018-03 / M.Broadbent - Dash ten Dreamliner /Commercial/
The 787-10 is assembled solely by Boeing South Carolina at North Charleston, with sections for the aircraft arriving from Europe, Asia and other factories in the United States.
Boeing's decision to focus 787 production in South Carolina generated an angry response from officials in Washington State -
Air International 2008-03 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Seen on the production line at Everett, Washington, on February 14, 2008 is the second of six flight test 787 Dreamliners, awaiting join up of the various fuselage and wing sections.
Air International 2008-06 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Boeing commenced final assembly on May 1, 2008 of the third flight-test 787 Dreamliner, which will be the fifth aircraft overall, as two ground test airframes have also been produced. The aircraft, c/n 34636, is a 787-851 that will eventually enter service with Northwest Airlines.
Air International 2007-04 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow
Boeing 787 programme partner Spirit AeroSystems of Wichita, Kansas, announced on February 15, 2007 that it has begun production of the first all-composite forward fuselage section for the prototype Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Measuring 42ft long and 21ft in diameter, the section, seen here in the factory on February 2, follows on from three developmental units produced by the company over the last two years. Once completed, the section will be shipped on board a 747-400LCF Dreamlifter to Everett, Washington, for final assembly, which is scheduled to commence in the second-quarterof 2007, with first flight still expected at the end of August.
Air International 2011-04 / P.Swornowski - Composites. A recycling problem for the future? /Technology/
Boeing unveiled the first 787 Dreamliner composite fuselage section at its Developmental Centre in Seattle on January 11, 2005. The section, made as part of the new airplane development process, proved the manufacturing techniques used for the first time on the 787.
Air International 2014-07 / M.Broadbent - High-Tech, High-Value /Technology/
Messier-Bugatti-Dowty secured a contract to manufacture Boeing 787 undercarriages after undertaking work at the AMRC.
Air International 2018-03 / M.Broadbent - Dash ten Dreamliner /Commercial/
A pair of Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 TEN engines. This powerplant features several differences from earlier Trent 1000s, including a modulated air system, an increased use of composites, redesigned external systems, a new external gearbox and an updated engine control system.
Air International 2019-04 / M.Broadbent - 787 /Commercial/
Rolls-Royce says it is overcoming issues with the Trent 1000 which have caused disruption for Dreamliner operators in recent years.
Air International 2007-07 / B.Walters - Aviation - An Environmental Hazard? /Commercial/
As a result of advances in component and materials technology the Trent 1000, being developed to power the Boeing 787, will be significantly more fuel-efficient than previous Trent engines.
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