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Страна : США

Год : 1947

Single-seat fully-aerobatic sporting monoplane

Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation

Bushby/Long MM-1 Midget Mustang (USA)
   First flown in 1948, the Midget Mustang is a single-seat fully aerobatic sporting monoplane. Two versions are available for homebuilding: the MM-1-85 with a 63.5 kW (85 hp) Continental C85-8FJ or -12 engine and the MM-1-125 with a 101 kW (135 hp) Lycoming O-290-D2 engine. By 1979 95 Midget Mustangs were flying, with 900 more under construction.

Bushby M-II Mustang II (USA)
   Side-by-side two-seat derivative of the Midget Mustang powered normally by a 119 kW (160 hp) Lycoming O-320 engine. Plans are available to amateur constructors and by 1979 about 800 Mustang IIs were under construction.

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  • Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation
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