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Страна : Япония
Год : 1973
Single-seat man-powered aircraft
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1974 / 01 - Aircraft
First flight, on 28 February 1973, of the Nihon University NM-72 Egret I man-powered aircraft
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1975 / 01 - Aircraft
Nihon University NM-73 New Egret single-seat man-powered aircraft
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 01 - Aircraft
NM-74 Egret III man-powered aircraft, latest in a series of designs by Nihon University
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / News Spotlight
Nihon University’s Stork B established a new world record for man-powered aircraft when student Takashi Kato made a flight of 2,094m at Shimofusa naval air base, near Tokyo.