Поиск по сайту:
Страна : Россия
Год : 2018
Вертолет Беспилотный (проект)
Авиация и Космонавтика 2017-09 / А.Юргенсон - Новинки МАКС-2017
БЛА вертолетного типа ВРТ-300
Air International 2017-09 / P.Butowski - New Russian Rotorcraft /Military/
A military version of the VRT300 parked by a commercial van housing its ground control station.
Air International 2017-09 / P.Butowski - New Russian Rotorcraft /Military/
The brand new VRT300 unmanned rotary wing air vehicle.
Air International 2018-06 / Airscene
Two versions of the VRT300 are proposed, one for Arctic operations and the other for monitoring and remote sensing missions in the energy industry.