Air International 2021-06 / K.Chapman - KAI KF-21 Boramae /Concept Insight/
Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) officially unveiled the first KF-21 Boramae prototype, serial 001, during a ceremony at its Sacheon facility in South Korea's South Gyeongsang province on April 9, 2021.
Air International 2022-09 / News
KF-21 Boromae touches down after its maiden flight
Air International 2022-11 / T.Fish - Escape Velocity
A test ejection from a KAI KF-21 Boramae forward fuselage using a Martin-Baker Mk 18 ejection seat. The KF-21 is one of the latest types to use Martin-Baker seats
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
Final assembly of South Korea’s new fifth-generation KF-X was started in September 2020 and is expected to make its first flight in 2022
Air International 2020-10 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
An image released on September 3, 2020 of the prototype KF-X fighter in final assembly at KAI’s Sacheon facility
Air International 2021-06 / K.Chapman - KAI KF-21 Boramae /Concept Insight/
KAI released new images of the first KF-21 prototype undergoing the final assembly process in January 2021. Note that this image also provides a good view of the second prototype, which is being built by KAI personnel in the background.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-04 / Новости мировой авиации
Макет самолета KF-X/IF-X, выполненный по нормальной аэродинамической схеме
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-12 / М.Никольский - ADEX-2013 /Выставка/
Модель перспективного южнокорейского истребителя KF-X
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-04 / Новости мировой авиации
Моделирующий стенд кабины летчика самолета KF-X/IF-X
Air International 2021-06 / K.Chapman - KAI KF-21 Boramae /Concept Insight/
A concept image depicting two KF-21 s in flight. The distant aircraft provides a good view of what the two-seat variant will look like
Air International 2016-07 / Airscene
An artist's impression of KAI’s KF-X future fifth-generation fighter.
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
MBDA signed a contract with Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) on November 22, 2019 to integrate the Meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) on to the KF-X. In this artist’s impression there are four of them nestling under the main fuselage