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airplane photo

Страна : США

Год : 1970


  • Aeroplane Monthly 1982-02 / On the lighter side

    KB-2 Gyrocopter. From Stanton, California, comes news of a “new, highly refined” gyrocopter. Ken Brock’s new KB-2 Gyrocopter is now available as a complete kit with either a McCulloch or Volkswagen engine. It is claimed that the KB-2 kit can be assembled with hand tools in a 10ft x 10ft work area and that a person with “average skills” can assemble the pre-cut, pre-drilled components for the basic airframe in about 1 1/2hr. The entire craft can be assembled, ready to run, in a weekend, claims Brock. The complete KB-2 Gyro (unpowered) kit sells for $2,394. There are several engine options and anyone interested should contact Ken Manufacturing, 11852 Western Avenue, Stanton, California 90680, USA.