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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1927

Одноместный гоночный гидросамолет-моноплан


Supermarine. Гоночные самолеты

   К гонкам 1927 года, проводившимся в Венеции, были готовы новые гидросамолеты-монопланы S.5. Один оснащался 900-сильным (671 кВт) ПД Napier Lion VIIA, а другой - 875-сильным (652 кВт) Napier Lion VIIB. Полумонококовый фюзеляж был выполнен преимущественно из дюраля, а низкорасположенное крыло имело деревянные лонжероны и нервюры с обшивкой из фанеры. В этих состязаниях самолеты S.5 заняли первое и второе места.
   На предпоследних гонках в британском Калшоте в 1929 году "Supermarine" представила два доработанных самолета S.6, оснащенных 1900-сильными (1417 кВт) ПД Rolls-Royce "R". Один из них, пилотируемый офицером британских ВВС Р. Уэгхорном, пришел первым, показав рекордную скорость 528,87 км/ч.
   Из-за отсутствия государственной поддержки проведение гонок 1931 года в Британии стояло под вопросом. Однако они состоялись благодаря кампании сбора пожертвований, развернутой леди Люси Хьюстон. У компании "Supermarine" не было возможностей подготовить новый самолет, поэтому доработкам подвергли S.6, оснастив его 2350-сильным (1752 кВт) вариантом двигателя Rolls-Royce "R". Названный S.6B, самолет, пилотируемый флайт-лейтенантом Дж.Н. Бутманом, продемонстрировал в Калшоте рекордную скорость 547,31 км/ч. Завоеванный в третий раз кубок Шнейдера навсегда остался в Британии. В тот же день, 13 сентября 1931 года, флайт-лейтенант Джордж Стэйнфорд, использовав резервный S.6B, установил новый абсолютный мировой рекорд скорости - 610,02 км/ч.
   Благодаря усилиям "Supermarine" и "Rolls-Royce", конструктора Реджинальда Митчела и специалиста по топливу Френсиса Бэнкса, Великобритания добилась значительного успеха. Эта же слаженная команда сыграла важную роль в развитии британской авиации и в конце 1930-х годов.


   Supermarine S.6B

   Тип: одноместный гоночный гидросамолет-моноплан
   Силовая установка: один 12-цилиндровый V-образный ПД жидкостного охлаждения Rolls-Royce "R" (от "racing" - гоночный) максимальной мощностью 2350 л. с. (1752 кВт)
   Летные характеристики: макс. скорость (мировой рекорд) 655,8 км/ч; посадочная скорость 153 км/ч
   Масса: пустого 2082 кг; максимальная взлетная 2760 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 9,14 м; длина 8,79 м; высота 3,73 м; площадь крыла 13,47 м2

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  • Supermarine. Гоночные самолеты
  • Flight, August 1927
  • Flight, July 1929
  • Flight, October 1931
    The Supermarine S.6 B Monoplane
  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    AN IMPRESSION OF SPEED: Flight-Lieut. D'Arcy Greig (inset) and the outdated Supermarine S.5 N219, in which he creditably completed the course, flying low over Ryde Pier. Average speed for course 282-11 m.p.h.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-11 / J.Hall - Supreme Supermarine

    Photograph shows the author (John Hall) formating on Flight International’s Piper Seneca over gravel pits in Bedfordshire, where the S-5 was based for its Farnborough appearances this year (1976).

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1986-12 / M.Oakey - Grapevine

    Newly-rebuilt Supermarine S.5 seaplane replica N220 on a proving flight over Carrick Roads in Cornwall during October 1986, in the hands of its owner, Bill Hosie.

  • Flight 1927-09 / Flight

    VICTORY:- Flight-Lieut. S. N. Webster, A.F.C., crossing the line, and thus winning back the Schneider Trophy for Great Britain. His average speed for the course was 281-54 m.p.h.

  • Flight 1927-09 / Flight

    GREAT BRITAIN GOING STRONG IN THE 1927 SCHNEIDER CONTEST :- Flight-Lieut Worsley on the Supermarine-Napier (direct drive) S.5 No. 6 being overtaken by Flight-Lieut. Kinkead on the Gloster-Napier No. IVb.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Gloster IV - Великобритания - 1926

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight


  • Flight 1927-09 / Flight

    THE SCHNEIDER TROPHY RACE: Flight-Lieut. Webster flying straight, not quite so straight, and towing in the Supermarine S.5, on which ultimately he won the race. These photographs were taken during the navigability, etc., tests.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1984-06

    Webster in Super marine S.5 N220 during navigability tests for the 1927 Schneider race.

  • Flight 1928-06 / Flight

    SUPERMARINE-NAPIER S.5: Racing Monoplane (Schneider Trophy Winner), with Napier Racing Engine.

  • Flight 1927-09 / Flight

    THE SCHNEIDER TROPHY RACE: Lieut. Worsley, in his Supermarine S.5, being towed out for the eliminating trials and, on the right, during the taxying test.

  • Flight 1927-09 / Flight

    PREPARING FOR "THE DAY": One of two of the British Schneider Trophy Challengers make trial flights at Venice. Sqdn.-Leader Slatter, on the Supermarine-Napier S-5, after the first practice flights on September 10.

  • Flight 1927-09 / Flight

    THE SCHNEIDER TROPHY RACE: View of the machines during the 6-hours' mooring test. The machine in the foreground is the Supermarine S.5 on which, later, Webster won the race.

  • Flight 1931-10 / Flight

    One of the 1927 S.5's.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1991-06 / J.Havers - Field of endeavour (2)

    Supermarine S.5 N219 seen at Venice in September 1927.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-11 / J.Hall - Supreme Supermarine

    The S-5 on the slipway at Calshot in August 1975.

  • Air Pictorial 1976-10

    On public days the flying display was opened by Leisure Sport’s Supermarine S.5 replica, G-BDFF, flown by John Hall and seen here with a famous Calshot landmark

  • Flight 1929-07 / Flight

    SUPERMARINE "S.5" (Napier Racing Engine).

  • Flight 1927-08 / Flight

    THE BRITISH CHALLENGER FOR THE SCHNEIDER TROPHY CONTEST: This front view of the Supermarine-Napier " S-5" give an excellent idea of its clean lines.

  • Flight 1928-02 / Flight

    THE SUPERMARINE S.5: This view give an excellent idea of the clean lines of the machine. Note particularly how neatly the Napier "Lion" racing engine is faired into the fuselage.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-11 / J.Hall - Supreme Supermarine

    This view of the unpainted S-5 replica shows the fine lines and small frontal area. The floats are not to scale; if they were the seaplane would sit too high on the water.

  • Flight 1927-10 / Flight

    THE BRITISH SCHNEIDER TEAM: This photograph, taken at St. Andrea, shows the two types of British machines in the race, the Gloster IV on the left and the Supermarine S.5 on the right. In front of the machines are seen, among others: First Row - L. E. Coombes, Capt. Forsythe (Air Ministry), Flying-Officer Schofield, Flight-Lieut. Kinkead, Wing-Commander Fletcher, Flight-Lieut. Worsley (second in the race), Air Vice-Marshal Scarlett (Commander of the R.A.F. team), Flight-Lieut. Webster (winner of the race), Sqdn.-Ldr. Slatter, Flying-Officer Moon (Technical Officer of the team), Maj. Buchanan (Air Ministry) Mr. Ransome, and Mr. Reason. Second Row Mr. E. Scott, Sir Harry Brittain (Director of Napiers), Mr. Vane (Managing Director of Napiers), Mr. Folland (designer of the Gloster IV), Mr. Mitchell (designer of Supermarine S.5), Commander Bird (Managing Director of the Supermarine firm) and Mr. R. E. G. Smith.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Gloster IV - Великобритания - 1926

  • Flight 1927-12 / Flight

    "AIR-MINDEDNESS": The Supermarine-Napier S.5 seaplane on which Flight-Lieut. Webster won the Schneider Trophy Race on view at the Horse Guards' Parade. If the machine had not been two months en route from Venice, the interest in it would have been considerably greater. Inset, Mr. R. J. Mitchell and Mr. G. S. Wilkinson, designers of the machine and engine respectively.

  • Flight 1929-07 / Flight

    The Supermarine Machines: In the foreground the S.5 racing seaplane mounted in a very effective attitude. Behind it the "Southampton" flying-boat, which has made a flight of 27,000 miles.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Southampton / Solent - Великобритания - 1925

  • Flight 1929-07 / Flight

    A SCHNEIDER TROPHY MEMENTO: During a visit to Olympia, Flt.-Lieut. S. N. Webster was presented with a Souvenir Album of the 1927 Schneider Trophy Contest - which he won. Our picture shows him, beneath the "S.5", with Mr. H. T. Vane of Napiers (left) and Comdr. Bird of Supermarine Aviation Works, Ltd. (right).

  • Flight 1927-08 / Flight

    THE MONOPLANE CHALLENGER: Three views of the Supermarine-Napier "S-5," which is an improved development of the 1925 "S-4."

  • Flight 1928-11 / Flight

    THE SPEED RECORD ATTEMPT: Testing the Napier engine of the Supermarine S.5 at Calshot.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight


  • Flight 1927-08 / Flight

    THE OTHER TWO BRITISH CHALLENGERS: So as to enable our readers to form a comparison of all three machines we give herewith views of the Supermarine-Napier S-5 and the Gloster-Napier IV - both of which were described in last week's FLIGHT.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Gloster IV - Великобритания - 1926

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1993-10 / G.Nelson - Sam Kinkead

    TO ATTEMPT THE WORLD'S SPEED RECORD: Flight-Lieutenant S. M. Kinkead, D.S.O., D.S.C., D.F.C., standing in front of a Supermarine S.5 seaplane. It is on a machine of this type, with Napier "Lion" racing engine, that the attempt to beat the Italian speed record of 297 m.p.h. will be made.
    Flt Lt Sam Kinkead poses proudly with Supermarine S.5 N221 shortly before he was killed while making an attempt on the world speed record on March 12, 1928.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1983-03 / P.Capon - Capon's Corner

    Supermarine S.5, N220, at Calshot on September 9, 1931. Powered by a geared 875 h.p. Napier Lion VIIB, this aircraft won the 1927 Schneider contest and came third in the 1929 race.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1983-03 / P.Capon - Capon's Corner

    Another view of the 1927 Schneider contest winner, taken at Calshot on September 13, 1931, when N220 was used as a practice machine.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1983-03 / P.Capon - Capon's Corner

    Launching the S.5 N220 at Calshot on September 9, 1931. The four year old seaplane was used by the High Speed Flight as a practice aircraft.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    TRAINING: One of the 1927 Supermarine-Napier S.5 machines, N.219, going off on a practice flight.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1982-02

    Colin Smedley's photograph of the Leisure Sport replica Supermarine S-5 was taken at Calshot during the 50th anniversary of the Schneider Trophy Contest celebrations in September 1981.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-11 / J.Hall - Supreme Supermarine

    View of one of the original Supermarine S-5s, N220. The photograph shows it at Venice in 1927, when Flt Lt N. Webster established a new World Speed Record over 100km of 283.6 m.p.h. in addition to winning that year’s Schneider Trophy Contest.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-11 / J.Hall - Supreme Supermarine

    View of one of the original Supermarine S-5s, N220.

  • Air Pictorial 1987-09 / J.Rawlings - Historic Aircraft: Should we fly them or keep them all safely in museums?

    The Supermarine S.5 replica, N220 (G-BDFF), in its heyday at Thorpe Park, 7th July 1975 - since destroyed in a crash

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1987-07 / M.Oakey - Grapevine

    The Supermarine S.5 replica in which its owner and pilot Bill Hosie died on May 23, 1987.

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 08 - Addenda

    Manoeuvring the Supermarine S.5 replica on to its beaching trailer

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    READY FOR THE FRAY: The Supermarine machines going out to the navigability trials. The S.5 in the foreground and the two S.6's a little farther from the camera.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    The two successful types: In the foreground, the Supermarine-Rolls-Royce S.6 of 1929, and behind, the Supermarine-Napier S.5.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-05 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (15)

    Supermarine S.6 N247 afloat at Calshot shortly after its completion in August 1929.

  • Мировая Авиация 244

    S.6A N247 выиграл Кубок Шнейдеров 1929 году, проводившийся в английском Райде. А 12 сентября 1931 года этот самолет установил новый абсолютный рекорд скорости - 575,6 км/ч.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    Fg Off H. R. D. Waghorn aged 25 was the surprise winner of the race and flew an extra lap by mistake, running out of fuel as he did so. Waghorn’s mount was the Supermarine S.6 N247.
    MORE THAN SIX MILES A MINUTE: Sqdn.-Ldr. Orlebar coming ashore after establishing a new World's speed Record in the Supermarine S.6. During the flight he must repeatedly have exceeded a speed of six miles a minute, and very probably at times he was doing nearly 400 m.p.h.!

  • Flight 1929-08 / Flight

    A WEIRD CRAFT: The Supermarine-Rolls-Royce S.6 on board one of the special pontoons used for transport purposes.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    READY TOR LAUNCHING: S.1596 on one of the special pontoons used for transporting the machines from Calshot to the point of take-off.

  • Авиация и Космонавтика 2005-01 / В.Котельников - Супермарин "Спитфайр" (1)

    Супермарин S.6 - знаменитый рекордный самолет Митчелла

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-05 / Supermarine S.6B /Preservation Profile/ (37)

    Supermarine S.6B. Engine run-up at Supermarine works, Southampton, 1931

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    GOING AFTER THAT RECORD: The Supermarine Rolls-Royce S.6B, S.1596, being lowered down the slipway at Calshot for Stainforth's successful attempt to beat the speed record.

  • Flight 1931-08 / Flight

    Успех S.6B на гонках Шнейдера. 13 сентября 1931г.: С целью в третий раз выиграть для Британии Кубок Шнейдера в гонках принял участие на S.6B флайт-лейтенант Дж. Н. Бутман. Он пролетел маршрут длиной 350 км со средней скоростью 547,305 км/ч. S.6B, улучшенный S.6, был оснащен мотором Rolls-Royce "R" мощностью 2300 л.с. Бутман в 7,5 раз превысил среднюю скорость победителя первых гонок на Кубок Шнейдера, состоявшихся 18 годами ранее.
    A VICKERS-SUPERMARINE ROLLS-ROYCE S.6.B.: This seaplane, S1595, is the first of the two new racers to be delivered to the High-Speed Flight at Calshot. other, S1596, was delivered on August 11. The Rolls-Royce "R" engine is housed in the Vickers-Supermarine S.6 B with a minimum loss of space, and in an extremely small frontal area. It was on this actual machine, but with a different Fairey metal airscrew, that Flt.-Lt. Stainforth established a new world's speed record of 408-8 m.p.h.

  • Air Enthusiast 1971-12 / Veteran & vintage /Veteran & Vintage/

    The Supermarine S.6B S1596, intended for permanent display in the Mitchell Memorial Museum, during one of its rare appearances. At this time (1967) the spinner was incorrectly painted black, but has since been corrected.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    FUELLING: This view of one of the new Supermarine Rolls-Royce S.6 B machines gives a very good idea of the clean lines and small frontal area. Large quantities of petrol are carried in the floats, more in one than in the other, in order to counteract the propeller torque.
    The two S.6Bs were powered by the 2,300 h.p. Rolls-Royce R.

  • Flight 1934-08 / Flight

    PITCH: A Fairey metal airscrew from the Schneider Trophy Supermarine S.6 will be shown at Copenhagen.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-05 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (15)

    The S.6B's frontal area was kept to an absolute minimum in the quest for drag reduction.

  • Flight 1938-12 / Flight

    Ultimate winner of the Schneider Trophy and for a time holder of the world's seaplane speed record: The Supermarine S.6 B with Rolls-Royce “R” engine of 2,300 b.h.p.

  • Flight 1929-08 / Flight

    ONE OF THE BRITISH 1929 DEFENDERS: The Supermarine S.6 is an all-metal low-wing monoplane, fitted with Rolls-Royce "R" type engine.

  • Flight 1931-08 / Flight

    Создатель S.6B Реджинальд Митчелл позже спроектировал истребитель Spitfire. Тем временем, разработавшая двигатель "R" группа во главе с сэром Генри Ройсом создала для него мотор Merlin.
    The second Vickers Supermarine Rolls Royce S.6.B. - Marked S1596.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-05 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (15)

    S1596, the second of the improved S.6Bs, fitted with a 2,330 h.p. R engine.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1983-03 / P.Capon - Capon's Corner

    Another view of the 1931 Schneider contest winner, S.6B S1595, taken at Calshot on September 9, 1931.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-05 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (15)

    Гидросамолет S.6B N 51596 - собрат самолета, выигравшего в 1931 году Кубок Шнейдера. На этой машине лейтенант Джордж Стейнфорт 29 сентября 1931 года установил абсолютный мировой рекорд скорости - 655,87 км/ч.
    S1596 shows off the S.6B's profile. The huge floats, necessary to support the heavier engine and counteract its increased torque, also contained the main fuel tanks.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight


  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-05 / Supermarine S.6B /Preservation Profile/ (37)

    Supermarine S.6B. Preparations at Calshot, September 1931

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-05 / Supermarine S.6B /Preservation Profile/ (37)

    Supermarine S.6B. On the roof garden at London (Heathrow) Airport. Note short floats.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-05 / Supermarine S.6B /Preservation Profile/ (37)

    Supermarine S.6B. Horseguards Parade, Battle of Britain Display, September 1960

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1974-09 / ??? - Hendon Pageantry 1920-37

    The two British Schneider types. Nearest is the Gloster-Napier VI, and behind that the Supermarine Rolls-Royce S.6, which won the contest and established a world's speed record of 357 m. p. h.
    The Gloster Napier VI, nearer the camera, and the Supermarine S.6 also appeared at the 1930 pageant.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Gloster VI Golden Arrow - Великобритания - 1929

  • Flight 1931-10 / Flight

    One of the 1931 S.6 B machines. Next to it one of the 1929 S.6's.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1981-08 / B.Jackson - Lady Houston one of the few

    THE THREE MACHINES WHICH MAY BE FLYING IN THE 1931 SCHNEIDER CONTEST: From left to right - S.1596, N.248 and S.1595. The central machine is the 1929 type modified, while the two other are the new machines built this year. Standing in front of the machines are the members of the Schneider Team.
    The three contenders for the 1931 Schneider Trophy contest; Supermarine S.6Bs S1596 and S1595 flank the S.6A N248 at Calshot. The Schneider Team is standing at right.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    CHANGING A PROP: As in previous years, the Fairey Aviation Company has supplied all the metal airscrews for the Schneider machines.

  • Flight 1929-08 / Flight

    PREPARING FOR FLIGHT: Starting the Rolls-Royce engine of the new Supermarine S.6 by means of a Bristol gas starter.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-05 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (15)

    READY FOR ANYTHING: The three British Schneider machines on Sunday morning, September 13. Farthest away is Boothman's S 6B, S 1595. In the centre, the S 6A, N 248, and in the foreground the S 6B, S 1596, on which Flight-Lieutenant G. H. Stainforth established a new world's speed record of 610-01 km. h. (379-05 m.p.h.) over the 3 km. course in Southampton Water.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    "POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF WEATHER": Scene at Calshot on Saturday last. The Schneider machines are wearing their raincoats.

  • Flight 1929-08 / Flight

    LAUNCHING THE SUPERMARINE ROLLS-ROYCE S.6: Above, Wheeling the machine down the slipway. In the centre, Taking the water. And below, The machine afloat, ready to be towed out.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1983-03 / P.Capon - Capon's Corner

    The Supermarine S6B S1595, powered by a 2,300 h.p. Rolls-Royce Type R engine, seen at Calshot on September 9, 1931. S1595 won the 1931 Schneider contest at an average speed of 340-1 m.p. h. Flt Lt J. N. Boothman, is seen sitting on the aircraft.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight Advertisements

    Sqdn. Ldr. A. H. Orlebar, A.F.C. O.C. of the High Speed Flight, in the cockpit of the Supermarine Rolls-Royce "S.6."

  • Мировая Авиация 82

    6 сентября 1929г.: участники гонок на Кубок Шнейдера изображены накануне гонок в Колшоте во время испытаний на мореходность и швартовку. Гонки выиграл флайт-офицер X. Р. Д. Уогхорн на гидросамолете Supermarine S.6 (номер 2 на снимке), вторым стал унтер-офицер Молин на гидросамолете Macchi M.52R (номер 4).

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Macchi M.39/M.52/M.67 - Италия - 1926

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    "SITTERS": The six machines at their buoys during the 6 hours' watertightness test.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Macchi M.39/M.52/M.67 - Италия - 1926

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    GOING OUT: Boothman's Supermarine Rolls-Royce S.6B being towed to the starting point on one of the special pontoons.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    IN THE NAVIGABILITY TRIALS: Waghorn's Supermarine S.6 going out, and Atcherley's S.6 taxying,

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1981-01 / ??? - Schneider 1929 (1)

    Fg Off R. L. P. Atcherley in the S.6 N248.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1981-02 / G.Johnston - Schneider 1929

    Keeping cool in the hot weather: Squadron-Leader Orlebar, Captain of the British Schneider Team, going out for a test flight in one of the Supermarine-Rolls Royce S.6's.

  • Flight 1930-06 / Flight

    THE SUPERMARINE-ROLLS ROYCE S.6: Winner of the 1929 Schneider Trophy Contest, and holder of the World's Speed Record, with a speed of 357-7 m.p.h. The engine is a Rolls-Royce "R" engine

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-05 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (15)

    Fine taxying shot of Supermarine S.6 N247, the winning aircraft in the 1929 Schneider Contest.
    Supermarine S.6 N247, powered by a 1,900 h.p. Rolls-Royce R, raised the World Speed Record to 357-7 m.p.h. on September 12, 1929.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1981-08 / B.Jackson - Lady Houston one of the few

    THE FIRST VICKERS SUPERMARINE ROLLS ROYCE S.6.B. - MARKED S1595: Flight-Lieut. Long in the cockpit. August 1931.
    S.6B, S1595, sistership to the outright winner of the Schneider Trophy Contest, Supermarine S.6B S1596, which later became the first aircraft to exceed 400 m.p.h.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    GETTING OVER THE "HUMP": Flt. Lt. Stainforth taking off in S.1596.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight


  • Flight 1929-08 / Flight

    S.6 in Flight

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight


  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    AT 400 M.P.H.: Stainforth approaching the 3 km. course during his flight on September 13, when he raised the straight-line record to 610.01 km./h. (379.05 m.p.h.). When the special engine has been installed in the machine another attempt will be made.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    The most exciting moment in the Schneider Contest: Waghorn on the Supermarine S.6 (No. 2) overtaking Dal Molin on the Macchi M.52 (No. 4)

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Macchi M.39/M.52/M.67 - Италия - 1926

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    HEADING FOR THE LINE: Stainforth's Supermarine Rolls-Royce S.6B snapped while getting ready to enter the speed course.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    ALONG THE HAMPSHIRE COAST: Flying Officer Waghorn heading for the West Cowes turning point.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    THE WINNER OF THE 1929 SCHNEIDER TROPHY CONTEST: Flying Officer H.R.D.Waghorn (inset) crosses the finishing line over the Orient liner "Oxford," after having covered the 350 km. course at an average speed of 328-63 m.p.h. He was flying an all-metal Supermarine S.6 monoplane, fitted with Rolls-Royce "R" type racing engine.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1981-02 / G.Johnston - Schneider 1929

    THE FINISH OF A WORLD'S RECORD: Flying Officer Atcherley crossing the line at the end of his seventh lap, during which he established a world's record for speed over a closed circuit. His sixth and seventh laps constituted a world's record for 100 km. closed circuit.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1981-02 / G.Johnston - Schneider 1929

    The packed beach at Southsea as Wag horn flashes by in his Supermarine S.6.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    BOOTHMAN PASSING OVER THE SHORE AT SOUTHSEA: The beach was lined with spectators.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    THE LAST SCHNEIDER EVENT: Bringing Boothman's, S 6B in after the completion of the 217 miles' course at an average speed ot 340-08 m.p.h.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    A GOOD JOB WELL DONE: Flt. Lt. G. H. Stainforth returns to Calshot after establishing the new world's speed record. The photograph shows rather well the somewhat unusual shape of the Fairey metal airscrew. The pitch, it will be noticed, is quite perceptible.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    CHAIRING THE WINNER: Flt. Lt. Boothman receives enthusiastic support on his return to Calshot after completing the Schneider course.

  • Flight 1930-05 / Flight

    SCHNEIDER TROPHY WINNER IN THE AIR AGAIN: The Supermarine-Rolls-Royce "S.6" seaplane, which won the Schneider Trophy last year, being shipped at Southampton en route for the Antwerp Exhibition, where, by permission of the Air Ministry, it will form one of the most important exhibits of the British Section.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1984-07 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine

    Supermarine S.6A N248 on display in the new Hall of Aviation at Southampton.

  • Flight 1934-04 / Flight

    ENSHRINED: The Vickers Supermarine S.6B and the Wright biplane are two of the great attractions at the Science Museum.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Wright Flyer - США - 1903

  • Flight 1929-08 / Flight

    The Business End of the Supermarine S.6: Of the Rolls-Royce "R" type engine nothing is seen but the exhaust ports.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1992-07 / D.Middleton - Propellers (1)

    The smoothly-streamlined cowlings of the Supermarine S.6 concealed a 1,900 h.p. Rolls-Royce R engine, nothing is visible but the exhaust ports. Note the coarse pitch of the propeller.

  • Flight 1929-09 / Flight

    The most powerful Aero Engine in the World: The Rolls-Royce Type "R" Engine fitted in the Supermarine S.6, which won the Schneider Trophy Contest, and which has since established a World's Speed Record of 357-7 m.p.h. Note the extremely small frontal area.

  • Flight 1931-09 / Flight

    A BRITISH TRIUMPH OF ENGINEERING: The Rolls-Royce "R" type racing engine fitted in the Schneider machines has been developed from the "H" type, but gives well over 2,000 h.p. for a weight of rather less than three-quarters of a pound per horsepower. The engine is geared and supercharged. In the upper photograph the supercharger can be seen on the left, while the two lower photographs show the engine from the front and from the rear.

  • Flight 1928-02 / Flight

    THE SUPERMARINE S.5: Three views of the all-metal fuselage. The lower photograph shows it in skeleton. In the centre the fuselage is seen undergoing sand loading test, and in the upper picture the Napier "Lion" racing engine has been dropped into place. Note the supports for the cylinder block fairing.

  • Flight 1928-02 / Flight

    THE SUPERMARINE S.5: On the left, a three-quarter rear view of the fuselage, showing wind screen and cylinder block fairings. On the right, a view inside the engine cradle.

  • Flight 1928-02 / Flight

    THE SUPERMARINE S.5: The steel centre portion of the starboard float, which forms the petrol tank. Standing on end is the water header tank, and on the right the oil tank. The small inset shows a section of the central bulkhead of the steel portion of the float.

  • Flight 1928-02 / Flight

    Photograph of one wing of the S.5. Note the diagonal member which stiffens the wing tip against torsion.

  • Flight 1928-02 / Flight

    THE SUPERMARINE S.5: Three views of a float, in skeleton, with the petrol tank installed, and finished, except for the deck planking.

  • Flight 1928-02 / Flight

    THE SUPERMARINE S.5: The tail of the Schneider Trophy Winner. The control cranks are inside the stern portion of the fuselage.