Air International 2014-04 / News
The full-scale test aircraft known as Replica on the BAE Systems radar measurement range at Warton in Lancashire on February 28, 2014.
Air International 2006-07 / N.Beckett - BAE Systems' UAVs - Closing the Capability Gap /Technology/
Nightjar is a highly-sensitive test-bed for future unmanned air vehicles. This photograph shows a radar cross-section test being carried out on a Nightjar body with (pointed) radome. Air intakes can also be tested on this RCS rig.
Air International 2000-02 / M.Knight, P.Almond - The Air League at 90 /Industry/
Although Britain holds a clear lead in European military aircraft and defence systems, there is still a need to ensure that government support, in the light of the so-called 'peace dividend', does not slip below a critical mass. One of Britain’s most important future projects, the Future Offensive Aircraft System, is represented here by a BAE concept.
Авиация и Время 2000-03 / В.Ильин - Военная авиация в начале XXI века /Авиасалон/ (1)
Так британские конструкторы видят свой "мини-стратегический" ударный самолет, разрабатываемый в рамках программы FOAS. Пилотируемый вариант...
Авиация и Время 2000-03 / В.Ильин - Военная авиация в начале XXI века /Авиасалон/ (1)
... и беспилотный вариант