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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1931

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Flight, December 1931

A LIGHT FLYING BOAT FOR AEROPLANE CLUBS. - In an interview with our Irish correspondent, Capt. J. P. Saul, navigator to Kingsford Smith on last year's trans-Atlantic flight, has given details of a new flying-boat designed by Col. J. C. Fitzmaurice, another Irish Atlantic flyer, whom he met while on a recent trip to the United States.
   The flying-boat, which is shown in the accompanying illustration, is designed as a two-seater for use by flying clubs, and Col. Fitzmaurice has endeavoured, as far as possible, to build the machine of component parts which can be easily and cheaply obtained. It is of the monoplane type with a somewhat high aspect ratio, stability on the water being maintained by the use of stub planes. Twin water-cooled engines of 45 h.p., designed by Mr. William Harbur, who is noted in America for the design of light internal combustion engines, are fitted, and these are faired into the leading edge of the wing. The hull, streamlined fore and aft, provides accommodation for pilot and passenger in open cockpits. The flying boat is designed for a cruising speed of from 90 to 95 m.p.h., and the estimated cost of production is ?250.
   It is understood that the machine had not undergone her trials at Port Washington, U.S.A., where she has been built, at the time of Capt. Saul's departure for home, but as Col. Fitzmaurice is expected to visit Europe in the near future to complete details for a second Atlantic flight and trade tour in a Sikorsky S.38 with Capt. Saul, we shall probably have full details of the performance of this interesting little machine before long.

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  • Flight, December 1931
  • Flight 1931-12 / Flight

    THE LATEST IN FLYING BOATS: An interesting twin-engined flying-boat designed by Col. J. C. Fitzmaurice - the Irish Atlantic flyer.

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