Air International 2012-07 / ??? - Agusta Westland's AW169 /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : I-EASF [4] The AgustaWestland AW169 prototype on its first flight on May 10, 2012.
Air International 2012-07 / ??? - Agusta Westland's AW169 /Commercial/
Регистрационный номер : I-EASF [4] -
Air International 2013-01 / News
Регистрационный номер : I-RAIJ The third prototype AgustaWestland AW169 completed its maiden flight in November 2012.
Air International 2013-03 / News
Регистрационный номер : I-AWCM [2] AgustaWestland AW169 I-AWCN completed its maiden flight on January 31, 2013.
Air International 2015-09 / News
Регистрационный номер : I-AWCM [2] The AW169 is the third member of its manufacturer's new generation of helicopters, alongside the AW139 and the AW189.
Air International 2020-08 / M.Broadbent - HELIMED Rapid rotary responce
Регистрационный номер : G-CRWL The Cornwall Air Ambulance became the latest UK HEMS operator of the Leonardo AW169 in the spring of this year.
Air International 2021-05 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
Регистрационный номер : G-HHEM [3] The Essex and Herts Air Ambulance AW169 outside the new North Weald facility, funded with the help of a £4.5m UK government grant
Air International 2017-08 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : G-HHEM [3] The Essex & Herts Air Ambulance’s new Leonardo AW169 G-HHEM (c/n 69049) helicopter was delivered after Specialist Aviation Services (SAS) received European Aviation Safety Agency approval for its medical interior after a lengthy certification process. SAS has also delivered three more AW169s to other air ambulance operations around the UK.
Air International 2017-10 / I.Frain - Lifesavers in the Sky /Parapublic/
Регистрационный номер : G-HHEM [3] Specialist Aviation Services delivered this AW169 to the Essex and Hertfordshire Air Ambulance in July 2017.
Air International 2016-01 / News
Swiss Air Rescue-Rega is to buy three AW169s that will feature a bespoke emergency medical services/search and rescue equipment installation developed with the helicopter’s manufacturer.
Air International 2020-08 / M.Broadbent - HELIMED Rapid rotary responce
The Dorset and Somerset AW169 flying above the M5 and Michaelwood services. Note the nose-mounted TrakkaBeam A800 searchlight for night operations.
Air International 2017-10 / I.Frain - Lifesavers in the Sky /Parapublic/
Регистрационный номер : G-KSST First to use the AW169 for HEMS in the UK in 2016 was the Kent Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance.
Air International 2020-10 / M.Broadbent - European Rotors 2020
Регистрационный номер : D-HHTJ Italian aviation multinational Leonardo is among major players making the trip to Friedrichshafen
Air International 2019-01 / D.Marcellino - AW169 in Italy /Parapublic/
Регистрационный номер : I-ROBS [4] Airgreen AW169 I-ROBS flying in the high mountains of its typical daily operating environment.
Air International 2019-01 / D.Marcellino - AW169 in Italy /Parapublic/
Регистрационный номер : I-ROBS [4] Winching a rescuer and stretcher. Note the large sliding door that allows the stretcher to be brought into the cabin while the helicopter flies away, and the seated position of the helicopter technician, with his feet on the footboard.
Air International 2019-01 / D.Marcellino - AW169 in Italy /Parapublic/
Регистрационный номер : I-ROBS [4] In winching operations at high altitude in very cold temperatures, the AW169 gives the pilot plenty of confidence in maintaining its position even when operating with a single engine at heavy weight.
Air International 2019-01 / D.Marcellino - AW169 in Italy /Parapublic/
Регистрационный номер : I-ROBS [4] A HEMS crew. From left to right: a doctor from 118 Piedmont Health Service, a rescuer from CNSAS, a pilot from Airgreen, a helicopter technician from Airgreen and a paramedic from 118 Piedmont.
Air International 2020-10 / R.Niccoli - New wings for the Guardia di Finanza
The AW169 is fitted with mission systems which are technologically advanced
Air International 2020-10 / R.Niccoli - New wings for the Guardia di Finanza
The AW169M allows you to start up the engines without engaging the rotor, a feature useful in SAR operations
Air International 2022-11 / D.Mattozzi - Hughes takes a bow
Close-up of an NH500 in front of an AW169
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hughes OH-6 Cayuse / MD 500 - США - 1963
Air International 2022-11 / D.Mattozzi - Hughes takes a bow
The two Hughes and the AW169 of the GdF
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hughes OH-6 Cayuse / MD 500 - США - 1963
Air International 2024-01 / J.Lake - Dubai Air Show 2023. Debutantes and Belles of the Ball
Leonardo brought a new Guardia di Finanza AW169 to Dubai to find parapublic customers for the type in the UAE and the wider Gulf region
Air International 2020-10 / R.Niccoli - New wings for the Guardia di Finanza
Guardia di Finanza's pilots say the helicopter is very reactive to the flight controls
Air International 2020-10 / R.Niccoli - New wings for the Guardia di Finanza
2021 will see the entry of the first AW169M mission systems for maritime patrol
Air International 2020-10 / R.Niccoli - New wings for the Guardia di Finanza
The introduction of the AW169M will deliver a higher quality of performance and operational results
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Agusta Westland AW.139 / AW.149 - International - 2001
Air International 2020-10 / R.Niccoli - New wings for the Guardia di Finanza
The LEOSS MK2 electro-optical system is formed by three cameras that allow target identification day or night
Air International 2023-02 / E.Bruijns, M.de Greeuw - Lifting into the future
The cross section of the rotorblades of the UH-169 is reduced in comparison with the 212 and 412, making it better in confined spaces
Air International 2023-02 / E.Bruijns, M.de Greeuw - Lifting into the future
The UH-169 programme has accumulated more than 1,600 flight hours to date. First deliveries of the UH-169M are expected at the end of 2023
Air International 2023-02 / E.Bruijns, M.de Greeuw - Lifting into the future
The LUH programme, beyond the objective of progressively replacing all the current assets, aims to make the fleet more efficient
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bell Model 212 / UH-1N - США - 1968
Air International 2021-04 / S.Rivas - Cracking the drug cartels
Part of the Gendarmeria fleet seen in front of their hangar at Campo de Mayo Airfield, where the AW169, the two Turbo Porters, the EC135, two Ecureuils and one PC-12 can be seen. The force currently operates a small but efficient fleet to operate in difficult areas where there is not much infrastructure
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Ecureuil / SA.350 - Франция - 1974Eurocopter EC.135 - International - 1994Pilatus PC-12 - Швейцария - 1991Pilatus PC-6 Porter / Turbo Porter - Швейцария - 1959
Air International 2021-04 / S.Rivas - Cracking the drug cartels
The helicopter fleet of the Gendarmerie Nacional comprises mainly Airbus and Leonardo types. The AW169, seen at the front of this formation, is the largest helicopter of the force, bought to replace the Huey 2s that failed conversion
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Ecureuil / SA.350 - Франция - 1974Eurocopter EC.135 - International - 1994
Air International 2015-03 / News
The first series production AW169 under assembly in Vergiate, Italy. There is a second final assembly line in Philadelphia.
Авиация и Время 2012-03
Регистрационный номер : I-EASF [4] 10 мая 2012г. на заводе компании Agusta Westland возле итальянского г. Самарате состоялся первый полет легкого вертолета нового поколения AW169 (взлетная масса 4,5 т). Машиной управлял экипаж во главе с ведущим летчиком-испытателем Джузеппе Ло Коко (Giuseppe Lo Coco). В течение полутора лет на испытания должны поступить еще 3 прототипа. Завершить сертификацию AW169 запланировано в 2014 г. На машину уже поступило более 50 заказов.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2012-09 / И.Кудишин - Авиасалон "Фарнборо-2012": регресс с инновациями
Регистрационный номер : I-EASF [4] В полете вертолеты "Агуста Уэстлэнд": AW189, AW169 и AW139
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Agusta Westland AW.139 / AW.149 - International - 2001Agusta Westland AW.189 - International - 2011
Air International 2012-04 / I.Harding - Versatility No Limits /Commercial/
The AW169's cockpit features three large 8x10 inch (200 x 250mm) displays.
Air International 2020-10 / R.Niccoli - New wings for the Guardia di Finanza
Helicopter missions are managed by the ATOS-RW/MMS system
Air International 2023-02 / E.Bruijns, M.de Greeuw - Lifting into the future
The full glass cockpit of the UH169 is a joy for pilots to fly in; all the information possible at hand in order to fully concentrate on the mission
Air International 2019-01 / D.Marcellino - AW169 in Italy /Parapublic/
The cockpit features three large displays and, below, the two touchscreen displays, designed to provide an intuitive working environment for pilots..
Air International 2019-01 / D.Marcellino - AW169 in Italy /Parapublic/
A close-up on a display showing an image in synthetic vision, which in conjunction with the helicopter terrain awareness warning system aids the pilot's situational awareness.
Air International 2019-01 / D.Marcellino - AW169 in Italy /Parapublic/
The pilot can manage the touchscreen displays on the integrated display control unit by using a button on the cyclic pitch control.
Air International 2020-08 / M.Broadbent - HELIMED Rapid rotary responce
Night shift: Crewmembers wearing night-vision goggles (NVGs) - part of the system requirements after the sun has set.
Air International 2020-10 / R.Niccoli - New wings for the Guardia di Finanza
The AW169 is one of three different helicopter lines with a common cabin layout
Air International 2022-09 / M.Broadbent - State of emergency
Leonardo’s AW169 is popular with EMS operators in the UK Dorset and Somerset
Air International 2019-01 / D.Marcellino - AW169 in Italy /Parapublic/
A view of the passenger cabin in fully equipped HEMS configuration. On the left are the two front seats, at centre the stretcher, and the on right the two rear seats, with the stretcher in between.
Air International 2011-09 / News
The mock-up of the AW169 unveiled at Yeovil, Somerset, on July 21, 2011. Flight testing of the AW169 will take place in both the UK and Italy from early 2012 with design and development work scheduled to finish by the end of 2014. Deliveries to customers will start in 2015.
Air International 2021-09 / T.Batchelor - Training takes off
The AW169 flight training device was the first of its type to be certified in terms of the EASA Operational Suitability Data process
Air International 2012-04 / I.Harding - Versatility No Limits /Commercial/
A computer-generated image showing an AW169 in the colours of the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance.