Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation
MBB BO 105 (Germany)
The prototype of this five-seat light utility helicopter flew for the first time in 1967. The original production version was the BO 105C powered by two 298 kW (400 shp) Allison 250-C20 turboshaft engines. This is no longer available. The current models are the BO-105CB powered by two 313 kW (420 shp) Allison 250-C20B engines and the standard production model since 1975; BO 105CBS with increased seating or cargo capacity in a 0.25 m (9 3/4 in) longer fuselage, available in five-seat executive or six-seat high-density configurations; BO 105D, a variant supplied to the UK with modified equipment; BO 105L, deliveries of which began in 1980; BO 105M (VBH) liaison and observation helicopter for the German Army, with uprated engines and transmission (227 ordered to replace Alouette IIs); and the BO 105P (PAH-1) anti-tank version, with outriggers able to carry six Hot missiles; procurement of 212 PAH-1s by the German Army began in 1979.
Data (BO 105CB): Engines as above Main rotor diameter 9.84 m (32 ft 3 1/2 in) Length overall 11.86 m (38 ft 11 in) Max T-O weight 2,300 kg (5,070 lb) Max cruising speed 245 km/h (152 mph) Range 656 km (408 miles) Accommodation five persons or pilot and two stretchers or freight
- Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-06 / Е.Ружицкий - История вертолетных рекордов (8)
Легкий вертолет Bo.105
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1974 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 105 light helicopter in service with the Federal German police force
Air International 1981-08
MBB began flight testing on 21 May a BO 105 helicopter fitted with a stabilised mast-mounted visual aid, originally developed under contract from the German Ministry of Research and Technology with a view to application on the projected Franco-German PAH-2 and now proposed for military scout and even civil rescue operations by night.
Air Pictorial 1973-06
Mackenzie Hill's Bolkow Bo 105D, G-BAFD, taking off at Prestwick 11/3/73;
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 105 in service in Japan (two 400 shp Allison 250-C20 turboshaft engines)
Авиация и Время 2011-06 / А.Котлобовский - Разрывы бомб под звуки танго (3)
Против партизан в Тукумане активно применялись вертолеты. На фото: полицейский BO 105
Air International 1979-07 / ??? - Seven-Thousand-Island Air Cover ... the Philippine Air Force
A pylon-equipped MBB 105, this type of helicopter being destined for use by all Filipino armed services.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v4
MBB Bo 105 carrying six Hot missiles.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 105 fitted experimentally with six Hot anti-tank missiles and stabilised sight
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1975 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 105 fitted experimentally with six Hot anti-tank missiles and stabilised sight
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-02 / News Spotlight
The MBB PAH-1 anti-tank helicopter was officially handed over to the German Army at Celle AFB on December 4, 1980. The PAH-1 carries a crew of two plus six HOT missiles.
Air International 1979-08 / Airdata File
The prototype MBB BO 105L, developed to improve the "hot and high" performance of this successful helicopter.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1975 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 105 with inflatable emergency floats attached to landing gear and fuselage-mounted rescue hoist
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1974 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 105 with inflatable emergency floats attached to skid landing gear
Air Pictorial 1977-10
Bolkow Bo 105D G-BEZJ on delivery through Newcastle 20/8/77
Air International 1984-06 / J.Serrano - Spain's Rotary Soldiers
CEFAMET operates 10 of the 11 BO 105 training helicopters acquired from the West German Heeresflieger a few years ago. This one, still in German colours, is HE.15-8, ET-128.
Air International 1984-08 / P.Steinemann - Rotors over Brunei
A BO 105 of No 2 Squadron at Brunei International Airport. These helicopters have provision to carry rocket pods on each side of the fuselage.
Air Pictorial 1977-11
New among the foreign visitors were two German Army MBB BO 105Cs (S.70 "82+95" illus.) from the Versorgungsstaffel, a trials unit, based at Celle
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-03 / В.Морозов - Красное на черном: ВВС Албании
Один из двух первых MBB BO-105, переданных 3340-му АП ВВС Албании. Авиабаза Фарка, 2010 г.
Air International 1996-07 / G.Kromhout - Dutch Air Force Revised
Still used by the KLu’s 299 Sqn at Gilze Rijen, the MBB BO 105CB’s black and dark green camouflage scheme blends well into European surroundings - the special display colour scheme of high-visibility red, white and blue striping seen here on B-43 over a lake near Deelen rather negates the effect.
Air Pictorial 1977-05
Seen at Manching before delivery, these four Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm BO 105s have been supplied to C.A.A.C. of China for offshore support work. They were flown out in China Airways Boeing 707s
Air Pictorial 1978-01
Types in the KLM Helikopters fleet (l. to r.): Sikorsky S-58T PH-NZE; Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm BO 105D PH-NZH; Sikorsky S-61N PH-NZA
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky S-58T - США - 1970Sikorsky S-61L/N - США - 1960
Air Pictorial 1977-11
This year's Army Air Day, held at Middle Wallop on 6th August 1977, began with a massed arrival of ten fixed-wing aircraft (Chipmunks) and sixty-five helicopters. Front row: Basic Fixed-Wing Flight Chipmunks, Canadian A.F. Kiowas, German Army MBB BO 105Cs and Bell UH-1Ds. 2nd row: Gazelles from the Basic Rotary-Wing Flight and No. 2 Flight. 3rd row: Bristow Bell 47Gs, Scouts from the Advanced Rotary-Wing Flight. 4th row: Alouettes of Nos. 6 and 14 Flights, sundry Sioux and Scouts. 5th row: I.F.T.U. Lynx and and R.A.F. No. 230 Squadron Puma landing
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Gazelle / SA.341/SA.342 - Франция - 1967Aerospatiale Puma / SA.330 - Франция - 1965Bell H-13 Sioux / Model 47 - США - 1945Bell Model 206 Jet Ranger / OH-58 Kiowa - США - 1966Bell UH-1D Iroquois / Model 205 - США - 1961De Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk - Канада - 1946Sud-Aviation Alouette III / SA.316 / SA.319 - Франция - 1959Westland Lynx - Великобритания - 1971Westland Wasp / Scout - Великобритания - 1958
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1975 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 105 HGH, a modified version of the BO 105 for high-speed research
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 105HGH, a modified version of the BO 105 for high-speed research
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 01 - Aircraft
MBB BO 106, a six/seven-seat development of the five-seat BO 105
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 01 - Aircraft
Boeing Vertol/MBB BO 105 Executaire, a “stretched” fuselage version of the West German light helicopter
Тип фотографий