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Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The S.E.T. 7K Two-seat Observation Biplane (400 h.p. Gnome-Rhone 7Ksf engine).
Air Enthusiast 1996-05 / D.Bernad - The First Twenty Five Years. Romanian Aircraft Production 1911-1935
The SET-7K received a Lewis machine-gun manned by the observer. During the 1930s, ARR’s entire SET fleet was painted olive drab on upper surfaces and light blue on under sides. The engine cowling usually retained its natural metal colour. The red-yellow-blue Romanian cockades appeared on wing surfaces, in four positions. The national colours were applied on the rudder as well, in the form of three vertical stripes, the inner one being always blue. The aircraft’s individual tactical number was usually painted on the fuselage sides, either in black or white.
Air Enthusiast 1994-12 / M.Axworthy - On Three Fronts
The first SET-7K trainer, seen during the war years. This was probably a factory aircraft, as the first example of each type was usually retained for further development work. Its camouflage and markings (dark olive green with the Michael’s Cross insignia) are typical of non-combatant FARR types during the war.
Air Enthusiast 1994-12 / M.Axworthy - On Three Fronts
A SET-7KB in wartime camouflage and markings. This was the first Romanian-designed combat aircraft to enter series production. This example is carrying the ICAR skis fitted to all fixed undercarriage, Romanian-built types in snow.