Fairchild Model 45
В 1934 году фирма "Fairchild" разработала деловой и административный моноплан с пятиместной кабиной под обозначением Fairchild 45. Прототип впервые взлетел 31 мая 1935 года. Это был свободнонесущий низкоплан смешанной конструкции с обычным свободнонесущим хвостовым оперением, убирающимся шасси с хвостовой опорой и звездообразным семицилиндровым поршневым мотором Jacobs L-4 мощностью 225 л.с. (168 кВт). В убранном виде колеса шасси частично выступали наружу из нижней поверхности крыла. Обычно самолет оборудовался комфортным пятиместным салоном для обслуживания богатых бизнесменов.
На испытаниях самолет Fairchild 45 показал удовлетворительные характеристики, был устойчивым и экономичным. Но маркетинговые исследования показали, что ему вряд ли удастся проникнуть на перенасыщенный авиарынок. В итоге собрали только один прототип Fairchild 45. Следующий самолет Fairchild 45-A обрел улучшенные характеристики с установкой более мощного звездообразного мотора Wright R-760. Это еще более увеличило стоимость и без того довольно дорогого самолета. В результате собрали только 16 таких машин.
JK-1: под этим обозначением один самолет Fairchild 45-A реквизировали на военную службу, также были обозначены две реквизированные машины Fairchild 24.
Fairchild Model 45-A
Тип: моноплан с закрытым пятиместным салоном
Силовая установка: звездообразный семицилиндровый поршневой мотор Wright R-760-E2 мощностью 320 л. с. (239 кВт)
Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость 274 км/ч на уровне моря; крейсерская скорость 264 км/ч на высоте 2440 м; практический потолок 5700 м; дальность полета 1046 км
Масса: пустого самолета 1139 кг; максимальная взлетная 1814 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 12,04 м; длина 9,17 м; высота 2,49 м; площадь крыла 23,04 м2
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Flight, October 1935
The Fairchild "45": A Five-seater Combining Comfort With Performance
SOME of the more opulent private owners and certain "charter" operators have shown increasing interest, lately, in 4-5-seater cabin machines. The latest American example in this category is the Fairchild "45" with 225 h.p. Jacobs radial.
Chrome molybdenum steel tubing is the basic material for the fuselage structure: the tubes, apparently, are of square section. The fuselage is faired to give a pleasing appearance and good aerodynamic shape, and is covered with fabric.
Of N.A.C.A. 2218 section at the root and N.A.C.A. 2209 section at the tips, the low cantilever wing has an angle of incidence of 2 deg., 6 deg. of dihedral and a sweep back of 15 deg. It is tapered both in plan form and thickness. The outer panels are constructed of spruce box spars and spruce ribs, the drag trusses consisting of aluminium alloy built-up "I" sections, double-wire-braced, with steel tie rods. Plywood covers the leading edge, the remainder being fabric covered. Aluminium alloy is used for the centre section panel, extruded shapes with built-up sections being used for the spar flanges.
The centre section is covered with corrugated aluminium alloy sheet, with smooth sheet on top to provide stiffness for the "walkways." Both the leading edge and the under side are similarly covered with smooth aluminium alloy sheet. The centre section houses the retractable undercarriage, baggage compartment and two sixty-gallon fuel tanks, which may be removed by detaching a cover on the under surface.
Three-position Flaps
Split balanced-type flaps extend from aileron to aileron in three sections, one on each wing panel, and one on the centre section. They are of special N.A.C.A. section with a chord of 15 1/2 in., which is 19.1 per cent, of the mean aerodynamic chord. It is possible to lock them in three positions - closed, deflected 30 deg. and deflected 60 deg. They are hinged aft of the leading edge, so that, on deflection, this edge swings upward and backward to fit snugly against the under side of the wing, thereby, it is claimed, increasing the efficiency. Operation is by push and pull rods, all hinges being mounted on ball bearings, and the structure is of aluminium alloy tubing with metal ribs the leading edge being covered with aluminium sheet and the remainder covered with fabric. The ailerons are of the slotted balanced type of alloy with fabric covering.
Of full cantilever design, the tail surfaces are made of aluminium alloy and steel, for the greater part with fabric covering. Fin and tail plane embody two spars diagonally braced for torsional rigidity. Back to the front spar the leading edges are covered with aluminium alloy sheet. The elevator and rudder are of the Handley Page balanced type with aluminium alloy ribs mounted on steel torque tubes. Adjustable trimming tabs are fitted, being operated by a fine thread screw at the tab to eliminate play. The screw is operated by a short chain over a sprocket attached to a cable extending to the cabin.
Each wheel of the undercarriage is mounted on a single oleo-spring shock-absorber leg with a 7-in. stroke, each leg being braced by a folding tripod operated by a long screw attached to the rear centre section spar and actuated by a crank in the cabin, with a chain connection. The entire undercarriage structure is of chrome molybdenum steel. When retracted the wheels extend 11 in. below the wing, in case of forced landings. In drop tests 4.85 G was the highest acceleration attained, compared with the 6.02 G allowed by the Department of Commerce. The shock-absorber struts are heat-treated to 180,000 lb./sq. in. Medium-pressure air wheels with hydraulic brakes are used, and the tail wheel is of the full swivelling type, incorporating an oleo strut.
A Jacobs radial engine giving 225 h.p. at 2.000 r.p.m, is mounted in rubber to absorb vibration, and is enclosed in an N.A.C.A. cowling. At the sides the cowling is hinged about the top for inspection and maintenance purposes, and sections of the inner cowling are removable for engine adjustments. The oil tank is located on the fireproof bulkhead.
There is a roomy cabin, the rear seat of which is 51 in. wide and 18 in. deep, the front seat being 47 in. wide and 16 1/2 in. deep. To facilitate movement between the front and rear sections of the cabin, a portion of the front seat is arranged to fold. Behind the rear seat is a shelf a foot wide for small baggage and miscellaneous articles. On the starboard side a door opens directly into the rear section, and a second door is located on the port side by the pilot's seat.
Hot or cold air may be admitted to the cabin from a duct on the side of the fuselage, the amount of cold air or heat being regulated by shutters from front or rear seats. Ventilation is controlled by sliding windows in the front section of the cabin and a small vent in the roof.
The control column is of the wheel "throw-over" type. The two sets of rudder pedals are adjustable in flight by a small lever on the side of the pedal, which can be operated by the foot. On the port side of the front section are the brake pedals, the parking brake being placed at the pilot's left hand. The flap lever is in the centre, and the undercarriage hand crank on the left of the pilot. It is possible to reach the trimming tab control from either front seat.
Instruments are grouped in front of the left-hand front seat, the throttle and mixture controls being to the right of the instruments so that they can be reached from either side. To the right of the instrument panel is a compartment for the storage of maps and small articles.
A Klaxon horn and red lights, associated with the throttle when the engine is shut down, warn the pilot that the wheels are retracted when a landing is about to be made. A green light shows that they are extended. There is, in addition, an indicator on the instrument panel which shows the position of each wheel at all times.
225 H.P. at 2,000 R.P.M.
Dimensions and Weights
SPAN 39ft. 6in.
WING AREA 248 sq.ft.
WEIGHT EMPTY 2,277 lb.
GROSS WEIGHT 3,600 lb.
WING LOADING 14.5 lb./sq.ft.
POWER LOADING 16 lb./h.p.
MAXIMUM SPEED 160 m.p.h.
RANGE 600 miles
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