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Letov S 10 и S 14
В тот же период компания построила и ряд опытных самолетов, таких как одноместный истребитель-биплан S 7, оснащенный выпущенным "Skoda" двигателем Hispano мощностью 300 л.с.; учебно-тренировочный истребитель S 12 с крылом типа парасоль, а также истребители-бипланы S 13 и S 14. Последние три варианта оснащались двигателями Hispano-Suiza, выпускавшимися компанией "Skoda".
- Описание
Air International 1984-06 / Fighter A to Z
The Letov S 7 fighter in its definitive S 7a form, with redesigned engine cowling and ventral radiator bath.
Air International 1984-06 / Fighter A to Z
The S 13 which featured wings of thick Zhukovsky section and had no interplane wire bracing. The N-type interplane struts were subsequently replaced by V-type struts.
Air International 1984-06 / Fighter A to Z
The Letov S 14. It was eventually rebuilt as a monoplane for speed trials.
Air International 1984-06 / Fighter A to Z
The Letov S 7 fighter in its definitive S 7a form, with redesigned engine cowling and ventral radiator bath.
Air International 1984-06 / Fighter A to Z
The S 13 which featured wings of thick Zhukovsky section and had no interplane wire bracing. The N-type interplane struts were subsequently replaced by V-type struts.
- Фотографии