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- Lockheed - X-35 JSF - 2000 - США
- Lockheed - F-35A Lightning II - 2006 - США
- Lockheed - F-35B Lightning II - 2008 - США
- Lockheed - F-35C Lightning II - 2010 - США
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II
Самолет спроектирован с использованием технологий малозаметности и оснащен самым современным БРЭО. Компоновка самолета отдаленно напоминает компоновку Lockheed Martin F-22. F-35 предназначен для замены самолетов F-16, F/A-18 Hornet, A-10 и Harrier II. Основным назначением F-35 является поражение наземных и надводных целей, а ведение воздушных боев считается задачей второстепенной. Все три основные модификации F-35 в значительной степени унифицированы. Первый самолет заказчик получил в 2011 году. Как ожидается, самолет станет массовым и будет принят на вооружение не только в США, но во многих других странах.
- Описание
Air International 2006-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow
The first F-35A Joint Strike Fighter, AA-1, in the paint facility at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas, facility on July 5, 2006, two days before it was formally unveiled publicly to dignitaries and media on July 7, when it was also officially named Lightning II by USAF Chief of Staff General T Michael Moseley.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Выкатка первого F-35A 7 июля 2006 г.
Air International 2007-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
As this issue closed for press, maiden flight of the first production Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, AA-1, was imminent. The aircraft has been undergoing final checks at Fort Worth, Texas, and is seen here on the runway at NAS Forth Worth during the first low-speed taxi tests on December 7, 2006, in the hands of F-35 Chief Pilot Jon Beesley. This was the first time that the aircraft had moved under its own power, the F-35 travelling at up to 30kts to test various systems, including brakes and nosewheel steering. Weather permitting, medium-speed taxi tests at 65kts and 85kts will come next, prior to the first flight.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2015-05 / А.Фирсов - "Кречет" рвется в небо
Joint Strike Fighter поднялся в воздух. 15 декабря 2006г.: в Форт-Уорте, Техас, взлетел первый самолет Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) - прототип будущего истребителя для ВВС многих стран НАТО. Первым из истребителей пятого поколения фирмы "Lockheed-Martin" стал самолет F-35A Lightning II (AA-1) - вариант JSF, предназначенный для ВВС США. С первым его полетом началась программа испытаний, названная "самой всесторонней в истории авиации". Самолет-невидимка F-35 предназначался для замены машин F-16, Harrier, A-10 и старых версий F/A-18 Hornet. Летчиком-испытателем в историческом полете был Джон Бисли. Он заявил: "Lightning II летает прекрасно. Это отличное начало программы летных испытаний и заслуга людей, интенсивно работавших, чтобы добиться этого". Оснащенный турбовентиляторным двигателем Pratt & Whitney F135 самолет F-35 поднялся на высоту 4572 м, затем выполнил ряд маневров для проверки управляемости и функционирования силовой установки. Lightning II сопровождали истребители F-16 и F/A-18. К моменту первого полета в программе JSF участвовали КМП, ВВС и ВМФ США, а также ВВС и ВМФ Британии. Все вместе они планируют приобрести 2581 такой самолет. С этой программой сотрудничают Австралия, Канада, Дания, Италия, Нидерланды, Норвегия и Турция. После обычной версии JSF должен появиться вариант F-35B с коротким разбегом и вертикальной посадкой (КВВП), а также палубный вариант F-35C (CV) для ВМФ США.
Air International 2008-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Lockheed Martin's first F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, AA-1, gets airborne from Fort Worth, Texas, on December 7, 2007 for its 20th flight. This was its first sortie since last May, when an electrical problem cut short its 19th flight and led to the aircraft being grounded.
Авиация и Время 2007-01
Первый серийный экземпляр истребителя F-35 Lightning II
Despite the lack of potential enemy next generation fighters being developed that could seriously threaten current US fighters, huge sums of money have, and are, being spent on the F-22 and F-35. The author argues that other areas of the USAF's inventory are in more need of upgrade or replacement. -
Мировая Авиация 178
По флагам различных стран мира, изображенным на воздухозаборнике F-35A, можно заключить, что программа JSF является международной. Несколько стран инвестировали немалые суммы в разработку самолета.
Мировая Авиация 93
На F-35 используются последние достижения технологии систем управления, в том числе система рулевых электроприводов, где традиционное гидравлическое управление поверхностями заменено электрическим. Это позволило снизить массу, сэкономить средства и облегчить обслуживание.
Следом за первым опытным F-35A, AA-1,к программе испытаний в период до 2011 года присоединились 13 других F-35 - четыре F-35A (AF-1 - AF-4), пять F-35B (BF-1 - BF-5) и четыре F-35C (CF-1 - CF-4). -
Air International 2007-07 / D.Willis - Global Fighter Market /Military/ (1)
Because it is significantly different to the production standard aircraft, the F-35A has been described as a 'pathfinder' for design, manufacturing and testing of the 14 flight test aircraft that will follow.
Air International 2007-02 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
The first Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, AA-1, took to the air for its maiden flight on December 15, 2006. The aircraft is seen here during its second flight on January 8, when the undercarriage was retracted for the first time.
Air International 2008-03 / B.Walters - Tomorrow's Top Ten /Industry/
Разработка двигателя P&W F135 для истребителя F-35 осуществлялась на базе двигателя F119, установленного на истребителе F-22 Raptor. Двигатель развивает максимальную форсированную тягу 191,26 кН. Для разных модификаций самолета предусмотрены отдельные модификации двигателя.
By designing three variants of the F-35 Joint strike Fighter Lockheed Martin intends to disprove the old adage 'Jack of all trades, master of none’. Among the aircraft that it will replace are: F-16 and A-10 (F-35A); F/A-18B/C, AV-8B and GR.7/9(F-35B); F/A-18B/C (F-35C). -
Air International 2012-06 / C.Kjelgaard - Making Future Aircraft /Technology/
One of the early benefactors of FAP may be the F-35 Lightning II. Although Lockheed Martin has not committed to using EFB3 technology in the aircraft's construction, the process is under consideration.
Мировая Авиация 251
С данного ракурса F-35 во многом напоминает F-22. Обратите внимание на характерные зазубренные кромки различных лючков и других элементов конструкции самолета - они выполнены в рамках концепции стелс.
Авиация и Время 2008-02
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956
Мировая Авиация 251
После того, как в сентябре 2006 года на F-35 были проведены гонки двигателя F135, 15 декабря 2006 года первый опытный F-35A (AA-1) совершил свой первый полет. После полета старший летчик-испытатель «Lockheed Martin» Джон Бисли отметил, что его впечатлила мощь силовой установки.
Air International 2008-11 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
F-35 Test Pilot Jeff Knowles brings F-35A AA-1 down on to the runway at Edwards AFB, California, on October 1, 2008.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
AF-01 sits in the hangar at Edwards in between test flights.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
The Dutch team within the F-35 ITF at Edwards AFB pose for the camera in front of F-35A AF-01 with US Air Force test pilot Maj Steven 'Whitey' Speares (centre). From left to right, he is flanked by Sgt Mark Theihzen (avionics specialist), Nancy Bradshaw (FTE), Maj Bernard 'Bernie' Buijs (FTE) and Sgt Anno Visser (crew chief).
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
US Air Force Maj Steven 'Whitey' Speares became the 20th F-35 pilot on April 22, 2011.
Air International 2011-09 / News
The six F-35As assigned to the 416th Flight Test Squadron at Edwards AFB, California. AF-04 (fourth along) suffered a failure of its IPP on August 2, 2011 that grounded the fleet.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
F-35A Lightning II AF-01 on the flight test ramp at Edwards AFB, California.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
The flags of all nine nations involved in the F-35 Integrated Test Force are displayed on the intake of AF-01, seen taxiing at Edwards AFB at the start of another test flight.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
F-35A AF-01 over Edwards AFB.
Мировая Авиация 175
Ожидается, что F-35 Lightning II станет первым созданным по стелс-технологиям боевым самолетом, который поступит в массовое производство. Программа F-35 считается самой дорогостоящей в истории.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
AF-01 achieved the F-35's maximum design limit speed of Mach 1.6 for the first time on October 25, 2011.
Air International 2013-08 / R.Niccoli - Working for the Future /Military/
Italy is due to receive 60 F-35A Lightning IIs.
Air International 2022-05 / T.Fish - Staying grounded
In October 2016, an F-35A conventional take-off and landing aircraft completed the first in-flight weapons release of a 2,000lb Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) from a fifth-generation fighter. The F-35A is vital to future air warfare with its ability to penetrate a contested Anti-Access Area Denial air domain and conduct suppression of enemy air defence operations, destroying ground targets with various guided munitions
Air International 2018-01 / D.Isby - US combat air power today and beyond /Military/
F-35A test aircraft AF-01 loaded with four 2,000lb GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munitions on a September 27, 2016 loads-flutter test flight from Edwards Air Force Base, California. This was the first flight with externally loaded GBU-31s.
Air International 2013-07 / News
Пробный неуправляемый пуск ракеты AIM-120
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lighting II AF-01 flown by Lt Col George ‘Boxer’ Schwartz, the F-35 Integrated Test Force director, completed the first in-flight missile launch on June 5, 2013. The aircraft fired an instrumented AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) within the Point Mugu Sea Test Range over the Pacific Ocean. This was the first time the aircraft had demonstrated a launch-to-eject communications sequence and ignited the weapon's rocket motor. An AIM-120 was first 'dropped' from the F-35A on October 19, 2012, during a separation trial, but its rocket was not fired. The latest trial was undertaken as part of the aircraft's Block 2B software tests prior to its service introduction later this year. -
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
F-35A AF-01 and 412th Test Wing NKC-135R 61-0320 conduct air-refuelling during a test mission from Edwards AFB near the Sierra Nevada mountains in California.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
Accompanied by an F-16 chase plane, AF-01 approaches the runway at Edwards.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16B/D Fighting Falcon - США - 1977
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
Clearly visible on the inside of AF-02's left tail are the strain gauges wired to the instrumentation systems, to measure the loads acting on the vertical stabiliser.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
F-35A ВВС США ведёт огонь из 25-мм пушки на испытаниях в феврале 2019 г. Точность огня оказалась ниже требуемой.
F-35A System Development and Demonstration aircraft AF-02 during the first airborne gun bursts. -
Air International 2013-08 / R.Niccoli - Working for the Future /Military/
The F-35 is the most important acquisition programme for the Italian Air Force, which is due to acquire 60 F-35As and 15 F-35Bs.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
F-35A AF-03 undertakes air-refuelling with the 412th Test Wng's NKC-135R 61-0320.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
Taking off from Edwards, AF-04 demonstrates that the jet's nose wheel is tucked away in the wheel bay well before the main gear is retracted.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
The 'bulges’ seen in front of the stabilisers and underneath the fuselage of AF-04 are AME-3 devices that increase the radar cross section (RCS), and therefore enable radars to track the aircraft during test and training flights.
Air International 2013-03 / D.Isby - Stealth Struggles /Military/
F-35A AF-04 with an emergency spin chute installed during a high angle of attack test flight from Edwards AFB, California on November 3, 2012.
Air International 2021-04 / News: Commercial, Military
New US Air Force F-35A Lightning II 18-5379 ‘AK’ (c/n AF-270) prepares for its first air-to-air refuelling from a KC-135R Stratotanker of the 465th Air Refueling Squadron from Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, on February 24, 2021. The operation took place while the F-35A was undertaking a pre-delivery Defense Contract Management Agency flight test from Fort Worth, Texas. The aircraft made its maiden flight on January 25 and was one of three delivered to the 354th Fighter Wing/356th Fighter Squadron ‘Green Demons’ at Eielson AFB in Alaska, on March 3. The other two were 18-5365 ‘AK’ and 18-5380 ‘AK’
Air International 2023-04 / C.Clark - All-Stealth Air Force
The USAF has outlined plans to acquire 2,456 F-35As in total, but it remains unclear as to how many of these will actually be procured
Air International 2021-06 / News: Commercial, Military
One of the first two F-35A Lighting Ils to be assigned to the 355th Fighter Squadron, serial number 19-5536 ‘AK,’ taxis in after arriving at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, on April 29, 2021
Air International 2021-01 / M.Ellis - Fresh Lightnings at Fort Worth
The F-35A 18-5373 prepares to depart NAS Fort Worth JRB for a test flight, as ‘Strike 91’ on November 10, 2020. Wearing the markings of the 354th FW/356th FS, it was due to be delivered to Eielson AFB in Alaska by the end of December
Air International 2014-01 / D.Isby - F-35 Lightning II /Military/
F-35A 07-0744/‘ED’ is marked with the number plate of the 461 st Flight Test Squadron on its tail fins. The aircraft is seen over one of the Edwards AFB ranges during a test flight.
Air International 2013-12 / News
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II 07-0744/‘ED’ (b/n AF-6) of the 461st Flight Test Squadron, 412th Test Wing, completed the first live-fire launch of a guided air-to-air missile over a military test range off the Californian coast on October 30, 2013. Operating from the unit’s base at Edwards AFB, California, the jet launched an AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM).
Air International 2016-10 / Airscene
F-35A 07-0744/ED (c/n AF-06) drops an inert GBU-39/A Small Diameter Bomb air-to-surface glide weapon, over the White Sands Missile Range, during the recent weapons release surge staged from Edwards.
Air International 2016-10 / Airscene
F-35A 07-0744/ED (c/n AF-06) drops two GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munitions, one instrumented test article (lower) and one inert (upper), over China Lake Weapon Impact Range, California. This was the first of 25 weapon releases conducted using Block 3F software during the month-long surge.
Air International 2012-01 / News
Lockheed Martin F-35A ... stranded
Air International 2011-06 / C.Kjelgaard - F136, the F-35's Alternative Engine /Technology/
Designed for the F-35, the F136 engine has not flown on an F-35.
Air International 2011-04 / News
F-35A 07-0744 (AF-6) is seen making its maiden flight at Fort Worth, Texas, on February 25, 2011. The aircraft was the first one of the two LRIP Lot I F-35As for the USAF.
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
F-35A 08-0747/'EG' over the beach at Destin, Florida near Eglin AFB on July 14, 2011 following its delivery flight from Fort Worth.
Мировая Авиация 196
Существуют три базовые модификации F-35: F-35A (на снимке) - вариант для ВВС США, КМП должен получить самолеты с укороченным взлетом и вертикальной посадкой - STOVL F-35B, а палубный F-35C с увеличенным крылом должен поступить как в КМП, так и в ВМС. Все зарубежные покупатели заказали F-35A, за исключением Израиля (желающего получить уникальный вариант F-35I), ВМС Италии (F-35B) и Великобритании (F-35C).
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
Another F-35A destined for the 33rd FW is 08-0750 (AF-12) seen departing Fort Worth on a functional check flight.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
F-35A 07-0745/'EG' is one of two aircraft built under the LRIP 1 contract and will eventually be delivered to Eglin AFB in Florida for use by the 33rd FW.
Air International 2011-12 / News
Two F-35A CTOL variants were delivered to the 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin AFB, Florida in October. F-35A 08-0750/'EG‘ (AF-12) flown by Lt Col Eric Smith touched down at 4:03pm Central Daylight Time on October 19, 2011 followed by 08-0751/'EG’ (AF-13) at 11:44am on October 26 flown by US Marine Corps' pilot, Maj Joseph Bachmann. These were the fifth and sixth F-35As delivered to Eglin.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2014-11 / В.Ильин - Истребитель F-22A "Рэптор" /Зарубежные ВВС/ (5)
F-22 и F-35
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-22 Raptor - США - 1990
Air International 2015-07 / F-22 Raptor: America's superfighter
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-22 Raptor - США - 1990
Авиация и Космонавтика 2014-11 / В.Ильин - Истребитель F-22A "Рэптор" /Зарубежные ВВС/ (5)
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-22 Raptor - США - 1990
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
Eglin bound. F-35A 08-0747/’EG' in formation with an F-16C over the beach at Destin near Eglin on July 14, 2011 on its delivery flight to the 33rd FW.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
On July 14, 2011 the first for the 33rd FW, F-35A 08-0747, arrived at Eglin AFB in formation with two F-16s.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974General Dynamics F-16B/D Fighting Falcon - США - 1977
Air International 2017-07 / M.Ayton - Stretching Legs /Military/
Formation shot of each type of aircraft participating in Exercise Atlantic Challenge 2017.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dassault Rafale - Франция - 1986Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994Lockheed F-22 Raptor - США - 1990McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle - США - 1986Northrop T-38 Talon - США - 1959
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
F-35A 08-0746/'EG' has tail markings for the 58th Fighter Squadron.
Air International 2015-01 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Dutch Gorillas /Military/
A bi-lateral agreement on the use of each other's jet permits Dutch pilots to fly in US F-35As during their training at Eglin, while US Air Force pilots are allowed to fly the RNLAF jets.
Air International 2011-06 / News
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II 07-0745 (AF-7) became the first to be delivered to the US Air Force on May 6, 2011, when it arrived at Edwards AFB, California. It was formally accepted into the US Air Force inventory the previous day. It was joined by 07-0744 (AF-6) at Edwards on May 13. Test pilot Bill Gigliotti completed the maiden flight of F-35A 08-0746 (AF-8) from Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas, on May 6 - it is seen here landing after the sortie. The aircraft wears tail markings for the 58th Fighter Squadron, 33rd Fighter Wing, based at Eglin AFB, Florida, and will be the first delivered to the base. The wing will act as the training centre for aircrews destined to fly the aircraft from all three US services.
Air International 2011-12 / News
Two F-35A CTOL variants were delivered to the 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin AFB, Florida in October. F-35A 08-0750/'EG‘ (AF-12) flown by Lt Col Eric Smith touched down at 4:03pm Central Daylight Time on October 19, 2011 followed by 08-0751/'EG’ (AF-13) at 11:44am on October 26 flown by US Marine Corps' pilot, Maj Joseph Bachmann. These were the fifth and sixth F-35As delivered to Eglin.
Air International 2016-09 / Western Fighters
58th Fighter Squadron F-35A 11-5023/EG and 11-5024/EG taxi to runway 30.
Air International 2016-09 / Western Fighters
A crew chief signals to the pilot as the aircraft emerges from one of the sun shelters used by the 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin Air Force Base.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
F-35A из 58-й иаэ, разбившийся 19 мая 2020 г.
Air International 2015-01 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Dutch Gorillas /Military/
A 58th FS F-35A about to emerge from its sun shelter on Eglin's flight line at the start of another training sortie.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-07 / С.Дроздов - В небе Эстонии
В апреле 2017 года авиабазу Эмари посетила пара F-35
Air International 2019-08 / R.Yanez, A.Rodriguez - Generation integration /Military/
F-35A 17-5239/HL takes off from Albacete's runway 27 for a combat search and rescue mission. By 2020, participation of fifth-generation F-35s in combined air operations will be common during TLP courses.
Air International 2019-08 / R.Yanez, A.Rodriguez - Generation integration /Military/
TLP's current priority is to integrate fourth- and fifth-generation aircraft to meet the training requirements of their pilots. US Air Force F-35A Lightning IIs participated in one of the 12 missions of TLP course 19-2.
Air International 2021-08 / News: Commercial, Military
The F-35 has a formidable record of success in the procurement programmes in which it has competed
Air International 2022-09 / News
A USAF F-35A of the 4th FS
Air International 2023-01 / P.Roegies, B.Gorski, J.van Toor - Garudas Growling
Twelve F-35A Lightning II aircraft from the 34th Fighter Squadron were deployed to Spangdahlem
Air International 2016-04 / News
Pilots assigned to the 34th and 466th Fighter Squadrons dropped inert 500 lb GBU-12 laser-guided bombs from the F-35A Lightning II on the Utah Test and Training Range during the last week of February 2016. The squadrons are assigned to the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings respectively, the first units working up to combat-coded status with the F-35A. The weapon drops were the first undertaken by an F-35A combat unit.
Air International 2017-11 / D.Isby - F-35 Lightning II Starting Worldwide Sustainment /Military/
F-35A Lightning II 12-5091/HL from the 388th Fighter Wing drops an inert 2,000 lb GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munition over the Utah Test and Training Range during Combat Hammer, Air Combat Command’s air-to-ground Weapon System Evaluation Program.
Air International 2017-11 / D.Isby - F-35 Lightning II Starting Worldwide Sustainment /Military/
F-35A Lightning II 14-5106/HL from the 388th Fighter Wing fires an inert AIM-120C-7 missile at the Utah Test and Training Range during Combat Archer, Air Combat Command’s air-to-air Weapon System Evaluation Program.
Air International 2020-10 / News: Commercial, Military
US Air Force F-35A Lightning II 15-5188 'HL' from the 388th Fighter Wing (Hill Air Force Base, Utah) and F-16C 86-0268 'AK' assigned to the 18th Aggressor Squadron (Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska) fly over Denali National Park, Alaska, on August 17, 2020, during a Red Flag-Alaska (RF-A) 20-3 mission. This was the first time F-35As had participated in RF-A, which also included examples from the 354th Fighter Wing/356th Fighter Squadron at Eielson after receiving its first two F-35As in April
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Air International 2022-01 / R.Thomas - Retaining the Combat Edge
More than 1,700 F-35A aircraft are purportedly planned to be acquired for the USAF over the lifetime of the programme, however, it is likely that this figure will be reduced
Air International 2018-04 / D.Isby - It rocks! F-35's game-changing capabilities and costly challenges /Military/
Two US Air Force F-35A Lightning IIs, assigned to the 4th Fighter Squadron from Hill Air Force Base, Utah, conduct flight training operations over the Utah Test and Training Range.
Air International 2021-08 / R.Thomas - Decision time
A 2020 notice by the US DSCA of the possible Foreign Military Sale of the F-35 to Finland included a range of munitions and other equipment
Air International 2020-06 / K.Chapman - Poland's New Look
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning Ils from Hill Air Force Base fly in formation over the Utah Test and Training Range in 2017. The Polish Air Force will begin receiving its own examples from 2024.
Air International 2019-08 / R.Yanez, A.Rodriguez - Generation integration /Military/
Both of F-35As, home-based at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, flew to Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany after participating in a single TLP mission on June 11, 2019.
Air International 2017-03 / N.Graf - F-35A Red Flag Debut /Military/
F-35A Lightning II 13-5072/HL (c/n AF-78), with tail markings for the 388th Fighter Wing commander undergoing flight line maintenance at Nellis Air Force Base on January 24, 2017.
Air International 2018-09 / Airscene
An autonomous air-to-air collision avoidance system is being considered for prioritization among potential upgrades to Lockheed Martin F-35 fighters. This would upgrade the F-35's current Manual Ground Collision Avoidance System (MGCAS), which requires pilot recovery action, and provides a capability to recover even when a pilot is incapacitated. This is similar to the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto-GCAS) that is being fitted to Lockheed Martin F-16C and F-16D fighters and is to be fitted to F-35s starting in 2019.
Air International 2019-04 / C.Kjelgaard - GE Aviation's future fighter engine /Technology/
The US Air Force Life Cycle Management Center has specified that the GE Aviation XA100 and Pratt & Whitney XA101 must fit in the space within the F-35 currently occupied by the F135 turbofan engine.
Air International 2018-11 / C.Kjelgaard - Adaptive-cycle fan engines /Technology/
Captain Andrew Olson, F-35 Heritage Flight Team pilot and commander, performs a high-speed pass with the afterburner of the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine engaged. The vapour cone shrouding the aircraft is a cloud of condensed water which forms around the aircraft when flying at transonic speed through moist air.
Air International 2014-04 / News
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II 11-5030/‘LF’ (b/n AF-41), escorted by F-16C Fighting Falcon 84-1297 during its delivery flight to Luke AFB, Arizona, from Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas, on March 10, 2014.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Авиация и Космонавтика 2019-01 / Ю.Кузьмин - Воздушная мощь США сегодня
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-22 Raptor - США - 1990
Авиация и Космонавтика 2016-09 / Е.Казеннов - В небе Британии
Другие самолёты на фотографии: North American P-51D Mustang - США - 1944
Air International 2021-01 / M.Ellis - Fresh Lightnings at Fort Worth
This F-35A 18-5420/’LF’ is destined for the 56th Fighter Wing/62nd Fighter Squadron at Luke AFB, Arizona, and was temporarily loaned to Lockheed Martin on November 10, 2020 for chase duties, using the callsign ‘Lightning 12’. For maiden flights, two F-35s will launch with the second aircraft acting as chase. This has been caused by withdrawal of the two Lockheed Martin F-16s that had been used for chase duties
Air International 2017-09 / Airscene
Two F-35As from the 56th Fighter Wing based at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona made the type's debut participation in Sentry Eagle.
Air International 2014-02 / News
Lockheed Martin F-35A 11-5030 is the 100th Lightning II; it is seen on approach to Runway 17 at NAS Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas on December 15, 2013.
Air International 2016-08 / Airscene
Just over 24 hours after the arrival of three F-35Bs at RAF Fairford three more F-35s arrived at Fairford on June 29, 2016. Assigned to the 56th Fighter Wing based at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, F-35A 12-5042/LF touched down on runway 09 at 2025hrs to become the first A-model aircraft to land in the UK. The three F-35As were flown to the UK to participate in the Royal International Air Tattoo at Fairford.
Air International 2015-09 / News
US Air Force Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II 13-5068/‘LF’ touches down at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, on August 10, 2015 following its delivery flight from the factory at Fort Worth, Texas, with 13-5065/‘LF’. These are the first two F-35As for the 62nd Fighter Squadron ‘Spikes', which currently flies the F-16C and F-16D, but is now re-equipping with the F-35A as the second training unit at the base after the 61st FS. The squadron will take delivery of 18 F-35As over the next year and begin training the first class of students in March 2016. The unit will include pilots and aircraft from partner nations Italy and Norway.
Air International 2020-05 / J.Hunter - HX Fighter
An F-35A Lightning II at Dover AFB, Delaware, on February 18, 2020, on the way back home after the HX Challenge.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - Red Flag's big shift /Military/
Members of the 62nd Fighter Squadron from Luke Air Force Base Arizona pose for a group photo at Nellis on March 9, 2019 during Red Flag 19-2. The team included Italian, Norwegian and US personnel.
Air International 2013-04 / News
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II 10-5009/'0T' taxies at Nellis AFB, Nevada, after arriving on March 6, 2013, one of the two assigned to the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron (TES) delivered that day. They are the first of 12 to be delivered to the unit for operational testing, which will be conducted under the control of the 53rd Test and Evaluation Group at Nellis and at Edwards AFB, California. The last of six aircraft for the 31st TES at Edwards are due to be delivered in the summer.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2016-03 / М.Никольский - Частные "агрессоры" (1)
Сегодня компания «Дракен» задействована в процессе боевой подготовки пилотов ВВС США
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk - США - 1954
Air International 2020-05 / News: Commercial, Military
The 500th F-35 Lightning II - serial 18-5343 (c/n AF-234) - takes off from Lockheed Martin's factory in Fort Worth, Texas.
Air International 2020-12 / I.Voukadinov - A fistful of fighters
An F-35A Lightning II, assigned to the 158th Fighter Wing, Vermont Air National Guard, takes off from Volk Field Air National Guard Base, Wisconsin, during Exercise Northern Lightning
Air International 2020-12 / I.Voukadinov - A fistful of fighters
With contrails coming off the wings, a Vermont ANG pilot breaks his F-35A into the circuit to land
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Vermont Air National Guard's 158th Fighter Wing is the latest Air Force unit to transition to the F-35A Lightning II.
Air International 2023-02 / News
US Air Force F-35A Lightning II 11-5021 ‘WA’/’65 AGRS'
Air International 2015-03 / News
US Air Force F-35A Lightning II 12-5049/‘WA and 16WPS’ (AF-60) departs Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada on February 12, 2015.
Air International 2016-09 / Western Fighters
This shot shows the serrated panels on the forward fuselage, the faceted window assembly of the AAQ-40 Electro-Optical Targeting System and the fuselage form at the engine inlet.
Air International 2015-04 / News
The F-35 Integrated Test Force is conducting final weapons separation tests for the Block 2B software using all three variants of the JSF. F-35A AF-04 is shown taking off from Edwards Air Force Base in California loaded with four 500 lb GBU-12 laser-guided bombs and two AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2024-02 / М.Никольский - Реорганизация ВВС США и бюджет ВВС на 2024 г.
Многоцелевой истребитель F-35A «Лайтнинг» II
Air International 2016-07 / Airscene
Pratt & Whitney says its F135 development initiative will offer a 7% to 10% increase in thrust.
Air International 2017-09 / D.Isby - F-35s, UAVs and Sensors /Military/
As the F-35 Lightning II continues to assume more operational tasking, operators are becoming ever familiar with its ISR capabilities provided by sensors like the APG-81 AESA radar, AAQ-37 Distributed Aperture System, AAQ-40 Electro-Optical Targeting System and the ASQ-239 Barracuda electronic warfare suite.
Air International 2022-01 / R.Thomas - Retaining the Combat Edge
The F-35A - one variant of a three-type design that encompasses the most expensive military development effort of all time - is a key element of the USAF's future fleet
Air International 2020-06 / J.Hunter - Canada Zeroes in on a New Fighter
Canada has long flirted with the F-35A, many seeing it as a leading contender despite only having a single engine.
Air International 2022-02 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
The F-35 fighter contains advanced integrated electronic warfare and sensor capabilities, considered to be a key advantage in the current battlespace
Air International 2013-07 / News
Australia has ordered two F-35A Lightning IIs and committed to 14 aircraft.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Vapour and vortices swirl around the top of an F-35A during a high-performance demonstration.
Air International 2018-11 / C.Kjelgaard - Adaptive-cycle fan engines /Technology/
Captain Andrew Olson, F-35 Heritage Flight Team commander and pilot pulls a tactical pitch in an F-35A Lightning II using the immense power of the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2023-10 / М.Никольский - Новые реалии войны в воздухе
Более легкий F-35 имеет лишь два не очень «глубоких» ракетоотсека. С подвеской вооружения на внешних пилонах он перестает быть «малозаметным»
Авиация и Космонавтика 2015-11 / А.Фирсов - "Лайтнинг" II - Боеготовность достигнута?
F-35A с полным комплектом вооружения
Air International 2022-01 / R.Thomas - Retaining the Combat Edge
Lockheed Martin's F-35 programme is the most expensive (or lucrative) defence endeavour of all time and will be the backbone of US combat air power for the next generation
Авиация и Космонавтика 2015-05 / А.Фирсов - "Кречет" рвется в небо
Вихреобразование с воздухозаборника на F-35 носит более турбулентный характер
Air International 2023-03 / News
A USAF F-35A at an air show in Canada
Air International 2016-09 / Airscene
F-35A Lightning II aircraft receive fuel from a KC-10 Extender on their return to the United States after participating in the Royal International Air Tattoo and Farnborough International.
Air International 2019-02 / D.Isby - America's F-35s: flying and deploying /Military/
F-35A Lightning IIs assigned to the 388th Fighter Wing over the Utah Test and Training Range on November 19, 2018, during a combat power exercise aimed at verifying the wing's ability to quickly employ a large force of jets against air and ground targets.
Air International 2017-07 / M.Ayton - Stretching Legs /Military/
The lead aircraft in a flight of four F-35A Lightning lls turns in to the pattern at Langley
Air International 2022-06 / T.Fish - Adapt and overcome
F-35 Lightning IIs from Hill Air Force Base, Utah, flying in formation during training on May 2, 2017. The aircraft will receive a Block 4 TR3 that will see an upgrade in hardware and software to improve their processing capability, display units and memory. However, this programme is expected to be far more costly than anticipated
Авиация и Космонавтика 2024-02 / М.Никольский - "Верный ведомый". Или уже "ведущий"?
БПЛА XQ-58A «Валькирия» в сопровождении истребителей F-22A и F-35A
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Kratos XQ-58 Valkyrie - США - 2019Lockheed F-22 Raptor - США - 1990
Air International 2022-03 / K.Chapman - Raptor regen
The USAF demonstrated the MUM-T data-sharing capabilities of its gatewayONE payload during a series of test flights that culminated on December 9, 2020. On that day, a USAF-operated F-22A Raptor and F-35A Lightning II flew in formation with a Kratos Defense XQ-58A Valkyrie unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) from the Air Force Research Laboratory for the first time
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Kratos XQ-58 Valkyrie - США - 2019Lockheed F-22 Raptor - США - 1990
Air International 2021-09 / R.Thomas - From Talon to Red Hawk
The USAF operates - nearly exclusively - twin-fin jet fighters such as the F-35 and F-15 types
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle - США - 1986
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-11 / М.Никольский - Настоящие штурмовики сегодня
Совместное маневрирование самолетов A-10 и F-35
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fairchild-Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - США - 1972
Air International 2023-04 / C.Clark - All-Stealth Air Force
An F-35A from Hill AFB, Utah, prepares to be refuelled over North America as it transits to RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk on April 15, 2017. As the USAF’s first multi-role stealth fighter, the F-35A brings some truly advanced capabilities to the table through a combination of its low-observable design, sensor fusion and network connectivity
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Дозаправка F-35A 4-й иаэ ВВС США над Афганистаном
Air International 2016-09 / Western Fighters
An Eglin Air Force Base F-35A Lightning II receives fuel from a KC-135R Stratotanker over the Gulf of Mexico on March 2,2016, following the 58th Fighter Squadron's first successful munition employment at a nearby range.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956
Air International 2019-06 / News by countries
A KC-10 Extender refuels an F-35A Lightning II on April 30, 2019, the day the US Air Force F-35A weapon system made its first combat strike.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender - США - 1981
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
An F-35A breaks away from the tanker during Exercise Agile Lightning.
Air International 2017-07 / M.Ayton - Stretching Legs /Military/
Six F-35A Lightning IIs assigned to the 58th Fighter Squadron based at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida made the type’s debut in Exercise Atlantic Trident 2017.
Air International 2016-10 / Airscene
The 100th US Air Force F-35A lands at Luke AFB Arizona, on August 26, 2016.
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
Samuel King Jr/US Air Force 3 F-35A 08-0746 taxies to parking at Eglin on July 20, 2011.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
33rd Fighter Wing F-35As at Volk Field, Wisconsing during Northern Lightning 2019.
Air International 2015-01 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Dutch Gorillas /Military/
Top: Once the RNLAF detachment moves to Edwards Air Force Base, it will lose the support of Lockheed Martin technicians during day-to-day operations. Bottom: Assisted by an US Air Force crew chief, Col Bert de Smit on walk-around prior to a mission in a 58th Fighter Squadron F-35A.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - Red Flag's big shift /Military/
A crew chief, assigned to the 4th Aircraft Maintenance Unit, prepares to launch an F-35A Lightning Hat Nellis. The 4th Fighter Squadron and 4th Aircraft Maintenance Unit participated in Red Flag 19-1, the units first attendance to the exercise since transition to the F-35A.
Air International 2019-05 / News by countries
Crew chiefs conducting pre-flight checks on F-35A Lightning Ils at Nellis Air Force Base during Red Flag 19-1.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - Red Flag's big shift /Military/
A crew chief, assigned to the 4th Aircraft Maintenance Unit, launches an F-35A Lightning II at Nellis.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - Red Flag's big shift /Military/
F-35A Lightning II fighter jets assigned to the 388th Fighter Wing's 4th Fighter Squadron on the Nellis flight-line during Red Flag 19-1 where the 388th served as lead wing for the exercise.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - Red Flag's big shift /Military/
Crew chiefs assigned to the 4th Aircraft Maintenance Unit prepare to launch F-35A Lightning II fighter jets during Red Flag 19-1.
Air International 2017-09 / D.Isby - Air Force 2030 /Military/
A crew chief, marshals an F-35A Lightning II on the Nellis flight line. The fifth-generation fighter will still be in production in 2030 when it will be the backbone of the US Air Force fighter force.
Air International 2018-04 / D.Isby - It rocks! F-35's game-changing capabilities and costly challenges /Military/
F-35 Lightning IIs from the developmental test and operational test squadrons on the end of runway ramp at Edwards Air Force Base, California.
Air International 2020-12 / I.Voukadinov - A fistful of fighters
Pilots of five F-35A Lightning IIs from the Vermont ANG prepare to put their helmets on for another mission. The unit had a 'Wild Weasel' role
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
The first US Air Force F-35A combat sortie was flown from Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE on April 26, 2019.
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
Lt Col Eric Smith, 58th FS Director of Operations, talks with his commanders after piloting the first F-35A to Eglin AFB on July 14, 2011.
Air International 2016-09 / Western Fighters
This shot of an F-35 A parked in its sun shelter on the 33rd Fighter Wing's flight line provides some perspective of the size and actuator arrangement of the aircraft's horizontal stabilisers.
Air International 2019-03 / Airscene
Defence Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen during a briefing on the F-35A aircraft, by officers serving with the 56th Operation Group at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
Lt Col Eric Smith piloted the first F-35A on a delivery flight from Fort Worth, Texas to Eglin AFB, Florida on July 14, 2011.
Air International 2020-06 / K.Chapman - Poland's New Look
President of Poland Andrzej Duda speaks in front of a F-35A Lightning II during the signing ceremony on January 31, 2020.
Air International 2019-06 / News by countries
An F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 4th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron taxis at Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates.
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
TSgt Tim West marshals F-35A 08-0747 to parking at Eglin AFB on July 14, 2011.
Air International 2020-02 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
LOCKHEED MARTIN has received an engineering and manufacturing development contract for the integration ofa modernised GPS Spatial Temporal Anti-Jam Receiver (GSTAR) system for the F-35 Lightning II.
Air International 2018-10 / News by countries
The F-35 Lightning II has been designed from the outset to operate in the cyber domain, both offensively and defensively.
Air International 2016-08 / Airscene
F-35A Lightning II 13-5072/HL of the 34th Fighter Squadron at Mountain Home Air Force Base during a seven-aircraft deployment from its home base at Hill in June 2016.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Подготовка F-35A 4-й иаэ к вылету в Афганистан на а/б «Аль Джафра», май 2019 г.
Air International 2015-01 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Dutch Gorillas /Military/
One of the 58th Fighter Squadron F-35As at rest outside its sun shelter after a day's flying at Eglin.
Мировая Авиация 251
Внешние отличия между F-35 (на фотографии во время церемонии выкатки 19 февраля 2006 года в Форт-Уорте) и прототипом X-35 достаточно небольшие, хотя внутри они различаются весьма значительно.
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
F-35A 08-0746/'EG' getting 'chocked' for the first time at Eglin AFB on July 20, 2011.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
F-35A из состава 4-й иаз на авиабазе «Аль Джафра»
Air International 2023-03 / G.Keijsper - Weapons go fifth-gen
The loading of the F-35 weapon bays requires special ground equipment and careful operation by the ground crew. The loading here was in exercise Combat Hammer 2018 at Hill AFB
Air International 2017-04 / Airscene
A weapons load crew assigned to the 34th Aircraft Maintenance Unit based at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, loads a GBU-12 into an F-35A Lightning II.
Air International 2023-03 / G.Keijsper - Weapons go fifth-gen
The loading of the F-35 weapon bays requires special ground equipment and careful operation by the ground crew. The loading here was in exercise Combat Hammer 2018 at Hill AFB
Air International 2018-10 / News by countries
A Royal Australian Air Force F-35A Lightning II at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.
Air International 2014-09 / News
Australia's first F-35A A35-001/AU-01, painted with the markings of No.2 Operational Conversion Unit at the unveiling ceremony at Fort Worth on July 24, 2014.
Air International 2014-09 / News
The second F-35A for the RAAF, A35-002/AU-02, provided the back-drop for the VIP morning tea after the ceremony. The aircraft was also finished in the markings of No.2 Operational Conversion Unit.
Air International 2018-01 / News by countries
Australia's third F-35A Lightning II rolled off the assembly line at Lockheed Martin's production facility in Fort Worth, Texas, marking another major milestone in Australia's F-35A project.
Air International 2019-02 / Airscene
Royal Australian Air Force F-35A Lightning II A35-009 at RAAF Base Williamtown.
Air International 2019-04 / Airscene
F-35A Lightning II A35-009 is one of two assigned to RAAF Base Williamtown with the tail markings of 3 Squadron.
Air International 2021-01 / M.Ellis - Fresh Lightnings at Fort Worth
Pictured during its first flight on November 12, 2020 is Royal Australian Air Force F-35A A35-032 (MSN AU-32), bound for the 2nd Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) at RAAF Base Williamtown in New South Wales, Australia. The unit lost its F/A-18A/B Hornets in December 2019 and has been re-equipping with F-35As since early in 2020. Although not visible in this photo, the fighter (callsign ‘Strike 61’) carries the FMS serial no 18-5403 on the nose-wheel door.
Air International 2014-11 / News
Australia's first Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II A35-001 made its first flight from Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas, on its first flight on September 29, 2014. It wears the tail markings of No.2 Operational Conversion Unit.
Air International 2021-10 / N.Pittaway - Buyer's market
Lockheed Martin’s F-35 has achieved success in the Indo-Pacific region, where it is operated by Australia, Japan and South Korea, with Singapore to follow
Air International 2021-10 / N.Pittaway - Buyer's market
The Royal Australian Air Force was able to burn up the sky with its spirited F-35A Lightning II demo display powered by the enormously powerful Pratt & Whitney F135 turbofan generating 40,000lb of thrust.
The Royal Australian Air Force is acquiring 72 F-35As under various phases of its Air 6000 (New Air Combat Capability) programme. A decision on a further tranche of 18 aircraft to replace the RAAF’s Super Hornets is expected later in the decade -
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
The Royal Australian Air Force has a requirement for 72 F-35As, with 33 so far delivered, most if not all to the first unit - 3 Squadron at Williamtown
Air International 2017-06 / N.Pittaway - Waltzing Matilda /Military/
Australia’s first F-35A Lightning IIs, A35-001 and A35-002, fly in formation with No.2 Operational Conversion Unit F/A-18A Hornet displaying its 75th anniversary livery on transit to the Australian International air show in Avalon.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet - США - 1978
Air International 2019-02 / Airscene
Right echelon formation with F-35A A35-010 closest to the camera.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet - США - 1978McDonnell Douglas F/A-18B Hornet - США - 1979
Air International 2019-02 / Airscene
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet - США - 1978McDonnell Douglas F/A-18B Hornet - США - 1979
Air International 2019-02 / Airscene
Three F/A-18 Hornets lead the first two Royal Australian Air Force F-35A Lightning IIs, seen in this shot performing a stylish formation break.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet - США - 1978McDonnell Douglas F/A-18B Hornet - США - 1979
Air International 2023-01 / T.Fish - Keeping up the pace
RAAF F-35 Lightning II aircraft during Exercise Diamond Storm in June 2022, part of a series of exercises that form the Air Warfare Instructor Course (AWIC)
Air International 2015-11 / News
F-35A AF-04 plugged to the boom of KC-30A A39-001 during an air-refuelling flight test mission from Edwards Air Force Base on September 25, 2015.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - International - 2007
Air International 2019-02 / Airscene
A Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft refuels F-35A aircraft during their journey to Australia.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - International - 2007
Air International 2020-09 / News: Commercial, Military
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) F-35A Lightning II A35-029 landing at Fort Worth, Texas, following its maiden flight on July 30, 2020. The aircraft is the first to wear the markings of 75 Squadron, which will be the second operational RAAF F-35A unit
Air International 2016-06 / Airscene
The Royal Australian Air Force currently operates two F-35A Lightning IIs at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. Both aircraft are painted with tail markings for No.2 Operational Conversion Unit as shown on F-35A A35-002 seen at Luke.
Air International 2015-02 / News
Royal Australian Air Force F-35A Lightning II A35-001 (c/n AU-01) touches down at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, on December 22, 2014.
Air International 2018-12 / News by countries
Australia's tenth F-35A at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.
Air International 2013-12 / News
The first Lockheed Martin F-35A for the Royal Australian AU-1) is now in final assembly and due to be rolled out on July 1, 2014. AU-1 began the fuselage ‘mate’ process at Fort Worth, Texas, on October 7, 2013, marked by a ceremony attended by Head of New Air Combat Capability Air Vice-Marshal Kym Osley. The second aircraft (A35-2, AU-2) will be rolled out on August 1 and both will be delivered to Luke AFB, Arizona, in early 2015 to support pilot and maintenance training. Initial operating capability for the F-35A in Australia is set for late 2020, by which time the first of three F/A-18A/B Hornet squadrons, No.3 Squadron, will have completed conversion and been declared operational.
Air International 2019-03 / Airscene
The first operational F-35A Lightning to for the Royal Netherlands Air Force is rolled out at manufacturer Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth facility on January 31, 2019. The Dutch have ordered 37 of the type so far.
Air International 2023-01 / P.Roegies, B.Gorski, J.van Toor - Garudas Growling
During their deployment VAQ-134 conducted exercises and training with NATO partners, including with the F-35A Lightning IIs from the Royal Netherlands Air Force
Air International 2015-02 / News
Royal Netherlands Air Force F-35 A F-002 (AN-02, FMS serial 10-5019) was fully instrumented prior to delivery and is likely to stay in the US for future test programmes once initial operational test and evaluation at Edwards Air Force Base ends in 2019.
Air International 2015-01 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Dutch Gorillas /Military/
F-35A F-002 is one of two Lightning IIs acquired by the RNLAF for test purposes
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
Both Dutch F-35s seen on the flight line at Leeuwarden in the early twilight following their historic arrival on May 23, 2016.
Air International 2017-09 / K.van der Mark - Desert Training /Military/
Both Dutch F-35As seen taxiing at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma on February 17, 2017. Together with Marines, a small KLU detachment hot-pit refuelled the jets at this Arizona base.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
The first F-35A delivered to Leeuwarden Air Base in the Netherlands arrived on October 31, 2019.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Lieutenant Colonel Ian Knight makes a flypast in F-009 at Leeuwarden on October 31, 2019.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-10 / А.Фирсов - Красная черта для F-35
Второй F-35A из голландского заказа
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
Vapour cones around a Dutch F-35A during an air power demonstration at Leeuwarden air show on June 11, 2016. Formed of condensed water, vapour cones are formed when the pressure, density and temperature of the water vapour is suddenly increased across the stern shock wave in transonic flight.
Air International 2017-01 / Airscene
Dutch muscle. The test pilot of F-35A F-001 passes through the canyon with the afterburner engaged. Pratt & Whitney's F135-PW-100 axial-flow engine produces up to 43,000 lb (191.2kN) of thrust with the afterburner engaged.
Air International 2019-08 / Airscene
F-35A F-001 shows the weapon load carried during the long-range strike mission to the Cornfield range. Each weapons bay holds one captive carriage AIM-120C AMRAAM missile and one inert bomb; a GBU-49 (right) and a GBU-12 (left).
Air International 2017-01 / Airscene
Not an official milestone for the F-35 programme, but impressive nevertheless, was a two-ship formation seen flying through a canyon in southern California on December 3, 2016. Both aircraft, F-001 (c/n AN-01) and F-002 (c/n AN-02), are assigned to the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s 323 Test and Evaluation Squadron based at Edwards Air Force Base, California; one of five test units assigned to the JSF Operational Test Team.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Four generations of Dutch fighters; two British and two American. The Spitfire looks magnificent leading the formation.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974Hawker Hunter - Великобритания - 1951Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX / XVI - Великобритания - 1942
Air International 2019-08 / Airscene
The presence of the F-35s at Volkel Air Force Days made this unique formation possible. F-16AM J-642 carries special tail markings to celebrate 40 service years of the type within the KLu. Spitfire XVI TB885/G-CKUE recently started flying in the Netherlands.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX / XVI - Великобритания - 1942
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
The Leeuwarden deployment gave the Royal Netherlands Air Force the opportunity to fly combined missions with F-16s in the Netherlands for the first time, including these two Volkel-based F-16AMs.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
F-35A F-002 turns onto final approach as part of the perception flight in the early evening of May 26, 2016.
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
The base fire brigade welcomed the F-35s with a water curtain as they taxied to the Leeuwarden flight line.
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
F-35A F-002 parked in front of a hardened aircraft shelter at Leeuwarden in between missions.
Air International 2015-01 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Dutch Gorillas /Military/
Maj Laurens-Jan Vijge became the first Dutch pilot to fly the F-35A on December 18, 2013.
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
Colonel Bert de Smit is the commanding officer of the Royal Netherlands Air Force F-35
Air International 2020-07 / News: Commercial, Military
A Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) F-35A on the production line.
Air International 2012-05 / News
F-35A AN-1 being rolled out of the production facility at Fort Worth, Texas, on April 1, 2012.
Air International 2013-04 / News
AN02, the second Lockheed Martin F-35A Lighting II for the Koninklijke Luchtmacht (Royal Netherlands Air Force) was rolled out of the assembly facility at Fort Worth, Texas, on March 2, 2013. It is due to complete ground tests before making its first flight this summer. Like AN01 before it, the aircraft will be used for training and operational tests from Eglin AFB, Florida.
Air International 2015-04 / News
The first F-35 to be completed by the the Final Assembly and Check Out facility at Cameri, Italian Air Force F-35A AL-1, after roll-out from the production line on March 12, 2015.
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
Two F-35As assigned to 13° Gruppo undergo final checks before taxiing for a mission at Amendola Air Base.
Air International 2018-11 / News by countries
Italian built, Italian operated, F-35A MM7359/32-09 outside barn 15 at Amendola Air Base, home of 32 Stormo.
Air International 2019-01 / Airscene
F-35A MM7357/32-07 under armed guard at the media day organised for the TLP 2018-04 course at Amendola Air Base, Italy.
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
An F-35A taxis out from a shelter.
Air International 2021-06 / News: Commercial, Military
One of the four Italian Air Force F-35A Lightning Ils, MM7360 ‘32-10’ from 32° Stormo/13° Gruppo at Amendola-Foggia Air Base, alongside German Air Force Eurofighter 30+75 at Amari Air Base, Estonia, on May 4, 2021
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
This shot shows the squadron, wing and national insignia of an Italian F-35A.
Air International 2019-02 / R.Niccoli - Across generations /Military/
Crew chiefs wait alongside their respective F-35A while the pilots run through final system checks outside the barns at Amendola.
Air International 2019-01 / Airscene
F-35A MM7360/32-10 leads a Luftwaffe Tornado on take-off rom Amendola.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
Close-up front view of an F-35A with the nose-mounted window of the AAQ-40 Electro-Optical Targeting System.
Air International 2018-04 / News by countries
An Aeronautica Militare Italiano F-35A Lightning II in a purpose-built hangar at Amendola Air Base Italy.
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
Two F-35As taxiing at Amendola before an evening mission.
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
Take-off from Amendola made easy by the immense power generated by the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, the most powerful fighter engine ever developed, rated at 191.3kN with afterburner.
Air International 2017-08 / R.Niccoli - Centenari /Military/
F-35A MM.7337/32-13 (c/n AL-06) is the flagship of the 13° Gruppo, the first Aeronautics Militare Italians operational squadron to fly the type. This is the sixth F-35A Lighting II built by the FACO factory at Cameri.
Air International 2019-02 / R.Niccoli - Across generations /Military/
F-35A MM 7357/32-07 takes off from Amendola with afterburner engaged; 40,000lb of thrust generated by the Pratt & Whitney F135 turbofan engine.
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
Major Di Loreto holds the Italian flag aloft during his transatlantic flight in an F-35 on February 5, 2016.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Aeronautics Militaire F-35A MM7358/32-08 trails vortices during a mission over Iceland.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Italian F-35As over Iceland during the type's first NATO deployment in September 2019.
Air International 2017-08 / R.Niccoli - Centenari /Military/
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994
Air International 2016-03 / News
KC-767A MM.62228/14-03 transfers fuel to F-35A Lightning II MM.7332/32-01 during one of seven air refuelling brackets undertaken during 11 hours of flying between Cameri Air Base, Italy and Naval Air Station Patuxent River on February 5, 2016.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-767 / KC-46 Pegasus - США - 2005Eurofighter Typhoon T / TF-2000 - International - 1997
Air International 2016-03 / News
F-35A Lightning II MM.7332/32-01 in the pre-contact position behind KC-767A MM.62228/14-03 during the second leg of its historic trans-Atlantic flight to Naval Air Station Patuxent River on February 5, 2016.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-767 / KC-46 Pegasus - США - 2005
Air International 2017-02 / Airscene
Italy became the first country outside of the United States to receive operational F-35A Lightning IIs on home soil when two aircraft arrived at Amendola Air Base on December 12, 2016.
Air International 2015-10 / News
The first Italian F-35A Lightning II, MM7332/‘32-01' (c/n AL-01, US Air Force serial number 12-5062) on its maiden flight from Cameri, Italy.
Air International 2019-02 / R.Niccoli - Across generations /Military/
F-35A MM 7357/32-07 lands on Amendola's 8,700 feet runway 29 following a local mission.
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
Aircraft AL-01, piloted by Major Di Loreto, landing at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, on February 5, 2016.
Air International 2016-03 / News
Aeronautica Militare Italiana F-35A Lightning II, MM.7332/32-01 (c/n AL-01) touches down on runway 06 at Naval Air Station Patuxent River on February 5, 2016. This was the first time an F-35 assembled overseas had landed in the United States.
Air International 2017-08 / R.Niccoli - Centenari /Military/
Tail art created by 13° Gruppo to mark its 100th anniversary features the legend Don Quixote and the squadron badge. These markings were only applied to the port side of aircraft MM.7337/32-05 and MM.7357/32-07.
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
The first Italian Lightning II on the ramp at Lajes. Note the 13° Gruppo badge on the air intake: the squadron was re-activated on May 12, 2016 and will be the first Aeronautica Militare unit to operate the F-35A.
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
Major Di Loreto completes pre-flight checks to AL-01 at Lajes in preparation for the second leg of the transatlantic flight to Naval Air Station Patuxent River.
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
Pilot and crew chief during a simulated scramble. Italian F-35A Lightning Ils were first assigned to QRA duty on March 1, 2018.
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
Pilot and crew-chief during pre-flight checks.
Air International 2018-07 / R.Niccoli - Quinta generazione Italiana /Military/
A 13° Gruppo pilot signs paperwork for the crew chief after a mission. His flying suite - like the helmet - is specifically designed for the F-35.
Air International 2016-07 / R.Niccoli, K.van der Mark - Crossing the Pond /Military/
Major Di Loreto of the Aeronautica Militare taken post-flight, after his first flight in an F-35A.
Air International 2016-03 / News
Officers from the Aeronautica Militare Italiana F-35 program office with Major Gianmarco, the pilot who flew the F-35 Lightning II across the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.
Air International 2019-08 / Airscene
American, British and Italian airmen stand in front of their aircraft at Amendola Air Base, Italy on July 2, 2019.
Air International 2015-11 / News
Norway's second F-35A c/n AM-02 made the nation's first Lightning II flight from Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth on October 6, 2015.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Chief of the Royal Norwegian Air Force, Major General Tonje Skinnarland declared the Kongelige Norske Luftforsvaret's F-35A fleet operational on November 6, 2019.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Норвежские F-35A и B-1B ВВС США над Норвегией, 29 мая 2020 г. Фото министерства обороны Норвегии
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Rockwell B-1B Lancer - США - 1983
Air International 2022-02 / R.Thomas - Prime real estate
Norway took the move at the end of 2021 to retire its entire F-16 fleet from service, meaning that the newly acquired F-35 would be responsible for its future fixed-wing combat air requirements
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Норвежский F-35A приземляется на исландской а/б «Кефлавик», выпустив тормозной парашют
Air International 2018-01 / Airscene
Luftforsvaret pilots Stale Nymoen and Thomas Harlem walk from their aircraft, F-35As 5148 and 5150, to the reception ceremony after landing at Orland Main Air Station on November 10, 2017.
Air International 2020-03 / News: Commercial, Military
Three 116 Squadron-marked F-35I Adirs on the flight line.
Air International 2018-01 / Airscene
The F-35I Adir was declared with initial operational capability (IOC) by the Israel Air and Space Force on December 6, 2017. Israel is the first nation outside of the United States to declare the F-35 as IOC. Now equipped with nine F-35Is (six more will be delivered in the Spring of 2018), 140 'Golden Eagle' Squadron based at Nevatim Air Base spent 12-months working-up to an official inspection of all aspects required of a fighter squadron, everything from training to some elements of operational employment. The work-up was undertaken with the first five aircraft delivered to Israel. Further testing and development of tactics, techniques and procedures will continue.
Air International 2021-03 / D.Weinrich - The Eagles have landed
The new test F-35 for Manat, seen here visiting Tel Nof from Nevatim. The small dorsal fin may indicate this is the first F-35 built to interim F-35I standard
Air International 2017-01 / Airscene
The first two F-35I Adirs for the Israel Air Force, 901 (c/n AS-01) and 902 (c/n AS-02), arrived at Nevatim Air Base on December 12, 2016. Aircraft AS-02 completed its first flight on August 8, 2016 from Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth.
Air International 2017-01 / Airscene
Japan's second F-35A, 69-8702 (c/n AX-02) made its first flight from Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth on November 30, 2016. The aircraft will be delivered to Luke Air Force Base to join the international training programme.
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Japan has more F-35s on order than any other nation. The Japan Air Self Defense Force currently operates one squadron at Misawa Air Base in northern Honshu.
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
All four of the JASDF F-35As were delivered from Luke AFB to Misawa Air Base in Japan in March 2018. To date the JASDF has received 34 F-35s of 147 on order, which includes a requirement for 42 F-35Bs, as Japan seeks to create an amphibious force
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
Three of the first four JASDF F-35As built at Lockheed Martin fly over the desert during a mission out of Luke AFB, Arizona where they were used for training
Air International 2017-04 / Airscene
Japan Air Self Defense Force F-35As 79-8703 (c/n AX-03, FMS 14-5116) and 79-8704 (c/n AX-04, FMS 14-5117) on approach to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, during a joint mission on February 24, 2017.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
F-35A 301 иаэ ВВС Японии на а/б Мисава
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
The 11th F-35A for Japan taxies in at Misawa Air Base where it serves with the 302 Hikotai. A second unit, 301 Hikotai, is set to work up at the facility with F-35As, having retired its F-4EJs at Hyakuri. Japan is now the biggest export customer and views the threats from North Korea and China very seriously
Air International 2019-12 / M.Ayton - F-35 Same old song and dance /Military/
Japan's first F-35A squadron is 302 Hikotai based at Misawa
Air International 2018-03 / Airscene
The first operational Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-35A 89-8706 taxis during an arrival ceremony at Misawa Air Base on January 26, 2018.
Air International 2022-02 / News: Commercial, Military
The first Republic of Korea F-35A making its public debut in a special ceremony held at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas, in 2018
The first of 60 F-35As on order by the ROKAF was rolled out on March 27, 2018. Around 30 have now been delivered -
Air International 2018-05 / Airscene
The first F-35A Lightning II for the Han Guk Gong Gun (Republic of Korea Air Force) made its maiden flight from Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth facility on March 19, 2018. It was officially handed over to South Korea during a ceremony at Fort Worth on March 28, 2018; the ninth nation to take delivery of an F-35 jet. Serial number 18-001 (c/n AW-01) is the first of 40 F-35As for the Asian air arm. Initial deliveries are included in low-rate initial production Lot 10 and are on plan for delivery this year.
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
The 11th F-35A for the ROKAF departs Lockheed Martin on October 23, 2019, in company with two other examples. They were delivered to the 151st Fighter Squadron at Cheongju AB
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Ретушированная фотография с сайта ВВС Южной Кореи: торжественный прием первых двух истребителей F-35A 29 марта 2019 г.
Air International 2018-06 / Airscene
The first F-35A Lightning II for Turkey on its maiden flight at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas on May 10, 2018.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Этот F-35A так и не был поставлен Турции.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16B/D Fighting Falcon - США - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
F-35A с польскими опознавательными знаками на фабрике «Локхид Мартин» во время демонстрации будущим покупателям, сентябрь 2019 г.
Air International 2021-06 / News: Commercial, Military
Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) F-35A Lightning II L-001 arrives at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, from Fort Worth, Texas, on April 13, 2021
Air International 2022-02 / R.Thomas - Prime real estate
Lockheed Martin is acting as prime for the F-35 programme, with the fifth-generation stealth fighter yet to lose a bid in which it has been allowed to enter
Air International 2020-12 / News: Commercial, Military
The first F-35A Lightning II for the Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF), L-001 (c/n AP-01), is pictured here being lifted out of the Electronic Mate and Alignment Station (EMAS) on Lockheed Martin’s one mile-long production line at Fort Worth, Texas, on September 15, 2020. The Danish MoD released the image on October 19, by which time the aircraft was stood on its undercarriage, with its twin tail fins, radar, engine and other systems all installed. The first of the 27 RDAF aircraft on order will be delivered in early 2021 but will initially remain in the USA for training - it will not be until 2023 that the first Danish F-35 aircraft will land at Skrydstrup Air Base
Air International 2020-03 / D.Unwin - Eject, Eject, Eject and Escape! /At the Controls/
Seen here being tested on a special F-35 cockpit section, the Mk16 ejection seat is common to all F-35 variants.
Мировая Авиация 65
Радиолокатор - самый заметный элемент БРЭО самолета. На снимке - антенна и блоки радиолокатора Northrop Grumman AN/APG-81 с активной фазированной антенной решеткой, разработанного для истребителя F-35 Lightning II.
Air International 2021-12 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
Integrating the JSM into the internal hold of the F-35 has been a key factor in maintaining the aircraft's stealth characteristics
Air International 2022-05 / T.Fish - Staying grounded
The Small Diameter Bomb Increment II weapon has been in full rate production since 2017 for the capability to receive updated target co-ordinates mid-flight via two-way data link communications. This allows airborne or ground controllers to send in-flight target updates and to abort a mission post-release
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
SSgt Michael sanders ot the both Aircraft Maintenance Squadron inspects F-35A 08-0747 at Eglin AFB.
Air International 2017-11 / D.Isby - F-35 Lightning II Starting Worldwide Sustainment /Military/
The Autonomic Logistics Information System is intended to be the same for all users of the F-35. Here a US Air Force and Royal Air Force technician study an ALIS display at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
Air International 2017-11 / D.Isby - F-35 Lightning II Starting Worldwide Sustainment /Military/
A 568th Electronics Maintenance Squadron technician at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, removes a faulty circuit card assembly from a remote input/output unit, which is part of the F-35's communication system.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Сборка самолётов F-35 на заводе в г. Форт Ворт, штат Техас, начало 2020 г. Фото Локхид Мартин
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-10 / Ю.Кузьмин - Истребитель Локхид Мартин F-35: к 20-летию первого полета X-35
Отгрузка 500-й центральной части фюзеляжа, сопряжённой с центропланом, с завода компании Локхид Мартин в г. Мариетта на завод в г. Форт Ворт для сборки, март 2020 г. Из-за эпидемии рабочие носят маски. Фото Локхид Мартин
Air International 2022-06 / T.Fish - Adapt and overcome
The F-35’s F135 engine provided by Pratt & Whitney. This was developed from the F119 engine used in the F-22 Raptor and beat competition from Rolls-Royce, which offered the F136. The company is offering an upgraded F135 engine for the Block 4 TR3 as an alternative to the AETP engines
Air International 2015-06 / C.Kjelgaard - Towards Tomorrow's United States Fighter Engine /Technology/
Block 1 F135 improvements could be available for new-production examples and for retrofit into existing ones from as early as 2018.
Air International 2016-07 / Airscene
By 2020 P&W expects to be delivering 200 F135s a year, by which time it will be producing F135s at full rate.
Мировая Авиация 79
Для истребителя пятого поколения F-35 Lightning II компания "Pratt & Whitney" разработала двигатель FT35, имеющий тягу на форсаже 7 55,65 кН и устанавливаемый на все три модификации данного самолета - F-35A, F-35B и F-35C.
Air International 2015-06 / C.Kjelgaard - Towards Tomorrow's United States Fighter Engine /Technology/
The F135 Block 1 upgrades rely partly on development work carried out by P&W in autumn 2013 for US Navy’s XTE68-LF1 project to demonstrate higher operating temperatures in the F135’s turbine.
Air International 2013-07 / C.Kjelgaard - A Time of Transition /Technology/
Shot showing Pratt & Whitney fighter aircraft engine under test (an F135 for the F-35A variant of the Joint Strike Fighter)
Air International 2015-06 / C.Kjelgaard - Towards Tomorrow's United States Fighter Engine /Technology/
P&W is working with the US Navy on the Fuel Burn Reduction programme, which has married the HPT technologies from the XTE68-LF1 with a series of improvements to the F135’s six-stage, all-blisk compressor.
Air International 2015-06 / C.Kjelgaard - Towards Tomorrow's United States Fighter Engine /Technology/
Some of the advanced technologies P&W has developed for the compressor and turbine in its high-pressure AETD core could potentially be introduced the F135 for production from the early 2020s.
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
Marine Maj Joseph 'OD' Bachmann is one of two pilots assigned to the 33rd FW currently qualified to fly the F-35.
Air International 2011-09 / M.Ayton, D.Majumdar - Nomadic Lightnings /Military/
Major Bachmann watches his crew chief during engine shutdown after delivering the second F-35A to Eglin on July 20, 2011.
Air International 2015-01 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Dutch Gorillas /Military/
Col Bert de Smit puts on his Generation II helmet before a continuation training sortie in a US Air Force F-35A.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-10 / А.Фирсов - Красная черта для F-35
Шлем "второго поколения" Gen 2
Мировая Авиация 97
F-35 сменит правила игры - он станет первым тактическим истребителем за более чем 40 лет, который не будет иметь коллиматорного индикатора на фоне лобового стекла. Его сделала устаревшим нашлемная система целеуказания HMDS F-35.
Air International 2011-12 / A.Boxman, K.van der Mark - Testing Lightnings at Edwards /Military/
The custom-fit carbon fibre F-35 helmet weights less than 2kg, and its integrated display connects the pilot with the aircraft.
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