Поиск по сайту:
- Airspeed - Oxford / AS.10 - 1937 - Великобритания
- Airspeed - Consul / AS.65 - 1949 - Великобритания
Oxford / AS.10
Военный учебно-тренировочный, транспортный и санитарный самолет. Двухмоторный моноплан деревянной конструкции с убирающимся шасси. Создан в КБ фирмы "Эйрспид" под руководством X. Тилтмэна на базе пассажирской машины AS.6E "Энвой" III (экипаж 1 чел. и 8 пассажиров, серийно строилась с 1935 г.). Самолет AS.10, ставший опытным образцом "Оксфорда", впервые поднялся в небо 19 июня 1937 г. Серийное производство развернули с ноября 1937 г. "Оксфорд" строился на заводах "Эйрспид" в Портсмуте и Крайстчерче, "Де Хевилленд" в Хэтфилде, "Персивэл эйркрафт" в Лютоне, "Стэндард моторз" в Ковентри. Всего выпущено 8568 экз. (по другим источникам - 8586 экз.).
Число мест - 3 - 6 (в зависимости от варианта). Вооружение 1x7,69 (ставилось только на части машин модификации I), бомбы до 70 кг (полевые переделки до 225 кг).
"Оксфорд" состоял на вооружении в Великобритании (ВВС - с ноября 1937 г., морской авиации - с июня 1942 г.), Новой Зеландии - с лета 1938 г., в Австралии, Египте, Иране, Канаде, Португалии, Родезии, Турции, Южно-Африканском Союзе - с 1940 г., в частях ВВС армии США и "Свободной Франции" - с 1942 г.
Серийно выпускались следующие варианты:
- "Оксфорд" I с моторами "Чита" X, учебно-тренировочный, экипаж - 3 чел., часть самолетов с вооружением 1x7,69, бомбы до 70 кг, экспортный вариант именовался AS.42;
- "Оксфорд" II, учебный и транспортный, без турели и бомбодержателей;
- "Оксфорд" V (AS.46) с моторами R-985-AN6 для экспорта в Канаду и Родезию.
Британские Королевские ВВС с конца 1937 г. использовали "Оксфорд" для обучения пилотов многомоторных машин, штурманов, радистов и воздушных стрелков. С лета 1940 г. их стали применять и как легкие транспортные самолеты, в первую очередь для перевозки высшего командного состава и государственных чиновников в метрополии. Позднее "оксфорды" эксплуатировали подобным образом и в других регионах. Как транспортные обычно служили самолеты модификации II, но применялись и другие, в т.ч., и типа I с вооружением. Часть машин выпустили в специальном санитарном исполнении. В мае 1941 г. "оксфорды" учебного центра в Хаббании (Ирак) во время мятежа Рашида Али бомбили и обстреливали позиции иракских войск.
Морская авиация Великобритании использовала эти самолеты только в учебных целях - для подготовки радистов и штурманов.
В других странах "оксфорды" в равной мере являлись и учебными, и транспортными. В Новой Зеландии в 1942 г. их оснастили подвеской глубинных бомб и они патрулировали побережье в поисках японских подводных лодок. Части ВВС армии США, базировавшиеся в Англии, получили несколько "оксфордов" для местных перевозок. Как транспортные их эксплуатировали и французы.
Вместе с "оксфордами" для военных перевозок применялись и реквизированные гражданские "энвои". Британские ВВС имели их в составе "Королевского звена" (спецподразделения для перевозки высших должностных лиц государства) и транспортных частей в Индии. В середине 1930-х гг. выпустили небольшие серии военного варианта "Энвоя" для ВВС Великобритании и Южно-Африканского Союза (последние с вооружением 2x7,69, бомбы до 70 кг). Обыкновенные гражданские "энвои" использовали ВВС Финляндии (типа AS.6E) и морская авиация Японии (типа AS.6K).
Производство военных "оксфордов" прекратили в июле 1945 г., вместо них по конвейеру пошли модернизированные пассажирские AS.65 "Консул".
После войны значительное количество машин, ставших лишними, продали, в том числе и за границу. Греческие ВВС применяли "оксфорды" как связные, транспортные и санитарные самолеты в ходе гражданской войны в 1948 - 1949 гг.
Американцы сдали переданные им "оксфорды" в июле 1945 г. Британская авиация сняла их с вооружения в 1954 г.,
"Оксфорд" I||
Размах:||16,25 м
Длина:||10,52 м
Моторы, количество х мощность:||2x355 л.с.
Взлетная масса, максимальная:||3447 кг
Максимальная скорость:||293 км/ч
Практический потолок:||5945 м
Дальность:||885 км
- Oxford / AS.10
- Airspeed AS.10 Oxford
- Flight, April 1937
UP FOR SCHOOLS - Flight, June 1938
MODERN TRAINER - Flight, November 1939
Britain's Military Aircraft
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Airspeed "Oxford" Advanced Training Monoplane (two 375 h.p. Armstrong Siddeley "Cheetah X" engines).
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
The prototype Oxford, L4534, during its appearance at the RAF Pageant at Hendon in June 1937. Note the “New Type” number on the nose and mid-fuselage.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
FOR MULTI-ENGINE TRAINING: The Oxford, a military development of the Airspeed Envoy, made its bow to the public at Hendon on Saturday. It provides for general training in the flying of the larger types of aircraft, in gunnery, in bombing, photography and other duties.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
The flaps of the Oxford are used only for the approach and landing. The air-heater muff can be seen in this view
Flight 1938-10 / Flight
FOR TEACHING DOMINION DEFENCE: Two of the five Airspeed Oxfords recently ordered by New Zealand have been assembled and flown at Auckland. Mr. W. Locke, of Airspeeds, is seen (right) after the assembly test flights. The Oxfords will be attached to the F.T.S. at Wigram, the South Island headquarters of the R.N.Z.A.F.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
Mr. G. B. S. Errington, chief test pilot to Airspeed, Ltd.
Flight 1938-03 / Flight
ADVANCED TRAINER: An Airspeed Oxford (two Siddeley Cheetah X) of No. 11 F.T.S., Wittering, flying with “feet down.”
Flight 1938-05 / Flight
AIRSPEED OXFORD: Advanced trainer (two Cheetah X engines - 350 h.p. each at 7,600ft.); span, 53ft.; gross weight, 7,300 lb.; max. speed, 185 m.p.h. at 7,500ft.
Flight 1938-05 / Flight
The Airspeed Oxford twin-engined trainer demonstrates its agility at Martlesham.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
A pleasant impression of one of the new Airspeed Oxfords acquired by the Royal New Zealand Air Force.
Flight 1938-05 / Flight
Two modern trainers; The De Havilland Don with a single D.H. Gipsyking engine and the twin-engined Airspeed Oxford. Both machines are being flown by Martlesham test pilots.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Don / D.H.93 - Великобритания - 1937
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Three of the first production Oxfords with No 11 FTS, Wittering, Northants, in March 1938. Note the dorsal turret on L4544.
Flight 1938-05 / Flight Advertisements
The standard R.A.F. twin-engine trainer, fitted with Armstrong Siddeley Cheetah X engines
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Factory-fresh Oxford I L4576.
Flight 1938-08 / Flight Advertisements
The standard Royal Air Force twin-engined trainer, the Airspeed Oxford, flying above Portsmouth Airport. In addition to the large number going into service in Great Britain, Oxfords are also being supplied to New Zealand.
Aeroplane Monthly 1992-07 / I.Martin - In at the deep end
4 FTS Airspeed Oxford P1945 en route from Habbaniya on a pattern-bombing raid. The eight 20lb bombs may be seen clearly in the wing centre section. This Oxford was struck off RAF charge in June 1941.
Flight 1938-09 / Flight Advertisements
The Airspeed “Oxford” as delivered to the Royal Air Force and the Dominions, powered with Armstrong Siddeley Cheetah X engines.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-11 / A.King - Amy's last flight (1)
The Airspeed Oxford twin-engined trainer resembles first-line military types not only in handling characteristics, but in appearance.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight Advertisements
The Airspeed Oxford - probably the finest machine of its kind in the world.
Flight 1939-07 / Flight
Learning to keep formation. Airspeed Oxfords are used to train pilots in flying twin-engined bombers.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxford Mk I L4543, from the first batch, up from Portsmouth in March 1938.
Моделист-Конструктор Военно-транспортные самолеты Второй мировой войны
"Оксфорд" I в музее в Сейфорде, декабрь 1963 г.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-06 / Personal album. Military
Airspeed Oxford NM672 of 22 Army Co-operation Unit at Santa Cruz in the summer of 1946.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxford Is L4541-L4544 at Portsmouth, awaiting delivery to No 11 FTS.
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
A group of Airspeed Oxford twin-engined advanced trainers (two Armstrong Siddeley Cheetah X engines).
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-08 / R.Riding - Middle Wallop 1938-1982
The picture was taken in July 1952 and shows the Auster 6s and Tiger Moths of the Army Light Aircraft School in the foreground. In the background can be seen the Spitfire LF XIVs of No 288 Sqn and several Oxfords.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Auster AOP.6 - Великобритания - 1945De Havilland Tiger Moth / D.H.82 - Великобритания - 1931Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX / XVI - Великобритания - 1942
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxfords of No 3 FTS, South Cerney, in 1938.
Flight 1939-03 / Flight Advertisements
The Oxford was the RAF’s first twin-engined monoplane advanced trainer and was ordered for the RAF's expansion programme, entering service in November 1937. Seen here are Oxford Is of 3 FTS, based at South Cerney and photographed in August 1938.
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-11
The Flight photograph was taken in June 1938, and shows a selection of aircraft then flown by the Central Flying School at Upavon, all bearing the CFS crest on their fins. They are, front to rear, Avro Anson K6163, Airspeed Oxford L4537, Hawker Hart Trainer K5863, Avro Tutor K3303 and Hawker Fury K8238.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Anson / Type 652 - Великобритания - 1935Avro Tutor/Sea Tutor/Prefect / Type 621/646/626 - Великобритания - 1929Hawker Fury - Великобритания - 1931Hawker Hart - Великобритания - 1928
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-04 / D.Middleton - Avro Anson /RAF Piston Trainers/ (8)
Anson 1 K6163, from the first production batch, is seen here on strength with the CFS in company with Oxford L4537 and Hart Trainer K5863.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Anson / Type 652 - Великобритания - 1935Hawker Hart - Великобритания - 1928
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Camouflaged Oxfords of 3 FTS in July 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-10 / B.Haslam - Wings for war (1)
Airspeed Oxfords were used for multi-engined training. This quartet is being flown by pilot officers of the Intermediate Training Squadron at South Cerney, Gloucestershire, in 1939.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Airspeed Oxford II Advanced Training Monoplane (two Armstrong Siddeley Cheetah X engines).
Мировая Авиация 20
Самолеты Oxford, служившие в британских ВВС, использовались для решения широкого круга задач, основной из которых была подготовка штурманов и радистов. Все эти самолеты несли стандартный коричнево-зеленый камуфляж на верхних поверхностях.
The sole Oxford III, P1864, was used by Armstrong Siddeley as a development aircraft for the Cheetah XV engine. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-06 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxford Mk V EB666 at work in Canada.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-02 / Personal album. Military
Pictured over Saskatchewan, Canada in September 1942 is Airspeed Oxford AS680 of 35 SFTS. Built in 1941, this Oxford was delivered direct to Canada.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-02 / Personal album. Military
Another view of 35 EFTS Oxford AS680 flying over Saskatchewan in September 1942.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-06 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxford II BM684 was one of a batch of 150 built under licence by Percival Aircraft.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxford IIs P8833 and P8832 were equipped as ambulances.
Aviation Historian 29 / S.Sumbodo - Garuda's 'Hamble Boys'
Marking progressive steps of training at AST, three examples of the organisation’s standard training aircraft fly in formation while up from Hamble circa 1952-53. Leading from the front is Chipmunk G-AMUC, one of more than 40 operated by AST, followed by Airspeed Oxford G-AITF (formerly ED290, one of four acquired by the organisation during 1947-50) and bringing up the rear is Douglas C-47B G-AMSW, acquired by AST in May 1952.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk - Канада - 1946Douglas DC-3 / C-47 Skytrain/С-53 Skytrooper / Dakota - США - 1935
Air Pictorial 1956-03 / B.Robertson - Commonwealth military serials (3)
With a large unprefixed serial this photograph of an S.A.A.F. Oxford T.2 might well be taken for an R.C.A.F. machine, but in actual fact its roundel centre of orange would have would have proved its true identity.
Air Enthusiast 1996-09 / D.Ford - Oxford Graduate
Oxford I MP425 was built by Standard Motors and from May 1947 served with Air Service Training at Hamble as G-AITB, later moving to Perth with Airwork, retiring in 1961. It was acquired by the RAF Museum and given a painstaking restoration to the colours it wore with 1536 Beam Approach Training Flight. Displayed briefly at the Newark Air Museum (illustrated), it is now on show in the RAF Museum.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-06 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
NZ2156, one of 297 for the Royal New Zealand Air Force.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-06 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Another RNZAF Oxford, NZ2124, delivered under the Empire Air Training Scheme.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-06 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Its flying life ended, an Oxford serves as an instructional airframe.
Air Enthusiast 1996-09 / D.Ford - Oxford Graduate
Percival-built Oxford Mk I HM831 with roundels and tail flash painted out and civilian registration G-AMFL crudely painted in. The codes are of the Fighter Command Control and Reporting School, the aircraft being ‘demobbed’ in October 1950. Initially purchased by Airspeed, it was not converted to Consul status and gravitated to Israel in 1952.
Air Enthusiast 1996-09 / D.Ford - Oxford Graduate
Scottish Aviation’s Oxford II G-AHDZ seen against the obvious backdrop of Croydon. Built by Percival ED190, it operated out of Prestwick from 1946 until being sold in France in July 1954 as F-BBIU.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v1
Airspeed Oxford V prototype.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Airspeed Oxford V Advanced Training Monoplane (two 450 h.p. Pratt & Whitney Wasp-Junior engines).
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxford Mk V AS592 served in the UK as a development aircraft. One of the two intakes fitted to each Wasp Junior cowling can be seen.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-06 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxford Mk V AS592, powered by Pratt & Wasp Juniors, was used as a development aircraft.
Flight 1939-12 / Flight
MIXED GRILL IN CANADA: The Canadian type of De Havilland Tiger Moth, the Fairey Battle, North American Harvard, Westland Lysander and Airspeed Oxford are all in use in the R.C.A.F. and are represented in this group. The Lysander is built in Canada but the Battles and Oxfords were imported from England.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Tiger Moth / D.H.82 - Великобритания - 1931Fairey Battle - Великобритания - 1936North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935Westland Lysander - Великобритания - 1936
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09 / A.Henshaw - First off the line
The Castle Bromwich Flight Shed and apron with 43 Spitfires, four Lancasters, an Oxford and a Boston visible. The author's flight office can be seen on the corner of building.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941Douglas A-20 Boston / Havoc / P-70 Nighthawk - США - 1938Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX / XVI - Великобритания - 1942
Air Enthusiast 1996-09 / D.Ford - Oxford Graduate
With Oxfords awaiting conversion in the background, Consul VR-TAU on the compass circle at Portsmouth prior to delivery to United Air Services of Tanganyika in mid-1948. Built as Mk I Oxford EB974 at Portsmouth in 1942, it served only with 116 Squadron in the anti-aircraft gun calibration role. It was registered as G-AJWY for the Consul conversion.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airspeed Consul / AS.65 - Великобритания - 1949
Flight 1938-08 / Flight
Some of the C.F.S. instructors. Names, left to right, are : Flt. Lt. P. A. Hunter, Flt. Lt. H. W. Marlow, Flt. Lt. P. E. Drew, Flt. Lt. J. S. McLean, Flt. Sgt. D. A. Upton, Flt. Lt. F.D. Stephenson, Flt. Lt. R. L. Wilkinson, Sqn. Ldr. D. D’Arcy Greig, D.F.C., A.F.C. (Chief Flying Instructor), Sgt. J. C. Wheeler, Flt. Lt. F. W. C. Shute, Flt. Sgt. R. W. Jarred, Flt. Sgt. A. R. Glading, Flt. Lt. H. W. Mermagen, Flt. Sgt. J. O. Barnes, Flt. Lt. P. S. Salter, Flt. Sgt. R. E. Kirlew, Flt. Sgt. T. A. Newton, Flt. Sgt. S. J. Mansell, Flt. Sgt. P. C. Price, Flt. Sgt. W. Corden, Flt. Sgt. L. F. Humphrey.
Flight 1939-12 / Flight
Flying Officers A. H. Fairweather and B. C. Andrew, of British Columbia, with an Airspeed Oxford at Camp Borden.
Flight 1939-07 / Flight
A British quartet impressively grouped: the Speed Spitfire, Hurricane, Oxford and Wellington.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hurricane - Великобритания - 1935Supermarine Highspeed Spifire - Великобритания - 1938Vickers Wellington / Type 271 - Великобритания - 1936
Flight 1938-01 / Flight Advertisements
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
Motive power: One of the two Cheetah Xs (375 h.p. each for take-off) of the Airspeed Oxford. Later models will have D.H v.p. airscrews.
Air Enthusiast 1996-09 / D.Ford - Oxford Graduate
Burmese Oxford conversion under test, with the ‘B Condition’ markings G-22-11 in 1949. Hardpoint stations can be discerned under the wing, but it does not appear to have the machine-gun ‘pods’ under the centre section. It is thought perhaps six aircraft were delivered to Burma with the Consul nose and armament but lacking the turret.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-06 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
One of several ex-RAF Oxfords for the Burma Air Force, fitted with two forward-firing .303 machine guns, eight 25lb (11-3 kg) rocket projectiles and an Armstrong Whitworth dorsal turret with a Lewis gun. They were flown out to Burma in the late autumn of 1949.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-05 / D.Middleton - Airspeed Oxford /RAF Piston Trainers/ (9)
Oxford I AS504 was tested with a pair of Gipsy Queens in 1940.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes
An Airspeed Oxford which is being used as a flying test-bed for two 500 h.p. Alvis Leonides engines.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-02 / News Spotlight
Airspeed Oxford MP425/G-AITB awaits its turn for restoration.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-05 / Grapevine
The fuselage of the RAF Museum’s Airspeed Oxford, G-AITB, at Cardington. Commitments to other projects will prevent work beginning on the fuselage in the foreseeable future.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-05 / Grapevine
Airspeed Oxford G-AITB is being restored at the RAF Museum’s outstation at Cardington after many years in storage. Work is currently concentrated on the centre-section ply skin.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-03 / L.Curtis - Anything To Anywhere (3)
An ATA maintenance hangar "somewhere in England" in 1942. Behind the Lockheed Hudson are a Hurricane, Demon K4411, an Oxford, Master W8905, an Argus, a Tutor, a Havard and the tail of an Anson. All were used either for the training or movement of ATA pilots.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Anson / Type 652 - Великобритания - 1935Avro Tutor/Sea Tutor/Prefect / Type 621/646/626 - Великобритания - 1929Fairchild C-61 Forwarder / Model 24 / Argus - США - 1932Hawker Demon - Великобритания - 1932Hawker Hurricane - Великобритания - 1935Lockheed Hudson A-28 / A-29 - США - 1938Miles M.9 Kestrel / Master - Великобритания - 1937North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935
Flight 1938-09 / Flight
THE OXFORD BOAT: Airspeed Oxford twin-engined advanced trainers being shipped to the Royal New Zealand Air Force base at Hobsonville for assembly. They are the first of five ordered Thirty Vickers Wellingtons are scheduled for later delivery.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
In the works: Applying the plywood skin to a fuselage side in its jig.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
A view showing the small triangular DV (Direct Vision) window in an Oxford, in the open position. The author was involved with, amongst other things, the testing of this window.
The cockpit roof of the Oxford is of exceptionally good design to permit unobstructed view in all essential directions. In this view the remaining sections of Perspex moulding are seen being put into place and sealed with Bostik compound. -
Air Enthusiast 1996-09 / D.Ford - Oxford Graduate
Percival-built Oxford I ED290 became G-AITF with Air Service Training at Hamble and later served with Airwork at Perth, before going to the RAF Museum. Exchanged for a Lockheed Ventura with the South African Air Force Museum, G-AITF is undergoing restoration to flying condition at Port Elizabeth.
Тип фотографий