- VL - Myrsky - 1941 - Финляндия
- VL - Pyorremyrsky - 1945 - Финляндия
VL. Самолеты
Десять усовершенствованных Myrsky III не были завершены в постройке, но компания облетала в целом схожий Pyorremyrsky, оснащенный V-образным Daimler-Benz DB 605 мощностью 1475 л.с.
- Описание
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-12 / В.Бакурский - Музей финских ВВС /Музей/
Финский истребитель "Pyorremyrsky" (вихрь) - наверное, самый ценный экспонат музея
Авиация и Космонавтика 2016-09 / В.Бакурский - Главный противник. Крылья "Мессера"
Вид на шасси и радиаторы финского истребителя «Вихрь»
Air International 1995-11 / Fighter A to Z
VL PYORREMYRSKY. The supply of fighters by Germany to the Finnish Air Force in 1945 had to be suspended because of the worsening position of production for the Luftwaffe. To safeguard against this eventuality, the Finnish Air Force laid down a specification for a single-seat interceptor fighter which would be powered by the German 1,475-h.p. Daimler-Benz DB 605 AC 12-cylinder inverted-Vee inline motor. The design was to use wooden construction in order to conserve vital metal supplies. The result was the trim-looking VL Pyorremyrsky (Whirlwind) which was first flown in 1945. Only one prototype was completed when the final truce with the Russians was concluded. Two cannon, one in each wing, were fitted. The Pyorremyrsky was designed and built by VL-Valtion Metallitehtaat, Lentokonetehaat - the State Metal Works, Aircraft Factories. The roundels are white, blue and white.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2016-09 / В.Бакурский - Главный противник. Крылья "Мессера"
Финский аналог «стодевятого» - истребитель «Pyorremyrsky» («Вихрь»)
Air Enthusiast 1973-03 / Veteran & vintage
Photographed at Tampere on 21 November 1972, the Pyorremyrsky was to all outward appearances ready to fly. An engine is installed, but the aircraft is not structurally cleared for flight and is destined to remain a museum exhibit.
Air Enthusiast 1973-03 / Veteran & vintage
Outside the hangar for the first time last October, the Pyorremyrsky reveals its clean lines.
Air Enthusiast 1973-03 / Veteran & vintage
Willing hands assist with the re-assembly
Air Enthusiast 1973-03 / Veteran & vintage
Three of the volunteers at work on the wooden wing of the Pyorremyrsky in November 1971.
Air Enthusiast 1971-10 / ??? - A Violet Finnish Wind
VL Pyorremyrsky
Air International 1995-11 / Fighter A to Z
Design of the VL Pyorremyrsky, of which this was the only example, was clearly influenced by the Bf 109.
- Фотографии