Страна : Великобритания
Год : 1927
Многоцелевой самолет военного назначения
- Westland - Wapiti - 1927 - Великобритания
- Westland - Wallace / PV.3 / PV.6 - 1931 - Великобритания
Многоцелевой самолет взаимодействия с сухопутными войсками. Одномоторный биплан смешанной конструкции с неубирающимся шасси. Спроектирован в КБ "Уэстленд эиркрафт уоркс" под руководством Р. Брюса и А. Дэвенпорта с использованием крыла от самолета Де Хевилленд DH.9A. Опытный образец испытывался в марте 1927 г. Серийное производство организовано в декабре того же года на заводе "Уэстленд" в Еовиле. Впоследствии с апреля 1931 г. самолеты собирались также на предприятии "Робертс Хейтс" (Претория, ЮАС, изготовлено 27 экз.) и на одном из заводов в Австралии. Всего выпущено более 1000 экз.
Двигатель - в зависимости от модификации. Экипаж самолета - 2 чел.
Вооружение 2x7,69, бомбы до 227 кг.
Самолет состоял на вооружении в Великобритании с января 1928 г., в Австралии - с февраля 1930 г., в ЮАС - с 1930 г., в Китае - с 1931 г., в Саудовской Аравии - с 1934 г., в Канаде - с марта 1936 г.
Основные серийные боевые модификации:
- "Уопити" I с мотором "Юпитер" VI;
- "Уопити" IA, экспортный вариант: для Австралии - с мотором "Юпитер" VIII и предкрылками, для ЮАС - с мотором "Пантер" II, в Австралии строился как "Уопити" IB с мотором "Юпитер" VIIIF;
- "Уопити" II с мотором "Юпитер" VIII и цельнометаллическим планером;
- "Уопити" IIA с усиленным каркасом фюзеляжа, предназначался для эксплуатации в колониях, выпускался с моторами "Юпитер" VIII/VIIIF/IXF/IXFA/XFA. Впоследствии самолеты типа IIA переделывались в Канаде заводами "Кенэдиэн Виккерс" (Монреаль) и "Оттава кар" (Оттава) с установкой закрытого фонаря кабины, отопления, нового хвостового оперения, колес низкого давления;
- "Уопити" III с мотором "Ягуар" IV - экспортный вариант для ЮАС, строился также в Претории;
- "Уопити" V, модификация типа IIA с удлиненным фюзеляжем;
- "Уопити" VIII с мотором "Пантер" IIA, удлиненным фюзеляжем и шасси по типу самолета "Уоллэс" (с обтекателями колес) - экспортный вариант для Китая.
Производство самолетов в Англии прекращено в 1932 г.
"Уопити" дислоцировались в основном в колониях. В 1929 г. они участвовали в "воздушном мосте" при эвакуации из Кабула иностранных граждан. В Индии периодически использовались в полицейских операциях против мятежных племен на окраинах страны. В метрополии эти самолеты сосредотачивались во Вспомогательных (резервных) ВВС.
К началу Второй мировой войны "уопити" сохранились на вооружении в Канаде, Индии, ЮАС. Канадские самолеты с сентября 1939 г. по апрель 1940 г. патрулировали побережье в поисках подводных лодок. Южноафриканские машины также вели разведку у побережья ЮАС и Юго-Западной Африки. Они приняли участие и в боях на кенийско-сомалийской границе осенью 1940 г. Индийские ВВС и британские эскадрильи в Индии сняли "уопити" с вооружения в середине 1940 г., после чего самолеты еще несколько лет эксплуатировали в летных школах. В апреле того же года их передали в авиашколы в Канаде; отдельные машины до августа 1940 г. летали как буксировщики мишеней. Южноафриканские ВВС окончательно расстались с "Уопити" в 1941 г.
"Уопити" IIA||
Размах:||14,15 м
Длина:||9,65 м
Моторы, количество х мощность:||1x480 л.с.
Взлетная масса, максимальная:||2450 кг
Максимальная скорость:||226 км/ч
Практический потолок:||6280 м
Дальность:||900 км
- Wapiti
- Westland Wapiti
- Flight, June 1928
THE WESTLAND "WAPITI - Flight, July 1928
THE WESTLAND "WAPITI” - Flight, July 1929
Flight 1927-06 / Flight
1 марта 1927г.: Westland Wapiti Mk I впервые поднялся в воздух. Этот цельнодеревянный самолет постепенно заменил D.H.9A в британских ВВС.
Westland "Wapiti" (Bristol "Jupiter"). As distinct from the majority of General Purpose designs, the "Wapiti" is a two-bay biplane. The proportions of this machine also are slightly different from the others of this class, the nose being longer and the crew placed farther aft. Consequently the cut-out in the top trailing edge is quite small, with a probable gain in aerodynamic efficiency. Although the "Wapiti" is of composite construction, the front portion of the fuselage is covered with Duralumin, ribbed for stiffness. The aileron balances are of the horn type, working in cut-out portions of the main planes. -
Моделист-Конструктор Ближние разведчики, корректировщики и штурмовики Второй мировой войны
Опытный экземпляр самолета "Уопити" с мотором "Ягуар"
The Westland Wapiti with Jaguar Engine and Split Axle Undercarriage. -
Flight 1934-05 / Flight
ALTITUDE RECORD FOR GREAT BRITAIN: The Westland "Wapiti" (Bristol "Phoenix" compression-ignition engine), in which Mr. H. J. Penrose attained a height of nearly 28,000 ft.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-07 / Personal album
Westland Wapiti IIA J9499. Mainstay of the RAF on the North-west Frontier of India and over the deserts of Iraq, the Wapiti first flew in 1927, and some continued in service in India on the outbreak of World War Two. This example has a message hook for Army Co-operation work.
Мировая Авиация 251
Этот J9095, переоборудованный в VIP-вариант Wapiti Mk I, входил в число первого серийного заказа. Самолет находился в составе 24-й эскадрильи и использовался в качестве учебного Эдвардом, принцем Уэльским.
Flight 1929-09 / Flight Advertisements
The Westland Wapiti with Jupiter VIII Engine with Exhaust Ring (as supplied to the R.A.F.).
Flight 1928-06 / Flight
THE WESTLAND "WAPITI": This side view gives a good idea of the general lines of the machine, which is a General-Purpose aircraft, fitted with Bristol "Jupiter VI" engine. It can also be supplied with the "Jupiter VIII," when the performance is considerably improved.
Flight 1928-06 / Flight
THE WESTLAND "WAPITI": Three-quarter rear view. The particular machine illustrated is fitted with Handley-Page slots.
Aviation Historian 40 / V.Flintham - Dirty work (1)
Designed to incorporate as many parts from the D.H.9A as possible, the Westland Wapiti took over its predecessor’s role as a rugged, dependable general-purpose aircraft with No 84 Sqn in Iraq in June 1928. This Mk IIA fitted with a 550 h.p. Bristol Jupiter VIII engine was photographed at Hendon while serving with No 600 Sqn.
Flight 1930-11 / Flight
Above: Westland Wapiti general purpose machine. Below: Westland Wapiti Army Co-operation machine.
Flight 1931-02 / Flight
The Westland "Wapiti," Mark V, G-AAWA, fitted with an Armstrong Siddeley "Panther," which has been sent out to South America to give demonstrations.
Flight 1928-05 / Flight
REPRESENTATIVE TYPES OF BRITISH AIRCRAFT: 1. The Westland "Wapiti-Jupiter" general purpose two-seater.
Aviation Historian 26 / M.Bearman - Our Man in California
Following his three-and-a-half-year stint with the A&AEE, in 1932 Addams was posted to India with his family to join No 31 Sqn. The unit was then operating Westland Wapitis, including J9725 seen here, from its base at Quetta, on Army co-operation duties over the North-West Frontier.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-05 / Personal album
Westland Wapitis and a lone Blenheim I at Risalpur in 1938. Next to the Blenheim is Wapiti K1295, a Mk IIA that spent its entire life with 28 Sqn, being delivered in the winter of 1930-31 and finally struck off RAF charge in February 1940.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bristol Blenheim - Великобритания - 1936
Flight 1932-05 / Flight
The flight of "Wapitis" from 601 City of London (Bombing) Squadron, A.A.F.
Flight 1930-06 / Flight
ROYAL TRANSPORT: The Wapiti used by Prince George is on the right with the escort machines lined up alongside.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fairey Fairey IIIF - Великобритания - 1926
Flight 1930-07 / Flight
ROYAL TRANSPORT: The Prince of Wales's Wapiti and Escort at Ipswich
Flight 1930-05 / Flight
THE PRINCE OF WALES ARRIVES BY AIR AT WINDSOR: The Prince flew from Marseilles in a Westland "Wapiti," piloted by Sqdn.-Ldr. Don, which is seen in the centre of our picture, the Prince being in the group standing by the car on the right.
Flight 1930-07 / Flight
Prince of Wales arriving at Ipswich in the Wapiti which was built for his personal use.
Flight 1929-10 / Flight
ROYAL SAFEGUARDS: Prince George getting into the cockpit before leaving. In accordance with the regulations it will be seen that he is wearing a Service parachute. The fairing, windscreen and aluminium side panels of this machine, which was specially built for this type of work, should be noted.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09 / P.Capon - Capon's Corner
HRH Eduard, Prince of Wales, arrives at Hamble in Wapiti 1A J9095 on September 3. 1929, en route to inspect the RAE High Speed Flight at Calshot.
Flight 1929-10 / Flight
OUR LATEST ROYAL POTENTIAL PRIVATE OWNER: Prince George and his escort machine - both Westland "Wapitis " - leaving for Northolt.
Моделист-Конструктор Ближние разведчики, корректировщики и штурмовики Второй мировой войны
"Уопити" IIA, использовавшийся в Индии
Air Enthusiast 1973-03 / In print
Pre-war equipment of many of the Auxiliary Air Force squadrons whose history is related in "Twenty-One Squadrons" reviewed here, was the Westland Wapiti day bomber. This example carries the markings of No 601 (County of London) Squadron.
Air Pictorial 1977-05 / J.Rawlings - History of No.60 Squadron
"Bombs gone" - from Wapiti IIA J9719 of No. 60 Squadron over the North-West Frontier of India. Black bar and square markings denote Kohat, then the squadron's base
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Westland Wapitis (Siddeley Panther engine) of the South African Air Force against a stormy setting over Johannesburg.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-07 / P.Lamboit - Eyes in the sky (2)
Two 20 Squadron Wapitis patrolling the North-West Frontier, probably over the Indus Valley.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v5
Westland Wapiti IIAs.
Air Pictorial 1977-07 / M.Bowyer - R.A.F. on Parade - the 1935 Jubilee Review
Some of the Auxiliary squadrons were still flying Westland Wapiti IIAs and brought them along as static exhibits; No. 602 Squadron aircraft illustrated
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-02 / Personal album. Military
Westland Wapiti IIA K1145 in company with K1336. No 607 Squadron operated Wapitis from December 1932 until January 1937. K1336 went to the Royal Canadian Air Force in October 1937, becoming aircraft No 535.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-04 / J.Meadows - The Auxiliary Tradition (1)
The Westland Wapiti IIA replaced 600 Squadron's ageing D.H.9As in August 1929.
Flight 1932-08 / Flight
AIR WORK UNLIMITED: Sqd. Ldr. Nigel Norman leads No. 601 (County of London) (Bomber) Squadron from Lympne to the Manston concentration. Intelligent readers will recognise the machines.
Flight 1932-10 / Flight
"IN SUSSEX BY THE SEA": The County of Middlesex Squadron flying their "Wapitis" to the seaside.
Flight 1932-08 / Flight
SOMETHING IN THE CITY: Three Westland "Wapitis" (Jupiter) of No. 600 (City of London) (Bomber) Squadron on their way from Tangmere to Manston.
Air Pictorial 1999-10 / B.Blanche - RAuxAF: 75 years of achievement
Westland Wapitis equipped some Auxiliary squadrons in the 1930s, such as these of No 600 (City of London) Sqn.
Flight 1932-08 / Flight
THREE "WAPITIS": A Flight of No. 605 (County of Warwick) (Bomber) Squadron over Manston. Last year the Prince of Wales visited this squadron and presented the Esher Trophy to them, and they are said to be hot favourites for the Trophy again this year.
Flight 1938-09 / Flight
Westland Wapiti general-purpose machines (Bristol Jupiter) which are now being used exclusively for training.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2015-07 / В.Ильин - Аравийские стражи
История авиации Саудовской Аравии началась с приобретения английских самолетов Westland «Wapiti»
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
SQUADRON LINE ABREAST: No. 603 B.S. has to contend with weather. Firth of Forth is covered with haar or sea mist.
Flight 1932-08 / Flight
THE TROPHY-HOLDERS: No. 605 (County of Warwick) (Bomber) Squadron holds the Esher Trophy for the third time. It is encamped at Manston and is here shown flying over Thanet. The machines are "Wapitis."
Flight 1931-08 / Flight
The Squadron in formation near Tangmere.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
FLIGHTS IN LINE ABREAST: No. 603 B.S. indulges in many attractive formations. The dressing of the nine Westland "Wapitis" is particularly good.
Flight 1930-08 / Flight
Five of the "Wapitis" of No. 601 (County of London) Bomber Squadron, A. A.F., led by Flight-Lieut. Whitehead Reid, M.B., flying along the coast near Folkestone. In the middle distance will be seen Shorncliffe Camp.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
SQUADRON "V": The nine "Wapitis" of No. 603 B.S. over one of the coast towns of the Firth of Forth.
Flight 1930-07 / Flight
"The Terriers": No. 600 (City of London) Bomber Squadron of the Auxiliary Air Force keeps wonderful formation.
Flight 1931-06 / Flight
IN SQUADRON VEE FORMATION: No. 600 City of London Bomber Squadron flying over Hanworth.
Flight 1932-07 / Flight
"A.A.F.": Spelled by the Auxiliary Air Force Wing.
Flight 1931-07 / Flight
Flight 1932-10 / Flight
URBS IN RURE: Three Westland "Wapitis" (Jupiter) of No. 600 (City of London) (Bomber) Squadron flying over Sussex.
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-08 / Personal album
Westland Wapitis J9633, J9631 and J9595 of "C" Flight, 55 Squadron, RAF, based at Hinaidi, Iraq, over the river Tigris in 1930/31 during Middle East peacekeeping operations. The squadron began to receive Wapitis in February 1930, and used them until 1936.
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
OLD SOLDIERS... “A” Flight of No. 27 (Bomber) Squadron, stationed at Kohat, N.W. Frontier Province, snapped while on a bombing raid into Warizistan last February. The machines are Westland Wapitis. The Wapiti is one of the best-loved aircraft ever to be used by the R.A.F.
“Fighting against tribesmen has been more or less incessant on the North-West Frontier for a long time past.” Wapitis - now very near the end of long and faithful service - on a raid into Warizistan. -
Flight 1934-04 / Flight
SERVICE MOUNTAINEERING: Part of the work covered by No. 30 Bomber Squadron, stationed at Mosul, in Northern Iraq, is to patrol the mountains of Kurdistan, on the borders of Iraq and Turkey and Persia. This is an extremely hazardous flight and is carried out weekly. The patrol lies over mountainous country where for more than an hour engine failure or any other cause of a forced landing would mean a certain crash. This picture was taken during an actual reconnaissance patrol made by three "Wapitis" of the No. 30 Bomber Squadron over the mountains of Kurdistan, in Northern Iraq.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
ECHELON ON THE RIGHT: Westland "Wapitis" (Jupiter) of the City of Glasgow B.S. in a difficult formation.
Flight 1934-06 / Flight
IN IRAQ: No. 55 (Bomber) Squadron fly their "Wapitis" ("Jupiter") in "echelon, stepped up" across the River Tigris at Baghdad.
Flight 1930-08 / Flight
Another view of the "Wapitis" of 601 Squadron flying above the clouds.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
Five "Wapitis" of his squadron over the Clyde.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
MIST ON THE FIRTH OF CLYDE: The City of Glasgow Squadron is used to flying in murky weather.
Flight 1930-08 / Flight
A unique "aerial" of five "Wapitis" flying in formation above the clouds.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-04 / L.Hunt - The Millionaires' mob (1)
601 Squadron Wapitis in formation, 1932. Wapitis replaced the earlier D.H.9As, and were in turn phased out with the introduction of the Hawker Hart in 1933.
Flight 1933-09 / Flight
DEFENDING THEIR NATIVE SHORES: The "Wapitis" of No. 603 (City of Edinburgh) (Bomber) Squadron (which had no flotation gear) 30 miles out to sea to bomb the invaders.
Flight 1937-05 / Flight
Westland Wapiti general-purpose biplanes.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-07 / O.Thetford - By day and by night: Ginnies in service 2
REFUELLING: A demonstration of mid-air fuel supply. The "Tanker," a Vickers "Virginia," has dropped its pipe line, and the observer of the "Wapiti" has just secured the end.
Virginia J7275 demonstrating flight refuelling with Westland Wapiti K1142 at a 1930s RAF Display at Hendon.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Vickers Virginia - Великобритания - 1922
Air International 1995-11 / D.Allport - History of In-Flight Refuelling
RAF Vickers Virginia VIII J7275 refuels Westland Wapiti IIA K1142 during the first public demonstration of the technique at the 1931 Hendon Air Pageant by RAE pilots.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Vickers Virginia - Великобритания - 1922
Air International 1981-04
A No 5 Squadron Westland Wapiti in India in 1937, on which the emblem can just be distinguished on the fin, but it appears that the marking was, in fact, seldom used either pre-war or in the early post-war period. It is currently carried on the squadron's Lightnings at Binbrook.
Flight 1929-07 / Flight
WESTLAND "WAPITI" (Bristol "Jupiter").
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
Typical type used by the Royal Australian Air Force: Westland Wapiti
Flight 1935-11 / Flight
A Westland Wapiti with which experiments in vari-colour paints for camouflage purposes are carried out at the R.A.E. Farnborough.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-09 / Personal album
Wapiti K1300 of 'C' Flight, 28 Squadron, with pilot Fg Off Windsor and W/Op LAC Grossey aboard, displays the message pick-up hook extending back from its undercarriage spreader bar. The unit, which was based at Ambala, received Wapitis in September 1931 and flew them until June 1936, when Audaxes took over their general purpose and Army Co-operation duties. A 480 h.p. Bristol Jupiter provided the power.
Flight 1928-09 / Flight
THE WESTLAND WAPITI with Jupiter Engine. A "General Purposes" machine as supplied to the Royal Air Force and R.A.A.F. Suitable for reconnaissance, bombing, wireless, photography, etc. Fitted with Handley-Page Automatic Slot Gear; all-metal construction.
Flight 1932-07 / Flight
HOME AGAIN: The "Wapitis" of the three London A.A.F. Squadrons returning after their display.
Flight 1932-04 / Flight
Westland Wapiti IIA K1147, serving with No 605 (Castle Bromwich) Squadron, Auxiliary Air Force, is started by a petrol-engine driven compressor connected to its gas starter system.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
The Wapiti is receiving the attention of fitters, riggers and wireless operators.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 02 - The progress of the world in military aviation during the year 1937-38
A Westland "Wapiti" of the Indian Air Force.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Fitter armourers of the Indian Air Force at work on a Wapiti.
Моделист-Конструктор Ближние разведчики, корректировщики и штурмовики Второй мировой войны
Ремонт "Уопити" в одной из летных школ в Индии, апрель 1943 г.
Flight 1939-02 / Flight
Fitting practice bombs to a Wapiti of the Indian Air Force.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-04 / V.Hodgkinson - Abinitio at Point Cook
Cadets being shown the bomb rack and release mechanism on a Wapiti.
Flight 1931-08 / Flight
GETTING READY FOR A FLIGHT: The men of No. 600 B.S. are tremendously keen.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
THE HUCKS STARTER: About to start a "Jupiter" in one of the squadron's "Wapitis."
Flight 1933-09 / Flight
STARTING UP: Sqd. Ldr. Lord Clydesdale has brought the City of Glasgow (Bomber) Squadron over from Abbotsinch to Turnhouse, and they are about to take their "Wapitis" off on a raid.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
SOUTH AFRICAN AIR FORCE'S PUNITIVE EXPEDITION: The picture shows the arrival at Windhoek, the capital of the Mandated Territory of South West Africa, of "Wapiti" aeroplanes sent by the Union Government to deal with disturbances in the native territory of Ovamboland. The expedition was led by Sir Pierre van Ryneveld, K.B.E., D.S.O., who will be remembered as the first man to fly across Africa, and who is now Director of Aviation in the Union. The rebellious chief was speedily quelled, though the bombs only caused casualties to his cattle.
Flight 1930-08 / Flight
The three types of machines with which this Squadron is equipped, namely, on the left: the D.H.9, of which there are four; centre the Westland "Wapiti," which number eight, and finally - sundry Avro "Lynx" biplanes.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Avro 504N - Великобритания - 1920De Havilland D.H.9A - Великобритания - 1918
Flight 1932-07 / Flight
THE DAY BOMBERS: Nos. 18, 57 and 33 Squadrons (Kestrel-Hart) getting ready for their takeoff. The Auxiliary Wing is just behind them (Jupiter-Wapiti).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hart - Великобритания - 1928
Flight 1932-08 / Flight
No.1 AIR DEFENCE GROUP: The concentration of six squadrons of the Group at Manston on Friday, August 5. Misty weather prevented some squadrons from arriving in full strength. The squadrons are Nos. 501, 504, 600, 601, 604, and 605. All fly "Wapitis" except No. 504, whose "Horsleys" are drawn up in two lines in the rear.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Horsley / Dantorp - Великобритания - 1925
Flight 1934-09 / Flight
THE SQUADRON'S AIRCRAFT: In the front are the nine Westland "Wallaces" (Bristol "Pegasus"), while behind are two "Avro-Lynx" training machines with a "Wapiti" ("Jupiter") in between them.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Avro 504N - Великобритания - 1920Westland Wallace / PV.3 / PV.6 - Великобритания - 1931
Flight 1929-02 / Flight
THE R.A.F. AND THE R.A.A.F.: Mr. Brunton and Mr. Penrose, of the Westland test pilots' staff, "formating" on two "Wapitis," of which one is for the British Royal Air Force and the other (nearest camera) for the Royal Australian Air Force.
Flight 1939-11 / Flight
Wapitis did good service until the Ansons arrived. Leggings, as on the right, are unknown in our R.A.F.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-04 / V.Hodgkinson - Abinitio at Point Cook
RAAF Wapitis were powered by the geared Jupiter VIII engine and had increased wing stagger.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-04 / V.Hodgkinson - Abinitio at Point Cook
A formation of No 1 Sqn RAAF Wapitis. The trio on the left are of the split-axle type.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-04 / V.Hodgkinson - Abinitio at Point Cook
A split-axle type Wapiti.
Flight 1930-06 / Flight
ITS FIRST FLIGHT: The Westland "Wapiti" (Bristol "Jupiter VIII"), piloted by Capt. Paget, makes a flight immediately after the christening ceremony.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-04 / V.Hodgkinson - Abinitio at Point Cook
A Royal Australian Air Force Wapiti IA landing at Point Cook.
Моделист-Конструктор Ближние разведчики, корректировщики и штурмовики Второй мировой войны
Австралийские "уопити" на аэродроме Ричмонд, 1929 г.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-04 / V.Hodgkinson - Abinitio at Point Cook
D.H.60 Moths, Avro Tutors and Westland Wapitis of the Cadet Training Unit, Point Cook, 1939.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Tutor/Sea Tutor/Prefect / Type 621/646/626 - Великобритания - 1929De Havilland Gipsy Moth / Moth X - Великобритания - 1928
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 02 - The progress of the world in military aviation during the year 1937-38
Royal Air Force Units at Kohat, India. The machines on the left are Hawker "Harts" and those on the right are Westland "Wapitis."
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hart - Великобритания - 1928
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-04 / J.Meadows - A Decisive Factor (3)
Typical of RCAF stations during the period of the Empire air training scheme is this one above at Ontario, photographed in 1940 with a parade in progress. In the background may be seen Fairey Battles and a couple of Westland Wapitis.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fairey Battle - Великобритания - 1936
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 02 - The progress of the world in military aviation during the year 1937-38
One of the Westland "Wapitis" of the Sa'udi Arabian Air Force and some of the personnel.
Flight 1932-04 / Flight
A group of officers of No. 605 B.S.: Names left to right - P/O. W. C. Barnaby; F/O. H. Seidenberg; F/O. J. P. Huins; Flt. Lt. G. V. Perry; Sqd. Ldr. J. A. C. Wright, A.F.C., T.D., Commanding Officer; Flt. Lt. S. D. Macdonald, D.F.C., Adjutant; F/O. M. V. de Satge, Asst. Adjutant; P/O. G. Wright ; F/O. J. M. Abell; F/O. B. P. A. Vallance.
Flight 1931-08 / Flight
The Officers of No. 600 (City of London) (Bomber) Squadron in Camp at Tangmere.
Flight 1931-08 / Flight
The Airmen of No. 600 (City of London) (Bomber) Squadron: All but about a dozen are City clerks, and they maintain their "Wapitis" and "Jupiters" in fine condition.
Flight 1929-02 / Flight
CHRISTENING THE FIRST "WAPITI" FOR THE ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE: Lady Ryrie, wife of Major-General Sir Grenville de L. Ryrie, High Commissioner for Australia, performing the christening ceremony at Yeovil.
Flight 1933-11 / Flight
ON CIVIL (AIR) SERVICE: The Westland "Wapiti" ("Jupiter 8.F") with a closed-in back cockpit, faired away to the tail, is used by the Civil Air Board in South Africa.
Flight 1928-08 / Flight
LANDPLANE AND SEAPLANE TOO: These two photographs show the Westland "Wapiti," Bristol "Jupiter VI" engine, fitted with floats. The two types of undercarriage are interchangeable. The machine has recently passed its tests as a seaplane at Felixstowe, and is reported to handle very well indeed.
Flight 1929-09 / Flight Advertisements
The Westland Wapiti Seaplane with Jupiter VIII Engine.
Flight 1929-07 / Flight
The Westland Stand nearly defied our photographer, as no viewpoint could be found which would show the limousine, the "Wapiti" and the "Widgeon."
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Westland Wessex / Westland IV - Великобритания - 1929Westland Widgeon - Великобритания - 1924
Flight 1928-12 / Flight
Mass Production at Yeovil: This photograph, taken in the Westland Aircraft Works, shows some of the "Wapitis," which are now being built for the Royal Air Force. This machine incorporates several novel forms of all-metal construction. The engine fitted is the Bristol "Jupiter."
Flight 1931-02 / Flight
THE SECONDARY ASSEMBLY LINE: In this, which is 100 ft. long, there is room for four "Wapiti" Fuselages.
Flight 1931-02 / Flight
THE FINAL ASSEMBLY LINE: Small castor wheels are fitted on the axles to enable the machines to be moved sideways or forward.
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