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Мировая Авиация 121
Среди американцев популярен проверенный временем Pietenpol Air Camper - высокоплан с открытой кабиной и мотором Continental мощностью 65 л. с.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1964 / 01 - Aircraft
Pietenpol Air Camper built by Mr. Donald Nordsving of Canton, Minn
Air Pictorial 1957-08 / ??? - Some American Home-Builts
This modified Pietenpol L.S. "Air Camper" is one of the few remaining of its type still flying. It sports a fully-cowled 65-h.p. Lycoming engine, wingtip plates, dual instrumentation and has two-way radio.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1966 / 02 - Aircraft
Modified Pietenpol Air Camper built by St Catharine's EAA Group, Ontario, Canada
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-01 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Pietenpol Aircamper G-BMLT, the first example to be completed in the UK, over Merstham Lake near Redhill in the hands of Richard Hauke.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1974 / 01 - Aircraft
Halsmer Safety Twin, an unusual twin-engined adaptation of a Pietenpol Air Camper