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Страна : США

Год : 1927

Летающая лодка


Sikorsky S-36 - S-39

Самолет S-36 можно по праву считать коммерчески успешной машиной. Самолет строился под требования "Pan American Airways" (PAA) на авиалайнер, способный совершать полеты по маршруту Сан-Хуан - Пуэрто-Рико вдоль линии островов. Всего компания приобрела пять машин, первая из них вышла на маршрут 4 февраля 1929 года (Майами - Панама). Еще один самолет, оснащенный носовой стрелковой точкой, под обозначением XPS-1 проходил испытания в ВМС США в качестве патрульного.
   На базе S-36 был разработан S-38, оснащенный двумя двигателями Pratt & Whitney R-1340 Wasp мощностью 425 л. с. и способный брать на борт два члена экипажа и восемь пассажиров, совершая с ними перелет на дальность 966 км. Прототип S-38 был приобретен "NYRBA" и совершил первый полет 25 июня 1928 года, a "Pan Am" приобрела второй самолет данного типа и выставила его на маршрут 31 октября 1928 года. Всего PAA получила 38 S-38, которые в начале 1930-х годов использовались на маршрутах на Карибских и Гавайских островах.
   Базовая модель S-38A оснащалась двигателями Wasp мощностью по 410 л.с., следом появилась модель S-38B с двигателями R-1340 мощностью по 425 л.с. и оснащенный такими же двигателями 14-местный вариант S-38C. S-38 использовались во многих компаниях. Последний самолет сняли с эксплуатации примерно в 1940-х годах.
   Два S-38A были заказаны ВМС США в октябре 1928 года под обозначением XPS-2 и оснащались носовыми стрелковыми точками. Четыре S-38B под обозначением PS-3 строились в варианте с двигателями R-1340-7 мощностью по 450 л. с. и носовой и хвостовой стрелковыми точками. В 1929-1932 годах оценочные испытания проходили три машины, а в 1930 году, когда были заказаны еще три S-38B, самолет был переклассифицирован в вспомогательный. Обозначение XPS-2 сменили в итоге на XRS-2, a PS-3 - на RS-3, рассчитанный на перевозку шести пассажиров или равнозначного груза.
   Авиакорпус Армии США в 1929-1930 годах приобрел 11 S-38A и использовал их в 1930-1933 годах под обозначениями C-6 и C-6A. Всего было собрано 114 единиц S-38.

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  • Sikorsky S-36 - S-39
  • Flight, October 1927
  • Мировая Авиация 236

    Для карибских маршрутов компании "Pna Am" Чарльз Линдберг в феврале 1929 года совершил на этом S-38A (NC8000) трехдневный перелет по нескольким странам Латинской Америки протяженностью 3219 км.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1993-06 / Personal album. Civil

    Igor Sikorsky’s S-36 gets an airing from Charles A. Lindbergh at Roosevelt Field on January 27, 1928. N3699 was leased to Pan Am for a brief period and is thought to have been dismantled by the factory upon completion of the S-38 prototype.

  • Мировая Авиация 236

    S-36 представлял собой восьмиместный полутораплан - амфибию, оснащенную звездообразными двигателями Wright Whirlwind мощностью по 200л. с.

  • Flight 1927-10 / Flight

    THE SIKORSKY S.36.B FLYING-BOAT: Two models are shown: left, the open type, and, right, the enclosed amphibian.

  • Flight 1932-01 / Flight

    The Sikorsky Amphibian used on the expedition and flown by Robert A. Smith, at rest with its nose on the beach at Lake Yaxha, Guatemala. Its advent at first amazed the native Indian family, but they soon realised the huge bird from which white men stepped out meant no harm, and - as the picture shows - went on calmly with their daily tasks.

  • Flight 1927-10 / Flight

    THE SIKORSKY S.36.B FLYING-BOAT: Three-quarter rear view of the open type. It is fitted with two Wright "Whirlwind" engines.

  • Flight 1929-02 / Flight

    A SUCCESSFUL AMERICAN AMPHIBIAN: The Sikorsky S-38, fitted with two 410 h.p. Pratt and Whitney "Wasp" engines. Two of these machines were recently delivered to the U.S. Navy, and others are used by the Western Air Express and Pan American Airways on their commercial air mail and passenger routes.

  • Aviation Historian 20 / P.Jarrett - The Blue Falcon

    One of a sequence of glass-plate photographs taken of the Blue Falcon at Heston in April 1935, this shows the aircraft having its Pratt & Whitney Wasp engines run up. The S-38B was essentially similar to the S-38A, with more powerful engines and increased fuel capacity. By the time Francis acquired his, some 100 S-38s had been built for various customers.

  • Flight 1929-01 / Flight

    THE CHICAGO AERO EXPOSITION: One of representative types of aircraft out of the seventy odd on view - (4) Sikorsky Amphibian 8-passenger transport (two 425 h.p. Pratt and Whitney" Wasps ")

  • Aviation Historian 20 / P.Jarrett - The Blue Falcon

    Bearing the name Blue Falcon on its hull and wearing its American registration, NC15V, Francis Francis’s Sikorsky S-38B. After its arrival in the UK in the late spring of 1932, it was registered G-ABYS, as seen on the rear hull in the photograph, taken at Heston in April 1935.

  • Aviation Historian 20 / P.Jarrett - The Blue Falcon

    The distinctive water tower in the background once again marks the location in this photograph as Heston. The amphibian was sometimes referred to as “The Explorer’s Air Yacht”, owing to its popularity with well-off private owners. Sikorsky’s first real commercial success, the S-38 made its maiden flight on June 25, 1928.

  • Flight 1932-09 / Flight

    SEA, LAND OR AIR: The Sikorsky (2 Wasps) of Mr. Francis Francis. The cabin is beautifully fitted, and this machine makes what is probably the most luxurious privately-owned aircraft in the country. It is in a similar Sikorsky that the Hutchinson family are flying to England, via Greenland, from New York.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1989-06 / Personal album. Civil

    Francis Francis's Sikorsky S-38B G-ABYS photographed at its Heston base. Powered by two 425 h.p. Wasps, this 71ft 8in span air yacht cruised at 110 m.p.h. and originally cost around $50,000. Formerly NC15V, 'YS was later sold in France and on August 12, 1939 was lost in a crash at Calabar, Niger Colony.

  • Aviation Historian 20 / P.Jarrett - The Blue Falcon

    Bearing the name Blue Falcon on its hull and wearing its American registration, NC15V, Francis Francis’s Sikorsky S-38B is inspected at an unknown location. After its arrival in the UK in the late spring of 1932, it was registered G-ABYS.

  • Aviation Historian 20 / P.Jarrett - The Blue Falcon

    For waterborne operations, the S-38’s undercarriage was retracted by means of an ingenious system in which the rubber-tyred mainwheels were fitted to a hinged axle attached to the hull, the outboard wheel hub being attached to a telescopic tube system, which was hydraulically raised to bring the wheels parallel with the wings.

  • Aviation Historian 20 / P.Jarrett - The Blue Falcon

    Minus its outer wings and tailbooms, the S-38 is carefully hoisted from the deck of the RMS Berengaria to the dock at Southampton on its arrival from the USA in the late spring of 1932. At this point it was still registered in the USA as NC15V, and there appears to be conflicting evidence about when its UK registration was applied.

  • Aviation Historian 20 / P.Jarrett - The Blue Falcon

    Following its stint in the UK as G-ABYS, the Blue Falcon was sold to French airline Aeromaritime, which was established in March 1935 to provide air services in French West and Equatorial Africa. In March 1936 the S-38 completed the airline’s first reconnaissance flight between Dakar (now in Senegal), Cotonou (Benin) and Pointe Noire (Republic of Congo).

  • Flight 1935-06 / Flight

    A Sikorsky S.38 alongside a typical landing stage, at San Juan, Porto Rico. The tanks for both engines are being refuelled simultaneously.

  • Flight 1930-02 / Flight

    HAWAIIAN AIR TRANSPORT: Two Sikorsky S.38 amphibians of Inter-Island Airways about to start on the inaugural flight from John Rodgers Airport Honolulu, to Hilo

  • Flight 1932-09 / Flight

    THE FAMILY TOUR: The Hutchinson family and crew, who attempted a flight from New York to Edinburgh in a Sikorsky amphibian, but came to grief in Greenland. Capt. George R. Hutchinson is shown seated with his wife and two daughters, Kathryn and Janet Lee. The others of the party are Peter Redpath, navigator, Joseph Ruff, mechanic, Gerald Altfilisch, radio operator, and Norman Alley, cameraman.

  • Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-03 / В.Морозов - Отчаянное время, отважные женщины

    Гидросамолет «Сикорский» S-38, использующийся в качестве круизно-курортного транспорта. Тихоокеанское побережье США, начало 1930-х гг. Именно такую машину бразильские революционеры пытались угнать 25 сентября 1932 г. в г. Сан-Жуан-ди-Мерити.

  • Air International 1995-11 / G.Jones - Northwest is Northbest

    Two Sikorsky S-43 amphibians were added to Northwest's fleet in 1931 to serve Duluth which did not have an airport.

  • Flight 1927-10 / Flight

    Sikorsky S.36.B Amphibian 2 Wright "Whirlwind" Engines

  • Фотографии