Страна : Великобритания
Год : 1934
Двух-/трехместный бомбардировщик-торпедоносец и разведчик
- Fairey - S.9/30 / TSR.1 - 1933 - Великобритания
- Fairey - Swordfish - 1934 - Великобритания
Разведчик, бомбардировщик и торпедоносец, одномоторный цельнометаллический биплан; неубирающееся колесное шасси могло заменяться двумя поплавками. При хранении на корабле бипланная коробка откидывалась назад. Создан в КБ фирмы "Фэйри авиэйшн" под руководством М. Лобеля и Г. Чэплина. Опытный торпедоносец PV (он же TSR I) впервые поднялся в небо 21 марта 1933 г. Его развитием стал палубный бомбардировщик-торпедоносец TSR II, явившийся фактически опытным образцом "Свордфиша". Он взлетел 17 апреля 1934 г. (на колесах), первая поплавковая машина взлетела 10 ноября того же года.
Серийное производство было начато в июне 1936 г. на заводе "Фэйри" в Хейсе, а в начале 1940 г. перемещено на завод "Блэкберн авиэйшн" в Шербурн-ин-Элмет с поставкой отдельных узлов с других предприятий. Всего построено 1112 экз., из них 992 самолета "Свордфиш" I - только эта модификация комплектовалась поплавками.
Экипаж - 2-3 чел. Вооружение 1-2 x 7,69, бомбы или морские мины до 680 кг или одна торпеда (730 кг) на наружной подвеске под фюзеляжем, на модификациях II и III - 8хНУР.
"Свордфиш" состоял на вооружении в Великобритании с июля 1936 г.
Выпускались серийно следующие модификации:
- "Свордфиш" I, первая серийная модель, мотор "Пегасус" IIIM3;
- "Свордфиш" II с усиленным центропланом нижнего крыла (введена металлическая обшивка снизу), мотор "Пегасус" IIIM3 (на поздних сериях - "Пегасус" 30), предусмотрена подвеска НУР и стартовых ускорителей;
- "Свордфиш" III, самолет ПЛО с РЛС в подфюзеляжном обтекателе.
В июле 1936 г. "свордфишами" вооружили первую эскадрилью британской морской авиации, к концу года новую технику получили еще три эскадрильи. К началу Второй мировой войны этими самолетами были оснащены 13 эскадрилий. "Свордфиши" служили на авианосцах "Арк Ройял", "Корейджес", "Глориэс", "Фьюриэс" и "Игл". Поплавковыми "свордфишами" были вооружены 11 катапультных звеньев в метрополии и Гибралтаре. Они стояли на крейсерах и линкорах.
С начала войны "свордфиши" участвовали в конвойных операциях (с авианосцев и с берега), защищая корабли от подводных лодок. Летали днем и ночью. Первая (неудачная) атака немецкой субмарины U-30 имела место 14 сентября 1939 г.
В апреле 1940 г. гидроплан с линкора "Уорспайт" способствовал уничтожению семи немецких эсминцев под Нарвиком. "Свордфиш" добил один из них бомбами. Там же гидроплан потопил подлодку U-64. Самолеты действовали и с береговых баз, например, с октября 1940 г. по январь 1942 г. из Гибралтара. С кораблей поплавковые "Свордфиши" убрали в 1942 г.
В апреле 1940 г. самолеты осуществили первую торпедную атаку на два немецких крейсера, стоявших на якоре у Тронхейма. С мая "свордфиши" с береговых баз занимались постановкой донных мин у побережья Германии. В период эвакуации британских войск из Дюнкерка одну эскадрилью привлекли к дневным налетам на немецкие танки; при этом английские летчики понесли большие потери.
С июня 1940 г. широко использовались как торпедоносцы в бассейне Средиземного моря. В ноябре того же года "свордфиши" дислоцировали на о. Мальта. Оттуда они совершали нападения на суда противника, следовавшие в Северную Африку. В этом же месяце самолеты с авианосца "Арк Ройял" атаковали французские корабли в Оране и Мерс-эль-Кебире. Крупным успехом стал налет на итальянский порт Таранто. Там торпедоносцы с авианосца "Илластриэс" потопили линкор "Конте де Кавур" и повредили еще два - "Литторио" и "Кайо Дуилио". Кроме этого, они вывели из строя два крейсера и два эсминца. В марте 1941 г. "свордфиши" участвовали в бою с итальянской эскадрой у м. Матапан, в мае - в потоплении "Бисмарка" - лучшего линкора Германии. "Свордфиши" применялись и в чисто сухопутных операциях в Сирии и Ираке. В последнем случае их использовали с берега против войск регента Рашида Али, организовавшего в стране прогерманский мятеж.
12 февраля 1942 г. эскадрилья "свордфишей" безуспешно попыталась помешать прорыву немецких линкоров "Шарнхорст" и "Гнейзенау" через Ла-Манш.
С осени 1941 г. эти уже устаревшие самолеты все шире использовались как средство ПЛО. В этом качестве они служили до конца войны, базируясь в основном на малых авианосцах и оборудованных полетной палубой торговых судах. 21 декабря 1941 г. противолодочный "Свордфиш", вылетевший с Гибралтара, при помощи РЛС ночью обнаружил и потопил немецкую подводную лодку. Некоторые самолеты оснастили импульсными прожекторами "Ли лайт", а с октября 1942 г. - ракетным вооружением. Противолодочные "свордфиши" часто обеспечивали сопровождение конвоев, в том числе шедших в северные советские порты. В одном из таких походов, в сентябре 1944 г., самолеты с эскортного авианосца "Виндекс" потопили четыре вражеские субмарины. На переоборудованных торговых судах (типа MAC) старые бипланы служили до конца мая 1945 г. Последняя немецкая подводная лодка была обнаружена самолетом с корабля "Эмпайр Мак-Эндрю" 20 апреля того же года.
Производство модификации "Свордфиш" I прекратили в 1940 г. Отдельные самолеты этого типа эксплуатировались как учебные и вспомогательные до 1953 г.
"Свордфиш" сняли с производства в августе 1944 г., с вооружения - в конце мая 1945 г.
"Свордфиш" I ("Свордфиш" I (поздние серии))||
Размах:||13,85 м (13,87 м)
Длина:||11,0 м (12,35 м)
Моторы, количество х мощность:||1x690 л.с. (1х 870 л. с.)
Взлетная масса, максимальная: ||3686 кг (с подвеской торпеды) (4196 кг)
Максимальная скорость:||224 км/ч (206 км/ч (с торпедой))
Практический потолок:||3260 м (5170 м)
Дальность:||870 км (780 км (с торпедой))
- Swordfish
- Fairey Swordfish
- Flight, November 1939
Britain's Military Aircraft
Мировая Авиация 18
17 апреля 1934г.: совершил первый полет прототип Fairey TSR.2, получивший известность как Fairey Swordfish и ставший основным торпедоносцем британской морской авиации в период Второй мировой войны.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Fairey "Swordfish" Torpedo-Spotter-Reconnaissance Biplane (Bristol "Pegasus" engine).
Flight 1936-01 / Flight
FIRST OFF THE LINE: Here is the first production-type Fairey Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaissance machine during tests at the Fairey aerodrome last week. The Swordfish is fitted with the 690 h.p. Bristol Pegasus III moderately supercharged radial: its airscrew is a three-bladed metal Fairey.
Flight 1937-11 / Flight
The Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaissance machine (Pegasus III or X). The type is in service with the Fleet Air Arm.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
Staniland flying the TSR II from the Great West Aerodrome on May 23, 1934.
Flight 1934-08 / Flight
The Fairey Torpedo Spotter reconnaissance ship-plane (Bristol "Pegasus"). An order will probably be placed shortly for machines of this type to equip a squadron of the Fleet Air Arm.
Flight 1935-08 / Flight
One of two torpedo spotter reconnaissance types to be adopted is the Fairey "Swordfish" with 690 h.p. "Pegasus III."
Мировая Авиация 63
Прототип Swordfish K4190 (изначально Fairey T.S.R.II) был спроектирован по спецификации S.15/33, но в ходе испытаний показал даже более высокие характеристики.
Flight 1934-11 / Flight
The T.S.R. (Bristol "Pegasus");
Flight 1935-12 / Flight
The Fairey Swordfish is also a T.S.R. and has been adopted for service. The engine is a 690 h.p. Pegasus III M.3.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
Chris Staniland throws the TSR II around the Great West Aerodrome on May 23, 1934, five weeks after K4190's maiden flight.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-12 / C.Sims - Camera in cloudscape
Fairey TSR II, K4190 - the prototype Swordfish
Flight 1936-05 / Flight
The diminutive dimensions of the Tipsy S. are apparent when the machine is seen parked beside the Fairey Swordfish. Mr. Eyskens is in the cockpit.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Tipsy S - Бельгия - 1935
Flight 1937-05 / Flight
Heterogeneity at Heathrow: Some of the aircraft on view; in the foreground is the Fairey Swordfish.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
See how they run! A dual-control Swordfish, equipped with cockpit head-rests for catapulting in comfort, causes a stir at Calshot.
Air Pictorial 1978-01 / C.Shores - The Occupation of Madagascar, 1942 (1)
Fairey Swordfish, probably from No. 829 Squadron off H.M.S. "Illustrious", at Durban airfield, South Africa, in April 1942. The carrier left Durban on 28th April for Madagascar with twenty Swordfish aboard
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
A few Swordfish found their way to Aden where they were used for a short time by 8 Squadron for policing up country in the Protectorate. A very rare view shows one at a landing ground in November 1940.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-07 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Joining the FAA Museum's new acquisitions at Yeovilton is the Royal Navy Historic Flight’s Fairey Swordfish, LS326, in a new green/grey/white colour scheme applied by Personal Plane Services at Booker. This photograph was taken at the Warwickshire Air Pageant at Coventry on May 25, 1987.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-03 / H.Levy - Middle East exiles
No.815 Squadron served in Egypt during 1943, with a series of detachments. Blackburn-built Mk.I V4697 is illustrated at Fayid in June 1943 - the unit disbanded the following month.
Also based at HMS Phoenix was this example of the Albacore’s famous forbear, Blackburn-built Fairey Swordfish I V4697. It was photographed at Fayid on November 16, 1942. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-08 / Personal album
One of a batch of 27 Swordfish delivered in mid-1937, K8869 is seen at Amriya in September 1938.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-09 / Personal album
Fairey Swordfish I K8386 was part of a batch of 104 Swordfish ordered in 1935 and delivered to the RAF between September 1936 and April 1937. Assigned to HMS Eagle, K8386 was transferred to the Admiralty on May 24, 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-01 / K.White - A fligh in the 'Fish
The Swordfish about to taxy out for the flight.
Flight 1937-01 / Flight
Fairey Swordfish torpedo-spotter-reconnaissance machines (Pegasus III) ready for torpedo practice at Gosport.
Flight 1939-01 / Flight
JACK AND THE SWORDFISH: The Navy gets to work on a Fairey Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaissance machine at Eastleigh, where units are stationed prior to embarkation in H.M.S. Ark Royal, Great Britain’s newest aircraft carrier.
Мировая Авиация 67
С августа 1942 года самолеты Swordfish привлекались к эскортированию северных конвоев, которые направлялись в арктические порты СССР. В суровых климатических условиях полеты выполнялись и днем, и ночью. Swordfish взлетает с заснеженной палубы авианосца "фенсер", 1944 год.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-04 / Assisted take-off
A Fairey Swordfish being lowered onto its land-based FAA training school catapult.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-04 / Assisted take-off
A Fairey Swordfish being launched from its land-based FAA training school catapult.
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
Catapult training is given in the first instance on land. On the photo a Fairey Swordfish is seen being “fired.”
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-07 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (3)
Illustrious photographed in 1942 she was commissioned in 1940. After working up off Bermuda Illustrious joined the Mediterranean Fleet on September 2, 1940 with 15 Fairey Fulmars and 16 Swordfish embarked.
Моделист-Конструктор Морские самолеты палубного и берегового базирования Второй мировой войны
"Свордфиши" 821-й эскадрильи на палубе авианосца "Корейджес", 1938 г.
Мировая Авиация 63
Подготовленные к очередному вылету на поиск вражеских субмарин Swordfish из 813-й и 814-й эскадрилий на палубе авианосца "Игл" (апрель 1941 года, район Момбасы). 6 июня 1941 года самолеты этих эскадрилий обнаружили и потопили судно снабжения подводных лодок "Эльба".
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-06 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (2)
Swordfish aboard HMS Courageous during the author's brief service with the carrier in 1939.
Моделист-Конструктор Морские самолеты палубного и берегового базирования Второй мировой войны
Самолеты 834-й эскадрильи на палубе эскортного авианосца "Бэтлер", 1943 г.
Авиация и Время 2000-03 / А.Подопригора - Африканский "Восход" /Аэроархив/
Подготовка "Суордфишей" к вылету
Мировая Авиация 118
На британских эскортных авианосцах основным ударным самолетом был Fairey Swordfish Mk II, на фотографии - идет проверка взрывателя торпеды на борту авианосца "Баттлер" (1943 год).
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / P.Jinks - 834 - banana boat squadron
Making final adjustments to a Swordfish torpedo aboard HMS Battler.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / D.Stapleton - "No blame attaches..." (1)
A torpedo being loaded onto a Fleet Air Arm Swordfish early in the war. The aircraft could carry an 18in, 1,610lb torpedo, a 1,500lb mine or the same weight of bombs.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-08 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (4)
Loading a torpedo underneath a Swordfish
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-05 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (1)
Getting down to it. Fairey Swordfish K8440 about to be waved off. The flight deck party was composed of seamen from the ship's complement working in four watches of 20 each.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-12 / B.Johnson - Lucky thirteenth
Swordfish LS362 just airborne from HMS Hermes on November 13, 1962
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-06 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (2)
A Fairey Swordfish as seen from the bows of Courageous, taken from the level of the old lower flying deck which was no longer in use.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-06 / C.Keighley-Peach - Swordfish over the Red sea
A striking photograph of a Swordfish taking off from the Carrier Courageous, as seen from the level of the old lower flying deck.
Flight 1939-03 / Flight
The take-off of a Fairey Swordfish T.S.R. biplane as seen from the bows of Courageous. Actually this view was secured from the level of the old lower flying deck which is no longer used.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / H.O'Neil - One way ... to deliver Hurricanes (2)
HMS Ark Royal, companion to the author's temporary home HMS Victorious, as seen from her attendant destroyer during flying-off operations in 1941.
Flight 1938-04 / Flight
A Fairey Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaissance machine (690/750 h.p. Bristol Pegasus III) taking off from the Courageous turns almost immediately the wheels are clear of the deck in order to clear the way for the next man off. The steam jet, which shows when the shin is headed dead into wind, is in prominence.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-03 / H.O'Neil - One way ... to deliver Hurricanes (2)
1939 view of HMS Ark Royal with Swordfish taking off and landing on.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-02 / H.O'Neil - One way ... to deliver Hurricanes (1)
HMS Ark Royal snapped from the rear cockpit of one of the carrier's Swordfish somewhere in the mediterranean early in 1941.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / P.Jinks - 834 - banana boat squadron
A formation takeoff from Floyd Bennett Field shows Swordfish DK782 taken from Swordfish V4424.
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / The Roundels File
No.835 Squadron was formed at Palisadoes, Jamaica, on February 15, 1942. Blackburn-built Mk.I V4719 was issued to the unit that day, gaining the code ‘K’ and it served with it until June 1942
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-08
Fairey Swordfish LS326 of the Royal Navy Historic Flight displaying its new Invasion stripes for GORDON BAIN on June 3, 1984.
Моделист-Конструктор Морские самолеты палубного и берегового базирования Второй мировой войны
"Свордфиш" 836-й эскадрильи со вспомогательного авианосца "Амастра" ведет поиск подводных лодок противника
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-08 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (4)
Swordfish K5976 flew with No. 825 Sqn. FAA until destroyed after colliding with another Swordfish off Alexandria on January 30, 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08
Superb shot by PATRICK BUNCE of the Royal Navy Historic Aircraft Flight’s Fairey Swordfish, LS326, in its new colour scheme.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
A Blackburn-built Fairey Swordfish with Rocket Projectile equipment (Bristol Pegasus 30 engine).
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-03 / Personal album
A fine air-to-air study of a pair of Fairey Swordfish Mk I torpedo bomber/reconnaissance aircraft, ca 1940. The foremost machine bears a serial commencing L79-- and the code "4A". Both aircraft are very probably from 828 Squadron, FAA. The torpedo crotches are visible beneath the fuselage and the wing racks, for flares or bombs, can also be seen. A 750 h.p. Bristol Pegasus 30 radial engine powered the "Stringbag".
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / The Roundels File
Initially issued to 820 Squadron in July 1940, Mk.I L2840 was taken on charge by 'A' Squadron of the Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment and used from February to June 1943 for rocket projectile trials. During this time it gained a '/G' suffix to its serial, indicating that it should be permanently under guard when not flying.
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / The Roundels File
В годы войны британские экипажи часто тренировались в безопасном воздушном пространстве Канады. Суровый климат этой страны привел к появлению на самолетах закрытых кабин.
Blackburn-built Mk.II HS553 was fitted with a fully-enclosed canopy and was issued to 'C' Flight of the Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment at Boscombe Down in June 1943 for trials. After some squadron use, it was transferred to the RCAF in September 1946. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-12 / Personal album
One of Striker’s Swordfish, equipped with depth charges, on U-boat patrol in 1944.
Flight 1936-11 / Flight
The Fairey Swordfish is a torpedo spotter reconnaissance type used by the Fleet Air Arm.
Flight 1938-05 / Flight
FAIREY SWORDFISH: Torpedo-spotter-reconnaissance (Pegasus III engine - 750 h.p. at 3,500ft.); span, 45ft. 6in.; gross weight, 7,720 lb.; max. speed, 154 m.p.h. at 4,000ft.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / R.Wilson, R.Winslade - Naval Nostagia
A Richard Wilson study of LS326.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / R.Wilson, R.Winslade - Naval Nostagia
The stalwarts of the Royal Navy’s Historic Flight, Swordfish LS326 and Sea Fury TF956, both continue to produce lively displays.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08
Superb shot by PATRICK BUNCE of the Royal Navy Historic Aircraft Flight’s Fairey Swordfish, LS326, in its new colour scheme.
Мировая Авиация 126
Благодаря своей устойчивости и чувствительному управлению, Swordfish позволял использовать бомбы и торпеды с большой точностью. Но невысокая скорость делала самолет очень уязвимым во время атаки.
Air International 1986-07 / ??? - Under Two Hats /Veteran & Vintage/
Swordfish LS326 is the most prized of the aircraft maintained in airworthy condition by the RN Historic Flight, and is now the only example of this biplane flying anywhere in the world. The "invasion” stripes once worn have now been removed.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: BAe Sea Harrier - Великобритания - 1978
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-07 / Plane Crazy
Другие самолёты на фотографии: BAe Sea Harrier - Великобритания - 1978
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-11
The photo, taken by Charles E. Brown in the mid-1950s, depicts the Fairey Gannet AS.1 WN354 in company with the Fairey Swordfish NF389, one of the last airworthy examples at that time, over the Needles, Isle of Wight.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fairey Gannet - Великобритания - 1949
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / R.Wilson, R.Winslade - Naval Nostagia
"Свордфиш" с подвешенной торпедой в полете
The world’s only airworthy “Stringbag,” Swordfish LS326 is currently having its engine rebuilt. -
Моделист-Конструктор Морские самолеты палубного и берегового базирования Второй мировой войны
Восстановленный до летного состояния "Свордфиш" во время демонстрационного полета
Flight 1938-07 / Flight
COMBINED OPERATIONS: A Fairey Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaissance biplane observes a singularly non-chalant landing party during the recent combined operations on the South Coast. Manoeuvres on a much larger scale are scheduled for the later part of this month along the eastern seaboard.
Flight 1939-10 / Flight
ATTEMPTED RETRIBUTION: The Fairey Swordfish which attacked the U-boat that had sunk the freighter Kafiristan. Bombs can be seen under the wings. This photograph was taken from the Atlantic Farmer which rescued the crew.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / News Spotlight
The RN’s Fairey Swordfish and Hawker Sea Fury fly past at Biggin.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Fury / Sea Fury - Великобритания - 1944
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-10 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (6)
Fairey Swordfish L7701 flew with the Torpedo Training Unit at Gosport and is seen here in May 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / T.Spooner - Goofingstons and Malta's war (1)
A Fairey Swordfish staggers away with its tin fish, normally an 18in, 1,610lb torpedo, which kept the maximum speed down to around 85kt.
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / The Roundels File
Mk.I K8871 'J' flew with the pool of aircraft allocated to 785 and 786 Squadrons at Crail in Scotland on torpedo training duties. It was destroyed in a ground accident on July 16, 1941.
Aviation Historian 12 / M.Willis - From Swordfish to Firefly /Duncan Menzies/ (2)
When Menzies first joined Fairey he was put to work test-flying Swordfish for the company’s southern operation, flying the type regularly from the Great West Aerodrome near London during the first half of 1936. This Swordfish Mk I, K8871, operated with the RAF’s Torpedo Training Unit before joining the Royal Navy in 1941.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (5)
Fairey Swordfish L7701 flew with the Torpedo Training Unit at Gosport and is seen here in May 1939.
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
Главным оружием Swordfish являлась 730-кг торпеда, подвешиваемая под фюзеляжем. Относительно маломаневренный, с небольшой скоростью самолет даже с торпедой отличался отличной устойчивостью в полете.
A Fairey Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaissance machine, of a type used extensively from the Navy’s aircraft carriers, demonstrates the approach dive tactics of a torpedo attack. The pilot, incidentally, is P/O. M. L. Gaine, who took part in the record-breaking flight of the Long-Range Development Unit. -
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
THE FIRST SYMBOL. The "T" in "T.S.R." stands for "torpedo," "S" and "R" for "spotter" and "reconnaissance" respectively. Within the T.S.R. category comes the Fairey Swordfish (Pegasus III) seen here over Martlesham complete with "tin fish."
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-11 / S.Piercey - The great warbirds display
The Naval Historic Flight's Fairey Swordfish LS326.
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
This view of the Fairey Swordfish T.S.R. (690 h.p. Pegasus III) reveals how the torpedo is carried.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / News Spotlight
Another view of the Swordfish.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / P.Jinks - 834 - banana boat squadron
A Blackburn-built Swordfish II, HS645, equipped with ASV aerials, photographed from another of its kind in 1944.
Моделист-Конструктор Морские самолеты палубного и берегового базирования Второй мировой войны
"Свордфиш" командира 833-й эскадрильи Р. Эстона, конец 1942 г.
Мировая Авиация 69
Вскоре после 21:00 11 ноября 1940 года 12 бипланов Swordfish легли на курс к Таранто, а уже через два часа они атаковали итальянские корабли.
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
Main RAF user of the ‘Stringbag’ in the Far East was the Singapore-based 4 AACU two of whose aircraft, P4016 (flown by F/O Bingham-Wallis) and P4027 (F/O Black) are seen before the Japanese assault.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-09 / D.Stapleton - "No blame attaches..." (2)
Fairey Swordfish of 824 Squadron from HMS Eagle, 1941. At this time the squadron was split, half being embarked in Eagle, the other half engaged on similar search and anti-submarine duties based at Dekheila.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / D.Stapleton - "No blame attaches..." (1)
Fairey Swordfish, seen here in company with Blackburn Skuas, remained in service throughout the war. Swordfish from Nos 813 and 824 Sqns FAA took part in the action described here.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Blackburn Skua / B-24 - Великобритания - 1937
Мировая Авиация 63
Swordfish базировались на береговых аэродромах, на авианосцах и некоторых других кораблях. Самолет мог нести торпеду, морскую мину или бомбы, а в конце войны ассортимент вооружения пополнили 27-кг ракеты.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-12 / R.Riding - Charles Sims
Swordfish from HMS Ark Royal taking part in a salute to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth at the start of their Canadian tour in May 1939
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-11
Fairey Swordfish I L7672 with others of No 820 Squadron on exercise over the Solent in 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-06 / C.Keighley-Peach - Swordfish over the Red sea
Fairey Swordfish I L7672 with others of No 820 Sqn on exercise over the Solent in 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / P.Jinks - 834 - banana boat squadron
Two 834 Squadron aircraft are depicted. Fairey Swordfish HS457 and a Seafire, the former flat out at 90kt, off Ballykelly, Northern Ireland, in June 1943.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Seafire - Великобритания - 1941
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
FOR GENERAL PURPOSES AT SEA: A production-type Fairey Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaisance shipplane (690 h.p. Bristol Pegasus III) during tests over Hayes. The Swordfish performs the duties of both the torpedo bomber and fleet spotter types.
Flight 1939-06 / Flight
DOWN TO THE SEA - in Swordfish T.S.R.s from Gosport, which are seen practising a dive-bombing peel-off.
Flight 1939-10 / Flight
Fairey Swordfish of the Fleet Air Arm
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / The Roundels File
Swordfish of 836 Squadron in hastily-applied night camouflage for operations in the Channel out of RAF Thorney Island, December 1942 to March 1943.
Flight 1938-05 / Flight
A unique formation of eight Service types which are normally to be found at Gosport. They are, reading from the top of the picture, Vildebeest, Osprey, Shark, Tutor, Avro 504N, Swordfish, Nimrod and Magister.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Avro 504N - Великобритания - 1920Avro Tutor/Sea Tutor/Prefect / Type 621/646/626 - Великобритания - 1929Blackburn Shark / B-6 - Великобритания - 1933Hawker Nimrod - Великобритания - 1931Hawker Osprey - Великобритания - 1930Miles M.14 Magister - Великобритания - 1937Vickers Vildebeest / Type 132 - Великобритания - 1928
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-08 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (4)
Fairey Swordfish K8428 drops a torpedo in October 1939. K8428 was attached to the Station Flight at Gosport and later flew with the Torpedo Training Unit at Crail.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-08 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (4)
A Gosport Swordfish drops its torpedo in May 1938.
Flight 1938-05 / Flight
A pupil attached to the Torpedo Training Squadron, Gosport, releases the massive projectile from his Swordfish.
Flight 1937-05 / Flight
GRACE, MIGHT AND VICTORIAN DIGNITY: A fine Royal Review impression of Fairey Swordfish of the Fleet Air Arm passing the austere bulk of H.M.S. Nelson and the contrasting lines of the Royal Yacht, Victoria and Albert.
Мировая Авиация 63
Снимок начала 1939 года - Swordfish Mk I из 820-й эскадрильи в полете над недавно вошедшим в строй авианосцем "Арк Ройял". В январе 1939 года эскадрилья первой была приписана к нему.
Swordfish flies from HMS Ark Royal (26 May 1941). -
Авиация и Время 2000-03 / А.Подопригора - Африканский "Восход" /Аэроархив/
Группа "Суордфишей" над авианосцем "Арк Ройал". Предвоенное фото
Flight 1938-05 / Flight
Atlantic patrol: Fairey Swordfish torpedo-spotter reconnaissance biplanes over their mother ship, H.M.S. Glorious. A machine of the same type is just landing-on.
Flight 1937-01 / Flight
A Fairey Swordfish and H.M.S. Eagle off Gibraltar.
Flight 1938-03 / Flight
A Swordfish and a Shark dip over the troop transport bearing R.A.F. units to eastern parts.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Blackburn Shark / B-6 - Великобритания - 1933
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / News Spotlight
A flypast on May 1, 1974 by aircraft of the FAA Historic Aircraft Flight over HMS Ark Royal, they are, left to right, Hawker Sea Fury, Fairey Firefly and the Fairey Swordfish.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fairey Firefly - Великобритания - 1941Hawker Fury / Sea Fury - Великобритания - 1944
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
A fine impression of our newest aircraft carrier H.M.S. Ark Royal. She has a complement of 1,550 officers and men. The machines shown are Swordfish.
Мировая Авиация 69
Успех налета на Таранто продемонстрировал, на что способна палубная авиация при правильном планировании ее действий, поднял моральный дух британских моряков и заставил командование итальянских ВМС отвести свои крупные корабли севернее.
Flight 1939-09 / Flight
A COURAGEOUS CAMEO. A scene which may be witnessed scores of times during a working day in Courageous
A Fairey Swordfish approaching to alight on the Courageous. Note the escorting destroyer. -
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
The approach: A vivid snap, heightened by the slightly crazy horizon, from a Swordfish about to land-on during the Ark Royal's escort duty for Their Majesties last Saturday.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-09 / J.Tupper - Xiphias
Swordfish pilot’s view of a carrier landing. In this case HMS Ark Royal’s deck is looming ever larger.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / P.Jinks - 834 - banana boat squadron
An approaching Swordfish pilot's view of HMS Battler. Three Seafires are visible on the far end of the deck.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Seafire - Великобритания - 1941
Авиация и Время 2010-02 / В.Заблоцкий, А.Овчаренко - Пасха по-цейлонски. 1942 год (2)
Торпедоносец "Суордфиш" проходит над палубой авианосца "Индомитебл"
Flight 1939-03 / Flight
PROBLEM PICTURE - actually, a Fairey Swordfish coming in to land on the flying deck of the carrier Courageous, as seen from the quarterdeck.
Мировая Авиация 67
Swordfish садится на палубу авианосца "Смитер", апрель 1945 года. Моряки из палубной команды выполняли очень опасную работу, нередко они оказывались за пределами палубы в страховочных сетях. Особо опасной была работа на узких палубах эскортных авианосцев.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-05 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (1)
Fairey Swordfish K8440 lands on HMS Courageous in January 1939 during a visit by Flight staff. Based at Donibristle, 811 Sqn FAA Swordfish were aboard the carrier for deck landing trials.
Flight 1939-03 / Flight
The handling party rushes out as a Swordfish is pulled to a standstill, having caught the first of the four arrester wires. The machine is immediately dragged back for another take-off.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-05 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (1)
Fairey Swordfish K8440 lands back on Courageous. The coloured band around the fuselage indicated to which carrier each aircraft belonged. Blue represented Courageous.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-06 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (2)
Swordfish aboard HMS Courageous during the author's brief service with the carrier in 1939.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / P.Jinks - 834 - banana boat squadron
A Swordfish aboard the American-built HMS Battler rises by lift to the flight deck.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-05 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (1)
Swordfish K8440 is dispatched below via the deck lift.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / P.Jinks - 834 - banana boat squadron
HMS Battler at speed with two Swordfish on deck.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-04 / R.Riding - The sky was his studio
A happy trio, with Charles Brown in the centre, after a trip in Fairey's Swordfish.
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / The Roundels File
Pilots and observers from the MV 'Empire Macalpine' - a Merchant Aircraft Carrier ('MAC Ship') - in front of a carefully-doctored Swordfish II with 'Merchant Navy' titles. MS380' is believed to be Blackburn-built HS380, which served with the MAC Ship unit 836 Squadron as 'A' from March to August 1943.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-01 / K.White - A fligh in the 'Fish
Kate White, the lucky winner, with Capt Taylor, the pilot of Fairey Swordfish LS326, shortly after landing back at RNAS Yeovilton after a local flight on June 3, 1988.
Air Pictorial 1956-10 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
DISPLAY STRINGBAG (ex-R .N. LS326), a Swordfish acquired for preservation by Fairey Aviation in 1947, has only recently been repainted and given the A.R.B. registration, G-AJVH, after major overhaul at Hamble.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
Swordfish floatplane K5662 armed with six 100lb anti-submarine bombs. In addition it could carry eight 20lb practice bombs.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
The Swordfish floatplane K5662 photographed at the time of its MAEE handling trials.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
The same aircraft carrying an 18in torpedo.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
The same aircraft again, photographed at Felixstowe in September 1936. The handling on water left much to be desired.
Мировая Авиация 63
Один из трех предсерийных Swordfish (K5662) - в варианте с поплавковым шасси и с подвешенной под фюзеляжем торпедой - сфотографирован во время испытаний.
Aviation Historian 12 / M.Willis - From Swordfish to Firefly /Duncan Menzies/ (2)
One of the superb photographs taken by Beken of Cowes of Swordfish K5662 during trials from Southampton Water - possibly with Menzies at the controls, as he was photographed flying it from the tidal estuary in March 1936. He had also flown it with a wheeled undercarriage from the Great West Aerodrome the previous month.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-03 / Personal album
Fairey Swordfish floatplane K8349 on the slipway at Lee-on-Solent. One of a batch of 104 Swordfish built between September 1936 and April 1937, K8349 served at Gosport with the Floatplane Training Unit before embarking with HMS Argus. The aircraft passed to the Admiralty in May 1939.
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
As an adjunct to the ‘Light Blue Stringbags’ article, a shot of what was ‘home’ to the Swordfish of 3 AACU and 202 Squadron, a wharf in Gibraltar harbour. In the foreground, smoke from the steam crane used for lifting the aircraft obscures a flying-boat.
Моделист-Конструктор Гидросамолеты Второй мировой войны
"Свордфиш" I, установленный на поплавки
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-09 / Personal album. Military
Sea-booted Fairey Swordfish K5950 of 825 Sqn. The squadron was sharing HMS Glorious with 802 Sqn at the time - 1938. K5950 was struck off charge in April 1939.
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
Armed with two anti-submarine bombs, one of the 3 AACU Swordfish, K8354 ‘EB’ is hoisted ashore at Gibraltar after a patrol in the spring of 1940.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v3
Fairey Swordfish seaplane.
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
Swordfish K8405 at Gibraltar in 1940 armed and awaiting its next patrol over the vital Straits.
Flight 1939-05 / Flight
A Fairey Swordfish torpedo-spotter-reconnaissance machine operating as a floatplane.
Flight 1937-09 / Flight
MALTESE CAMEO: A Fairey Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaissance floatplane (690/750 h.p. Bristol Pegasus III) from the Courageous landing in Valetta Harbour, Malta.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
ONE OF TWO: Both the Blackburn Shark ani Fairey Swordfish torpedo spotter reconnaissance biplanes are being delivered to units of the Fleet Air Arm. Here the floatplane version of the Swordfish is seen during take-off tests. The engine is a 690 h.p. moderately supercharged Pegasus III. Note the curious streak of spray.
The TSR II carrying out take-off tests, possibly off Felixstowe. K4190 was fitted with floats during October-November 1934 at Hamble. Initial trials began in November; K4190 was sent to the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment at Felixstowe on January 1, 1935. -
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Fairey "Swordfish" Torpedo-Spotter-Reconnaissance Biplane (Bristol "Pegasus" engine).
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
Poor, but interesting, view of a Swordfish floatplane of 3 AACU off the coast of Malta in early 1940.
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
Superb view of one of the aircraft of ‘B’ Flight 202 Squadron from Gibraltar.
Flight 1936-01 / Flight Advertisements
THE FAIREY "SWORDFISH" (Seaplane Version) Equipped with "Bristol" Pegasus III engines, these are general-purpose two-seater aircraft for Torpedo-Spotter-Reconnaissance work. It has been adopted by the Air Ministry as a land-plane in large numbers.
Мировая Авиация 126
Swordfish Mk I L2742 с поплавковым шасси. В 1938 году этот самолет принадлежал 701 катапультному отряду.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
Top, the Mk I float, as fitted to the Swordfish floatplane. The Mk II, bottom, was cleaner and gave better manoeuvrability on water.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-10 / A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Per Mare Probare (10)
A push-pull tube-operated water rudder. Tubes tended to bow, so cables were preferred.
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
No.119 Squadron became the only RAF squadron to be fully equipped with the Swordfish when this veteran type replaced the Albacore in January 1945. Mk.III NF410 ‘NH-F’ wearing a Donald Duck motif on the nose.
Air Enthusiast 1998-11 / A.Thomas - Light Blue 'Stringbags'
Armed with a variety of bombs and flares and showing the ASV radar between the undercarriage to advantage, the antiquated appearance of 119 Squadron Swordfish III NF374 ‘NH-M’ belies the effectiveness of the type for night inshore patrols.
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / The Roundels File
The combination of an air-to-surface radar and a powerful light to aid target acquisition was trialled with Blackburn-built Mk.I V4689/G by 'C' Squadron at the Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment from October 1943. The light mounted under the starboard wing is described as a 'Mk.IV Pumpkin'.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-09 / J.Tupper - Xiphias
This Fairey Swordfish is fitted with Mk XII ASV which, whilst giving the navigator greater range of vision, prevented the mounting of the armament normally associated with a strike aircraft, namely the torpedo! The author’s aircraft was NR940.
Air Enthusiast 2007-09 / The Roundels File
Delivered in July 1944, Blackburn-built MK.III NR951 was used for radar and rocket projectile trials. Note the radar aerial arrays on the wing struts.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-07 / R.Havercroft - Armament Flight (2)
Fairey Swordfish II NR951 fitted with eight rocket rails and photographed in July 1944. Note the ASV aerials on the outer interplane struts.
Flight 1938-06 / Flight
Lighter-and-heavier-than-air Day in the big hangar at Cardington. In this non-stop variety picture are barrage balloons, a Blenheim and a Battle (left), a new Hind Trainer (foreground), Hector, Shark, Swordfish and Cloud (right), not to mention other less discernible aircraft and a goodly proportion of the population of Bedfordshire.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Blackburn Shark / B-6 - Великобритания - 1933Bristol Blenheim - Великобритания - 1936Fairey Battle - Великобритания - 1936Hawker Hector - Великобритания - 1936Hawker Hind - Великобритания - 1934Saunders-Roe Cloud / A.19 - Великобритания - 1930
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / Museums Guide
Part of the Fleet Air Arm Museum’s vast exhibition area at Yeovilton. Seen here are the de Havilland D.H.82A Tiger Moth, Fairey Swordfish II and Fairey Fulmar.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Tiger Moth / D.H.82 - Великобритания - 1931Fairey Fulmar / P.4/34 - Великобритания - 1937
Flight 1936-04 / Flight
OUTPUT: "It can almost be said that we have reached a position where the primary structure is of secondary importance from the point of view of the man-hours required to build it. It is the installation of equipment which runs away with the time ..." Point is lent to this quotation from a recent Flight leader by this picture of a Fairey Swordfish having its equipment installed.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-05 / C.Horrocks - Messdeck misfits (1)
A Bristol Pegasus radial engine receiving attention below deck.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-07 / Fairey Swordfish II W5856 /Preservation Profile/
Swordfish W5856 partially restored and on display in the Strathallan Collection’s hangar at Auchterarder, Perthshire in April 1986.
Тип фотографий