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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1925

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Supermarine. Гоночные самолеты

   Для гонки 1925 года в Балтиморе Реджинальд Митчел создал обтекаемый цельнодеревянный гидросамолет-моноплан S.4, оснащенный 700-сильным (522 кВт) ПД Napier Lion, но тот был разбит во время испытаний.

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  • Supermarine. Гоночные самолеты
  • Flight, September 1925
  • Flight 1925-10 / Flight

    Супермарин S.4 - первый из знаменитых гидросамолетов Р.Митчелла
    THE SCHNEIDER CUP RACE: This official photograph of the Supermarine-Napier S.4 admirably shows the very "clean" lines, and it is indeed difficult to see where any head resistance could have been saved. This machine, before going to the United States, established a new world's speed record for seaplanes by flying at an average speed of 226-752 m.p.h.

  • Flight 1925-09 / Flight

    THE SCHNEIDER CUP RACE: View of the Supermarine-Napier S.4 monoplane. This official photograph do not do justice to the machine, which is of exceptionally pleasing lines and of very clean design. The under-carriage is unbraced, the four steel tube struts being cantilevers, which provide a considerable amount of springing of the floats.

  • Flight 1925-11 / Flight

    THE 1925 SCHNEIDER CUP RACE: This side view of the British challenger, the Supermarine-Napier S.4. The Supermarine-Napier S.4 holds the world's speed record for seaplanes with 226-752 m.p.h.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1977-01 / M.Langley - Fifty years in aviation

    The author drew the fuel tanks for the Supermarine S-4 of 1925.

  • Flight 1925-10 / Flight

    THE BRITISH SCHNEIDER CUP CHALLENGERS: This front view give an excellent idea of the manner in which head resistance has been cut down to a minimum. It was on the Supermarine-Napier S.4 that Capt. Biard established a new world's record for seaplanes by flying at an average speed of 226 752 m.p.h.

  • Air International 1984-08

    The Supermarine S4 that was lost in the USA in 1925.

  • Flight 1925-11 / Flight

    AT BAY SHORE PARK: the Napier engine of the Supermarine-Napier S.4 being run up

  • Flight 1925-11 / Flight

    AT BAY SHORE PARK: The group in front of the Supermarine-Napier S.4 includes Lieut. Guy Townsend (U.S. Navy), Bert Hinkler, R. J. Mitchell, T. Hildebrandt (of the Baltimore Flying Club), Capt. Biard, and Major W. D. Tipton, Secretary of the Baltimore Flying Club

  • Flight 1925-09 / Flight

    THE SCHNEIDER CUP RACE: View of the Supermarine-Napier S.4 monoplane. In the photograph the tube leading to the pilot's cockpit is the lead from the Bristol starter engine by means of which the Napier engine is started.

  • Flight 1925-09 / Flight

    THE SCHNEIDER CUP RACE: View of the Supermarine-Napier S.4 monoplane.

  • Flight 1925-11 / Flight

    AT BAY SHORE PARK: the machine leaving the slipway for its first test flight.

  • Flight 1925-11 / Flight

    THE SCHNEIDER CUP RACE: Capt. Broad's Gloster-Napier III leaving the slipway or its first test flight. In the background may be seen the Supermarine-Napier S.4, and, on the right, some of the American seaplanes which were to take part in the demonstration planned for Schneider Cup day.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Gloster I - III - Великобритания - 1923

  • Flight 1925-11 / Flight

    ON THE SLIPWAY AT BAY SHORE PARK: In the foreground is a U.S. Navy "dog ship," and farther back the Supermarine-Napier S.4, while in the background may be seen the Gloster-Napier III.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Curtiss F6C / P-1 / Hawk / Model 34 - США - 1925Gloster I - III - Великобритания - 1923

  • Фотографии