

Поиск по сайту:

  • The RNAS Lever sight fitted to a Nieuport 10 in 1915.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Nieuport Nieuport-10 - Франция - 1915

  • This 5 Sqn Bristol Scout B displays a typical array of early weaponry. A stripped stockless Lee-Enfield rifle is mounted at an angle to miss the propeller; the pilot also has a Mauser Modell 1912 and a rack of five No 2 Hand Grenades (Tonite) with sticks replaced by fabric strips.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Bristol Scout - Великобритания - 1914

  • The observer of an Aviatik C.I in 1916 demonstrates 1914-style bomb-dropping with a 10kg Carbonit. The aircraft would have had bomb tubes inside the rear cockpit.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Albatros C.I - Германия - 1915

  • A Rumpler Taube, serial A.69. It was this model which was flown over Paris in 1914 by Lt von Hiddessen when he dropped the first bombs on the city.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Rumpler Taube - Германия - 1911