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Авиация и Космонавтика 2007-11 / Е.Ружицкий - История вертолетных рекордов (1)
Взлет с разбега вертолета двухвинтовой поперечной схемы Э.Берлинера
Air International 1982-02
The Berliner helicopter as modified in 1924 with triplane wing configuration. As recorded in "Military Helicopters of the World", this machine was also tested in monoplane and biplane configuration.
Air International 1982-02
The Berliner helicopter as modified in 1924 with triplane wing configuration. As recorded in "Military Helicopters of the World", this machine was also tested in monoplane and biplane configuration.
Flight 1924-05 / Flight
A SUCCESSFUL HELICOPTER: Two views of the latest Berliner helicopter, constructed by Henry A. Berliner, of Washington, U.S.A., which has recently been making successful demonstrations before officials of the U.S. Army Air Service.