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Страна : Франция

Год : 2017

  • Air International 2017-09 / M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/

    13 декабря 2017г. журнал Flight International сообщил, что французская компания Dassault Aviation объявила о прекращении работы над бизнес-джетом Falcon 5Х. Такое решение было принято из-за разрыва контракта на поставку двигателей Silvercrest производства Safran Aircraft Engines, вызванного непрекращающимися проблемами с этой силовой установкой.
    Visible in this view of the Falcon 5X are the flaperons, in the middle part of the wing trailing edge, which combine the lift/drag-producing effects of flaps and the roll control authority of ailerons.

  • Air International 2017-09 / M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/

    Dassault's latest Falcon business jet, the 5X, during its maiden flight on July 5, 2017.

  • Air International 2017-09 / M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/

    The Falcon 5X’s development has been delayed by development issues with the Snecma Silvercrest engines powering the aircraft.

  • Air International 2015-07 / News

    The 5X is the second new Dassault Falcon to emerge within six months, following the unveiling of the ultra-long-range 8X last December.

  • Air International 2014-06 / News

    Dassault announced on May 1, 2014 the joining of the main centre fuselage sections of the first Falcon 5X business jet at Biarritz in southwest France. The front (seen here) and rear sections will be added in June and the completed fuselage will be delivered to Merignac for final assembly. The Falcon 5X was revealed in October 2013 during the National Business Aviation Association Convention in Las Vegas. Ground tests are scheduled to start in the summer with the maiden flight due in the first half of 2015, certification in the last quarter of 2016 and service entry in mid-2017. Three aircraft will participate in the flight test programme.

  • Air International 2014-12 / News

    The first Falcon 5X is due to fly in the second quarter of 2015.