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Burnelli (самолеты В. Бурнелли)
В 1918 году Винсент Бурнелли сформулировал концепцию самолета с фюзеляжем, способным создавать подъемную силу, и в течение нескольких последующих лет разрабатывал и пропагандировал идею самолета с несущим фюзеляжем. Первым воплощением концепции Бурнелли стал созданный в 1920 году биплан Remington Burnelli Airliner, за которым в 1924 году последовал грузовой биплан RB-2.
- Burnelli (самолеты В. Бурнелли)
- Flight, July 1921
Flight 1921-07 / Flight
Another view of the Remington-Burnelli "Airliner."
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
The first RB-1, 9182, displays its completely faired Atlantic engines, unbalanced ailerons and long-chord fins.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
RB-1 No 2 with its radiators re-positioned alongside the forward centre-section struts.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
RB-1 No 2 in flight, showing 420 h.p. Liberty engines, twin-wheel main units and balanced ailerons.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
Remington-Burnelli RB-1 No 2
Flight 1921-07 / Flight
Side and front views of the Remington-Burnelli "Airliner" Twin-Engine Commercial Biplane, showing the wide "aerofoil" fuselage
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v2
Remington-Burnelli Airliner of 1923
Flight 1922-01 / Flight
The Mummert "Baby Vamp'' Sportplane: A contrast in sizes. The "Baby," of 18 ft. span and 25 h.p. in front of the Remington-Burnelli 30-passenger twin-engine biplane of 74 ft. span and 800 h.p. - both of which were tested the same day by Bert Acosta.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Mummert Cuttie / Baby Vamp - США - 1921
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
Vincent Burnelli poses with the metal-clad RB-2, fitted with Galloway Atlantics.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
The RB-2 first appeared in 1924, and flew for over eight years before being scrapped.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
The RB-2 in flight, powered by a pair of 550 h.p. Galloway Atlantic engines.
Flight 1921-07 / Flight
An interior view of the port side of the passengers' cabin, the full accommodation of which is 30.
Flight 1926-09 / Flight
An Aerial Show-Room for Motor Cars: Our picture shows an interior view of the cabin of the American Remington Burnelli "RB2" air liner fitted up as a motor-car showroom, complete with an Essex motor-car, and office equipment. So fitted, it carried out an aerial tour, with eight passengers, in the States. The fuselage of the "RB2," it may be mentioned, is exceptionally wide and deep, forming, in side elevation, the contour of an aerofoil.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
The Essex automobile inside the RB-2’s capacious fuselage.
Flight 1921-07 / Flight
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-03 / H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (1)
Remington-Burnelli RB-1 No 2
- Фотографии