Страна : Испания
Год : 1970
Двухместный учебно-тренировочный самолет повышенной подготовки
- Hispano - HA-200 Saeta - 1955 - Испания
- Hispano - HA-220 Super Saeta - 1970 - Испания
Hispano HA-100, HA-200 и HA-220
Одноместный ударный вариант Saeta обозначался HA-220, его эксплуатация в ВВС Испании началась в 1971-1972 годах как C.10. На HA-220 установили более мощный двигатель и пилоны для подвески вооружения. Для ВВС Испании построено 110 самолетов HA-200 и HA-220. После снятия Saeta с вооружения часть самолетов раскупили энтузиасты авиации - в 2011 году в пригодном к полетам состоянии находилось 15 самолетов.
HA-200E Super Saeta: 40 модернизированных HA-200D; установлен ТРД Marbore VI, обновлен состав БРЭО, предусмотрена возможность использования УР "воздух-поверхность"
HA-220: одноместный легкий штурмовик для ВВС Испании на базе HA-200E; построено 25 самолетов
Hispano HA-200E Saeta
Тип: двухместный учебно-тренировочный самолет повышенной подготовки
Силовая установка: два ТРД Turbomeca Marbore VI тягой по 480 кгс
Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на высоте 3000 м - 690 км/ч; практический потолок 13 000 м; дальность 1500 км
Масса: пустого эксплуатационная 2020 кг, макс. взлетная 3600 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 10,41 м; длина 8,97 м; высота 2,85 м; площадь крыла 17,40 м2
Вооружение: 20-мм пушка в фюзеляже и различные авиационные средства поражения на подкрыльевых пилонах
- Описание
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Prototype HA-200E with civil registration for the Le Bourget airshow June 19-20, 1965.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
For most of their service, C/A.10Cs were operated in an irregular camouflage scheme, which differed considerably from one aircraft to another. This scheme was unique within EdA aircraft.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
On April 19, 1978, a new directive was issued calling for a new camouflage scheme similar to that of the F/RF-5A/Bs. In the event, the type's withdrawal prevented the whole A.10C fleet being painted, and only six or seven aircraft received the new camouflage. At least three of four A.10Bs also were seen wearing this camouflage scheme.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Head-on view of the first HA-220 with most of the weaponry it could carry. Note the striking camouflage scheme.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
HA-200E prototype EC-BBA showing the strong resemblance to the HA-200, the only striking difference being nose shape and the antennae array in the rear fuselage.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Still wearing the C.10C-1 tail code, the first HA-220 shows the later camouflage scheme, roughly similar to that applied to the whole C.10C series.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Two LAU-32Bs were often carried on the underwing pylons. Despite their similarity, the pylons in the picture were in fact of two different models.
Air International 1980-06 / J.Serrano - Iberian air cover upgraded
MATAC's Escuadron 214, one of the component squadrons of Ala 21 at Moron, is primarily equipped with the HA-220 Super Saeta, two of which are seen here, but it is anticipated that this type will give place to an armed version of the CASA C-101 Aviojet in the mid-'eighties.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
A tight formation of four C.10Cs on route to Moron. Most of these aircraft were ferried from Torrejon-based 406 Escuadron (GEV) by 214 Escuadron pilots.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
C.10C-102 shows the camouflage scheme that differed considerably from one aircraft to another. Perhaps it blended well with the Andalusian landscape.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Showing a well-worn camouflage, A.10C-93 at Moron a few weeks before 214 Escuadron's disbandment.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v4
Right to left: Hispano C.10-A (version of HA-200A), C.10-C (HA-220) and C.10-B (HA-200D).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hispano HA-200 Saeta - Испания - 1955
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
On the last day of 214 Escuadron's existence, five A.10Cs made a final flyby over the Moron parking ramp.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
A.10C-98 inside a hangar after being withdrawn from service. It was acquired by a Spanish private owner and is still in airworthy condition, occasionally giving displays at air shows.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
In 1982, to commemorate the presence of HA-220 at Moron for almost five years, A.10B-52 was placed on a pole at the air base.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
First production HA-220, C.10C-1 in a short-lived non-standard camouflage scheme, soon changed to the usual olive green and tan.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v4
Hispano HA-220 Super Saeta.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
C.10C-96, one of the first HA-220s delivered to 214 Escuadron, was also one of the first aircraft of the type to receive unit markings.
Air Enthusiast 1971-12 / Airscene
Deliveries of the Hispano HA-220 Super Saeta single-seat light ground attack aircraft to the Ejercito del Aire began recently, the first batch of 10 aircraft built against an order for 25 aircraft of this type being seen in this photograph.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
C.10C-107 and -115 pull 'g' in the sunshine over the Atlantic.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Two C.10Cs during a high-g manoeuvre after having dropped practice bombs over a simulated target.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Taken by the Maurer P-2 vertical camera, this very low level good quality picture shows C.10C-11 and another unidentified C.10C flying low over Moron's runway.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Aggressive image of C.10C-99 and C.10C-102 diving over a target, shortly before firing its machine-guns.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Passing along a mountain during a low-level mission, A.10C-108 wears the last camouflage scheme, which was applied to only six or seven aircraft owing to the imminence of the type's passing out.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Close-up of the pod containing the 12,7mm Browning M-3 machine-gun plus ammunition box.
Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / G.Cruz - Tigers over Moron
Hispano HA-220 Super Saeta.
- Фотографии