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Antonov An-2s litter Spilve in large numbers, tied down, their engines covered with tarpaulins.
Самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-2 - Россия - 1947
Самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-2 - Россия - 1947
An-2 fuselages put out to grass at Spilve.
Самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-2 - Россия - 1947
An Aeroflot Ilyushin-76, minus an engine. Codenamed Candid, the Il-76 fulfilled both military and civil roles and resembled the C-141 Star Lifter. It was powered by four 26,455lb-thrust Soloviev D-40KP turbofans.
Самолёты на фотографии: Ильюшин Ил-76 - Россия - 1971
A dead Aeroflot Antonov An-24, minus its Ivchenko engines.
Самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-24 - Россия - 1960
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- Personal album. Civil
- Personal album. Military
- Plane Crazy
- Republic P-47N Thunderbolt N47TB/45-53436 /Preservation Profile/
- Skywriters
- B.Ogden - Laatzen
- D.Lill - Riga relics
- H.Levy - Pitcairn's pinwheels (3)
- J.Maynard - Cheshire VC (1)
- J.Meadows - Flying was still fun (6)
- J.Moss - Air Op Austers: eyes for the Army (3)
- J.Stroud - Post-war propliners
- K.Wilson - Birdstruck
- M.Oakey - Grapevine
- M.O'Leary - Santa Monica Maid
- M.Simons - Sling's sailplanes (8)
- P.Jarrett - By day and by night /The classic inter-war RAF biplane bombers/ (10)
- R.Anthoine - No shots, please - we're British (9)
- R.Nesbit - Operation Beaufort
- R.Williams - The whistling wheelbarrow (3)