- Nieuport - Nieuport-II - 1910 - Франция
- Nieuport - Nieuport-IV - 1911 - Франция
- Nieuport - Nieuport-IV Hydro / Nieuport-VI / VII - 1912 - Франция
Nieuport. Ранние монопланы
В 1910 году Эдуард де Ньюпорт основал компанию "Societe Anonyme des Etablissements Nieuport", которая располагала главным офисом в Исси-ле-Мулен в юго-западной части Парижа и летной школой в Виллакубле. Большинство ранних монопланов, построенных компанией, не получило обозначений. Самый первый одноместный самолет, совершивший свой первый полет в 1908 году, был создан на основе самолетов Bleriot с открытым каркасом фюзеляжа. Есть сведения, что он мог развивать скорость 72 км/ч и оснащался двигателем Darracq мощностью 28 л. с. (21 кВт). Следом за ним в 1910 году появился вариант с фюзеляжем более обтекаемой формы и двигателем Gnome мощностью 50 л. с. Ежегодник "Jane's All the World's Aircraft" опубликовал фотографии данной машины с двигателем Gnome мощностью 50 л. с., которая совершила полет в 1911 году. Вероятно, что именно на данном самолете в 1910 году Ньюпорт установил мировой рекорд скорости в 133,14 км/ч. Одноместный самолет с двигателем мощностью 30 л. с., сконструированным Ньюпортом, получил обозначение Nieuport Type 2-N и мог развивать максимальную скорость 109 км/ч.
- Описание
Flight 1937-05 / Flight
These pictures were taken during the Gordon Bennett trials of July, 1911 and show the little Nieuport single-seater, which, with an engine of only 28 h.p., managed to average about 60 m.p.h. for 50 kilometres before things started to disintegrate and the 28 h.p. was reduced to the - 10 h.p. provided by dead-stick drag. Probably its maximum was in the region of 70 m.p.h. The gentleman who is seen standing so proudly in front of the somewhat naive little flat twin engine is M. Chevalier, the pilot.
Flight 1930-01 / Flight
Of very efficient aerodynamic design, but always rather heavy structurally, were the little monoplanes produced in the early days by the Nieuport brothers of France. The photograph shows an example exhibited at Olympia, where it attracted very favourable attention on account of its "clean" design. The engine used was a horizontal opposed water-cooled two-cylinder engine of some 30 h.p., and it is of interest to note that the performance was just about what one would expect of a modern machine with the same power and of approximately the same weight.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-09 / D.Brown - Wings over Sussex (1)
The Chanter Flying School's two Bleriot XIs and the Chanter monoplane, powered by a three-cylinder Anzani engine.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bleriot Bleriot-XI - Франция - 1909
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-07 / Personal album. Civil
On the early morning of February 29, 1912, some people leaving Shoreham Town Hall after a Leap Year Ball saw flames in the direction of the aerodrome. Three hangars were found to be ablaze, and part of a fourth was pulled down to prevent the rest of the row being engulfed. Damage was estimated at £1,000. The greatest loss was suffered by Chanter and Co, which ran a flying school at the aerodrome and lost both of its sheds, containing two Bleriot monoplanes and the Chanter Monoplane, a Nieuport copy which had been built by M. Chanter in 1911. What little remained of this aircraft is seen here, only the undercarriage and the 35 h.p. Anzani being recognisable.
- Фотографии