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Страна : США
Год : 1973
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 02 - RPVs and Targets
The original Praeire I (Latin for “leading soldier") mini-RPV developed for the USAF in 1973. It had a 10 ft (3.05 m) wing span and carried a 25 Ib (11.3 kg) payload comprising a TV camera and a laser transmitter.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 02 - RPVs and Targets
Praeire II, evaluated in the US Army’s RPAODS competition in 1974, was of glassfibre construction. It had a 12 ft (3.66 m) wing span and a gross weight of less than 90 Ib (41 kg)
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1976 / 02 - RPVs and Targets
Current Praeire IIB mini-RPV, powered by an 8 hp Kolbo Korp engine and having a gross weight of 120 Ib (54-4 kg)