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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1955

Единственный экземпляр

  • Air Pictorial 1956-02 / The journal of a roving spotter

    SOMERS-KENDALL SK-1. First flown by Mr. Hugh Kend all on 14th October, and registered G-AOBG, the SK-I is a small two-seat tandem jet racer-trainer produced as a private venture. It is hoped to sell the type at about ?10,000 each, and overseas interest as a military trainer has already been evinced. The SK-I was placed third in the Royal Aero Club competition for racers two years ago.
    Salient features: A diminutive mid-wing monoplane, the SK-I has a dumpy but well streamlined forward fuselage, the rear fuselage tapering sharply away aft. The transparent cockpit cover opens sideways and is faired into the coaming which houses the Palas engine with its elephant-ear intakes and single exhaust pipe. The wings of high aspect-ratio, are equi-tapered and have square tips. The tailplane is of the butterfly type and all-moving. There is a single mainwheel under the fuselage, a backwards retracting nosewheel, and twin outrigger wheels at the wingtips.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1988-11 / M.Oakey - Grapevine

    One-off Somers-Kendall SK-1 G-AOBG, seen here during the Fifties, is up for sale as a restoration project.

  • Air Pictorial 1956-02 / The journal of a roving spotter

    SOMERS-KENDALL SK-1. Data: Manufacturer: Somers-Kendall Aircraft Ltd. Power: one Blackburn-Turbomeca Palas of 350-lb. thrust. Accommodation: two seat. Dimensions: span 22 ft.9 in.; length 20 ft. 10 in. Weights: empty 810 lb.; all-up 1,500 lb. Performance: maximum speed 332 m.p.h .; cruising 250 m.p.h. at 30,000 ft. Sea-level rate of climb: 1,100 ft./min.