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Страна : США
Год : 1931
Летающая лодка
Единственный экземпляр
Flight 1931-01 / Flight
THE BOOTH BABY FLYING BOAT: Henry Booth, a well-known aeronautical designer and engineer of Freeport, L.I., has designed a new two-seater baby flying-boat, which when in production will sel for about 1,500 dols. This boat is powered with a four-cylinder 32 h.p. Johnson Outboard Marine Engine, has a wing spread of 28 feet, a top speed of 75 m.p.h., and a landing speed of 36 rn.p.h. Under test the boat reached an altitude of 8,000 feet and consumed only three gallons of petrol an hour. When fully loaded it weighs 700 pounds.